2245 bytes read from cave Next: GAMEDESC While hunting for cougars in the forest, and wading through deep vegetation, you fall into an abandoned well. Sadly, your hunting rifle, with an attack of 2,800, was lost in your fall. Consoling yourself with a maximum of 100 points of attack, defense and regen, you prepare to explore the underground. Next: MONSTER NAME Hurk DESCRIPTION Short creature with 5 legs GOLD 150 ATTACK 30 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Clag DESCRIPTION Like Hurk, but with 6 legs. They must be insects GOLD 350 ATTACK 50 DEFENSE 80 Next: MONSTER NAME Balrog DESCRIPTION It probably has a name, but we're not asking! GOLD 1000000 ATTACK 1409 DEFENSE 1280 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderA DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderB DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderC DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Pit DESCRIPTION Dirty, full of plants. But there's a glint of gold! This looks promising. There is a small tunnel leading away. CONNECT Cavern GOLD 4 Next: ROOM NAME Cavern DESCRIPTION There's a little more space here, but still not much headroom. It is dark, but there appears to be a hole in the floor. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Pit GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Hole DESCRIPTION Sliding down the hole, you find youself feeling a smooth wall, distinct against the soft dirt. There is a handle for a door. Where could it lead? CONNECT Atrium MONSTER SpiderA MONSTER SpiderB MONSTER SpiderC GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Atrium DESCRIPTION A large stone room, lit with torches. But who replaces the torches? Some stairs lead down, and a hall leads away. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Hallway CONNECT Basement MONSTER GOLD 0 Unknown line: MONSTER Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Damp stone rooms, large and full of rats. CONNECT Cellar CONNECT Atrium MONSTER Hurk MONSTER Clag GOLD 400 Next: ROOM NAME Cellar DESCRIPTION Might have held roots once CONNECT Basement GOLD 1000 Next: ROOM NAME Storage DESCRIPTION There's a bunch of old tables here. CONNECT Basement GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Treasure Room DESCRIPTION Full of gold CONNECT Hallway GOLD 400000 Next: ROOM NAME Hallway DESCRIPTION Long, lighted by torches and a balrog! MONSTER Balrog CONNECT Treasure Room CONNECT Atrium CONNECT Basement Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 New Player Leah! Player Start! Name: Leah Description: hi Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 10 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Leah from 10 to 10 Changing Rooms: Leah from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Leah from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 9 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 9 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Leah from 12 to 11 Leah has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Lurk Bot Class Demo! Player Start! Name: Lurk Bot Class Demo Description: Lurk bot from a demo in class Gold: 0 Attack: 33 Defense: 33 Regen: 33 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Lurk Bot Class Demo from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lurk Bot Class Demo from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Lurk Bot Class Demo from 12 to 13 Battle Time! Changing Rooms: Lurk Bot Class Demo from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Lurk Bot Class Demo from 18 to 17 Battle Time! Changing Rooms: Lurk Bot Class Demo from 17 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Lurk Bot Class Demo from 18 to 14 Battle Time! Changing Rooms: Lurk Bot Class Demo from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lurk Bot Class Demo from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lurk Bot Class Demo from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lurk Bot Class Demo from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Lurk Bot Class Demo from 18 to 14 Battle Time! Lurk Bot Class Demo has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player TestScript! Player Start! Name: TestScript Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 99 Defense: 1 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 161 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 70 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 113 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 134 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 95 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 172 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 247 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 173 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 131 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 92 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 253 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 143 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 182 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 83 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 176 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 250 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 90 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 102 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 52 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 102 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 147 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 86 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 103 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 135 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 20 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 67 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 202 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 170 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 188 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 143 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 160 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 82 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 189 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 204 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 190 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 23 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 249 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 250 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 77 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 90 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 89 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 140 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 114 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 30 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 163 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 27 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 28 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 113 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 ±¤ þÝÔjéƒ8"êM ±ÔaÃ(eE¶OJäÂB°úMmDÄs1 is NOT Leah 40 vs. 4 ±¤ þÝÔjéƒ8"êM ±ÔaÃ(eE¶OJäÂB°úMmDÄs1 is NOT Lurk Bot Class Demo 40 vs. 19 ±¤ þÝÔjéƒ8"êM ±ÔaÃ(eE¶OJäÂB°úMmDÄs1 is NOT TestScript 40 vs. 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 52 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 94 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 164 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 69 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 181 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 124 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 89 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 180 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 34 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 142 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 117 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 159 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 215 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 230 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 62 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 244 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 109 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 140 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 25 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 37 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 222 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 62 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 124 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 143 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 183 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 45 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 23 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 102 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 27 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 235 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 59 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 87 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 99 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 29 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 43 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 191 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 214 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 61 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 211 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 118 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 227 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 106 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 230 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 248 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 150 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 136 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 37 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 63 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 237 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 142 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 67 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 81 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 176 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 86 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 121 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 139 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 123 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 159 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 169 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 86 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 44 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 174 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 133 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 49 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 217 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 137 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 87 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 173 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 245 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 26 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 31 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 246 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 122 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 70 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 213 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 169 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 87 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 34 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 211 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 226 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 186 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 154 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 76 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 193 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 182 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 111 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 157 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 153 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 118 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 230 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 54 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 17 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 247 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 89 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 88 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 51 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 29 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 180 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 231 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 232 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 112 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 242 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 220 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 80 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 54 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 209 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 195 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 188 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 147 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 97 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 80 