2245 bytes read from cave Next: GAMEDESC While hunting for cougars in the forest, and wading through deep vegetation, you fall into an abandoned well. Sadly, your hunting rifle, with an attack of 2,800, was lost in your fall. Consoling yourself with a maximum of 100 points of attack, defense and regen, you prepare to explore the underground. Next: MONSTER NAME Hurk DESCRIPTION Short creature with 5 legs GOLD 150 ATTACK 30 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Clag DESCRIPTION Like Hurk, but with 6 legs. They must be insects GOLD 350 ATTACK 50 DEFENSE 80 Next: MONSTER NAME Balrog DESCRIPTION It probably has a name, but we're not asking! GOLD 1000000 ATTACK 1409 DEFENSE 1280 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderA DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderB DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderC DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Pit DESCRIPTION Dirty, full of plants. But there's a glint of gold! This looks promising. There is a small tunnel leading away. CONNECT Cavern GOLD 4 Next: ROOM NAME Cavern DESCRIPTION There's a little more space here, but still not much headroom. It is dark, but there appears to be a hole in the floor. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Pit GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Hole DESCRIPTION Sliding down the hole, you find youself feeling a smooth wall, distinct against the soft dirt. There is a handle for a door. Where could it lead? CONNECT Atrium MONSTER SpiderA MONSTER SpiderB MONSTER SpiderC GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Atrium DESCRIPTION A large stone room, lit with torches. But who replaces the torches? Some stairs lead down, and a hall leads away. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Hallway CONNECT Basement MONSTER GOLD 0 Unknown line: MONSTER Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Damp stone rooms, large and full of rats. CONNECT Cellar CONNECT Atrium MONSTER Hurk MONSTER Clag GOLD 400 Next: ROOM NAME Cellar DESCRIPTION Might have held roots once CONNECT Basement GOLD 1000 Next: ROOM NAME Storage DESCRIPTION There's a bunch of old tables here. CONNECT Basement GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Treasure Room DESCRIPTION Full of gold CONNECT Hallway GOLD 400000 Next: ROOM NAME Hallway DESCRIPTION Long, lighted by torches and a balrog! MONSTER Balrog CONNECT Treasure Room CONNECT Atrium CONNECT Basement Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 New Player Seth! Player Start! Name: Seth Description: fish Gold: 0 Attack: 70 Defense: 20 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 New Player Fred! Player Start! Name: Fred Description: fish Gold: 0 Attack: 70 Defense: 20 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Fred from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Fred from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 81 9 Defense: 20 0 Damages (P/M) 0 81 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Fred has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Seth has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Feb 14 15:13:51 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 18 04:09:49 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 22 05:26:12 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 26 12:17:11 2022 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 1 20:00:40 2022 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 3 09:32:19 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 3 09:38:39 2022 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Mar 4 10:05:07 2022 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Mar 6 00:19:38 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Mar 6 16:31:21 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 8 09:44:31 2022 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 9 14:33:21 2022 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 9 14:35:29 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player testing_buffer_overflow! Player Start! Name: testing_buffer_overflow Description: j Gold: 0 Attack: 30 Defense: 30 Regen: 40 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: testing_buffer_overflow from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: testing_buffer_overflow from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 9 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 9 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Changing Rooms: testing_buffer_overflow from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: testing_buffer_overflow from 13 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 7 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 7 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Changing Rooms: testing_buffer_overflow from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: testing_buffer_overflow from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: testing_buffer_overflow from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: testing_buffer_overflow from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: testing_buffer_overflow from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: testing_buffer_overflow from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1174 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 1174 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Changing Rooms: testing_buffer_overflow from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: testing_buffer_overflow from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: testing_buffer_overflow from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: testing_buffer_overflow from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: testing_buffer_overflow from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 939 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 939 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Changing Rooms: testing_buffer_overflow from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: testing_buffer_overflow from 17 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 469 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 469 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Attacks: 0 1174 Defense: 30 1280 Damages (P/M) 1159 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 testing_buffer_overflow has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player ajsdlfjas! Player Start! Name: ajsdlfjas Description: j Gold: 0 Attack: 30 Defense: 40 Regen: 30 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO ajsdlfjas has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 10 18:50:18 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Mar 11 21:29:39 2022 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 New Player Not Gamer! Player Start! Name: Not Gamer Description: Hello Gold: 0 Attack: 30 Defense: 40 Regen: 30 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO New Player Jamer! Player Start! Name: Jamer Description: jaming Gold: 0 Attack: 30 Defense: 50 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Attacks: 50 0 Defense: 50 0 Damages (P/M) 0 50 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Not Gamer from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jamer from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Not Gamer from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 6 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 6 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Jamer from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 10 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 10 0 (from 0 3) (2 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Attacks: 10 6 Defense: 40 0 Damages (P/M) 0 10 (from 1 3) (1 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Attacks: 25 0 Defense: 50 0 Damages (P/M) 0 25 (from 1 3) (1 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 SpiderA died Monster SpiderB is in state 3 SpiderB died Monster SpiderC is in state 3 SpiderC died Changing Rooms: Not Gamer from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jamer from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Not Gamer from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Jamer from 13 to 18 Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1174 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 1174 0 (from 0 1) (2 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Attacks: 25 234 Defense: 40 1280 Damages (P/M) 214 0 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Not Gamer has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Changing Rooms: Jamer from 18 to 17 New Player I died last time! Player Start! Name: I died last time Description: Going again Gold: 0 Attack: 30 Defense: 40 Regen: 30 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Jamer from 17 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1643 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 1643 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Changing Rooms: I died last time from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jamer from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: I died last time from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: I died last time from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: I died last time from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 704 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 704 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Changing Rooms: I died last time from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: I died last time from 17 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1174 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 1174 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Changing Rooms: I died last time from 18 to 14 Attacks: 25 13 Defense: 50 110 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Hurk is in state 3 Monster Clag is in state 3 Attacks: 0 13 Defense: 50 110 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Hurk is in state 3 Monster Clag is in state 3 Attacks: 45 53 Defense: 40 110 Damages (P/M) 33 0 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Hurk is in state 3 Monster Clag is in state 3 Attacks: 20 53 Defense: 50 110 Damages (P/M) 28 0 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Hurk is in state 3 Monster Clag is in state 3 Attacks: 25 106 Defense: 50 110 Damages (P/M) 81 0 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Hurk is in state 3 Monster Clag is in state 3 Attacks: 20 93 Defense: 40 110 Damages (P/M) 73 0 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Hurk is in state 3 Monster Clag is in state 3 Changing Rooms: I died last time from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: I died last time from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jamer from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: I died last time from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jamer from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jamer from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jamer from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jamer from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jamer from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: I died last time from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: I died last time from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: I died last time from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1643 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 1643 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Jamer from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: I died last time from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: I died last time from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: I died last time from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: I died last time from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jamer from 13 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: I died last time from 13 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 3) (2 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: I died last time from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: I died last time from 13 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 3) (2 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Jamer from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: I died last time from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: I died last time from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jamer from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: I died last time from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jamer from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: I died last time from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jamer from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: I died last time from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: I died last time from 15 to 14 I died last time has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 I died last time has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Jamer has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 New Player Going past the hole! Player Start! Name: Going past the hole Description: j Gold: 0 Attack: 30 Defense: 40 Regen: 30 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO psock 5 Changing Rooms: Going past the hole from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Going past the hole from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Going past the hole from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Going past the hole from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Going past the hole from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Going past the hole from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1174 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 1174 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Going past the hole from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Going past the hole from 17 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1409 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 1409 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Going past the hole from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Going past the hole from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Going past the hole from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Going past the hole from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Going past the hole from 14 to 13 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Mar 11 22:12:57 2022 Going past the hole has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 New Player hole in 1! Player Start! Name: hole in 1 Description: Nice Shot Gold: 0 Attack: 70 Defense: 20 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: hole in 1 from 10 to 11 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Mar 11 22:13:17 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: hole in 1 from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: hole in 1 from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: hole in 1 from 13 to 14 Attacks: 70 40 Defense: 20 110 Damages (P/M) 30 15 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Hurk is in state 3 Monster Clag is in state 3 Attacks: 46 93 Defense: 20 110 Damages (P/M) 83 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Hurk is in state 3 Monster Clag is in state 3 hole in 1 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player hiii! Player Start! Name: hiii Description: j Gold: 0 Attack: 30 Defense: 40 Regen: 30 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: hiii from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: hiii from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: hiii from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: hiii from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 704 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 704 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Changing Rooms: hiii from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: hiii from 17 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1878 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 1878 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Changing Rooms: hiii from 18 to 14 hiii has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Mar 12 22:38:51 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Bobby ! Player Start! Name: Bobby Description: This is a description Gold: 0 Attack: 10 Defense: 10 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Bobby has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Bobby has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Bobby has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Mar 13 21:27:43 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player Jason! Player Start! Name: Jason Description: This is a description Gold: 0 Attack: 10 Defense: 10 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Jason has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Jason has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player Jerry! Player Start! Name: Jerry Description: This is a description Gold: 0 Attack: 10 Defense: 10 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Jerry has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player John! Player Start! Name: John Description: This is a description Gold: 0 Attack: 10 Defense: 10 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO John has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 John has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 John has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player Larry! Player Start! Name: Larry Description: This is a description Gold: 0 Attack: 10 Defense: 10 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Larry has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Mar 13 22:12:32 2022 New Player ! Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Mar 13 22:12:32 2022 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Mar 13 22:12:32 2022 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Mar 13 22:13:02 2022 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Mar 13 22:13:02 2022 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Larry has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Larry has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Larry has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Larry has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Larry has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Larry has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Larry has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Larry has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Larry has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Larry has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Larry has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Larry has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Larry has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Larry has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Larry has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Larry has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Larry has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Larry has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Larry has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Larry has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Larry has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Larry has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player Carson! Player Start! Name: Carson Description: This is a description Gold: 0 Attack: 10 Defense: 10 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Carson from 10 to 3083 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Carson from 10 to 3083 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Carson from 10 to 3083 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Carson from 10 to 11 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 14 07:40:20 2022 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 14 07:40:20 2022 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 14 07:40:20 2022 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 14 07:40:20 2022 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 14 07:40:20 2022 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Carson has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Carson has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 14 23:11:52 2022 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 14 23:33:03 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 15 09:55:46 2022 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player ajsdlfkaskl! Player Start! Name: ajsdlfkaskl Description: j Gold: 0 Attack: 30 Defense: 40 Regen: 30 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: ajsdlfkaskl from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: ajsdlfkaskl from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: ajsdlfkaskl from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: ajsdlfkaskl from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1174 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 1174 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Changing Rooms: ajsdlfkaskl from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: ajsdlfkaskl from 17 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1878 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 1878 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Changing Rooms: ajsdlfkaskl from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: ajsdlfkaskl from 17 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Changing Rooms: ajsdlfkaskl from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: ajsdlfkaskl from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: ajsdlfkaskl from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: ajsdlfkaskl from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: ajsdlfkaskl from 13 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) Attacks: 10 0 Defense: 40 0 Damages (P/M) 0 10 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: ajsdlfkaskl from 12 to 13 ajsdlfkaskl has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player aklsdjflkas! Player Start! Name: aklsdjflkas Description: j Gold: 0 Attack: 30 Defense: 40 Regen: 30 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: aklsdjflkas from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: aklsdjflkas from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: aklsdjflkas from 12 to 13 aklsdjflkas has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Mar 20 00:19:25 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 23 03:31:09 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Mar 27 05:11:37 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 31 06:45:35 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Apr 4 08:14:11 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player TestScript! Player Start! Name: TestScript Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 99 Defense: 1 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 New Player Tad! Player Start! Name: Tad Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 New Player Georgetta! Player Start! Name: Georgetta Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Erna! Player Start! Name: Erna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Rozanne! Player Start! Name: Rozanne Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 New Player Rebekah! Player Start! Name: Rebekah Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 10 New Player Tawna! Player Start! Name: Tawna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 11 New Player Thelma! Player Start! Name: Thelma Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tad from 10 to 11 psock 12 New Player Giovanna! Player Start! Name: Giovanna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Georgetta from 10 to 11 psock 13 New Player Francoise! Player Start! Name: Francoise Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Erna from 10 to 11 psock 14 New Player Genny! Player Start! Name: Genny Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Rozanne from 10 to 11 psock 15 New Player Shavon! Player Start! Name: Shavon Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Rebekah from 10 to 11 psock 16 New Player Amado! Player Start! Name: Amado Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tawna from 10 to 11 psock 17 New Player Su! Player Start! Name: Su Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Thelma from 10 to 11 psock 18 New Player Pamela! Player Start! Name: Pamela Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Giovanna from 10 to 11 psock 19 New Player Brooks! Player Start! Name: Brooks Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Francoise from 10 to 11 psock 20 New Player Lenard! Player Start! Name: Lenard Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Genny from 10 to 11 psock 21 New Player Marian! Player Start! Name: Marian Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shavon from 10 to 11 psock 22 New Player Lucienne! Player Start! Name: Lucienne Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Amado from 10 to 11 psock 23 New Player Miranda! Player Start! Name: Miranda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Su from 10 to 11 psock 24 New Player Corie! Player Start! Name: Corie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Pamela from 10 to 11 psock 25 New Player Sarita! Player Start! Name: Sarita Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tad from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Brooks from 10 to 11 psock 26 New Player Davida! Player Start! Name: Davida Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Georgetta from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lenard from 10 to 11 psock 27 New Player Pearlie! Player Start! Name: Pearlie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Erna from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marian from 10 to 11 psock 28 New Player Nada! Player Start! Name: Nada Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Rozanne from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lucienne from 10 to 11 psock 29 New Player Dorthy! Player Start! Name: Dorthy Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Rebekah from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Miranda from 10 to 11 psock 30 New Player Christy! Changing Rooms: Tawna from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Christy Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Corie from 10 to 11 psock 31 New Player Elliot! Changing Rooms: Thelma from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Elliot Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Sarita from 10 to 11 psock 32 New Player Lawana! Player Start! Name: Lawana Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Giovanna from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Davida from 10 to 11 psock 33 New Player Raeann! Changing Rooms: Francoise from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Raeann Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Pearlie from 10 to 11 psock 34 New Player Wilfred! Changing Rooms: Genny from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Wilfred Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Nada from 10 to 11 psock 35 New Player Earl! Player Start! Name: Earl Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shavon from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 10 to 11 psock 36 New Player Melanie! Player Start! Name: Melanie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Amado from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Christy from 10 to 11 psock 37 New Player Mariana! Changing Rooms: Su from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Mariana Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Elliot from 10 to 11 psock 38 New Player Jacqueline! Changing Rooms: Pamela from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Jacqueline Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Battle Time! Attacks: 800 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 800 (from 6 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Tad from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lawana from 10 to 11 psock 39 New Player Josephine! Player Start! Name: Josephine Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Brooks from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Georgetta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Raeann from 10 to 11 psock 40 New Player Jeanetta! Changing Rooms: Lenard from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Jeanetta Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Erna from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wilfred from 10 to 11 psock 41 New Player Beaulah! Changing Rooms: Marian from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Beaulah Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Rozanne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Earl from 10 to 11 psock 42 Changing Rooms: Lucienne from 11 to 10 New Player Lashonda! Player Start! Name: Lashonda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Rebekah from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melanie from 10 to 11 psock 43 New Player Johnson! Player Start! Name: Johnson Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Miranda from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tawna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 10 to 11 psock 44 New Player Keely! Changing Rooms: Corie from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Keely Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Thelma from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jacqueline from 10 to 11 psock 45 New Player Jed! Changing Rooms: Sarita from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Jed Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Giovanna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Josephine from 10 to 11 psock 46 New Player Darrell! Changing Rooms: Davida from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Darrell Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Francoise from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jeanetta from 10 to 11 psock 47 New Player Odis! Changing Rooms: Pearlie from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Odis Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Genny from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Beaulah from 10 to 11 psock 48 New Player Domingo! Changing Rooms: Nada from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Domingo Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shavon from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lashonda from 10 to 11 psock 49 New Player Sacha! Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Sacha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Amado from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Johnson from 10 to 11 psock 50 New Player Wynona! Player Start! Name: Wynona Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Christy from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Su from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Keely from 10 to 11 psock 51 New Player Ernestina! Changing Rooms: Elliot from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Ernestina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Pamela from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tad from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jed from 10 to 11 psock 52 New Player Tiesha! Changing Rooms: Lawana from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Tiesha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Battle Time! Attacks: 750 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 750 (from 9 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Brooks from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Georgetta from 13 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Darrell from 10 to 11 psock 53 New Player Stacey! Changing Rooms: Raeann from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Stacey Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lenard from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Erna from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Odis from 10 to 11 psock 54 New Player Melva! Changing Rooms: Wilfred from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Melva Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Marian from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rozanne from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Domingo from 10 to 11 psock 55 New Player Marcell! Changing Rooms: Earl from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Marcell Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lucienne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rebekah from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sacha from 10 to 11 psock 56 New Player Broderick! Changing Rooms: Melanie from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Broderick Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Miranda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tawna from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Wynona from 10 to 11 psock 57 New Player Angele! Changing Rooms: Mariana from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Angele Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Corie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Thelma from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ernestina from 10 to 11 psock 58 New Player Sherrill! Changing Rooms: Jacqueline from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Sherrill Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Sarita from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Giovanna from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Tiesha from 10 to 11 psock 59 New Player Marin! Changing Rooms: Josephine from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Marin Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Davida from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Francoise from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Stacey from 10 to 11 psock 60 New Player Robbi! Changing Rooms: Jeanetta from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Robbi Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Pearlie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Genny from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Melva from 10 to 11 psock 61 New Player Deshawn! Changing Rooms: Beaulah from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Deshawn Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Nada from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shavon from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Marcell from 10 to 11 psock 62 New Player Micki! Changing Rooms: Lashonda from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Micki Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Amado from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Broderick from 10 to 11 psock 63 New Player Cheryl! Changing Rooms: Johnson from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Cheryl Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Christy from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Su from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Angele from 10 to 11 psock 64 New Player Celena! Changing Rooms: Keely from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Celena Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Elliot from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Pamela from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sherrill from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tad from 18 to 17 psock 65 New Player Art! Changing Rooms: Jed from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Art Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lawana from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brooks from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marin from 10 to 11 Battle Time! Attacks: 900 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 900 (from 9 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Georgetta from 12 to 13 psock 66 New Player Dannie! Changing Rooms: Darrell from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Player Start! Name: Dannie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Raeann from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lenard from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Robbi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Erna from 14 to 15 psock 67 New Player Ileen! Changing Rooms: Odis from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Ileen Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Wilfred from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marian from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rozanne from 12 to 13 psock 68 New Player Vella! Changing Rooms: Domingo from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Vella Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Earl from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lucienne from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Micki from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rebekah from 18 to 17 psock 69 New Player Violet! Changing Rooms: Sacha from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Violet Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Melanie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Miranda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cheryl from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tawna from 12 to 13 psock 70 New Player Meghann! Changing Rooms: Wynona from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Meghann Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Mariana from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Corie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Celena from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Thelma from 18 to 14 psock 71 New Player Sunni! Changing Rooms: Ernestina from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Sunni Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jacqueline from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sarita from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Art from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Giovanna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tiesha from 11 to 10 psock 72 New Player Nicolasa! Player Start! Name: Nicolasa Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Josephine from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Davida from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Dannie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Francoise from 10 to 11 psock 73 New Player Gemma! Changing Rooms: Stacey from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Gemma Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jeanetta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Pearlie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ileen from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Genny from 12 to 13 psock 74 New Player Emely! Changing Rooms: Melva from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Emely Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Beaulah from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nada from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Vella from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shavon from 10 to 11 psock 75 New Player Isabel! Changing Rooms: Marcell from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Isabel Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lashonda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Violet from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Amado from 14 to 15 psock 76 New Player Fredricka! Changing Rooms: Broderick from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Fredricka Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Johnson from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Christy from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Meghann from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Su from 12 to 13 psock 77 New Player Eusebio! Changing Rooms: Angele from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Eusebio Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Keely from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elliot from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sunni from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Pamela from 10 to 11 psock 78 New Player Logan! Changing Rooms: Sherrill from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Logan Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tad from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jed from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lawana from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nicolasa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brooks from 14 to 13 psock 79 Changing Rooms: Marin from 11 to 10 New Player Evelina! Player Start! Name: Evelina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Battle Time! Attacks: 1000 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 1000 (from 12 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Georgetta from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Darrell from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Raeann from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Gemma from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lenard from 18 to 13 psock 80 New Player Yung! Changing Rooms: Robbi from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Yung Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Erna from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Odis from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Wilfred from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Emely from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marian from 14 to 15 psock 81 New Player Felice! Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Felice Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Rozanne from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Domingo from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Earl from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Isabel from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lucienne from 12 to 13 psock 82 Changing Rooms: Micki from 11 to 12 New Player Earle! Player Start! Name: Earle Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Rebekah from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sacha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melanie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Fredricka from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Miranda from 12 to 13 psock 83 New Player Nelda! Changing Rooms: Cheryl from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Nelda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tawna from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Wynona from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Eusebio from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Corie from 18 to 14 psock 84 New Player Marry! Changing Rooms: Celena from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Marry Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Thelma from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ernestina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jacqueline from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Logan from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sarita from 18 to 17 psock 85 New Player Wilton! Changing Rooms: Art from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Wilton Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Giovanna from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tiesha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Josephine from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Evelina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Davida from 10 to 11 psock 86 New Player Sherika! Changing Rooms: Dannie from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Sherika Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Francoise from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Stacey from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jeanetta from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yung from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Pearlie from 12 to 13 psock 87 New Player Raphael! Changing Rooms: Ileen from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Raphael Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Genny from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Melva from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Beaulah from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Felice from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nada from 10 to 11 psock 88 New Player Saturnina! Changing Rooms: Vella from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Saturnina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shavon from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Marcell from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lashonda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Earle from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 14 to 13 psock 89 New Player Aretha! Changing Rooms: Violet from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Aretha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Amado from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Broderick from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Johnson from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Nelda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Christy from 12 to 13 psock 90 New Player Cleotilde! Changing Rooms: Meghann from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Cleotilde Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Su from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Angele from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Keely from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Marry from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elliot from 12 to 13 psock 91 New Player Inocencia! Changing Rooms: Sunni from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Inocencia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Pamela from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sherrill from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tad from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Jed from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Wilton from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lawana from 12 to 13 psock 92 New Player Estella! Changing Rooms: Nicolasa from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Estella Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Brooks from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marin from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Georgetta from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darrell from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sherika from 10 to 11 Battle Time! Attacks: 400 0 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 4 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Raeann from 18 to 14 psock 93 New Player Racheal! Changing Rooms: Gemma from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Racheal Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lenard from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Robbi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Erna from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Odis from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Wilfred from 12 to 13 psock 94 Changing Rooms: Emely from 11 to 10 New Player Debbie! Player Start! Name: Debbie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Marian from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rozanne from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Domingo from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Saturnina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Earl from 12 to 13 psock 95 New Player Candida! Changing Rooms: Isabel from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Player Start! Name: Candida Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lucienne from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Micki from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rebekah from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sacha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Aretha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Melanie from 10 to 11 psock 96 New Player Jenelle! Changing Rooms: Fredricka from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Jenelle Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Miranda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cheryl from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tawna from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Wynona from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cleotilde from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 12 to 13 psock 97 Changing Rooms: Eusebio from 11 to 12 New Player Danille! Player Start! Name: Danille Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Corie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Celena from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Thelma from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ernestina from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Inocencia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jacqueline from 12 to 13 psock 98 New Player Necole! Changing Rooms: Logan from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Necole Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Sarita from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Art from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Giovanna from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tiesha from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Estella from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Josephine from 10 to 11 psock 99 New Player Cheri! Changing Rooms: Evelina from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Cheri Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Davida from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dannie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Francoise from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Stacey from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Racheal from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jeanetta from 14 to 15 psock 100 New Player Brigid! Changing Rooms: Yung from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Brigid Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Pearlie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ileen from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Genny from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melva from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Debbie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Beaulah from 12 to 13 psock 101 New Player Romeo! Changing Rooms: Felice from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Romeo Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Nada from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Vella from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shavon from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marcell from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Candida from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lashonda from 14 to 15 psock 102 New Player Khadijah! Changing Rooms: Earle from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Khadijah Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Violet from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Amado from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Broderick from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jenelle from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Johnson from 10 to 11 psock 103 New Player Rose! Changing Rooms: Nelda from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Rose Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Christy from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Meghann from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Su from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Angele from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Danille from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Keely from 10 to 11 psock 104 New Player Marcelina! Changing Rooms: Marry from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Marcelina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Elliot from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sunni from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Pamela from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sherrill from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Necole from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tad from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jed from 12 to 13 psock 105 New Player Beatrice! Changing Rooms: Wilton from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Beatrice Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lawana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nicolasa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brooks from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marin from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cheri from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Georgetta from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Darrell from 18 to 13 psock 106 New Player Meridith! Changing Rooms: Sherika from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Meridith Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Raeann from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gemma from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lenard from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Robbi from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Brigid from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Erna from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Odis from 10 to 11 psock 107 New Player Luisa! Changing Rooms: Raphael from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Luisa Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Wilfred from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Emely from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marian from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Romeo from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rozanne from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Domingo from 10 to 11 psock 108 New Player Cecelia! Changing Rooms: Saturnina from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Cecelia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Earl from 13 to 18 Battle Time! Attacks: 533 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 533 (from 16 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Isabel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lucienne from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Micki from 13 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Khadijah from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rebekah from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sacha from 12 to 13 psock 109 New Player Twana! Changing Rooms: Aretha from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Twana Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Melanie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Fredricka from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Miranda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cheryl from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rose from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tawna from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wynona from 12 to 13 psock 110 New Player Mirtha! Changing Rooms: Cleotilde from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Mirtha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Mariana from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eusebio from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Corie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Celena from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marcelina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Thelma from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ernestina from 14 to 13 psock 111 New Player Brad! Changing Rooms: Inocencia from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Brad Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jacqueline from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Logan from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sarita from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Art from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Beatrice from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Giovanna from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tiesha from 12 to 13 psock 112 New Player Nettie! Changing Rooms: Estella from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Nettie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Josephine from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Evelina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Davida from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dannie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Meridith from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Francoise from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Stacey from 14 to 13 psock 113 New Player Bambi! Changing Rooms: Racheal from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Bambi Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jeanetta from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yung from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Pearlie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ileen from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luisa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Genny from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Melva from 10 to 11 psock 114 New Player Mose! Changing Rooms: Debbie from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Mose Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Beaulah from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Felice from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nada from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Vella from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cecelia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shavon from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marcell from 10 to 11 psock 115 New Player Vanetta! Changing Rooms: Candida from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Vanetta Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lashonda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Earle from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Violet from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Twana from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Amado from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Broderick from 10 to 11 psock 116 New Player Destiny! Changing Rooms: Jenelle from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Destiny Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Johnson from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Nelda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Christy from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Meghann from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Mirtha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Su from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Angele from 14 to 13 psock 117 New Player Ivette! Changing Rooms: Danille from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Ivette Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Keely from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marry from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Elliot from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sunni from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Brad from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Pamela from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sherrill from 12 to 13 psock 118 New Player Rosamaria! Changing Rooms: Necole from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Rosamaria Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tad from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jed from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Wilton from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lawana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nicolasa from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nettie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brooks from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marin from 12 to 13 psock 119 New Player Jacque! Changing Rooms: Cheri from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Jacque Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Georgetta from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darrell from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sherika from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Raeann from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Gemma from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Bambi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lenard from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Robbi from 10 to 11 psock 120 New Player Coy! Changing Rooms: Brigid from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Coy Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Erna from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Odis from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Wilfred from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Emely from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Mose from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marian from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 12 to 13 psock 121 New Player Darleen! Changing Rooms: Romeo from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Darleen Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Rozanne from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Domingo from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Saturnina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Earl from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Isabel from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Vanetta from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lucienne from 17 to 18 Battle Time! Attacks: 700 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 700 (from 21 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Micki from 12 to 13 psock 122 New Player Fannie! Changing Rooms: Khadijah from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Fannie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Rebekah from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sacha from 13 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Aretha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melanie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fredricka from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Destiny from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Miranda from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cheryl from 12 to 13 psock 123 New Player Mozella! Changing Rooms: Rose from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Mozella Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tawna from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Wynona from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cleotilde from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Eusebio from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ivette from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Corie from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Celena from 14 to 13 psock 124 New Player Amee! Changing Rooms: Marcelina from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Amee Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Thelma from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ernestina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Inocencia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jacqueline from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Logan from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rosamaria from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sarita from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Art from 14 to 15 psock 125 New Player Grady! Changing Rooms: Beatrice from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Grady Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Giovanna from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tiesha from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Estella from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Josephine from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Evelina from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jacque from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Davida from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dannie from 12 to 13 psock 126 New Player Talisha! Changing Rooms: Meridith from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Talisha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Francoise from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Stacey from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Racheal from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jeanetta from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yung from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Coy from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Pearlie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ileen from 14 to 13 psock 127 New Player Cayla! Changing Rooms: Luisa from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Cayla Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Genny from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Melva from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Debbie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Beaulah from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Felice from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Darleen from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nada from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Vella from 18 to 13 psock 128 New Player Donette! Changing Rooms: Cecelia from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Donette Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shavon from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marcell from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Candida from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lashonda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Earle from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Fannie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Violet from 10 to 11 psock 129 New Player Adah! Changing Rooms: Twana from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Adah Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Amado from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Broderick from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jenelle from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Johnson from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nelda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mozella from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Christy from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Meghann from 10 to 11 psock 130 New Player Senaida! Changing Rooms: Mirtha from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Senaida Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Su from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Angele from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Danille from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Keely from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marry from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Amee from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elliot from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sunni from 12 to 13 psock 131 New Player Vince! Changing Rooms: Brad from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Vince Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Pamela from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sherrill from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Necole from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tad from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jed from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wilton from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Grady from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lawana from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Nicolasa from 14 to 15 psock 132 New Player Mariela! Changing Rooms: Nettie from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Mariela Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Brooks from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marin from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cheri from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Georgetta from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Darrell from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sherika from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Talisha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Raeann from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gemma from 10 to 11 psock 133 New Player Shoshana! Changing Rooms: Bambi from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Shoshana Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lenard from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Robbi from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Brigid from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Erna from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Odis from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cayla from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Wilfred from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Emely from 10 to 11 psock 134 New Player India! Changing Rooms: Mose from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: India Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Marian from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Romeo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rozanne from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Domingo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Saturnina from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Donette from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Earl from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Isabel from 14 to 13 psock 135 New Player Oda! Changing Rooms: Vanetta from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Oda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lucienne from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Micki from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Khadijah from 10 to 11 Battle Time! Attacks: 1350 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 1350 (from 27 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Rebekah from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sacha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Aretha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Adah from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Melanie from 13 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Fredricka from 10 to 11 psock 136 New Player Jalisa! Changing Rooms: Destiny from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Jalisa Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Miranda from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Cheryl from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rose from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tawna from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Wynona from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cleotilde from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Senaida from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eusebio from 18 to 13 psock 137 New Player Eleonore! Changing Rooms: Ivette from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Eleonore Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Corie from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Celena from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marcelina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Thelma from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ernestina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Inocencia from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Vince from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jacqueline from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Logan from 12 to 13 psock 138 New Player Claribel! Changing Rooms: Rosamaria from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Claribel Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Sarita from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Art from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Beatrice from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Giovanna from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tiesha from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Estella from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mariela from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Josephine from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Evelina from 10 to 11 psock 139 New Player Brittany! Changing Rooms: Jacque from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Brittany Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Davida from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dannie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Meridith from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Francoise from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Stacey from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Racheal from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shoshana from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jeanetta from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Yung from 10 to 11 psock 140 New Player Earnestine! Changing Rooms: Coy from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Earnestine Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Pearlie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ileen from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Luisa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Genny from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Melva from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Debbie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: India from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Beaulah from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Felice from 10 to 11 psock 141 New Player Shaquita! Changing Rooms: Darleen from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Shaquita Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Nada from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Vella from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cecelia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shavon from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marcell from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Candida from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Oda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lashonda from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Earle from 12 to 13 psock 142 New Player Eldridge! Changing Rooms: Fannie from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Eldridge Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Violet from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Twana from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Amado from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Broderick from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jenelle from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jalisa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Johnson from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nelda from 12 to 13 psock 143 New Player Ivonne! Changing Rooms: Mozella from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Ivonne Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Christy from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Meghann from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Mirtha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Su from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Angele from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Danille from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Eleonore from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Keely from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marry from 14 to 15 psock 144 New Player Huong! Changing Rooms: Amee from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Huong Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Elliot from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sunni from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Brad from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Pamela from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sherrill from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Necole from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Claribel from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tad from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jed from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Wilton from 12 to 13 psock 145 New Player Frida! Changing Rooms: Grady from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Frida Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lawana from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nicolasa from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nettie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brooks from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marin from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cheri from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Brittany from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Georgetta from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Darrell from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sherika from 10 to 11 psock 146 New Player Sharon! Changing Rooms: Talisha from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Sharon Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Raeann from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gemma from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Bambi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lenard from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Robbi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brigid from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Earnestine from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Erna from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Odis from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 12 to 13 psock 147 New Player Estrella! Changing Rooms: Cayla from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Estrella Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Wilfred from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Emely from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Mose from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marian from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Romeo from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shaquita from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rozanne from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Domingo from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Saturnina from 10 to 11 psock 148 New Player Ivelisse! Changing Rooms: Donette from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Ivelisse Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Earl from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Isabel from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Vanetta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lucienne from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Micki from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Khadijah from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Eldridge from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rebekah from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sacha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Aretha from 12 to 13 psock 149 New Player Sean! Changing Rooms: Adah from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Sean Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Battle Time! Attacks: 1466 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 1466 (from 22 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Melanie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fredricka from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Destiny from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Miranda from 17 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Cheryl from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rose from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ivonne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tawna from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Wynona from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cleotilde from 14 to 13 psock 150 New Player Tabatha! Changing Rooms: Senaida from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Tabatha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Mariana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eusebio from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ivette from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Corie from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Celena from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marcelina from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Huong from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Thelma from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ernestina from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Inocencia from 12 to 13 psock 151 New Player Ai! Changing Rooms: Vince from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Ai Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jacqueline from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Logan from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosamaria from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sarita from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Art from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Beatrice from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Frida from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Giovanna from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tiesha from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Estella from 14 to 13 psock 152 New Player Melvin! Changing Rooms: Mariela from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Melvin Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Josephine from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Evelina from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jacque from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Davida from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dannie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Meridith from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sharon from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Francoise from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Stacey from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Racheal from 12 to 13 psock 153 New Player Mindi! Changing Rooms: Shoshana from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Mindi Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jeanetta from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Yung from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Coy from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Pearlie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ileen from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luisa from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Estrella from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Genny from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Melva from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Debbie from 14 to 13 psock 154 New Player Tena! Changing Rooms: India from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Tena Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Beaulah from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Felice from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Darleen from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nada from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Vella from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cecelia from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ivelisse from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shavon from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marcell from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Candida from 18 to 17 psock 155 New Player Geneva! Changing Rooms: Oda from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Geneva Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lashonda from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Earle from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Fannie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Violet from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Twana from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sean from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Amado from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Broderick from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jenelle from 12 to 13 psock 156 New Player Krysta! Changing Rooms: Jalisa from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Krysta Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Johnson from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nelda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mozella from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Christy from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Meghann from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mirtha from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tabatha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Su from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Angele from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Danille from 12 to 13 psock 157 New Player Sasha! Changing Rooms: Eleonore from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Sasha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Keely from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marry from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Amee from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elliot from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sunni from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brad from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ai from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Pamela from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sherrill from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Necole from 10 to 11 psock 158 New Player Herlinda! Changing Rooms: Claribel from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Herlinda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tad from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jed from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wilton from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Grady from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lawana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nicolasa from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Nettie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Melvin from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brooks from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marin from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cheri from 10 to 11 psock 159 Changing Rooms: Brittany from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Georgetta from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Darrell from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sherika from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Talisha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Raeann from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Gemma from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bambi from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mindi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lenard from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Robbi from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Brigid from 12 to 13 psock 160 New Player Chastity! Changing Rooms: Earnestine from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Chastity Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Erna from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Odis from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cayla from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Wilfred from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Emely from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mose from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tena from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marian from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Romeo from 14 to 15 psock 161 New Player Kiana! Changing Rooms: Shaquita from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Kiana Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Rozanne from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Domingo from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Saturnina from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Donette from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Earl from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Isabel from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Vanetta from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Geneva from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lucienne from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Micki from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Khadijah from 10 to 11 psock 162 New Player Clemente! Changing Rooms: Eldridge from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Clemente Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Rebekah from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sacha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Aretha from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Adah from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Melanie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fredricka from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Destiny from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 10 to 11 Battle Time! Attacks: 466 1643 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 1643 0 (from 14 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Cheryl from 13 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Rose from 12 to 13 psock 163 New Player Alexandra! Changing Rooms: Ivonne from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Alexandra Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tawna from 15 to 14 Wynona has left the game Terminating thread with socket 50 Changing Rooms: Cleotilde from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Senaida from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eusebio from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ivette from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sasha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Corie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Celena from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Marcelina from 14 to 15 psock 164 New Player Jacqualine! Changing Rooms: Huong from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Jacqualine Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Thelma has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: Ernestina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Inocencia from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Vince from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jacqueline from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Logan from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rosamaria from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Herlinda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sarita from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Art from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Beatrice from 10 to 11 psock 50 New Player Mica! Changing Rooms: Frida from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Mica Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Giovanna from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tiesha from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Estella from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mariela from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Josephine from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Evelina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jacque from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Davida from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Dannie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Meridith from 10 to 11 psock 11 New Player Regena! Changing Rooms: Sharon from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Regena Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Francoise from 13 to 14 Stacey has left the game Terminating thread with socket 