/* Starting code for CS311 Project 1: Linked Lists * This will be explained in more detail in class on September 2 * The WordList class stores words, as many of them as the user would like. * Due Monday, September 27 */ #include using namespace std; struct ListNode { string data; ListNode* next; }; class WordList { ListNode *start = 0; size_t len = 0; bool reversed = false; public: void add(string w){ ListNode *place = start; ListNode *last = 0; if(!reversed) while(place && place->data < w){ last = place; place = place->next; } else while(place && place->data > w){ last = place; place = place->next; } if(place && place->data == w){ cout << "Detected duplicate: " << w << endl; return; } ListNode *toadd = new ListNode; toadd->data = w; toadd->next = 0; len++; if(!start){ start = toadd; return; } if(last) last->next = toadd; if(!last) start = toadd; toadd->next = place; } string get_head(){ if(start) return start->data; return ""; } void print(){ ListNode *place = start; if(!start){ cout << "[]\n"; return; } cout << "["; while(place){ cout << place->data << ", "; place = place->next; } cout << "\b\b]\n"; } void remove(string w){ ListNode *place = start; if(!start) return; if(start->data == w){ place = start; start = start->next; delete place; len--; return; } while(place->next){ // What if there isn't that much list left? if(place->next->data == w){ // Then remove the next node ListNode *temp = place->next; place->next = place->next->next; delete temp; len--; return; } place = place->next; } } size_t length(){ return len; } ssize_t find(string w){ ssize_t index = 0; for(ListNode *place = start; place; place = place->next){ if(place->data == w) return index; index++; } return -1; } void reverse(){ reversed = !reversed; if(!start || !start->next) return; ListNode *place = start, *prev = 0, *next; while(place){ next = place->next; place->next = prev; prev = place; place = next; } start = prev; } ~WordList(){ ListNode *place = start, *next; while(place){ next = place->next; delete place; place = next; } } }; int main(){ WordList names; names.reverse(); names.add("Gandalf"); names.add("Frodo"); names.add("Sam"); names.add("Aragorn"); names.add("Boromir"); names.add("Pippin"); names.add("Gimli"); names.add("Pippin"); names.add("Gimli"); names.add("Pippin"); names.add("Gimli"); names.add("Pippin"); names.add("Gimli"); names.add("Legolas"); names.add("Merry"); names.print(); names.add("Arwen"); names.reverse(); names.add("Elrond"); names.print(); cout << "Finding Gandalf before removal: " << names.find("Gandalf") << endl; cout << "Before removal, length = " << names.length() << endl; names.remove("Gandalf"); cout << "Finding Gandalf after removal: " << names.find("Gandalf") << endl; names.remove("Boromir"); while(names.get_head() != "") names.remove(names.get_head()); cout << "After removal, length = " << names.length() << endl; names.print(); } /* * Starting with the code above add these features (20% of grade each). Add test code for each, to make sure they work. * 1. If a word is already in the list, don't add a second copy of it * 2. Add a remove method, which takes a word and removes it from the list. Don't leak memory! * 3. Add a length method, which returns the length of the list * 4. Add a find method, which finds the index of an item, and returns -1 if it is not in the list. Remember to put in test code for both cases. * 5. Add a reverse method, which will reverse the order of the list. Once the list is reversed, it should stay reversed even when new words are added. Keep a private boolean property called "reversed" which will track whether the list is currently reversed or not, and modify the add method so that it uses this property to figure out where to put new data. * * Test code here can be either interactive or not, but compiling and running the program should provide a convincing demonstration that your linked list ADT works. Keep all data members private in the WordList class. */