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 187 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 16 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 105 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 102 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 65 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 191 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 220 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 202 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 184 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 125 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 171 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 166 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 250 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 30 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 104 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 188 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 148 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 46 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 250 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 190 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 87 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 104 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 172 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 50 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 247 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 126 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 88 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 60 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 26 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 150 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 167 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 236 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 107 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 185 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 82 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 81 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 213 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 155 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 92 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 230 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 83 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 156 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 251 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 189 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 134 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 25 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 64 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 43 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 209 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 83 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 183 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 115 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 25 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 87 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 178 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 161 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 118 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 186 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 113 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 242 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 180 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 89 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 166 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 70 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 106 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 239 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 70 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 152 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 167 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 172 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 17 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 233 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 23 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 209 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 255 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 109 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 95 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 134 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 188 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 229 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 156 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 122 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 62 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 63 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 192 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 156 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 77 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 49 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 132 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 149 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 52 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 86 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 208 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 156 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 93 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 170 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 179 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 223 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 250 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 187 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 70 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 208 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 34 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 104 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 197 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 140 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 20 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 110 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 185 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 167 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 75 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 170 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 142 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 163 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 113 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 62 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 195 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 231 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 130 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 66 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 249 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 221 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 147 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 150 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 38 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 113 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 184 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 90 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 186 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 112 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 115 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 209 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 205 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 238 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 125 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 170 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 29 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 234 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 109 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 191 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 124 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 197 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 215 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 125 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 26 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 245 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 49 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 56 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 249 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 217 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 16 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 82 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 202 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 180 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 33 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 216 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 241 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 15 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 158 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 184 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 225 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 222 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 177 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 184 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 195 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 133 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 130 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 34 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 221 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 186 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 167 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 153 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 244 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 211 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 88 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 135 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 230 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 165 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 160 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 20 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 62 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 107 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 33 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 31 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 26 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 185 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 17 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 57 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 158 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 191 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 45 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 189 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 230 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 176 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 216 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 39 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 116 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 208 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 255 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 116 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 205 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 28 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 99 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 110 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 42 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 249 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 65 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 168 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 156 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 170 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 212 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 39 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 235 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 141 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 164 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 191 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 132 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 246 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 213 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 113 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 209 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 112 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 92 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 23 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 110 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 135 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 117 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 145 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 141 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 46 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 23 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 184 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 177 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 65 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 171 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 94 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 171 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 45 