53 Changing Rooms: Racheal from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shoshana from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jeanetta from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Yung from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Coy from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Chastity from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Pearlie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ileen from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Luisa from 14 to 15 psock 165 New Player Yuette! Changing Rooms: Estrella from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Yuette Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Genny from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Melva from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Debbie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: India from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Beaulah from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Felice from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Darleen from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kiana from 10 to 11 Nada has left the game Terminating thread with socket 28 Changing Rooms: Vella from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cecelia from 12 to 13 psock 53 New Player Dwight! Changing Rooms: Ivelisse from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Dwight Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shavon from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Marcell from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Candida from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Oda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lashonda from 17 to 18 Earle has left the game Terminating thread with socket 82 Changing Rooms: Fannie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Clemente from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Violet from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Twana from 10 to 11 psock 28 New Player Whitley! Changing Rooms: Sean from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Whitley Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Amado from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Broderick from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jenelle from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jalisa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Johnson from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nelda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mozella from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Christy from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Meghann from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mirtha from 14 to 15 psock 82 New Player Stepanie! Changing Rooms: Tabatha from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Stepanie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Su from 15 to 14 Angele has left the game Terminating thread with socket 57 Changing Rooms: Danille from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Eleonore from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Keely from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marry from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Amee from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jacqualine from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elliot from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sunni from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Brad from 14 to 13 psock 166 New Player Dalton! Changing Rooms: Ai from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Dalton Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Pamela from 14 to 13 Sherrill has left the game Terminating thread with socket 58 Changing Rooms: Necole from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Claribel from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tad from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jed from 13 to 18 Wilton has left the game Terminating thread with socket 85 Changing Rooms: Grady from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Mica from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lawana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nicolasa from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nettie from 14 to 15 psock 57 New Player Jolyn! Changing Rooms: Melvin from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Jolyn Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Brooks from 15 to 14 Marin has left the game Terminating thread with socket 59 Changing Rooms: Cheri from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Brittany from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Georgetta from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Darrell from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sherika from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Talisha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Regena from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Raeann from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gemma from 13 to 14 Bambi has left the game Terminating thread with socket 113 psock 58 New Player Williams! Changing Rooms: Mindi from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Williams Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lenard from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Robbi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brigid from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Earnestine from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Erna from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Odis from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cayla from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Yuette from 10 to 11 Wilfred has left the game Terminating thread with socket 34 Changing Rooms: Emely from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mose from 12 to 13 psock 59 New Player Shandra! Changing Rooms: Tena from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Shandra Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Marian from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Romeo from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shaquita from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rozanne from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Domingo from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Saturnina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Donette from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dwight from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Earl from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Isabel from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Vanetta from 14 to 15 psock 34 New Player Tanika! Changing Rooms: Geneva from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Tanika Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lucienne from 14 to 15 Micki has left the game Terminating thread with socket 62 Changing Rooms: Khadijah from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Eldridge from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rebekah from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sacha from 13 to 18 Aretha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 89 Changing Rooms: Adah from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Whitley from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Melanie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Fredricka from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Destiny from 10 to 11 psock 85 New Player Taren! Changing Rooms: Krysta from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Taren Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Battle Time! Attacks: 450 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 450 (from 27 3) (0 uninvolved) Miranda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 23 Changing Rooms: Cheryl from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rose from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ivonne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tawna from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Cleotilde from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Senaida from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Stepanie from 10 to 11 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Mariana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Eusebio from 13 to 18 psock 62 New Player Oliver! Changing Rooms: Ivette from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sasha from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Oliver Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Corie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Celena from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Marcelina from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Huong from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ernestina from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Inocencia from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Vince from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Dalton from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jacqueline from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Logan from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosamaria from 12 to 13 psock 23 New Player Una! Changing Rooms: Herlinda from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Una Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Sarita from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Art from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Beatrice from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Frida from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Giovanna from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tiesha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Estella from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mariela from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jolyn from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Josephine from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Evelina from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jacque from 12 to 13 psock 89 New Player Shirley! Player Start! Name: Shirley Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Davida from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dannie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Meridith from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sharon from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Francoise from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Racheal from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shoshana from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Williams from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jeanetta from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Yung from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Coy from 12 to 13 psock 113 New Player Cornelius! Changing Rooms: Chastity from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Cornelius Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Pearlie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ileen from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luisa from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Estrella from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Genny from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Melva from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Debbie from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: India from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shandra from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Beaulah from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Felice from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Darleen from 18 to 17 psock 167 New Player Jolynn! Changing Rooms: Kiana from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Jolynn Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Vella from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Cecelia from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ivelisse from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shavon from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marcell from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Candida from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Oda from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lashonda from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fannie from 12 to 13 psock 168 New Player Contessa! Changing Rooms: Clemente from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Contessa Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Violet from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Twana from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sean from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Amado from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Broderick from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jenelle from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jalisa from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Taren from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Johnson from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Nelda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mozella from 14 to 15 psock 169 New Player Isaias! Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Isaias Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Christy from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Meghann from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mirtha from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tabatha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Su from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Danille from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eleonore from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Oliver from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Keely from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marry from 13 to 18 psock 170 Changing Rooms: Amee from 12 to 13 New Player Muriel! Changing Rooms: Jacqualine from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Muriel Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Elliot from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sunni from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Brad from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ai from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Pamela from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Necole from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Claribel from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Una from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tad from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jed from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Grady from 10 to 11 psock 171 New Player Krystle! Changing Rooms: Mica from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Krystle Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lawana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nicolasa from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nettie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Melvin from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brooks from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cheri from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brittany from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shirley from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Georgetta from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Darrell from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sherika from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Talisha from 12 to 13 psock 172 New Player Rea! Changing Rooms: Regena from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Rea Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Raeann from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gemma from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mindi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lenard from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Robbi from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Brigid from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Earnestine from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cornelius from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Erna from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Odis from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cayla from 12 to 13 psock 173 New Player Stephenie! Changing Rooms: Yuette from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Stephenie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Emely from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mose from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tena from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marian from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Romeo from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shaquita from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jolynn from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rozanne from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Domingo from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Saturnina from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Donette from 12 to 13 psock 174 New Player Shara! Changing Rooms: Dwight from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Shara Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Earl from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Isabel from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Vanetta from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Geneva from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lucienne from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Khadijah from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Eldridge from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Contessa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rebekah from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sacha from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Adah from 10 to 11 psock 175 New Player Salley! Changing Rooms: Whitley from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Salley Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Melanie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fredricka from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Destiny from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cheryl from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rose from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ivonne from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Isaias from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tawna from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cleotilde from 13 to 12 Battle Time! Attacks: 1350 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 1350 (from 27 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Senaida from 12 to 13 psock 176 New Player Chong! Changing Rooms: Stepanie from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Chong Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Mariana from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eusebio from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ivette from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sasha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Corie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Celena from 17 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Marcelina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Huong from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Muriel from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ernestina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Inocencia from 15 to 14 psock 177 Changing Rooms: Vince from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dalton from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jacqueline from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Logan from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rosamaria from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Herlinda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sarita from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Art from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Beatrice from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Frida from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Krystle from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Giovanna from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tiesha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Estella from 14 to 13 psock 178 Changing Rooms: Mariela from 12 to 13 New Player Lynetta! Changing Rooms: Jolyn from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Lynetta Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Josephine from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Evelina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jacque from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Davida from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dannie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Meridith from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sharon from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rea from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Francoise from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Racheal from 13 to 14 psock 179 Changing Rooms: Shoshana from 12 to 13 New Player Yvette! Changing Rooms: Williams from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Yvette Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jeanetta from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Yung from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Coy from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Chastity from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Pearlie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ileen from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Luisa from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Estrella from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Stephenie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Genny from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melva from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Debbie from 17 to 18 psock 180 Changing Rooms: India from 12 to 13 New Player Cathie! Changing Rooms: Shandra from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Cathie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Beaulah from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Felice from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darleen from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kiana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Vella from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cecelia from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ivelisse from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shara from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shavon from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marcell from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Candida from 14 to 13 psock 181 Changing Rooms: Oda from 10 to 11 New Player Letha! Changing Rooms: Tanika from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Letha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lashonda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Fannie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Clemente from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Violet from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Twana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sean from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Salley from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Amado from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Broderick from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jenelle from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jalisa from 10 to 11 psock 182 New Player Nam! Changing Rooms: Taren from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Nam Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Johnson from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nelda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mozella from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Christy from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Meghann from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mirtha from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tabatha from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Chong from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Su from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Danille from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Eleonore from 18 to 13 psock 183 Changing Rooms: Oliver from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Keely from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marry from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Amee from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jacqualine from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elliot from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Sunni from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Brad from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ai from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Pamela from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Necole from 13 to 18 psock 184 Changing Rooms: Claribel from 12 to 13 New Player Ahmad! Changing Rooms: Una from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Ahmad Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tad from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jed from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Grady from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mica from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lawana from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nicolasa from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nettie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melvin from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lynetta from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brooks from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cheri from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Brittany from 14 to 13 psock 185 New Player Angeline! Changing Rooms: Shirley from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Angeline Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Georgetta from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Darrell from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sherika from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Talisha from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Regena from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Raeann from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gemma from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mindi from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Yvette from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lenard from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Robbi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brigid from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Earnestine from 12 to 13 psock 186 New Player Angelita! Changing Rooms: Cornelius from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Angelita Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Erna from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Odis from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Cayla from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Yuette from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Emely from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mose from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tena from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Cathie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marian from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Romeo from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shaquita from 12 to 13 psock 187 New Player Heather! Changing Rooms: Jolynn from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Heather Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Rozanne from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Domingo from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Saturnina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Donette from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dwight from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Earl from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Isabel from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Vanetta from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Geneva from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Letha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lucienne from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Khadijah from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Eldridge from 18 to 13 psock 188 New Player Dorathy! Changing Rooms: Contessa from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Dorathy Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Rebekah from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sacha from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Adah from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Whitley from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Melanie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fredricka from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Destiny from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nam from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cheryl from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rose from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ivonne from 12 to 13 psock 189 New Player Nathanial! Changing Rooms: Isaias from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Nathanial Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tawna from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Cleotilde from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Senaida from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Stepanie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Eusebio from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ivette from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sasha from 13 to 12 Battle Time! Attacks: 1800 1409 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 1409 1160 (from 18 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Balrog died Changing Rooms: Corie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marcelina from 13 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Huong from 10 to 11 psock 190 New Player Kathy! Changing Rooms: Muriel from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Kathy Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Ernestina from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Inocencia from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Vince from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dalton from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jacqueline from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Logan from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosamaria from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Herlinda from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ahmad from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sarita from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Art from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Beatrice from 11 to 12 psock 191 Changing Rooms: Frida from 10 to 11 New Player Nidia! Changing Rooms: Krystle from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Nidia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Giovanna from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tiesha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Estella from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mariela from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jolyn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Josephine from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Evelina from 13 to 12 Jacque has left the game Terminating thread with socket 119 Changing Rooms: Angeline from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Davida from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dannie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Meridith from 13 to 18 Sharon has left the game Terminating thread with socket 146 psock 192 New Player Mikaela! Changing Rooms: Rea from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Mikaela Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Francoise from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Racheal from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shoshana from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Williams from 10 to 11 Jeanetta has left the game Terminating thread with socket 40 Changing Rooms: Yung from 13 to 12 Coy has left the game Terminating thread with socket 120 Changing Rooms: Chastity from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Angelita from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Pearlie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ileen from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luisa from 13 to 18 psock 119 Changing Rooms: Estrella from 12 to 13 New Player Leann! Changing Rooms: Stephenie from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Leann Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Genny from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Melva from 13 to 18 Debbie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 94 Changing Rooms: India from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shandra from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Beaulah from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Felice from 13 to 12 Darleen has left the game Terminating thread with socket 121 Changing Rooms: Kiana from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Heather from 10 to 11 Vella has left the game Terminating thread with socket 68 Changing Rooms: Cecelia from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ivelisse from 14 to 15 psock 40 New Player Dolly! Changing Rooms: Shara from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Dolly Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shavon from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marcell from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Candida from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Oda from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lashonda from 15 to 14 Fannie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 122 Changing Rooms: Clemente from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dorathy from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Violet from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Twana from 13 to 12 psock 68 New Player Carolin! Changing Rooms: Sean from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Salley from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Carolin Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Amado from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Broderick from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jenelle from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jalisa from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Taren from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Johnson from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nelda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mozella from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nathanial from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Christy from 14 to 13 Meghann has left the game Terminating thread with socket 70 Changing Rooms: Mirtha from 13 to 14 psock 94 New Player Birgit! Changing Rooms: Tabatha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Chong from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Birgit Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Su from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Danille from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eleonore from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Oliver from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Keely from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marry from 14 to 15 Amee has left the game Terminating thread with socket 124 Changing Rooms: Jacqualine from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kathy from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elliot from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sunni from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Brad from 15 to 14 psock 70 New Player Tressa! Changing Rooms: Ai from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Tressa Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Pamela from 13 to 12 Necole has left the game Terminating thread with socket 98 Changing Rooms: Claribel from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Una from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tad from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jed from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Grady from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mica from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lawana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nicolasa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nettie from 13 to 18 psock 120 New Player Milagros! Changing Rooms: Melvin from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lynetta from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Milagros Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Brooks from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cheri from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brittany from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shirley from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Georgetta from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darrell from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sherika from 13 to 12 Talisha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 126 Changing Rooms: Regena from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Mikaela from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Raeann from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gemma from 14 to 13 psock 98 New Player Carri! Mindi has left the game Terminating thread with socket 153 Changing Rooms: Yvette from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Carri Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lenard from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Robbi from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Brigid from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Earnestine from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cornelius from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Erna from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Odis from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cayla from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yuette from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Leann from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Emely from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mose from 13 to 12 psock 121 New Player Oneida! Changing Rooms: Tena from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cathie from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Oneida Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Marian has left the game Terminating thread with socket 21 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Romeo from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shaquita from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jolynn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rozanne from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Domingo from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Saturnina from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Donette from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dwight from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dolly from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Earl from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Isabel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Vanetta from 15 to 14 psock 122 Changing Rooms: Geneva from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Letha from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lucienne from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Khadijah from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Eldridge from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Contessa from 10 to 11 Rebekah has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Sacha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 49 Changing Rooms: Adah from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Whitley from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Carolin from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Melanie from 13 to 12 Fredricka has left the game Terminating thread with socket 76 Changing Rooms: Destiny from 11 to 12 psock 21 New Player Elliott! Changing Rooms: Krysta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nam from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Elliott Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Cheryl from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rose from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ivonne from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Isaias from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tawna from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cleotilde from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Senaida from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Stepanie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Birgit from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eusebio from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ivette from 13 to 12 psock 9 New Player Luise! Changing Rooms: Sasha from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Luise Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Corie from 14 to 15 Celena has left the game Terminating thread with socket 64 Battle Time! Attacks: 1233 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 1233 (from 37 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Marcelina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Huong from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Muriel from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ernestina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Inocencia from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Vince from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dalton from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tressa from 10 to 11 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Jacqueline from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Logan from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rosamaria from 15 to 14 psock 49 New Player Linwood! Changing Rooms: Herlinda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ahmad from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Linwood Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Sarita from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Art from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Beatrice from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Frida from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Krystle from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Giovanna from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tiesha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Estella from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mariela from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jolyn from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Milagros from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Josephine from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Evelina from 12 to 13 psock 64 New Player Marth! Changing Rooms: Angeline from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Marth Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Davida from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dannie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Meridith from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Rea from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Francoise from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Racheal from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shoshana from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Williams from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Carri from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Yung from 12 to 13 psock 76 New Player Thi! Changing Rooms: Chastity from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Angelita from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Thi Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Pearlie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ileen from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Luisa from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Estrella from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Stephenie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Genny from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Melva from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: India from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shandra from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Oneida from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Beaulah from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Felice from 12 to 13 psock 124 New Player Roselyn! Changing Rooms: Kiana from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Heather from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Roselyn Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Cecelia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ivelisse from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shara from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shavon from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marcell from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Candida from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Oda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lashonda from 14 to 13 psock 126 New Player Kellie! Changing Rooms: Clemente from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dorathy from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Kellie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Violet from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Twana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sean from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Salley from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Amado from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Broderick from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jenelle from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jalisa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Taren from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Elliott from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Johnson from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nelda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mozella from 15 to 14 psock 146 New Player Ming! Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nathanial from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Ming Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Christy from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mirtha from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tabatha from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Chong from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Su from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Danille from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Eleonore from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Oliver from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Luise from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Keely from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marry from 15 to 14 psock 153 Changing Rooms: Jacqualine from 12 to 13 New Player Alfonso! Changing Rooms: Kathy from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Alfonso Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Elliot from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sunni from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brad from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ai from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Pamela from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Claribel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Una from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Linwood from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tad from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jed from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Grady from 13 to 14 psock 193 Changing Rooms: Mica from 12 to 13 New Player Monroe! Changing Rooms: Nidia from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Monroe Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lawana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nicolasa from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nettie from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Melvin from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lynetta from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brooks from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cheri from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Brittany from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shirley from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marth from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Georgetta from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Darrell from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sherika from 12 to 13 psock 194 Changing Rooms: Regena from 10 to 11 New Player Gudrun! Changing Rooms: Mikaela from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Gudrun Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Raeann from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Gemma from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Yvette from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lenard from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Robbi from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brigid from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Earnestine from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Cornelius from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Thi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Erna from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Odis from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cayla from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Yuette from 10 to 11 psock 195 New Player Wendy! Changing Rooms: Leann from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Wendy Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Emely from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mose from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tena from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cathie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Romeo from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shaquita from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jolynn from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roselyn from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rozanne from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Domingo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Saturnina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Donette from 13 to 12 psock 196 New Player Janie! Changing Rooms: Dwight from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Dolly from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Janie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Earl from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Isabel from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Vanetta from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Geneva from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Letha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lucienne from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Khadijah from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Eldridge from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Contessa from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Kellie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Adah from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Whitley from 10 to 11 psock 197 New Player Halley! Changing Rooms: Carolin from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Halley Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Melanie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Destiny from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nam from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cheryl from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rose from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ivonne from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Isaias from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Ming from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tawna from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cleotilde from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Senaida from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Stepanie from 14 to 15 psock 198 New Player Elvia! Changing Rooms: Birgit from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Elvia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Mariana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Eusebio from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ivette from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sasha from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Corie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marcelina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Huong from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Muriel from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Alfonso from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ernestina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Inocencia from 14 to 13 Battle Time! Attacks: 666 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 666 (from 10 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Vince from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dalton from 18 to 13 psock 199 New Player Kandi! Changing Rooms: Tressa from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Player Start! Name: Kandi Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jacqueline from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Logan from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosamaria from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Herlinda from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ahmad from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sarita from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Art from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Beatrice from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Frida from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Krystle from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Monroe from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Giovanna from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tiesha from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Estella from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mariela from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jolyn from 14 to 13 psock 200 New Player Monique! Changing Rooms: Milagros from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Monique Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Josephine from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Evelina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Angeline from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Davida from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dannie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Meridith from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rea from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Gudrun from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Francoise from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Racheal from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shoshana from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Williams from 12 to 13 psock 201 New Player Karri! Changing Rooms: Carri from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Karri Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Yung from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Chastity from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Angelita from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Pearlie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ileen from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luisa from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Estrella from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Stephenie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Wendy from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Genny from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Melva from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: India from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shandra from 12 to 13 psock 202 New Player Bennett! Changing Rooms: Oneida from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Bennett Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Beaulah from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Felice from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kiana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Heather from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cecelia from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ivelisse from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shara from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Janie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shavon from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marcell from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Candida from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Oda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 14 to 13 psock 203 New Player Georgine! Player Start! Name: Georgine Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lashonda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Clemente from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dorathy from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Violet from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Twana from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sean from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Salley from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Halley from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Amado from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Broderick from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jenelle from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jalisa from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Taren from 12 to 13 psock 204 New Player Melania! Changing Rooms: Elliott from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Melania Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Johnson from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nelda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mozella from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Nathanial from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Christy from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mirtha from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tabatha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chong from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Elvia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Su from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Danille from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eleonore from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Oliver from 12 to 13 psock 205 Changing Rooms: Luise from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Keely from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marry from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jacqualine from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kathy from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elliot from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sunni from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Brad from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ai from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kandi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Pamela from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Claribel from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Una from 10 to 11 psock 206 New Player Angelena! Changing Rooms: Linwood from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Angelena Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tad from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jed from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Grady from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mica from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lawana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nicolasa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nettie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Melvin from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lynetta from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Monique from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brooks from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cheri from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brittany from 13 to 12 psock 207 Changing Rooms: Shirley from 12 to 13 New Player Jetta! Changing Rooms: Marth from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Jetta Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Georgetta from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Darrell from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sherika from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Regena from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Mikaela from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Raeann from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gemma from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yvette from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Karri from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lenard from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Robbi from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Brigid from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Earnestine from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cornelius from 12 to 13 psock 208 New Player Victoria! Changing Rooms: Thi from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Victoria Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Erna from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Odis from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cayla from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yuette from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Leann from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Emely from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mose from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tena from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cathie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Romeo from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shaquita from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jolynn from 14 to 15 psock 209 Changing Rooms: Roselyn from 11 to 12 New Player Roseanne! Player Start! Name: Roseanne Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Rozanne from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Domingo from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Saturnina from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Donette from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dwight from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dolly from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Earl from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Isabel from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Vanetta from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Geneva from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Letha from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Georgine from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lucienne from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Khadijah from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eldridge from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Contessa from 10 to 11 psock 210 Changing Rooms: Kellie from 11 to 10 New Player Elane! Player Start! Name: Elane Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Adah from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Whitley from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Carolin from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melanie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Destiny from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Nam from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Melania from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cheryl from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rose from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ivonne from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Isaias from 10 to 11 psock 211 New Player Tyler! Changing Rooms: Ming from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Tyler Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tawna from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cleotilde from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Senaida from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Stepanie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Birgit from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eusebio from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ivette from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sasha from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Corie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marcelina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Huong from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Muriel from 10 to 11 psock 212 New Player Libby! Changing Rooms: Alfonso from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Libby Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Ernestina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Inocencia from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Vince from 14 to 15 Battle Time! Attacks: 1600 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 1600 (from 32 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Dalton from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tressa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jacqueline from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Logan from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rosamaria from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Herlinda from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ahmad from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Angelena from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sarita from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Art from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Beatrice from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Frida from 13 to 12 psock 213 Changing Rooms: Krystle from 12 to 13 New Player Roxana! Changing Rooms: Monroe from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Roxana Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Giovanna from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tiesha from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Estella from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mariela from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jolyn from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Milagros from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Josephine from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Evelina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Angeline from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jetta from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Davida from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dannie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Meridith from 18 to 14 psock 214 Changing Rooms: Rea from 12 to 13 New Player Inell! Changing Rooms: Gudrun from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Inell Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Francoise from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Racheal from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shoshana from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Williams from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Carri from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yung from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Chastity from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Angelita from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Victoria from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Pearlie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ileen from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Luisa from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Estrella from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Stephenie from 12 to 13 psock 215 New Player Lindy! Changing Rooms: Wendy from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Lindy Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Genny from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Melva from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: India from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shandra from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Oneida from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Beaulah from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Felice from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kiana from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Heather from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Roseanne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cecelia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ivelisse from 13 to 14 psock 216 Changing Rooms: Shara from 14 to 13 New Player Nigel! Changing Rooms: Janie from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Nigel Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shavon from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marcell from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Candida from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Oda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lashonda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Clemente from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dorathy from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Elane from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Violet from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Twana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sean from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Salley from 12 to 13 psock 217 New Player Darcy! Changing Rooms: Halley from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Darcy Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Amado from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Broderick from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jenelle from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jalisa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Taren from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Elliott from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Johnson from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nelda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mozella from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nathanial from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tyler from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Christy from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mirtha from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tabatha from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Chong from 12 to 13 psock 218 New Player Hwa! Changing Rooms: Elvia from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Hwa Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Su from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Danille from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Eleonore from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Oliver from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Luise from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Keely from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marry from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jacqualine from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kathy from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Libby from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elliot from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sunni from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brad from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ai from 13 to 12 psock 219 New Player Lavona! Changing Rooms: Kandi from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Lavona Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Pamela from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Claribel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Una from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Linwood from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tad from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jed from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Grady from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mica from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Roxana from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lawana from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nicolasa from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Nettie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Melvin from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lynetta from 10 to 11 psock 220 New Player Rodrick! Changing Rooms: Monique from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Rodrick Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Brooks from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cheri from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Brittany from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shirley from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Marth from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Georgetta from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Darrell from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sherika from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Regena from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mikaela from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Inell from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Raeann from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Gemma from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Yvette from 14 to 15 psock 221 Changing Rooms: Karri from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lenard from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Robbi from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brigid from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Earnestine from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Cornelius from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Thi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Erna from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Odis from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cayla from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yuette from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Leann from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lindy from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Emely from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mose from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Tena from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cathie from 18 to 13 psock 222 New Player Phillip! Changing Rooms: Bennett from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Phillip Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Romeo from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shaquita from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jolynn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roselyn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rozanne from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Domingo from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Saturnina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Donette from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dwight from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dolly from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nigel from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Earl from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Isabel from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Vanetta from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Geneva from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Letha from 12 to 13 psock 223 Changing Rooms: Georgine from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lucienne from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Khadijah from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Eldridge from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Contessa from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Kellie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Adah from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Whitley from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Carolin from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Darcy from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Melanie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Destiny from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 15 to 14 psock 224 Changing Rooms: Nam from 10 to 11 New Player Mackenzie! Changing Rooms: Melania from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Mackenzie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Cheryl from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rose from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ivonne from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Isaias from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ming from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tawna from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cleotilde from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Senaida from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Stepanie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Birgit from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hwa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Eusebio from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ivette from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sasha from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Corie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marcelina from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Huong from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Muriel from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Alfonso from 12 to 13 psock 225 New Player Deadra! Player Start! Name: Deadra Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Ernestina from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Inocencia from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Vince from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dalton from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tressa from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lavona from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jacqueline from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Logan from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosamaria from 14 to 15 Battle Time! Attacks: 1400 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 1400 (from 21 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Herlinda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ahmad from 18 to 17 psock 226 Changing Rooms: Angelena from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sarita from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Art from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Beatrice from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Frida from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Krystle from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Monroe from 12 to 13 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Giovanna from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tiesha from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Estella from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mariela from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jolyn from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Milagros from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Rodrick from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Josephine from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Evelina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Angeline from 10 to 11 psock 227 New Player Page! Changing Rooms: Jetta from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Page Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Davida from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dannie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Meridith from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rea from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Gudrun from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Francoise from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Racheal from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shoshana from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Williams from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Carri from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Yung from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Chastity from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Angelita from 14 to 13 psock 228 New Player Ken! Changing Rooms: Victoria from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Ken Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Pearlie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ileen from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Luisa from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Estrella from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Stephenie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Wendy from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Genny from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Melva from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: India from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shandra from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Oneida from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Phillip from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Beaulah from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Felice from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kiana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Heather from 10 to 11 psock 229 New Player Ida! Changing Rooms: Roseanne from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Ida Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Cecelia from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ivelisse from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shara from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Janie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shavon from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marcell from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Candida from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Oda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lashonda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Clemente from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dorathy from 10 to 11 psock 230 New Player Kina! Changing Rooms: Elane from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Kina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Violet from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Twana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sean from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Salley from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Halley from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Amado from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Broderick from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jenelle from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jalisa from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Taren from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Elliott from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mackenzie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Johnson from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nelda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mozella from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nathanial from 12 to 13 psock 231 New Player Latashia! Changing Rooms: Tyler from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Latashia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Christy from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Mirtha from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tabatha from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chong from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Elvia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Su from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Danille from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eleonore from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Oliver from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luise from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Keely from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marry from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jacqualine from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kathy from 12 to 13 psock 232 New Player Connie! Changing Rooms: Libby from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Connie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Deadra from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elliot from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sunni from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Brad from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ai from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kandi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Pamela from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Claribel from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Una from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Linwood from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tad from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jed from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Grady from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Mica from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 12 to 13 psock 233 New Player Hien! Changing Rooms: Roxana from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Hien Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lawana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nicolasa from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nettie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melvin from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lynetta from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Monique from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brooks from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Cheri from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brittany from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shirley from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Marth from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Page from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Georgetta from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Darrell from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sherika from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Regena from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mikaela from 10 to 11 psock 234 New Player Jeanene! Changing Rooms: Inell from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Jeanene Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Raeann from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Gemma from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yvette from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Karri from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lenard from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Robbi from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Brigid from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Earnestine from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cornelius from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Thi from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ken from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Erna from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Odis from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cayla from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Yuette from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Leann from 14 to 13 psock 235 New Player Myrtis! Changing Rooms: Lindy from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Myrtis Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Emely from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mose from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tena from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cathie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Romeo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shaquita from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jolynn from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roselyn from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ida from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rozanne from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Domingo from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Saturnina from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Donette from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dwight from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dolly from 12 to 13 psock 236 New Player Shavonne! Changing Rooms: Nigel from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Shavonne Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Earl from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Isabel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Vanetta from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Geneva from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Letha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Georgine from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lucienne from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Khadijah from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eldridge from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Contessa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kellie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Kina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Adah from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Whitley from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Carolin from 14 to 13 psock 237 New Player Berta! Changing Rooms: Darcy from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Berta Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Melanie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Destiny from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Nam from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Melania from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cheryl from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rose from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ivonne from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Isaias from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ming from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Latashia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tawna from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cleotilde from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Senaida from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Stepanie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Birgit from 12 to 13 psock 238 New Player Rashida! Changing Rooms: Hwa from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Rashida Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Mariana