CS311 Project 3: Heap Sort

Due Monday, April 22

Write a template function (not class) that will sort an array in-place using heapsort. Feel free to borrow anything you like from our class example, but do remember that instead of a heap ADT, this will be a function that performs heapsort. The prototype for the function should be:
void heapsort(T *array, size_t arraylength);
For convenience of use, minimize operator diversity by only using assignment, greater than, and equality. This way, if T is a user-defined class, the user only has to define two operators. Include a main function which tests sorting on at least two different types of array.

Extra credit option (20% bonus)

In addition to the heapsort function above, create another heapsort function that does not use a template, can be compiled using C (not C++), and matches the parameters for the library function qsort, but uses heapsort instead. Run "man qsort" for an explanation of the qsort function.

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