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 93 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 232 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 91 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 16 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 126 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 40 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 146 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 120 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 42 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 135 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 194 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 182 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 146 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 211 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 162 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 244 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 107 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 44 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 253 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 35 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 96 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 231 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 167 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 167 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 211 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 99 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 251 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 20 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 ********* Creatures: Name: Leah Description: hi Gold: 4 Attack: 50 Defense: 10 Regen: 0 Status: DEAD Location: Hole Health: 100 Started: YES Name: Lurk Bot Class Demo Description: Lurk bot from a demo in class Gold: 401400 Attack: 33 Defense: 33 Regen: 33 Status: DEAD Location: Basement Health: 100 Started: YES Name: TestScript Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 99 Defense: 1 Regen: 0 Status: DEAD Location: Pit Health: 100 Started: YES Name: Hurk Description: Short creature with 5 legs Gold: 150 Attack: 30 Defense: 30 Regen: 100 Monster Location: Basement Health: 100 Name: Clag Description: Like Hurk, but with 6 legs. They must be insects Gold: 350 Attack: 50 Defense: 80 Regen: 0 Monster Location: Basement Health: 100 Name: Balrog Description: It probably has a name, but we're not asking! Gold: 1000000 Attack: 1409 Defense: 1280 Regen: 0 Monster Location: Hallway Health: 100 Name: SpiderA Description: Ouch Gold: 0 Attack: 3 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Monster Location: Hole Health: 100 Name: SpiderB Description: Ouch Gold: 0 Attack: 3 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Monster Location: Hole Health: 100 Name: SpiderC Description: Ouch Gold: 0 Attack: 3 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Monster Location: Hole Health: 100 ********* Rooms: Name: Pit Description: Dirty, full of plants. But there's a glint of gold! This looks promising. There is a small tunnel leading away. Connection: Cavern Name: Cavern Description: There's a little more space here, but still not much headroom. It is dark, but there appears to be a hole in the floor. Connection: Hole Connection: Pit Name: Hole Description: Sliding down the hole, you find youself feeling a smooth wall, distinct against the soft dirt. There is a handle for a door. Where could it lead? Connection: Atrium Monster: SpiderA Monster: SpiderB Monster: SpiderC Name: Atrium Description: A large stone room, lit with torches. But who replaces the torches? Some stairs lead down, and a hall leads away. Connection: Hole Connection: Hallway Connection: Basement Name: Basement Description: Damp stone rooms, large and full of rats. Connection: Cellar Connection: Atrium Monster: Hurk Monster: Clag Name: Cellar Description: Might have held roots once Connection: Basement Name: Storage Description: There's a bunch of old tables here. Connection: Basement Name: Treasure Room Description: Full of gold Connection: Hallway Name: Hallway Description: Long, lighted by torches and a balrog! Connection: Treasure Room Connection: Atrium Connection: Basement Monster: Balrog No good! Couldn't understand type 222 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 64 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 151 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 51 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 34 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 67 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 28 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 127 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 149 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 45 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 158 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 148 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 37 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 31 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 76 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 155 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 124 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 119 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 122 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 103 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 63 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 35 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 130 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 157 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 104 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 94 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 152 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 27 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 135 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 179 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 176 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 69 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 213 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 51 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 222 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 162 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 245 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 166 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 120 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 165 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 15 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 183 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 171 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 44 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 249 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 173 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 53 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 46 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 189 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 122 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 19 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 77 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 103 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 200 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 252 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 87 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 218 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 109 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 239 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 23 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 152 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 35 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 59 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 157 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 216 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 200 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 29 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 85 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 214 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 230 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 171 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 139 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 160 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 88 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 16 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 vqUš)ѵ8„|Ke{wR ¶ÁGYç@m=éÒ Ä¿+SP is NOT Leah 38 vs. 4 vqUš)ѵ8„|Ke{wR ¶ÁGYç@m=éÒ Ä¿+SP is NOT Lurk Bot Class Demo 38 vs. 19 vqUš)ѵ8„|Ke{wR ¶ÁGYç@m=éÒ Ä¿+SP is NOT TestScript 38 vs. 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 46 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 223 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 67 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 189 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 147 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 203 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 166 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 148 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 219 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 175 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 251 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 187 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 103 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 141 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 33 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 216 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 161 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 240 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 171 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 180 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 236 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 116 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 80 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 83 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 52 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 61 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 57 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 144 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 56 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 213 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 231 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 222 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 113 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 92 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 37 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 200 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 35 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 166 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 217 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 46 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 66 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 69 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 98 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 226 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 117 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 241 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 116 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 213 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 64 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 168 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 20 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 136 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 169 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 161 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 199 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 157 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 252 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 244 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 43 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 237 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 151 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 254 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 99 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 197 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 91 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 133 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 17 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 39 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 207 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 214 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 20 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 64 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 174 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 83 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 254 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 196 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 239 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 24 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 228 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 CRASH at Wed Feb 28 09:26:46 AM PST 2024 2245 bytes read from cave Next: GAMEDESC While hunting for cougars in the forest, and wading through deep vegetation, you fall into an abandoned well. Sadly, your hunting rifle, with an attack of 2,800, was lost in your fall. Consoling yourself with a maximum of 100 points of attack, defense and regen, you prepare to explore the underground. Next: MONSTER NAME Hurk DESCRIPTION Short creature with 5 legs GOLD 150 ATTACK 30 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Clag DESCRIPTION Like Hurk, but with 6 legs. They must be insects GOLD 350 ATTACK 50 DEFENSE 80 Next: MONSTER NAME Balrog DESCRIPTION It probably has a name, but we're not asking! GOLD 1000000 ATTACK 1409 DEFENSE 1280 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderA DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderB DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderC DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Pit DESCRIPTION Dirty, full of plants. But there's a glint of gold! This looks promising. There is a small tunnel leading away. CONNECT Cavern GOLD 4 Next: ROOM NAME Cavern DESCRIPTION There's a little more space here, but still not much headroom. It is dark, but there appears to be a hole in the floor. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Pit GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Hole DESCRIPTION Sliding down the hole, you find youself feeling a smooth wall, distinct against the soft dirt. There is a handle for a door. Where could it lead? CONNECT Atrium MONSTER SpiderA MONSTER SpiderB MONSTER SpiderC GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Atrium DESCRIPTION A large stone room, lit with torches. But who replaces the torches? Some stairs lead down, and a hall leads away. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Hallway CONNECT Basement MONSTER GOLD 0 Unknown line: MONSTER Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Damp stone rooms, large and full of rats. CONNECT Cellar CONNECT Atrium MONSTER Hurk MONSTER Clag GOLD 400 Next: ROOM NAME Cellar DESCRIPTION Might have held roots once CONNECT Basement GOLD 1000 Next: ROOM NAME Storage DESCRIPTION There's a bunch of old tables here. CONNECT Basement GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Treasure Room DESCRIPTION Full of gold CONNECT Hallway GOLD 400000 Next: ROOM NAME Hallway DESCRIPTION Long, lighted by torches and a balrog! MONSTER Balrog CONNECT Treasure Room CONNECT Atrium CONNECT Basement Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 159 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 117 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 238 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 140 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 215 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 29 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 56 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 127 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 61 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 37 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 181 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 55 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 75 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 83 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 106 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 244 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 133 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 122 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 190 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 109 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 241 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 135 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 244 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 59 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 178 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 113 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 111 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 116 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 134 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 60 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 167 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 234 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 67 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 35 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 155 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 124 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 93 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 139 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 192 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 155 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 207 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 30 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 55 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 174 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 178 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 240 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 89 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 132 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 133 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 236 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 42 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 150 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 67 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 28 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 102 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 223 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 135 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 113 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 37 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 149 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 98 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 122 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 117 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 130 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 175 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 208 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 158 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 50 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 131 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 151 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 227 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 187 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 135 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 210 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 185 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 75 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 154 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 109 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 146 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 66 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 114 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 ********* Creatures: Name: Hurk Description: Short creature with 5 legs Gold: 150 Attack: 30 Defense: 30 Regen: 100 Monster Location: Basement Health: 100 Name: Clag Description: Like Hurk, but with 6 legs. They must be insects Gold: 350 Attack: 50 Defense: 80 Regen: 0 Monster Location: Basement Health: 100 Name: Balrog Description: It probably has a name, but we're not asking! Gold: 1000000 Attack: 1409 Defense: 1280 Regen: 0 Monster Location: Hallway Health: 100 Name: SpiderA Description: Ouch Gold: 0 Attack: 3 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Monster Location: Hole Health: 100 Name: SpiderB Description: Ouch Gold: 0 Attack: 3 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Monster Location: Hole Health: 100 Name: SpiderC Description: Ouch Gold: 0 Attack: 3 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Monster Location: Hole Health: 100 ********* Rooms: Name: Pit Description: Dirty, full of plants. But there's a glint of gold! This looks promising. There is a small tunnel leading away. Connection: Cavern Name: Cavern Description: There's a little more space here, but still not much headroom. It is dark, but there appears to be a hole in the floor. Connection: Hole Connection: Pit Name: Hole Description: Sliding down the hole, you find youself feeling a smooth wall, distinct against the soft dirt. There is a handle for a door. Where could it lead? Connection: Atrium Monster: SpiderA Monster: SpiderB Monster: SpiderC Name: Atrium Description: A large stone room, lit with torches. But who replaces the torches? Some stairs lead down, and a hall leads away. Connection: Hole Connection: Hallway Connection: Basement Name: Basement Description: Damp stone rooms, large and full of rats. Connection: Cellar Connection: Atrium Monster: Hurk Monster: Clag Name: Cellar Description: Might have held roots once Connection: Basement Name: Storage Description: There's a bunch of old tables here. Connection: Basement Name: Treasure Room Description: Full of gold Connection: Hallway Name: Hallway Description: Long, lighted by torches and a balrog! Connection: Treasure Room Connection: Atrium Connection: Basement Monster: Balrog No good! Couldn't understand type 179 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 24 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 226 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 231 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 232 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 250 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 133 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 99 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 91 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 153 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 166 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 244 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 226 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 145 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 106 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 180 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 199 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 181 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 67 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 62 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 191 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 239 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 253 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 CRASH at Wed Feb 28 10:09:43 AM PST 2024 2245 bytes read from cave Next: GAMEDESC While hunting for cougars in the forest, and wading through deep vegetation, you fall into an abandoned well. Sadly, your hunting rifle, with an attack of 2,800, was lost in your fall. Consoling yourself with a maximum of 100 points of attack, defense and regen, you prepare to explore the underground. Next: MONSTER NAME Hurk DESCRIPTION Short creature with 5 legs GOLD 150 ATTACK 30 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Clag DESCRIPTION Like Hurk, but with 6 legs. They must be insects GOLD 350 ATTACK 50 DEFENSE 80 Next: MONSTER NAME Balrog DESCRIPTION It probably has a name, but we're not asking! GOLD 1000000 ATTACK 1409 DEFENSE 1280 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderA DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderB DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderC DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Pit DESCRIPTION Dirty, full of plants. But there's a glint of gold! This looks promising. There is a small tunnel leading away. CONNECT Cavern GOLD 4 Next: ROOM NAME Cavern DESCRIPTION There's a little more space here, but still not much headroom. It is dark, but there appears to be a hole in the floor. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Pit GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Hole DESCRIPTION Sliding down the hole, you find youself feeling a smooth wall, distinct against the soft dirt. There is a handle for a door. Where could it lead? CONNECT Atrium MONSTER SpiderA MONSTER SpiderB MONSTER SpiderC GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Atrium DESCRIPTION A large stone room, lit with torches. But who replaces the torches? Some stairs lead down, and a hall leads away. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Hallway CONNECT Basement MONSTER GOLD 0 Unknown line: MONSTER Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Damp stone rooms, large and full of rats. CONNECT Cellar CONNECT Atrium MONSTER Hurk MONSTER Clag GOLD 400 Next: ROOM NAME Cellar DESCRIPTION Might have held roots once CONNECT Basement GOLD 1000 Next: ROOM NAME Storage DESCRIPTION There's a bunch of old tables here. CONNECT Basement GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Treasure Room DESCRIPTION Full of gold CONNECT Hallway GOLD 400000 Next: ROOM NAME Hallway DESCRIPTION Long, lighted by torches and a balrog! MONSTER Balrog CONNECT Treasure Room CONNECT Atrium CONNECT Basement Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 54 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 240 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 174 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 164 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 140 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 227 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 208 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 19 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 171 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 169 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 139 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 222 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 189 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 17 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 225 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 175 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 ********* Creatures: Name: Hurk Description: Short creature with 5 legs Gold: 150 Attack: 30 Defense: 30 Regen: 100 Monster Location: Basement Health: 100 Name: Clag Description: Like Hurk, but with 6 legs. They must be insects Gold: 350 Attack: 50 Defense: 80 Regen: 0 Monster Location: Basement Health: 100 Name: Balrog Description: It probably has a name, but we're not asking! Gold: 1000000 Attack: 1409 Defense: 1280 Regen: 0 Monster Location: Hallway Health: 100 Name: SpiderA Description: Ouch Gold: 0 Attack: 3 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Monster Location: Hole Health: 100 Name: SpiderB Description: Ouch Gold: 0 Attack: 3 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Monster Location: Hole Health: 100 Name: SpiderC Description: Ouch Gold: 0 Attack: 3 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Monster Location: Hole Health: 100 ********* Rooms: Name: Pit Description: Dirty, full of plants. But there's a glint of gold! This looks promising. There is a small tunnel leading away. Connection: Cavern Name: Cavern Description: There's a little more space here, but still not much headroom. It is dark, but there appears to be a hole in the floor. Connection: Hole Connection: Pit Name: Hole Description: Sliding down the hole, you find youself feeling a smooth wall, distinct against the soft dirt. There is a handle for a door. Where could it lead? Connection: Atrium Monster: SpiderA Monster: SpiderB Monster: SpiderC Name: Atrium Description: A large stone room, lit with torches. But who replaces the torches? Some stairs lead down, and a hall leads away. Connection: Hole Connection: Hallway Connection: Basement Name: Basement Description: Damp stone rooms, large and full of rats. Connection: Cellar Connection: Atrium Monster: Hurk Monster: Clag Name: Cellar Description: Might have held roots once Connection: Basement Name: Storage Description: There's a bunch of old tables here. Connection: Basement Name: Treasure Room Description: Full of gold Connection: Hallway Name: Hallway Description: Long, lighted by torches and a balrog! Connection: Treasure Room Connection: Atrium Connection: Basement Monster: Balrog No good! Couldn't understand type 187 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 115 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 116 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 127 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 129 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 181 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 38 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 230 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 95 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 109 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 123 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 176 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 247 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 35 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 184 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 144 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 242 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 243 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 174 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 20 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 132 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 24 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 246 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 94 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 95 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 110 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 234 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 163 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 228 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 204 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 165 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 133 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 109 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 190 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 170 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 171 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 43 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 202 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 81 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 102 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 236 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 83 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 106 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 34 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 182 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 190 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 166 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 169 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 244 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 142 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 82 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 238 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 131 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 145 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 209 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 70 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 63 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 252 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 29 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 131 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 242 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 44 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 146 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 251 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 188 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 67 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 218 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 52 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 82 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 116 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 57 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 120 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 225 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 159 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 216 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 117 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 213 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 114 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 114 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 120 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 164 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 33 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 57 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 19 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 103 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 246 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 149 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 64 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 116 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 87 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 52 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 34 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 43 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 203 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 223 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 44 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 175 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 123 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 185 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 145 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 230 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 248 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 179 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 226 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 CRASH at Wed Feb 28 10:21:48 AM PST 2024 2245 bytes read from cave Next: GAMEDESC While hunting for cougars in the forest, and wading through deep vegetation, you fall into an abandoned well. Sadly, your hunting rifle, with an attack of 2,800, was lost in your fall. Consoling yourself with a maximum of 100 points of attack, defense and regen, you prepare to explore the underground. Next: MONSTER NAME Hurk DESCRIPTION Short creature with 5 legs GOLD 150 ATTACK 30 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Clag DESCRIPTION Like Hurk, but with 6 legs. They must be insects GOLD 350 ATTACK 50 DEFENSE 80 Next: MONSTER NAME Balrog DESCRIPTION It probably has a name, but we're not asking! GOLD 1000000 ATTACK 1409 DEFENSE 1280 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderA DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderB DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderC DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Pit DESCRIPTION Dirty, full of plants. But there's a glint of gold! This looks promising. There is a small tunnel leading away. CONNECT Cavern GOLD 4 Next: ROOM NAME Cavern DESCRIPTION There's a little more space here, but still not much headroom. It is dark, but there appears to be a hole in the floor. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Pit GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Hole DESCRIPTION Sliding down the hole, you find youself feeling a smooth wall, distinct against the soft dirt. There is a handle for a door. Where could it lead? CONNECT Atrium MONSTER SpiderA MONSTER SpiderB MONSTER SpiderC GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Atrium DESCRIPTION A large stone room, lit with torches. But who replaces the torches? Some stairs lead down, and a hall leads away. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Hallway CONNECT Basement MONSTER GOLD 0 Unknown line: MONSTER Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Damp stone rooms, large and full of rats. CONNECT Cellar CONNECT Atrium MONSTER Hurk MONSTER Clag GOLD 400 Next: ROOM NAME Cellar DESCRIPTION Might have held roots once CONNECT Basement GOLD 1000 Next: ROOM NAME Storage DESCRIPTION There's a bunch of old tables here. CONNECT Basement GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Treasure Room DESCRIPTION Full of gold CONNECT Hallway GOLD 400000 Next: ROOM NAME Hallway DESCRIPTION Long, lighted by torches and a balrog! MONSTER Balrog CONNECT Treasure Room CONNECT Atrium CONNECT Basement Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player TestScript! Player Start! Name: TestScript Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 99 Defense: 1 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 New Player Genesis! Player Start! Name: Genesis Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Genesis from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Genesis from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Genesis from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Genesis from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 116 9 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 9 116 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 SpiderA died Monster SpiderB is in state 3 SpiderB died Monster SpiderC is in state 3 SpiderC died Changing Rooms: Genesis from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Genesis from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 133 1409 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 1409 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Genesis has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 New Player Dewitt! Player Start! Name: Dewitt Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Dewitt from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dewitt from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Dewitt from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dewitt from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 100 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 100 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Dewitt from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dewitt from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dewitt from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dewitt from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 83 1174 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 1174 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Dewitt has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 New Player atest! Player Start! Name: atest Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 30 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO atest has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 87 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 112 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 64 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 204 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 214 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 129 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 130 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 133 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 56 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 201 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 104 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 127 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 171 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 222 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 246 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 155 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 180 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 35 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 114 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 51 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 222 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 166 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 252 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 126 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 161 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 26 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 ‘M-Fæ®ék*c\8—ÒðiÅâÇO“ÌK|´äèqS8Qt‰êDä_Ûa is NOT TestScript 42 vs. 10 ‘M-Fæ®ék*c\8—ÒðiÅâÇO“ÌK|´äèqS8Qt‰êDä_Ûa is NOT Genesis 42 vs. 7 ‘M-Fæ®ék*c\8—ÒðiÅâÇO“ÌK|´äèqS8Qt‰êDä_Ûa is NOT Dewitt 42 vs. 6 ‘M-Fæ®ék*c\8—ÒðiÅâÇO“ÌK|´äèqS8Qt‰êDä_Ûa is NOT atest 42 vs. 