from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eusebio from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ivette from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sasha from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Corie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marcelina from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Huong from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Muriel from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Alfonso from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Connie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ernestina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Inocencia from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Vince from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Dalton from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tressa from 18 to 14 psock 239 New Player Jack! Changing Rooms: Lavona from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Jack Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jacqueline from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Logan from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rosamaria from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Herlinda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ahmad from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Angelena from 12 to 13 Tad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Sarita from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Art from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Beatrice from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Frida from 13 to 18 Battle Time! Attacks: 1266 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 1266 (from 38 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Krystle from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Monroe from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Hien from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Giovanna from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tiesha from 13 to 14 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Estella from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mariela from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jolyn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Milagros from 10 to 11 psock 240 New Player Mertie! Changing Rooms: Rodrick from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Mertie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Josephine from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Evelina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Angeline from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jetta from 10 to 11 Georgetta has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Davida from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dannie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Meridith from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rea from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Gudrun from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jeanene from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Francoise from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Racheal from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shoshana from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Williams from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Carri from 18 to 17 psock 5 New Player Lucina! Player Start! Name: Lucina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Yung from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chastity from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Angelita from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Victoria from 12 to 13 Erna has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Pearlie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ileen from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Luisa from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Estrella from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Stephenie from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Wendy from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Myrtis from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Genny from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melva from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: India from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shandra from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Oneida from 12 to 13 psock 6 New Player Sudie! Changing Rooms: Phillip from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Sudie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Beaulah from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Felice from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kiana from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Heather from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Roseanne from 12 to 13 Rozanne has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Cecelia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ivelisse from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shara from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Janie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Shavonne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shavon from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marcell from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Candida from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Oda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 13 to 12 psock 7 New Player Bernardina! Player Start! Name: Bernardina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lashonda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Clemente from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Dorathy from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Elane from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Violet from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Twana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sean from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Salley from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Halley from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Berta from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Amado from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Broderick from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jenelle from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jalisa from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Taren from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Elliott from 12 to 13 psock 8 New Player Marguerite! Changing Rooms: Mackenzie from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Marguerite Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Johnson from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Nelda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mozella from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nathanial from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tyler from 10 to 11 Tawna has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 Changing Rooms: Christy from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mirtha from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tabatha from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Chong from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Elvia from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rashida from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Su from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Danille from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eleonore from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Oliver from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Luise from 12 to 13 psock 241 New Player Jenni! Player Start! Name: Jenni Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Keely from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marry from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jacqualine from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Kathy from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Libby from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deadra from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Elliot from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sunni from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brad from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ai from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kandi from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jack from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Pamela from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Claribel from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Una from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Linwood from 12 to 13 psock 10 New Player Marylyn! Player Start! Name: Marylyn Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jed from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Grady from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mica from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Roxana from 12 to 13 Giovanna has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 Changing Rooms: Lawana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nicolasa from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Nettie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Melvin from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lynetta from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Monique from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mertie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brooks from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cheri from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Brittany from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shirley from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Marth from 14 to 13 psock 242 New Player Karin! Changing Rooms: Page from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Karin Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Darrell from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sherika from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Regena from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mikaela from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Inell from 12 to 13 Francoise has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 Changing Rooms: Raeann from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Gemma from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Yvette from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Karri from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lucina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lenard from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Robbi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brigid from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Earnestine from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cornelius from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Thi from 18 to 17 psock 12 New Player Willetta! Changing Rooms: Ken from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Willetta Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Odis from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Cayla from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yuette from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Leann from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lindy from 10 to 11 Genny has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 Changing Rooms: Emely from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mose from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tena from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Cathie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sudie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Romeo from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shaquita from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jolynn from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Roselyn from 12 to 13 psock 13 Changing Rooms: Ida from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Domingo from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Saturnina from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Donette from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dwight from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Dolly from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Nigel from 12 to 13 Shavon has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 Changing Rooms: Earl from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Isabel from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Vanetta from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Geneva from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Letha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Georgine from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Bernardina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lucienne from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Khadijah from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Eldridge from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Contessa from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kellie from 10 to 11 psock 14 New Player Maddie! Changing Rooms: Kina from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Maddie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Adah from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Whitley from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Carolin from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Darcy from 12 to 13 Amado has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Changing Rooms: Melanie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Destiny from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nam from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Melania from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Marguerite from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cheryl from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rose from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ivonne from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Isaias from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ming from 12 to 13 psock 15 New Player Eric! Changing Rooms: Latashia from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Eric Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Cleotilde from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Senaida from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Stepanie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Birgit from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hwa from 10 to 11 Su has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eusebio from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ivette from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sasha from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jenni from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Corie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marcelina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Huong from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Muriel from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Alfonso from 12 to 13 psock 16 New Player Alec! Changing Rooms: Connie from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Alec Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Ernestina from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Inocencia from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Vince from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dalton from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tressa from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lavona from 10 to 11 Pamela has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 Changing Rooms: Jacqueline from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Logan from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosamaria from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Herlinda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ahmad from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Angelena from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sarita from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Art from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Beatrice from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Frida from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Krystle from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Monroe from 18 to 13 psock 17 New Player Fritz! Changing Rooms: Hien from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Fritz Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Battle Time! Attacks: 2416 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 2416 (from 29 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Tiesha from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Estella from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mariela from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jolyn from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Milagros from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Rodrick from 10 to 11 Brooks has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 Changing Rooms: Josephine from 17 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Evelina from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Angeline from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jetta from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Karin from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Davida from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dannie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Meridith from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rea from 17 to 18 psock 18 Changing Rooms: Gudrun from 14 to 15 New Player Illa! Changing Rooms: Jeanene from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Illa Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Racheal from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shoshana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Williams from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Carri from 17 to 18 Lenard has left the game Terminating thread with socket 20 Changing Rooms: Yung from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Chastity from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Angelita from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Victoria from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Willetta from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Pearlie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ileen from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luisa from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Estrella from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Stephenie from 14 to 15 psock 19 New Player Lorean! Changing Rooms: Wendy from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Myrtis from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Lorean Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Melva from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: India from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shandra from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Oneida from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Phillip from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Beaulah from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Felice from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kiana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Heather from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roseanne from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cecelia from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ivelisse from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shara from 13 to 18 psock 20 Changing Rooms: Janie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shavonne from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marcell from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Candida from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Oda from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 12 to 13 Lucienne has left the game Terminating thread with socket 22 Changing Rooms: Lashonda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Clemente from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dorathy from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elane from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Maddie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Violet from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Twana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sean from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Salley from 17 to 18 psock 243 New Player Truman! Changing Rooms: Halley from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Berta from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Truman Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Broderick from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jenelle from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jalisa from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Taren from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Elliott from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mackenzie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Johnson from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Nelda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mozella from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nathanial from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tyler from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Eric from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Christy from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mirtha from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tabatha from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chong from 17 to 18 psock 22 New Player Luciana! Changing Rooms: Elvia from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rashida from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Luciana Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Danille from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Eleonore from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Oliver from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luise from 13 to 14 Corie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 24 Changing Rooms: Keely from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marry from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jacqualine from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kathy from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Libby from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Alec from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deadra from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elliot from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sunni from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Brad from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ai from 12 to 13 psock 244 New Player Margert! Changing Rooms: Kandi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jack from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Margert Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Claribel from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Una from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Linwood from 13 to 12 Sarita has left the game Terminating thread with socket 25 Changing Rooms: Jed from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Grady from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mica from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roxana from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Fritz from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lawana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nicolasa from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nettie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melvin from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lynetta from 11 to 12 psock 24 New Player Ricky! Changing Rooms: Monique from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mertie from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Ricky Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Cheri from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Brittany from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shirley from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Marth from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Page from 12 to 13 Davida has left the game Terminating thread with socket 26 Changing Rooms: Darrell from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sherika from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Regena from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mikaela from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Inell from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Illa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Raeann from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gemma from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yvette from 15 to 14 psock 25 New Player Joey! Changing Rooms: Karri from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lucina from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Joey Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Robbi from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Brigid from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Earnestine from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cornelius from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Thi from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ken from 12 to 13 Pearlie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 27 Changing Rooms: Odis from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cayla from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Yuette from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Leann from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lindy from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Emely from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mose from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tena from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cathie from 13 to 18 psock 26 New Player Olivia! Changing Rooms: Bennett from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sudie from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Olivia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Romeo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shaquita from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jolynn from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Roselyn from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ida from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Domingo from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Saturnina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Donette from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dwight from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dolly from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nigel from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Earl from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Isabel from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Vanetta from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Geneva from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Letha from 13 to 18 psock 27 New Player Mirta! Changing Rooms: Georgine from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Bernardina from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Mirta Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Khadijah from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eldridge from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Contessa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kellie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Kina from 10 to 11 Dorthy has left the game Terminating thread with socket 29 Changing Rooms: Adah from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Whitley from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Carolin from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darcy from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Truman from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Melanie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Destiny from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nam from 11 to 12 psock 245 New Player Diedra! Changing Rooms: Melania from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marguerite from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Diedra Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Cheryl from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rose from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ivonne from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Isaias from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ming from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Latashia from 10 to 11 Christy has left the game Terminating thread with socket 30 Changing Rooms: Cleotilde from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Senaida from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Stepanie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Birgit from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Hwa from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Luciana from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eusebio from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ivette from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sasha from 14 to 13 psock 29 New Player Lorene! Changing Rooms: Jenni from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Lorene Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Marcelina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Huong from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Muriel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alfonso from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Connie from 12 to 13 Elliot has left the game Terminating thread with socket 31 Changing Rooms: Ernestina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Inocencia from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Vince from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dalton from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tressa from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lavona from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Margert from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jacqueline from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Logan from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rosamaria from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Herlinda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ahmad from 17 to 18 psock 30 New Player Cecily! Changing Rooms: Angelena from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Cecily Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Art from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Beatrice from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Frida from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Krystle from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Monroe from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Hien from 12 to 13 Lawana has left the game Terminating thread with socket 32 Changing Rooms: Tiesha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Estella from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mariela from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jolyn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Milagros from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rodrick from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ricky from 10 to 11 Battle Time! Attacks: 5550 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 5550 (from 37 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Josephine from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Evelina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Angeline from 13 to 12 psock 31 New Player Bibi! Changing Rooms: Jetta from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Karin from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Bibi Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Dannie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Meridith from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rea from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gudrun from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jeanene from 10 to 11 Raeann has left the game Terminating thread with socket 33 Changing Rooms: Racheal from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shoshana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Williams from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Carri from 18 to 13 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Joey from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Yung from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Chastity from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Angelita from 13 to 14 psock 32 New Player Sergio! Changing Rooms: Victoria from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Willetta from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Sergio Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Ileen from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Luisa from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Estrella from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Stephenie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Wendy from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Myrtis from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melva from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: India from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shandra from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Oneida from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Phillip from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Olivia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Beaulah from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Felice from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kiana from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Heather from 13 to 12 psock 33 New Player Genie! Changing Rooms: Roseanne from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Genie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Cecelia from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ivelisse from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shara from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Janie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Shavonne from 12 to 13 Earl has left the game Terminating thread with socket 35 Changing Rooms: Marcell from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Candida from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Oda from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mirta from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lashonda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Clemente from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Dorathy from 11 to 10 psock 246 New Player Hortense! Changing Rooms: Elane from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Maddie from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Hortense Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Violet from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Twana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sean from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Salley from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Halley from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Berta from 10 to 11 Melanie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 36 Changing Rooms: Broderick from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jenelle from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jalisa from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Taren from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Elliott from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mackenzie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Diedra from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Johnson from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Nelda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mozella from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 14 to 15 psock 35 New Player Yuki! Changing Rooms: Nathanial from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tyler from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Eric from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Yuki Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Mirtha from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tabatha from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Chong from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Elvia from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rashida from 10 to 11 Mariana has left the game Terminating thread with socket 37 Changing Rooms: Danille from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eleonore from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Oliver from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Luise from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lorene from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Keely from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marry from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jacqualine from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kathy from 13 to 14 psock 36 New Player Len! Changing Rooms: Libby from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alec from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Len Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Deadra from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sunni from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Brad from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ai from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kandi from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jack from 10 to 11 Jacqueline has left the game Terminating thread with socket 38 Changing Rooms: Claribel from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Una from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Linwood from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cecily from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jed from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Grady from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mica from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 13 to 12 psock 37 New Player Alix! Changing Rooms: Roxana from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Fritz from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Alix Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Nicolasa from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Nettie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Melvin from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lynetta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Monique from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mertie from 12 to 13 Josephine has left the game Terminating thread with socket 39 Changing Rooms: Cheri from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brittany from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shirley from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Marth from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Page from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Bibi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Darrell from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sherika from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Regena from 18 to 13 psock 38 New Player Phoebe! Changing Rooms: Mikaela from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Inell from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Illa from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Phoebe Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Gemma from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yvette from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Karri from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lucina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Robbi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brigid from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Earnestine from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cornelius from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Thi from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ken from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sergio from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Odis from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cayla from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yuette from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Leann from 14 to 13 psock 39 New Player Raina! Changing Rooms: Lindy from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Raina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Emely from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mose from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tena from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cathie from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sudie from 12 to 13 Beaulah has left the game Terminating thread with socket 41 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Romeo from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shaquita from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jolynn from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Roselyn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Genie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ida from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Domingo from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Saturnina from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Donette from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dwight from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dolly from 14 to 15 psock 247 Changing Rooms: Nigel from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Isabel from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Vanetta from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Geneva from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Letha from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Georgine from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bernardina from 10 to 11 Lashonda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 42 Changing Rooms: Khadijah from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Eldridge from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Contessa from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kellie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hortense from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kina from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Adah from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Whitley from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Carolin from 13 to 12 psock 41 New Player Terina! Changing Rooms: Darcy from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Truman from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Terina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Destiny from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nam from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melania from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marguerite from 12 to 13 Johnson has left the game Terminating thread with socket 43 Changing Rooms: Cheryl from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rose from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ivonne from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Isaias from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ming from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Yuki from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Latashia from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cleotilde from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Senaida from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Stepanie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Birgit from 15 to 14 psock 42 Changing Rooms: Hwa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Luciana from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Eusebio from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ivette from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sasha from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jenni from 12 to 13 Keely has left the game Terminating thread with socket 44 Changing Rooms: Marcelina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Huong from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Muriel from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alfonso from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Len from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Connie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ernestina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Inocencia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Vince from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dalton from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tressa from 14 to 13 psock 43 Changing Rooms: Lavona from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Margert from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Logan from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosamaria from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Herlinda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ahmad from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Angelena from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 10 to 11 Jed has left the game Terminating thread with socket 45 Changing Rooms: Art from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Beatrice from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Frida from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Krystle from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Monroe from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alix from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hien from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tiesha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Estella from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mariela from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jolyn from 14 to 13 psock 44 Changing Rooms: Milagros from 11 to 12 New Player