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 192 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 160 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 180 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 158 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 173 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 87 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 44 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 237 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 31 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 221 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 57 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 208 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 106 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 116 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 243 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 38 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 163 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 143 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 119 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 176 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 243 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 59 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 86 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 115 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 174 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 234 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 197 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 20 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 63 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 234 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 90 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 204 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 213 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 217 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 90 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 119 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 80 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 228 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 165 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 66 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 91 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 155 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 149 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 65 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 202 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 184 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 75 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 116 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 23 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 198 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 106 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 41 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 44 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 140 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 200 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 93 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 201 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 161 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 143 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 246 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 138 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 69 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 104 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 253 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 CRASH at Mon Mar 4 05:22:17 PM PST 2024 2245 bytes read from cave Next: GAMEDESC While hunting for cougars in the forest, and wading through deep vegetation, you fall into an abandoned well. Sadly, your hunting rifle, with an attack of 2,800, was lost in your fall. Consoling yourself with a maximum of 100 points of attack, defense and regen, you prepare to explore the underground. Next: MONSTER NAME Hurk DESCRIPTION Short creature with 5 legs GOLD 150 ATTACK 30 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Clag DESCRIPTION Like Hurk, but with 6 legs. They must be insects GOLD 350 ATTACK 50 DEFENSE 80 Next: MONSTER NAME Balrog DESCRIPTION It probably has a name, but we're not asking! GOLD 1000000 ATTACK 1409 DEFENSE 1280 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderA DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderB DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderC DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Pit DESCRIPTION Dirty, full of plants. But there's a glint of gold! This looks promising. There is a small tunnel leading away. CONNECT Cavern GOLD 4 Next: ROOM NAME Cavern DESCRIPTION There's a little more space here, but still not much headroom. It is dark, but there appears to be a hole in the floor. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Pit GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Hole DESCRIPTION Sliding down the hole, you find youself feeling a smooth wall, distinct against the soft dirt. There is a handle for a door. Where could it lead? CONNECT Atrium MONSTER SpiderA MONSTER SpiderB MONSTER SpiderC GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Atrium DESCRIPTION A large stone room, lit with torches. But who replaces the torches? Some stairs lead down, and a hall leads away. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Hallway CONNECT Basement MONSTER GOLD 0 Unknown line: MONSTER Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Damp stone rooms, large and full of rats. CONNECT Cellar CONNECT Atrium MONSTER Hurk MONSTER Clag GOLD 400 Next: ROOM NAME Cellar DESCRIPTION Might have held roots once CONNECT Basement GOLD 1000 Next: ROOM NAME Storage DESCRIPTION There's a bunch of old tables here. CONNECT Basement GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Treasure Room DESCRIPTION Full of gold CONNECT Hallway GOLD 400000 Next: ROOM NAME Hallway DESCRIPTION Long, lighted by torches and a balrog! MONSTER Balrog CONNECT Treasure Room CONNECT Atrium CONNECT Basement Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player TestScript! Player Start! Name: TestScript Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 99 Defense: 1 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 New Player Wilbert! Player Start! Name: Wilbert Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 New Player Louise! Player Start! Name: Louise Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Sacha! Player Start! Name: Sacha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Hayley! Player Start! Name: Hayley Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 New Player Lorean! Player Start! Name: Lorean Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Wilbert from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Louise from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sacha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hayley from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Wilbert from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Louise from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Sacha from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hayley from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Wilbert from 10 to 11 Battle Time! Attacks: 350 9 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 9 350 (from 3 3) (0 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 SpiderA died Monster SpiderB is in state 3 SpiderB died Monster SpiderC is in state 3 SpiderC died Changing Rooms: Louise from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sacha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hayley from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Wilbert from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Louise from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sacha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hayley from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 11 to 10 Battle Time! Attacks: 266 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 266 (from 2 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Wilbert from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Louise from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sacha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hayley from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Wilbert from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Louise from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sacha from 13 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Hayley from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Wilbert from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Louise from 14 to 13 Battle Time! Attacks: 200 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 200 (from 2 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Sacha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hayley from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wilbert from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Louise from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sacha from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hayley from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 13 to 14 Battle Time! Attacks: 166 1174 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 1174 0 (from 2 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Wilbert has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Louise has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Sacha from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Hayley from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sacha from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hayley from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sacha from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Hayley from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sacha from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hayley from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Lorean from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sacha from 14 to 13 Battle Time! Attacks: 133 939 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 939 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Hayley has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sacha from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Lorean from 13 to 18 Battle Time! Attacks: 100 469 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 469 0 (from 2 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Sacha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Lorean has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 New Player Siu! Player Start! Name: Siu Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 New Player Shery! Player Start! Name: Shery Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Ta! Player Start! Name: Ta Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Shirleen! Player Start! Name: Shirleen Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 New Player Royal! Player Start! Name: Royal Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Siu from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shery from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ta from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shirleen from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Royal from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Siu from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Shery from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Ta from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Shirleen from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Royal from 11 to 10 Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Siu from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shery from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ta from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shirleen from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Royal from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Siu from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shery from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Ta