Sharice! Changing Rooms: Rodrick from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ricky from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Sharice Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Evelina from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Angeline from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jetta from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Karin from 12 to 13 Darrell has left the game Terminating thread with socket 46 Changing Rooms: Dannie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Meridith from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rea from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Gudrun from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Phoebe from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jeanene from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Racheal from 14 to 15 Battle Time! Attacks: 1333 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 1333 (from 20 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Shoshana from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Williams from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Carri from 13 to 18 psock 45 New Player Leia! Changing Rooms: Joey from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Leia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Yung from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Chastity from 17 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Angelita from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Victoria from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Willetta from 10 to 11 Odis has left the game Terminating thread with socket 47 Changing Rooms: Ileen from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luisa from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Estrella from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Stephenie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Raina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Wendy from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Myrtis from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Melva from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: India from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shandra from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Oneida from 14 to 15 psock 46 New Player Cara! Changing Rooms: Phillip from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Olivia from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Cara Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Felice from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kiana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Heather from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roseanne from 15 to 14 Domingo has left the game Terminating thread with socket 48 Changing Rooms: Cecelia from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ivelisse from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shara from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Janie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shavonne from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marcell from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Candida from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Oda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 12 to 13 psock 47 New Player Hank! Changing Rooms: Mirta from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Hank Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Clemente from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dorathy from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elane from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Maddie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Violet from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Twana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sean from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Salley from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Halley from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Terina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Berta from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Broderick from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jenelle from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jalisa from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Taren from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Elliott from 15 to 14 psock 48 New Player Rae! Changing Rooms: Mackenzie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Diedra from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Rae Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Nelda from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mozella from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nathanial from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tyler from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Eric from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mirtha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tabatha from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chong from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Elvia from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rashida from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Danille from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Eleonore from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Oliver from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Luise from 15 to 14 psock 248 New Player Florinda! Changing Rooms: Lorene from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Florinda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Marry from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jacqualine from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kathy from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Libby from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alec from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deadra from 10 to 11 Ernestina has left the game Terminating thread with socket 51 Changing Rooms: Sunni from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Brad from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ai from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kandi from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jack from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Claribel from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Una from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Linwood from 13 to 14 psock 249 New Player Erich! Changing Rooms: Cecily from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Erich Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Grady from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mica from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roxana from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Fritz from 10 to 11 Tiesha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 52 Changing Rooms: Nicolasa from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nettie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melvin from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lynetta from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Monique from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sharice from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mertie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cheri from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Brittany from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shirley from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marth from 15 to 14 psock 51 New Player Kristel! Changing Rooms: Page from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bibi from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Kristel Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Sherika from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Regena from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mikaela from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Inell from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Illa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gemma from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Yvette from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Karri from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Leia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lucina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Robbi from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Brigid from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Earnestine from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cornelius from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Thi from 13 to 12 psock 52 New Player Darin! Changing Rooms: Ken from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sergio from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Darin Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Raphael from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cayla from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Yuette from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Leann from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lindy from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 12 to 13 Melva has left the game Terminating thread with socket 54 Changing Rooms: Emely from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mose from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Tena from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cathie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cara from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sudie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Romeo from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shaquita from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jolynn from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roselyn from 13 to 12 psock 250 New Player Libbie! Changing Rooms: Genie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ida from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Libbie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Saturnina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Donette from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dwight from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dolly from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nigel from 15 to 14 Marcell has left the game Terminating thread with socket 55 Changing Rooms: Isabel from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Vanetta from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Geneva from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Letha from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Georgine from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hank from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Bernardina from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Khadijah from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eldridge from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Contessa from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kellie from 11 to 10 psock 54 New Player Kenny! Changing Rooms: Hortense from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kina from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Kenny Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Adah from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Whitley from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Carolin from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darcy from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Truman from 10 to 11 Broderick has left the game Terminating thread with socket 56 Changing Rooms: Destiny from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nam from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Melania from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rae from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marguerite from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cheryl from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rose from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ivonne from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Isaias from 14 to 15 psock 55 New Player Tona! Changing Rooms: Ming from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yuki from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Latashia from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Tona Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Cleotilde from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Senaida from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Stepanie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Birgit from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Hwa from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Luciana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eusebio from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ivette from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sasha from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Florinda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jenni from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marcelina from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Huong from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Muriel from 18 to 13 psock 56 New Player Temika! Changing Rooms: Alfonso from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Len from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Connie from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Temika Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Inocencia from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Vince from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Dalton from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tressa from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lavona from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Margert from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Logan from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rosamaria from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Herlinda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ahmad from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Angelena from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Erich from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Art from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Beatrice from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Frida from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Krystle from 12 to 13 psock 251 Changing Rooms: Monroe from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Alix from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hien from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Estella from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mariela from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jolyn from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Milagros from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rodrick from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ricky from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Evelina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Angeline from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jetta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kristel from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Karin from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dannie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Meridith from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rea from 15 to 14 psock 252 New Player Fredda! Changing Rooms: Gudrun from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Phoebe from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jeanene from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Fredda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Racheal from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shoshana from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Williams from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Carri from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Joey from 12 to 13 Robbi has left the game Terminating thread with socket 60 Changing Rooms: Yung from 15 to 14 Battle Time! Attacks: 3850 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 3850 (from 33 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Chastity from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Angelita from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Victoria from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darin from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Willetta from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Ileen from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Luisa from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Estrella from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Stephenie from 15 to 14 psock 253 New Player Abram! Changing Rooms: Raina from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Wendy from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Myrtis from 14 to 13 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Player Start! Name: Abram Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: India from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shandra from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Oneida from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Phillip from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Olivia from 10 to 11 Deshawn has left the game Terminating thread with socket 61 Changing Rooms: Felice from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kiana from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Heather from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roseanne from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Libbie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cecelia from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Ivelisse from 13 to 14 psock 60 New Player Justa! Changing Rooms: Shara from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Janie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Shavonne from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Justa Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Candida from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Oda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mirta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Clemente from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Dorathy from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Elane from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kenny from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Maddie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Violet from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Twana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sean from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Salley from 18 to 13 psock 61 New Player Adriana! Changing Rooms: Halley from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Terina from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Berta from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Adriana Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jenelle from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jalisa from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Taren from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Elliott from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mackenzie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Diedra from 10 to 11 Cheryl has left the game Terminating thread with socket 63 Changing Rooms: Nelda from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mozella from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nathanial from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tyler from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tona from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Eric from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mirtha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tabatha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Chong from 18 to 17 psock 254 New Player Mariella! Changing Rooms: Elvia from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Rashida from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Mariella Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Danille from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eleonore from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Oliver from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Luise from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lorene from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marry from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jacqualine from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kathy from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Libby from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Temika from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Alec from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deadra from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sunni from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Brad from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ai from 13 to 14 psock 63 New Player Agustina! Changing Rooms: Kandi from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jack from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Agustina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Claribel from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Una from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Linwood from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cecily from 10 to 11 Art has left the game Terminating thread with socket 65 Changing Rooms: Grady from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mica from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Roxana from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fritz from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Nicolasa from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nettie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Melvin from 13 to 14 psock 255 New Player Danielle! Changing Rooms: Lynetta from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Monique from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sharice from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mertie from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Danielle Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Cheri from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Brittany from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shirley from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marth from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Page from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Bibi from 10 to 11 Dannie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 66 Changing Rooms: Sherika from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Regena from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Mikaela from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Inell from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Fredda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Illa from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gemma from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yvette from 14 to 13 psock 65 New Player Jamaal! Changing Rooms: Karri from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Leia from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lucina from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Jamaal Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Brigid from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Earnestine from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cornelius from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Thi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ken from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sergio from 10 to 11 Ileen has left the game Terminating thread with socket 67 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cayla from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yuette from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Leann from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lindy from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Abram from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Emely from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mose from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tena from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cathie from 12 to 13 psock 66 New Player Sally! Changing Rooms: Bennett from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cara from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sudie from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Sally Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Romeo from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shaquita from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jolynn from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Roselyn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Genie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ida from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Saturnina from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Donette from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dwight from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dolly from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Justa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nigel from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Isabel from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Vanetta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Geneva from 14 to 13 psock 67 Changing Rooms: Letha from 18 to 13 New Player Gerri! Changing Rooms: Georgine from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hank from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Bernardina from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Gerri Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Khadijah from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Eldridge from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Contessa from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kellie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hortense from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kina from 13 to 14 Violet has left the game Terminating thread with socket 69 Changing Rooms: Adah from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Whitley from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Carolin from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Adriana from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Darcy from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Truman from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Destiny from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 13 to 18 psock 256 New Player Wei! Changing Rooms: Nam from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melania from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rae from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marguerite from 18 to 13 Player Start! Name: Wei Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Rose from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ivonne from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Isaias from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ming from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Yuki from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Latashia from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cleotilde from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Senaida from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Stepanie from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Birgit from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mariella from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hwa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Luciana from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Eusebio from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ivette from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sasha from 15 to 14 psock 69 New Player Naomi! Changing Rooms: Florinda from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jenni from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Naomi Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Marcelina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Huong from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Muriel from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alfonso from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Len from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Connie from 13 to 14 Sunni has left the game Terminating thread with socket 71 Changing Rooms: Inocencia from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Vince from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dalton from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tressa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lavona from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Agustina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Margert from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Logan from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosamaria from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Herlinda from 12 to 13 psock 257 Changing Rooms: Ahmad from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Angelena from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Erich from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Beatrice from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Frida from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Krystle from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Monroe from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alix from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hien from 13 to 12 Nicolasa has left the game Terminating thread with socket 72 Changing Rooms: Estella from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mariela from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jolyn from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Milagros from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Danielle from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rodrick from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ricky from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Evelina from 13 to 18 psock 71 New Player Luba! Changing Rooms: Angeline from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jetta from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kristel from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Karin from 18 to 17 Player Start! Name: Luba Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Meridith from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rea from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Gudrun from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Phoebe from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jeanene from 13 to 14 Gemma has left the game Terminating thread with socket 73 Changing Rooms: Racheal from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shoshana from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Williams from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Carri from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jamaal from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Joey from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yung from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Chastity from 17 to 18 psock 72 New Player Karrie! Changing Rooms: Angelita from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Victoria from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Darin from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Willetta from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Karrie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Luisa from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Estrella from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Stephenie from 14 to 13 Battle Time! Attacks: 1733 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 1733 (from 26 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Raina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wendy from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Myrtis from 13 to 12 Emely has left the game Terminating thread with socket 74 Changing Rooms: India from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shandra from 18 to 17 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Oneida from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sally from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Phillip from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Olivia from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Felice from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kiana from 14 to 15 psock 73 New Player In! Changing Rooms: Heather from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roseanne from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Libbie from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: In Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Cecelia from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ivelisse from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shara from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Janie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shavonne from 13 to 12 Isabel has left the game Terminating thread with socket 75 Changing Rooms: Candida from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Oda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gerri from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mirta from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Clemente from 17 to 18 psock 74 New Player Trinity! Changing Rooms: Dorathy from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Elane from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kenny from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Maddie from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Trinity Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Twana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sean from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Salley from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Halley from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Terina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Berta from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jenelle from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jalisa from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Taren from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Elliott from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Wei from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mackenzie from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Diedra from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Nelda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mozella from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 13 to 14 psock 75 New Player Benita! Changing Rooms: Nathanial from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tyler from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tona from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Eric from 18 to 13 Player Start! Name: Benita Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Mirtha from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tabatha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chong from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Elvia from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rashida from 11 to 12 Eusebio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 77 Changing Rooms: Danille from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Eleonore from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Oliver from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luise from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Naomi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lorene from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marry from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jacqualine from 13 to 14 psock 258 Changing Rooms: Kathy from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Libby from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Temika from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Alec from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deadra from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brad from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ai from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kandi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jack from 11 to 10 Logan has left the game Terminating thread with socket 78 Changing Rooms: Claribel from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Una from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Linwood from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cecily from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Grady from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mica from 14 to 15 psock 77 New Player Rich! Changing Rooms: Nidia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roxana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Fritz from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Rich Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Nettie from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Melvin from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lynetta from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Monique from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sharice from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mertie from 15 to 14 Evelina has left the game Terminating thread with socket 79 Changing Rooms: Cheri from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Brittany from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shirley from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marth from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luba from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Page from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Bibi from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sherika from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Regena from 17 to 18 psock 78 Changing Rooms: Mikaela from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Inell from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fredda from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Illa from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Yvette from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Karri from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Leia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lucina from 13 to 18 Yung has left the game Terminating thread with socket 80 Changing Rooms: Brigid from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Earnestine from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cornelius from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Thi from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Karrie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ken from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sergio from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cayla from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yuette from 13 to 12 psock 79 New Player Charline! Changing Rooms: Leann from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lindy from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Abram from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 18 to 14 Player Start! Name: Charline Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Mose from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tena from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cathie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Cara from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sudie from 15 to 14 Felice has left the game Terminating thread with socket 81 Changing Rooms: Romeo from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shaquita from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jolynn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roselyn from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: In from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Genie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ida from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Saturnina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Donette from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dwight from 14 to 15 psock 80 New Player Amiee! Changing Rooms: Dolly from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Justa from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Nigel from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Amiee Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Vanetta from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Geneva from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Letha from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Georgine from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hank from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Bernardina from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Khadijah from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eldridge from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Contessa from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kellie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Trinity from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hortense from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Adah from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Whitley from 14 to 15 psock 81 New Player Toni! Changing Rooms: Carolin from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Adriana from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Darcy from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Truman from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Toni Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Destiny from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nam from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Melania from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rae from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marguerite from 13 to 12 Nelda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 83 Changing Rooms: Rose from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ivonne from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Isaias from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ming from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Benita from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Yuki from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Latashia from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cleotilde from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Senaida from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Stepanie from 14 to 15 psock 259 New Player Theda! Changing Rooms: Birgit from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mariella from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Hwa from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Luciana from 18 to 17 Player Start! Name: Theda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Ivette from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sasha from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Florinda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jenni from 15 to 14 Marry has left the game Terminating thread with socket 84 Changing Rooms: Marcelina from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Huong from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Muriel from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Alfonso from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Len from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Connie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Inocencia from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Vince from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Dalton from 13 to 12 psock 83 New Player Maragret! Changing Rooms: Tressa from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lavona from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Agustina from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Margert from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Maragret Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Rosamaria from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Herlinda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ahmad from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Angelena from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Erich from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Beatrice from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Frida from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Krystle from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Monroe from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rich from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Alix from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hien from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Estella from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mariela from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jolyn from 13 to 18 psock 84 New Player Isidra! Changing Rooms: Milagros from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Danielle from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rodrick from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ricky from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Isidra Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Angeline from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jetta from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kristel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Karin from 17 to 18 Sherika has left the game Terminating thread with socket 86 Changing Rooms: Meridith from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rea from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gudrun from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Phoebe from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jeanene from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Racheal from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shoshana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Williams from 14 to 13 psock 260 New Player Wilhemina! Changing Rooms: Carri from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jamaal from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Joey from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Wilhemina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Chastity from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Angelita from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Victoria from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darin from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Willetta from 11 to 12 Raphael has left the game Terminating thread with socket 87 Changing Rooms: Luisa from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Estrella from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Stephenie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Charline from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Raina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Wendy from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Myrtis from 12 to 13 Battle Time! Attacks: 2066 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 2066 (from 31 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: India from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Shandra from 17 to 18 psock 86 New Player Eveline! Changing Rooms: Oneida from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sally from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Phillip from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Olivia from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Eveline Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Kiana from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Heather from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Roseanne from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Libbie from 12 to 13 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Saturnina has left the game Terminating thread with socket 88 Changing Rooms: Cecelia from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ivelisse from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shara from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Janie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Amiee from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shavonne from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Candida from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Oda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 13 to 12 psock 87 New Player Tamala! Changing Rooms: Gerri from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Mirta from 18 to 13 Player Start! Name: Tamala Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Clemente from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dorathy from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Elane from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Kenny from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Maddie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Twana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sean from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Salley from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Halley from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Toni from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Terina from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Berta from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jenelle from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jalisa from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Taren from 14 to 15 psock 88 Changing Rooms: Elliott from 14 to 13 New Player Theodore! Changing Rooms: Wei from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mackenzie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Diedra from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Theodore Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Mozella from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nathanial from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tyler from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tona from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Eric from 13 to 12 Cleotilde has left the game Terminating thread with socket 90 Changing Rooms: Mirtha from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tabatha from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Chong from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Elvia from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Theda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rashida from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Danille from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eleonore from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Oliver from 14 to 13 psock 261 Changing Rooms: Luise from 18 to 13 New Player Janise! Changing Rooms: Naomi from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lorene from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Janise Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jacqualine from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kathy from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Libby from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Temika from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Alec from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deadra from 13 to 12 Inocencia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 91 Changing Rooms: Brad from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ai from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kandi from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Maragret from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jack from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Claribel from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Una from 14 to 13 psock 90 New Player Chantel! Changing Rooms: Linwood from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Cecily from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Chantel Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Grady from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mica from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roxana from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fritz from 11 to 10 Estella has left the game Terminating thread with socket 92 Changing Rooms: Nettie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melvin from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lynetta from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Monique from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Isidra from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sharice from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mertie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Cheri from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Brittany from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shirley from 14 to 15 psock 91 Changing Rooms: Marth from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Luba from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Page from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bibi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Regena from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mikaela from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Inell from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fredda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Illa from 15 to 14 Racheal has left the game Terminating thread with socket 93 Changing Rooms: Yvette from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Karri from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Wilhemina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Leia from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lucina from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brigid from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Earnestine from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cornelius from 13 to 12 psock 92 New Player Shera! Changing Rooms: Thi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Karrie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Ken from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sergio from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Shera Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Cayla from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Yuette from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Leann from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lindy from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Abram from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mose from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tena from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Cathie from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eveline from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cara from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sudie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Romeo from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shaquita from 15 to 14 psock 93 Changing Rooms: Jolynn from 14 to 15 New Player Enid! Changing Rooms: Roselyn from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: In from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Genie from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ida from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Enid Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Donette from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dwight from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dolly from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Justa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nigel from 14 to 13 Candida has left the game Terminating thread with socket 95 Changing Rooms: Vanetta from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Geneva from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Letha from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Georgine from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tamala from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hank from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Bernardina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Khadijah from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Eldridge from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Contessa from 13 to 14 psock 262 Changing Rooms: Kellie from 10 to 11 New Player Dominick! Changing Rooms: Trinity from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Hortense from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kina from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Dominick Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Adah from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Whitley from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Carolin from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Adriana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darcy from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Truman from 13 to 18 Jenelle has left the game Terminating thread with socket 96 Changing Rooms: Destiny from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Nam from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Melania from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Theodore from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rae from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marguerite from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rose from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ivonne from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Isaias from 13 to 18 psock 95 New Player Fawn! Changing Rooms: Ming from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Benita from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Yuki from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Latashia from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Fawn Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Senaida from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Stepanie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Birgit from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mariella from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hwa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Luciana from 17 to 18 Danille has left the game Terminating thread with socket 97 Changing Rooms: Ivette from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sasha from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Janise from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Florinda from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jenni from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marcelina from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Huong from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Muriel from 17 to 18 psock 96 New Player Cori! Changing Rooms: Alfonso from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Len from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Connie from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Cori Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Vince from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dalton from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tressa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lavona from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Agustina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Margert from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosamaria from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Herlinda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ahmad from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Chantel from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Angelena from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Erich from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Beatrice from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Frida from 18 to 17 psock 97 New Player Eldon! Changing Rooms: Krystle from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Monroe from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rich from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Alix from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hien from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Eldon Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Mariela from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jolyn from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Milagros from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Danielle from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rodrick from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ricky from 15 to 14 Cheri has left the game Terminating thread with socket 99 Changing Rooms: Angeline from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jetta from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kristel from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Karin from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Meridith from 14 to 15 psock 263 New Player Mendy! Changing Rooms: Rea from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Gudrun from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Phoebe from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Jeanene from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Mendy Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shoshana from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Williams from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Carri from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jamaal from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Joey from 13 to 12 Brigid has left the game Terminating thread with socket 100 Changing Rooms: Chastity from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Angelita from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shera from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Victoria from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Darin from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Willetta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Luisa from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Estrella from 13 to 12 psock 99 New Player Garnett! Changing Rooms: Stephenie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Charline from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Raina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wendy from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Myrtis from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Garnett Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: India from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shandra from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Oneida from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sally from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Phillip from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Olivia from 11 to 10 Romeo has left the game Terminating thread with socket 101 Changing Rooms: Kiana from 14 to 15 Battle Time! Attacks: 1650 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 1650 (from 33 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Heather from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Enid from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Roseanne from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Libbie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cecelia from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ivelisse from 14 to 15 psock 100 New Player Fatima! Changing Rooms: Shara from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Janie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Amiee from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Shavonne from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Fatima Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Oda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gerri from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mirta from 13 to 18 Khadijah has left the game Terminating thread with socket 102 Changing Rooms: Clemente from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dorathy from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Elane from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dominick from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kenny from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Maddie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Twana from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sean from 15 to 14 psock 101 New Player Kandice! Changing Rooms: Salley from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Halley from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Toni from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Terina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Berta from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Kandice Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jalisa from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Taren from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Elliott from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Wei from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mackenzie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Diedra from 11 to 12 Rose has left the game Terminating thread with socket 103 Changing Rooms: Mozella from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Nathanial from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fawn from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tyler from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tona from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Eric from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mirtha from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tabatha from 18 to 13 psock 102 New Player Deb! Changing Rooms: Chong from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Elvia from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Theda from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rashida from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Deb Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Eleonore from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Oliver from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Luise from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Naomi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lorene from 13 to 18 Marcelina has left the game Terminating thread with socket 104 Changing Rooms: Jacqualine from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kathy from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cori from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Libby from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Temika from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Alec from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Deadra from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brad from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ai from 14 to 13 psock 103 New Player Nancie! Changing Rooms: Kandi from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Maragret from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jack from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Nancie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Claribel from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Una from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Linwood from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cecily from 13 to 12 Beatrice has left the game Terminating thread with socket 105 Changing Rooms: Grady from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mica from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Eldon from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Roxana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fritz from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nettie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Melvin from 14 to 15 psock 104 New Player Sharron! Changing Rooms: Lynetta from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Monique from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Isidra from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sharice from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mertie from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Sharron Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Brittany from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shirley from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marth from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luba from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Page from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Bibi from 11 to 12 Meridith has left the game Terminating thread with socket 106 Changing Rooms: Regena from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mikaela from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mendy from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Inell from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fredda from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Illa from 14 to 15 psock 105 New Player Jasmin! Changing Rooms: Yvette from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Karri from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wilhemina from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Leia from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lucina from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Jasmin Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Earnestine from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cornelius from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Thi from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Karrie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ken from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sergio from 13 to 14 Luisa has left the game Terminating thread with socket 107 Changing Rooms: Cayla from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yuette from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Leann from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Garnett from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lindy from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Abram from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mose from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tena from 17 to 18 psock 106 New Player Kenton! Changing Rooms: Cathie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eveline from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cara from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sudie from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Kenton Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shaquita from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jolynn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roselyn from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: In from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Genie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ida from 14 to 15 Cecelia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 108 Changing Rooms: Donette from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dwight from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Dolly from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fatima from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Justa from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Nigel from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Vanetta from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Geneva from 14 to 15 psock 107 New Player Rosaline! Changing Rooms: Letha from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Georgine from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tamala from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hank from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bernardina from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Rosaline Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Eldridge from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Contessa from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kellie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Trinity from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hortense from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kina from 14 to 13 Twana has left the game Terminating thread with socket 109 Changing Rooms: Adah from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Whitley from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Carolin from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kandice from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Adriana from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Darcy from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Truman from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Destiny from 13 to 12 psock 108 New Player Mafalda! Changing Rooms: Krysta from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nam from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melania from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Theodore from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rae from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marguerite from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Mafalda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Ivonne from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Isaias from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ming from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Benita from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Yuki from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Latashia from 13 to 18 Mirtha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 110 Changing Rooms: Senaida from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Stepanie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Birgit from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Deb from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mariella from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Hwa from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Luciana from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Ivette from 12 to 13 psock 109 Changing Rooms: Sasha from 18 to 13 New Player Alberta! Changing Rooms: Janise from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Florinda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jenni from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Alberta Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Huong from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Muriel from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alfonso from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Len from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Connie from 18 to 14 Brad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 111 Changing Rooms: Vince from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Dalton from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tressa from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Nancie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lavona from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Agustina from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Margert from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rosamaria from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Herlinda from 13 to 14 psock 110 New Player Marita! Changing Rooms: Ahmad from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Chantel from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Angelena from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Erich from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Marita Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Frida from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Krystle from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Monroe from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rich from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alix from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Hien from 18 to 14 Nettie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 112 Changing Rooms: Mariela from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jolyn from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Milagros from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sharron from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Danielle from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rodrick from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ricky from 14 to 13 psock 111 New Player Yoko! Changing Rooms: Angeline from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jetta from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kristel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Karin from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Yoko Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Rea from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gudrun from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Phoebe from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jeanene from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shoshana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Williams from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Carri from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jasmin from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jamaal from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Joey from 12 to 13 psock 112 New Player Elnora! Changing Rooms: Chastity from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Angelita from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shera from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Victoria from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Darin from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Willetta from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Elnora Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Estrella from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Stephenie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Charline from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Raina from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Wendy from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Myrtis from 12 to 13 Mose has left the game Terminating thread with socket 114 Changing Rooms: India from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Shandra from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Oneida from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kenton from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sally from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Phillip from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Olivia from 10 to 11 psock 264 New Player Sabine! Changing Rooms: Kiana from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Heather from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Enid from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Roseanne from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Libbie from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Sabine Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Ivelisse from 15 to 14 Battle Time! Attacks: 1600 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 1600 (from 32 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Shara from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Janie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Amiee from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shavonne from 18 to 13 Vanetta has left the game Terminating thread with socket 115 Changing Rooms: Oda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rosaline from 10 to 11 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Gerri from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mirta from 18 to 17 psock 114 New Player Tula! Changing Rooms: Clemente from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dorathy from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Elane from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Dominick from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kenny from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Maddie from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Tula Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Sean from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Salley from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Halley from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Toni from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Terina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Berta from 10 to 11 Destiny has left the game Terminating thread with socket 116 Changing Rooms: Jalisa from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Taren from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Elliott from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mafalda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Wei from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mackenzie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Diedra from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mozella from 13 to 14 psock 115 New Player Londa! Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nathanial from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Fawn from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Tyler from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tona from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Eric from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Londa Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tabatha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Chong from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Elvia from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Theda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rashida from 18 to 17 Ivette has left the game Terminating thread with socket 117 Changing Rooms: Eleonore from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Oliver from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luise from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alberta from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Naomi from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lorene from 18 to 17 psock 116 New Player Ninfa! Changing Rooms: Jacqualine from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kathy from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cori from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Libby from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Temika from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alec from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Ninfa Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Deadra from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ai from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kandi from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Maragret from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jack from 12 to 13 Rosamaria has left the game Terminating thread with socket 118 Changing Rooms: Claribel from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Una from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Linwood from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marita from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cecily from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Grady from 12 to 13 psock 117 New Player Sonya! Changing Rooms: Mica from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eldon from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Roxana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Fritz from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Sonya Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Melvin from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lynetta from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Monique from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Isidra from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sharice from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mertie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brittany from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shirley from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marth from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Yoko from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Luba from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Page from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bibi from 12 to 13 psock 118 New Player Matt! Changing Rooms: Regena from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mikaela from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mendy from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Inell from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Fredda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Illa from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Matt Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Yvette from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Karri from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Wilhemina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Leia from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lucina from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Earnestine from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cornelius from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Thi from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Elnora from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Karrie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Ken from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sergio from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cayla from 13 to 18 psock 265 New Player Hedy! Changing Rooms: Yuette from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Leann from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Garnett from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lindy from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Abram from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Hedy Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tena from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cathie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Eveline from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cara from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sudie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shaquita from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jolynn from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Roselyn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sabine from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: In from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Genie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ida from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Donette from 13 to 12 psock 266 New Player Lindsay! Changing Rooms: Dwight from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dolly from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Fatima from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Justa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nigel from 18 to 14 Player Start! Name: Lindsay Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Geneva from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Letha from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Georgine from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tamala from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hank from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Bernardina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eldridge from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Contessa from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kellie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tula from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Trinity from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hortense from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Adah from 14 to 13 psock 267 Changing Rooms: Whitley from 13 to 12 New Player Isabelle! Changing Rooms: Carolin from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kandice from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Adriana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Darcy from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Truman from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Isabelle Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Krysta from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nam from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Melania from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Theodore from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rae from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Marguerite from 14 to 13 Mozella has left the game Terminating thread with socket 123 Changing Rooms: Ivonne from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Isaias from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ming from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Londa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Benita from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Yuki from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Latashia from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Senaida from 15 to 14 psock 268 New Player Corrine! Changing Rooms: Stepanie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Birgit from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deb from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Mariella from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hwa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Luciana from 17 to 18 Player Start! Name: Corrine Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Sasha from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Janise from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Florinda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jenni from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Huong from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Muriel from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ninfa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Alfonso from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Len from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Connie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Vince from 17 to 18 psock 123 Changing Rooms: Dalton from 18 to 17 New Player Josephina! Changing Rooms: Tressa from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nancie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Agustina from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lavona from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Margert from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Josephina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Herlinda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ahmad from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Chantel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Angelena from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Erich from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 12 to 13 Grady has left the game Terminating thread with socket 125 Changing Rooms: Frida from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Krystle from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Monroe from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rich from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alix from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hien from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mariela from 13 to 14 psock 269 New Player Gabriel! Changing Rooms: Jolyn from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Milagros from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sharron from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Danielle from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rodrick from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ricky from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Gabriel Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Angeline from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jetta from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kristel from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Karin from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rea from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Matt from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Gudrun from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Phoebe from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jeanene from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shoshana from 15 to 14 psock 125 Changing Rooms: Williams from 15 to 14 New Player Marine! Changing Rooms: Carri from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jasmin from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jamaal from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Joey