from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Shirleen from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Royal from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Siu from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shery from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ta from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shirleen from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Royal from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Siu from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shery from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Ta from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Shirleen from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Royal from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Siu from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shery from 10 to 11 Battle Time! Attacks: 333 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 333 (from 2 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Ta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shirleen from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Royal from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Siu from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shery from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Ta from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shirleen from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Royal from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Siu from 14 to 13 Battle Time! Attacks: 266 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 266 (from 2 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Shery from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shirleen from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Royal from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Siu from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shery from 13 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Ta from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shirleen from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Royal from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Siu from 14 to 13 Battle Time! Attacks: 116 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 116 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Shery from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ta from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shirleen from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Royal from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Siu from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Shery from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ta from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shirleen from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Royal from 11 to 10 Battle Time! Attacks: 33 939 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 939 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Siu has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: Shery from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ta from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shirleen from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Royal from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shery from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ta from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shirleen from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Royal from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Shery from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ta from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shirleen from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Royal from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shery from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Ta from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shirleen from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Royal from 11 to 12 Battle Time! Attacks: 166 0 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 2 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Shery from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ta from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shirleen from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Royal from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shery from 13 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Ta from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shirleen from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Royal from 13 to 14 Battle Time! Attacks: 116 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 116 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Shery from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ta from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shirleen from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Royal from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shery from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ta from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shirleen from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Royal from 15 to 14 Shery has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Ta has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Shirleen has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Royal has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player Fighter! Player Start! Name: Fighter Description: hi Gold: 0 Attack: 20 Defense: 40 Regen: 40 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Fighter from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Fighter from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Fighter from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Fighter from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 40 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Fighter from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fighter from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fighter from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Fighter from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fighter from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fighter from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 234 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 234 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Attacks: 10 704 Defense: 40 1280 Damages (P/M) 684 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Fighter has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player test! Player Start! Name: test Description: Logged in from LURKMAN Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 25 Regen: 25 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO psock 4 New Player test2! Player Start! Name: test2 Description: Logged in from LURKMAN Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 25 Regen: 25 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: test2 from 10 to 11 test2 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 test has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 New Player Hello! Player Start! Name: Hello Description: Logged in from LURKMAN Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 25 Regen: 25 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO psock 4 New Player Howdy! Player Start! Name: Howdy Description: Logged in from LURKMAN Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 25 Regen: 25 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Howdy from 10 to 11 Howdy has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Hello has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player Tester! Player Start! Name: Tester Description: hi Gold: 0 Attack: 40 Defense: 40 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tester from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tester from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 53 0 Defense: 40 0 Damages (P/M) 0 53 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Tester has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Huh! Player Start! Name: Huh Description: hi Gold: 0 Attack: 10 Defense: 10 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Huh has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player Flag! Flag has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Looter! Player Start! Name: Looter Description: hi Gold: 0 Attack: 30 Defense: 30 Regen: 30 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Looter from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Looter from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) Looter has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 2245 bytes read from cave Next: GAMEDESC While hunting for cougars in the forest, and wading through deep vegetation, you fall into an abandoned well. Sadly, your hunting rifle, with an attack of 2,800, was lost in your fall. Consoling yourself with a maximum of 100 points of attack, defense and regen, you prepare to explore the underground. Next: MONSTER NAME Hurk DESCRIPTION Short creature with 5 legs GOLD 150 ATTACK 30 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Clag DESCRIPTION Like Hurk, but with 6 legs. They must be insects GOLD 350 ATTACK 50 DEFENSE 80 Next: MONSTER NAME Balrog DESCRIPTION It probably has a name, but we're not asking! GOLD 1000000 ATTACK 1409 DEFENSE 1280 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderA DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderB DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderC DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Pit DESCRIPTION Dirty, full of plants. But there's a glint of gold! This looks promising. There is a small tunnel leading away. CONNECT Cavern GOLD 4 Next: ROOM NAME Cavern DESCRIPTION There's a little more space here, but still not much headroom. It is dark, but there appears to be a hole in the floor. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Pit GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Hole DESCRIPTION Sliding down the hole, you find youself feeling a smooth wall, distinct against the soft dirt. There is a handle for a door. Where could it lead? CONNECT Atrium MONSTER SpiderA MONSTER SpiderB MONSTER SpiderC GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Atrium DESCRIPTION A large stone room, lit with torches. But who replaces the torches? Some stairs lead down, and a hall leads away. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Hallway CONNECT Basement MONSTER GOLD 0 Unknown line: MONSTER Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Damp stone rooms, large and full of rats. CONNECT Cellar CONNECT Atrium MONSTER Hurk MONSTER Clag GOLD 400 Next: ROOM NAME Cellar DESCRIPTION Might have held roots once CONNECT Basement GOLD 1000 Next: ROOM NAME Storage DESCRIPTION There's a bunch of old tables here. CONNECT Basement GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Treasure Room DESCRIPTION Full of gold CONNECT Hallway GOLD 400000 Next: ROOM NAME Hallway DESCRIPTION Long, lighted by torches and a balrog! MONSTER Balrog CONNECT Treasure Room CONNECT Atrium CONNECT Basement Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 2245 bytes read from cave Next: GAMEDESC While hunting for cougars in the forest, and wading through deep vegetation, you fall into an abandoned well. Sadly, your hunting rifle, with an attack of 2,800, was lost in your fall. Consoling yourself with a maximum of 100 points of attack, defense and regen, you prepare to explore the underground. Next: MONSTER NAME Hurk DESCRIPTION Short creature with 5 legs GOLD 150 ATTACK 30 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Clag DESCRIPTION Like Hurk, but with 6 legs. They must be insects GOLD 350 ATTACK 50 DEFENSE 80 Next: MONSTER NAME Balrog DESCRIPTION It probably has a name, but we're not asking! GOLD 1000000 ATTACK 1409 DEFENSE 1280 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderA DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderB DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderC DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Pit DESCRIPTION Dirty, full of plants. But there's a glint of gold! This looks promising. There is a small tunnel leading away. CONNECT Cavern GOLD 4 Next: ROOM NAME Cavern DESCRIPTION There's a little more space here, but still not much headroom. It is dark, but there appears to be a hole in the floor. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Pit GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Hole DESCRIPTION Sliding down the hole, you find youself feeling a smooth wall, distinct against the soft dirt. There is a handle for a door. Where could it lead? CONNECT Atrium MONSTER SpiderA MONSTER SpiderB MONSTER SpiderC GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Atrium DESCRIPTION A large stone room, lit with torches. But who replaces the torches? Some stairs lead down, and a hall leads away. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Hallway CONNECT Basement MONSTER GOLD 0 Unknown line: MONSTER Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Damp stone rooms, large and full of rats. CONNECT Cellar CONNECT Atrium MONSTER Hurk MONSTER Clag GOLD 400 Next: ROOM NAME Cellar DESCRIPTION Might have held roots once CONNECT Basement GOLD 1000 Next: ROOM NAME Storage DESCRIPTION There's a bunch of old tables here. CONNECT Basement GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Treasure Room DESCRIPTION Full of gold CONNECT Hallway GOLD 400000 Next: ROOM NAME Hallway DESCRIPTION Long, lighted by torches and a balrog! MONSTER Balrog CONNECT Treasure Room CONNECT Atrium CONNECT Basement Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Tester! Player Start! Name: Tester Description: 25 Gold: 0 Attack: 25 Defense: 25 Regen: 25 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tester from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tester from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 29 9 Defense: 25 0 Damages (P/M) 0 29 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Tester has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 CRASH at Fri Apr 19 03:19:52 PM PDT 2024 2245 bytes read from cave Next: GAMEDESC While hunting for cougars in the forest, and wading through deep vegetation, you fall into an abandoned well. Sadly, your hunting rifle, with an attack of 2,800, was lost in your fall. Consoling yourself with a maximum of 100 points of attack, defense and regen, you prepare to explore the underground. Next: MONSTER NAME Hurk DESCRIPTION Short creature with 5 legs GOLD 150 ATTACK 30 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Clag DESCRIPTION Like Hurk, but with 6 legs. They must be insects GOLD 350 ATTACK 50 DEFENSE 80 Next: MONSTER NAME Balrog DESCRIPTION It probably has a name, but we're not asking! GOLD 1000000 ATTACK 1409 DEFENSE 1280 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderA DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderB DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderC DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Pit DESCRIPTION Dirty, full of plants. But there's a glint of gold! This looks promising. There is a small tunnel leading away. CONNECT Cavern GOLD 4 Next: ROOM NAME Cavern DESCRIPTION There's a little more space here, but still not much headroom. It is dark, but there appears to be a hole in the floor. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Pit GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Hole DESCRIPTION Sliding down the hole, you find youself feeling a smooth wall, distinct against the soft dirt. There is a handle for a door. Where could it lead? CONNECT Atrium MONSTER SpiderA MONSTER SpiderB MONSTER SpiderC GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Atrium DESCRIPTION A large stone room, lit with torches. But who replaces the torches? Some stairs lead down, and a hall leads away. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Hallway CONNECT Basement MONSTER GOLD 0 Unknown line: MONSTER Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Damp stone rooms, large and full of rats. CONNECT Cellar CONNECT Atrium MONSTER Hurk MONSTER Clag GOLD 400 Next: ROOM NAME Cellar DESCRIPTION Might have held roots once CONNECT Basement GOLD 1000 Next: ROOM NAME Storage DESCRIPTION There's a bunch of old tables here. CONNECT Basement GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Treasure Room DESCRIPTION Full of gold CONNECT Hallway GOLD 400000 Next: ROOM NAME Hallway DESCRIPTION Long, lighted by torches and a balrog! MONSTER Balrog CONNECT Treasure Room CONNECT Atrium CONNECT Basement Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player ! has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player carrie ! carrie has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player somebody ! somebody has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player hi ! hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player cladsj! Player Start! Name: cladsj Description: hi Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: cladsj from 10 to 11 cladsj has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Dog! Player Start! Name: Dog Description: 25 Gold: 0 Attack: 25 Defense: 25 Regen: 25 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Dog from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dog from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 9 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 9 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Dog from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dog from 13 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 9 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 9 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Dog from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dog from 13 to 14 Dog has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Mario! Player Start! Name: Mario Description: 25 Gold: 0 Attack: 25 Defense: 25 Regen: 25 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Mario from 10 to 11 psock 5 New Player Coleby! Player Start! Name: Coleby Description: Logged in from LURKMAN Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 25 Regen: 25 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Coleby from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Coleby from 11 to 10 Coleby has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Mario has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 New Player Steve! Player Start! Name: Steve Description: 25 Gold: 0 Attack: 25 Defense: 25 Regen: 25 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Steve from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Steve from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 7 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 7 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Attacks: 20 7 Defense: 25 0 Damages (P/M) 0 20 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Steve from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Steve from 13 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 6 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 6 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Steve from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Steve from 13 to 14 psock 4 New Player TEST! Player Start! Name: TEST Description: Logged in from LURKMAN Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 25 Regen: 25 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: TEST from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: TEST from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 3 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 3 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Changing Rooms: TEST from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: TEST from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: TEST from 14 to 13 Attacks: 0 66 Defense: 25 110 Damages (P/M) 54 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Hurk is in state 3 Monster Clag is in state 3 Steve has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 TEST has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Boy! Player Start! Name: Boy Description: 25 Gold: 0 Attack: 25 Defense: 25 Regen: 25 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Boy from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Boy from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 10 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 10 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Attacks: 33 6 Defense: 25 0 Damages (P/M) 0 33 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Attacks: 29 10 Defense: 25 0 Damages (P/M) 0 29 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Attacks: 8 6 Defense: 25 0 Damages (P/M) 0 8 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Attacks: 20 0 Defense: 25 0 Damages (P/M) 0 20 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 SpiderA died Monster SpiderB is in state 3 SpiderB died Monster SpiderC is in state 3 SpiderC died Changing Rooms: Boy from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Boy from 13 to 14 Attacks: 29 66 Defense: 25 110 Damages (P/M) 54 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Hurk is in state 3 Monster Clag is in state 3 Boy has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player Character! Player Start! Name: Character Description: 25 Gold: 0 Attack: 25 Defense: 5 Regen: 25 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Character from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Character from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Character from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Character from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Character from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Character from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1643 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 1643 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Attacks: 8 234 Defense: 5 1280 Damages (P/M) 232 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Character has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Tester1! Player Start! Name: Tester1 Description: 25 Gold: 0 Attack: 25 Defense: 25 Regen: 25 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Tester1 from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tester1 from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Tester1 from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tester1 from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) Attacks: 33 0 Defense: 25 0 Damages (P/M) 0 33 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Tester1 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Sam! Player Start! Name: Sam Description: fish Gold: 0 Attack: 25 Defense: 25 Regen: 25 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Sam from 10 to 2 Changing Rooms: Sam from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sam from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) Sam has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player Who! psock 4 New Player Who2! Player Start! Name: Who2 Description: Logged in from LURKMAN Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 25 Regen: 25 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Who2 from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Who Description: 25 Gold: 0 Attack: 25 Defense: 25 Regen: 25 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Who from 10 to 11 Who has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Who2 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player Anna! Anna has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Annat! Annat has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Anna has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Annat has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Player Start! Name: Anna Description: LurkLake client testing Gold: 0 Attack: 20 Defense: 40 Regen: 40 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 4 New Player Anestasha! Anestasha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Anna has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 CRASH at Sun Apr 28 07:47:57 PM PDT 2024 2245 bytes read from cave Next: GAMEDESC While hunting for cougars in the forest, and wading through deep vegetation, you fall into an abandoned well. Sadly, your hunting rifle, with an attack of 2,800, was lost in your fall. Consoling yourself with a maximum of 100 points of attack, defense and regen, you prepare to explore the underground. Next: MONSTER NAME Hurk DESCRIPTION Short creature with 5 legs GOLD 150 ATTACK 30 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Clag DESCRIPTION Like Hurk, but with 6 legs. They must be insects GOLD 350 ATTACK 50 DEFENSE 80 Next: MONSTER NAME Balrog DESCRIPTION It probably has a name, but we're not asking! GOLD 1000000 ATTACK 1409 DEFENSE 1280 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderA DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderB DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderC DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Pit DESCRIPTION Dirty, full of plants. But there's a glint of gold! This looks promising. There is a small tunnel leading away. CONNECT Cavern GOLD 4 Next: ROOM NAME Cavern DESCRIPTION There's a little more space here, but still not much headroom. It is dark, but there appears to be a hole in the floor. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Pit GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Hole DESCRIPTION Sliding down the hole, you find youself feeling a smooth wall, distinct against the soft dirt. There is a handle for a door. Where could it lead? CONNECT Atrium MONSTER SpiderA MONSTER SpiderB MONSTER SpiderC GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Atrium DESCRIPTION A large stone room, lit with torches. But who replaces the torches? Some stairs lead down, and a hall leads away. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Hallway CONNECT Basement MONSTER GOLD 0 Unknown line: MONSTER Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Damp stone rooms, large and full of rats. CONNECT Cellar CONNECT Atrium MONSTER Hurk MONSTER Clag GOLD 400 Next: ROOM NAME Cellar DESCRIPTION Might have held roots once CONNECT Basement GOLD 1000 Next: ROOM NAME Storage DESCRIPTION There's a bunch of old tables here. CONNECT Basement GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Treasure Room DESCRIPTION Full of gold CONNECT Hallway GOLD 400000 Next: ROOM NAME Hallway DESCRIPTION Long, lighted by torches and a balrog! MONSTER Balrog CONNECT Treasure Room CONNECT Atrium CONNECT Basement Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 115 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 254 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 60 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 60 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 116 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 46 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 115 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 46 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 46 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4