from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Marine Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Chastity from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Angelita from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Shera from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Victoria from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darin from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Willetta from 12 to 13 Cayla has left the game Terminating thread with socket 127 Changing Rooms: Estrella from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Stephenie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hedy from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Charline from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Raina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Wendy from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Myrtis from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: India from 17 to 18 psock 270 New Player Jeanette! Changing Rooms: Shandra from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Oneida from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kenton from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sally from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Phillip from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Olivia from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: Jeanette Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Kiana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Heather from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Enid from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roseanne from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Libbie from 13 to 14 Donette has left the game Terminating thread with socket 128 Changing Rooms: Ivelisse from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shara from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Janie from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Lindsay from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Amiee from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shavonne from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Oda from 13 to 12 Battle Time! Attacks: 1650 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 1650 (from 33 3) (0 uninvolved) psock 127 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 12 to 13 New Player Kamala! Changing Rooms: Rosaline from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Gerri from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mirta from 17 to 18 Player Start! Name: Kamala Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Clemente from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Dorathy from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Elane from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dominick from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kenny from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Maddie from 18 to 17 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Adah has left the game Terminating thread with socket 129 Changing Rooms: Sean from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Salley from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Halley from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Toni from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Terina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Berta from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jalisa from 12 to 13 psock 128 Changing Rooms: Taren from 13 to 14 New Player Flora! Changing Rooms: Elliott from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mafalda from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Wei from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mackenzie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Diedra from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Flora Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nathanial from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fawn from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tyler from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tona from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Eric from 14 to 13 Senaida has left the game Terminating thread with socket 130 Changing Rooms: Tabatha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chong from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Corrine from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elvia from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Theda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rashida from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Eleonore from 13 to 18 psock 129 Changing Rooms: Oliver from 14 to 13 New Player Lily! Changing Rooms: Luise from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alberta from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Naomi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lorene from 17 to 18 Player Start! Name: Lily Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jacqualine from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kathy from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cori from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Libby from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Temika from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alec from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Deadra from 14 to 15 Vince has left the game Terminating thread with socket 131 Changing Rooms: Ai from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Josephina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kandi from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Maragret from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jack from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Claribel from 12 to 13 psock 130 New Player Chuck! Changing Rooms: Una from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Linwood from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marita from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Cecily from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Chuck Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Mica from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Eldon from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roxana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fritz from 12 to 13 Mariela has left the game Terminating thread with socket 132 Changing Rooms: Melvin from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lynetta from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gabriel from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Monique from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Isidra from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sharice from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mertie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Brittany from 15 to 14 psock 131 New Player Corine! Changing Rooms: Shirley from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marth from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yoko from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Luba from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Page from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Bibi from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Corine Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Regena from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mikaela from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mendy from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Inell from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fredda from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Illa from 14 to 15 Shoshana has left the game Terminating thread with socket 133 Changing Rooms: Yvette from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marine from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Karri from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Wilhemina from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Leia from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lucina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Earnestine from 14 to 13 psock 132 New Player Alanna! Changing Rooms: Cornelius from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Thi from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Elnora from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Karrie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ken from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sergio from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Alanna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Yuette from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Leann from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Garnett from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lindy from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Abram from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 13 to 14 India has left the game Terminating thread with socket 134 Changing Rooms: Tena from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Cathie from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jeanette from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Eveline from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cara from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sudie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shaquita from 14 to 15 psock 133 New Player Rudolph! Changing Rooms: Jolynn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roselyn from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sabine from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: In from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Genie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ida from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Rudolph Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Dwight from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dolly from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fatima from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Justa from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Nigel from 14 to 15 Oda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 135 Changing Rooms: Geneva from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Letha from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kamala from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Georgine from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tamala from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hank from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bernardina from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eldridge from 14 to 13 psock 134 New Player Darius! Changing Rooms: Contessa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kellie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tula from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Trinity from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hortense from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kina from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Darius Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Whitley from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Carolin from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kandice from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Adriana from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Darcy from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Truman from 18 to 13 Jalisa has left the game Terminating thread with socket 136 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nam from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Flora from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Melania from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Theodore from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rae from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marguerite from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ivonne from 12 to 13 psock 135 New Player Ossie! Changing Rooms: Isaias from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ming from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Londa from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Benita from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yuki from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Latashia from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Ossie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Stepanie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Birgit from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Deb from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mariella from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hwa from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Luciana from 18 to 17 Eleonore has left the game Terminating thread with socket 137 Changing Rooms: Sasha from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Lily from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Janise from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Florinda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jenni from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Huong from 13 to 12 psock 136 New Player Monnie! Changing Rooms: Muriel from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ninfa from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Alfonso from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Len from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Connie from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Monnie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Dalton from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tressa from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nancie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Agustina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lavona from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Margert from 14 to 15 Claribel has left the game Terminating thread with socket 138 Changing Rooms: Herlinda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ahmad from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Chuck from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Chantel from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Angelena from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Erich from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 13 to 12 psock 137 Changing Rooms: Frida from 13 to 18 New Player Arielle! Changing Rooms: Krystle from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Monroe from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rich from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alix from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hien from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Arielle Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jolyn from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Milagros from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Sharron from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Danielle from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rodrick from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ricky from 18 to 14 Brittany has left the game Terminating thread with socket 139 Changing Rooms: Angeline from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Corine from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jetta from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kristel from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Karin from 14 to 15 psock 138 New Player Yoshiko! Changing Rooms: Rea from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Matt from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Gudrun from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Phoebe from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jeanene from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Yoshiko Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Williams from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Carri from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jasmin from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jamaal from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Joey from 18 to 13 Earnestine has left the game Terminating thread with socket 140 Changing Rooms: Chastity from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Angelita from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alanna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shera from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Victoria from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Darin from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Willetta from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Estrella from 18 to 13 psock 139 New Player Keitha! Changing Rooms: Stephenie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hedy from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Charline from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Raina from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Wendy from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Myrtis from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Keitha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shandra from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Oneida from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kenton from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sally from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Phillip from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Olivia from 10 to 11 Shaquita has left the game Terminating thread with socket 141 Changing Rooms: Kiana from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Heather from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rudolph from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Enid from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roseanne from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Libbie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ivelisse from 13 to 12 psock 140 New Player Dede! Changing Rooms: Shara from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Janie from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lindsay from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Amiee from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shavonne from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Dede Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tanika from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosaline from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Gerri from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mirta from 18 to 17 Eldridge has left the game Terminating thread with socket 142 Changing Rooms: Clemente from 15 to 14 Battle Time! Attacks: 1150 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 1150 (from 23 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Dorathy from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Darius from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elane from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dominick from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kenny from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Maddie from 17 to 18 psock 141 Changing Rooms: Sean from 14 to 15 New Player Marlys! Changing Rooms: Salley from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Halley from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Toni from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Terina from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Berta from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Marlys Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Taren from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Elliott from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mafalda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Wei from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mackenzie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Diedra from 14 to 13 Ivonne has left the game Terminating thread with socket 143 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ossie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nathanial from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Fawn from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tyler from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tona from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Eric from 13 to 18 psock 142 Changing Rooms: Tabatha from 13 to 14 New Player Florentina! Changing Rooms: Chong from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Elvia from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Theda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Corrine from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rashida from 18 to 13 Player Start! Name: Florentina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Oliver from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Luise from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Alberta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Naomi from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lorene from 18 to 13 Huong has left the game Terminating thread with socket 144 Changing Rooms: Jacqualine from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kathy from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Monnie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cori from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Libby from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Temika from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Alec from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deadra from 15 to 14 psock 143 Changing Rooms: Ai from 15 to 14 New Player Tony! Changing Rooms: Josephina from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Kandi from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Maragret from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Jack from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Tony Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Una from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Linwood from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marita from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cecily from 12 to 13 Frida has left the game Terminating thread with socket 145 Changing Rooms: Mica from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Arielle from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Eldon from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roxana from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fritz from 13 to 18 psock 144 New Player Margery! Changing Rooms: Melvin from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lynetta from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gabriel from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Monique from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Isidra from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sharice from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mertie from 18 to 14 Player Start! Name: Margery Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shirley from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marth from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yoko from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Luba from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Page from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Bibi from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Regena from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Yoshiko from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mikaela from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mendy from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Inell from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Fredda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Illa from 15 to 14 psock 145 New Player Hershel! Changing Rooms: Yvette from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marine from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Karri from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Wilhemina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Leia from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lucina from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Hershel Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Cornelius from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Thi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Elnora from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Karrie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ken from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sergio from 12 to 13 Estrella has left the game Terminating thread with socket 147 Changing Rooms: Yuette from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Leann from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Keitha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Garnett from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lindy from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Abram from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 14 to 15 psock 271 New Player Teressa! Changing Rooms: Tena from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cathie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jeanette from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Eveline from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cara from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sudie from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Teressa Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jolynn from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roselyn from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sabine from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: In from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Genie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ida from 13 to 14 Ivelisse has left the game Terminating thread with socket 148 Changing Rooms: Dwight from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dede from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dolly from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Fatima from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Justa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nigel from 15 to 14 psock 147 New Player Kimberlee! Changing Rooms: Geneva from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Letha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kamala from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Georgine from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tamala from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Hank from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Bernardina from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Kimberlee Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Contessa from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kellie from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Tula from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Trinity from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hortense from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kina from 13 to 14 Sean has left the game Terminating thread with socket 149 Changing Rooms: Whitley from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Carolin from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marlys from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kandice from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Adriana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darcy from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Truman from 13 to 12 psock 148 New Player Diedre! Changing Rooms: Krysta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nam from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Flora from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Melania from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Theodore from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rae from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marguerite from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Diedre Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Isaias from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ming from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Londa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Benita from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yuki from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Latashia from 15 to 14 Tabatha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 150 Changing Rooms: Stepanie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Birgit from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Florentina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deb from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Mariella from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hwa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Luciana from 17 to 18 psock 149 New Player Deandre! Changing Rooms: Sasha from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lily from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Janise from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Florinda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jenni from 18 to 14 Player Start! Name: Deandre Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Muriel from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ninfa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alfonso from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Len from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Connie from 12 to 13 Ai has left the game Terminating thread with socket 151 Changing Rooms: Dalton from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tressa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tony from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nancie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Agustina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lavona from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Margert from 15 to 14 psock 150 New Player Tonda! Changing Rooms: Herlinda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ahmad from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Chuck from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Chantel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Angelena from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Erich from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Tonda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Krystle from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Monroe from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rich from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Alix from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hien from 14 to 13 Melvin has left the game Terminating thread with socket 152 Changing Rooms: Jolyn from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Margery from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Milagros from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sharron from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Danielle from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rodrick from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ricky from 14 to 13 psock 151 Changing Rooms: Angeline from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Corine from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jetta from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kristel from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Karin from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rea from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Matt from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Gudrun from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Phoebe from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jeanene from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Williams from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Carri from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hershel from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jasmin from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jamaal from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Joey from 13 to 14 psock 152 New Player Patrica! Changing Rooms: Chastity from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Angelita from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alanna from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Shera from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Victoria from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Darin from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Willetta from 18 to 14 Player Start! Name: Patrica Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Stephenie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Hedy from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Charline from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Raina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Wendy from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Myrtis from 13 to 14 Tena has left the game Terminating thread with socket 154 Changing Rooms: Shandra from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Oneida from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kenton from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sally from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Phillip from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Olivia from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Teressa from 10 to 11 psock 272 New Player Melissa! Changing Rooms: Kiana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Heather from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rudolph from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Enid from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Roseanne from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Libbie from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Melissa Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shara from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Janie from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lindsay from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Amiee from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shavonne from 13 to 14 Geneva has left the game Terminating thread with socket 155 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kimberlee from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rosaline from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Gerri from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Mirta from 17 to 18 psock 154 New Player Kristofer! Changing Rooms: Clemente from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dorathy from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darius from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Elane from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dominick from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kenny from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Maddie from 18 to 13 Player Start! Name: Kristofer Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Salley from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Halley from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Toni from 13 to 18 Battle Time! Attacks: 2083 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 2083 (from 25 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Terina from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Berta from 13 to 18 Krysta has left the game Changing Rooms: Taren from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 156 Changing Rooms: Elliott from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Diedre from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mafalda from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Wei from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mackenzie from 15 to 14 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Diedra from 13 to 14 psock 155 New Player Jonathon! Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ossie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nathanial from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fawn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tyler from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tona from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Eric from 18 to 17 Player Start! Name: Jonathon Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Chong from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Elvia from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Theda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Corrine from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rashida from 13 to 12 Sasha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 157 Changing Rooms: Oliver from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Luise from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deandre from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Alberta from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Naomi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lorene from 13 to 14 psock 156 New Player Caryl! Changing Rooms: Jacqualine from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kathy from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Monnie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Cori from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Libby from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Temika from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alec from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Caryl Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Deadra from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Josephina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kandi from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Maragret from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jack from 13 to 12 Herlinda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 158 Changing Rooms: Una from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Linwood from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tonda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marita from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cecily from 13 to 18 psock 157 New Player Arianna! Changing Rooms: Mica from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Arielle from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Eldon from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Roxana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Fritz from 18 to 14 Player Start! Name: Arianna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lynetta from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gabriel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Monique from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Isidra from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sharice from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mertie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shirley from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Marth from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yoko from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Luba from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Page from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Bibi from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Regena from 18 to 17 psock 158 New Player Chia! Changing Rooms: Yoshiko from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Mikaela from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mendy from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Inell from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fredda from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Illa from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Chia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Yvette from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marine from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Karri from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wilhemina from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Leia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lucina from 14 to 13 Chastity has left the game Terminating thread with socket 160 Changing Rooms: Cornelius from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Thi from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Patrica from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elnora from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Karrie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ken from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sergio from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Yuette from 17 to 18 psock 273 New Player Gabriele! Changing Rooms: Leann from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Keitha from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Garnett from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lindy from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Abram from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Gabriele Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Cathie from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jeanette from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Eveline from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cara from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sudie from 13 to 18 Kiana has left the game Terminating thread with socket 161 Changing Rooms: Jolynn from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Roselyn from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sabine from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Melissa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: In from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Genie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ida from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dwight from 12 to 13 psock 160 New Player Erik! Changing Rooms: Dolly from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dede from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Fatima from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Justa from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Nigel from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Erik Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Letha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kamala from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Georgine from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Tamala from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hank from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bernardina from 15 to 14 Clemente has left the game Changing Rooms: Contessa from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 162 Changing Rooms: Kellie from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kristofer from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tula from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Trinity from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hortense from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Whitley from 12 to 13 psock 161 New Player Ashlea! Changing Rooms: Carolin from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marlys from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kandice from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Adriana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Darcy from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Truman from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Ashlea Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Nam from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Flora from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Melania from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Theodore from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rae from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marguerite from 13 to 12 Alexandra has left the game Terminating thread with socket 163 Changing Rooms: Isaias from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ming from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jonathon from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Londa from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Benita from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Yuki from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Latashia from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Stepanie from 14 to 15 psock 162 New Player Rosemarie! Changing Rooms: Florentina from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Birgit from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deb from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mariella from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Hwa from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luciana from 18 to 14 Player Start! Name: Rosemarie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lily from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Janise from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Florinda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jenni from 14 to 15 Jacqualine has left the game Terminating thread with socket 164 Changing Rooms: Muriel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Caryl from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ninfa from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alfonso from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Len from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Connie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dalton from 14 to 13 psock 163 New Player Cole! Changing Rooms: Tressa from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tony from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Nancie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Agustina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lavona from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Margert from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Cole Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Ahmad from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Chuck from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chantel from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Angelena from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Erich from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 13 to 14 Mica has left the game Terminating thread with socket 50 Changing Rooms: Krystle from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Arianna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Monroe from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rich from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alix from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hien from 13 to 18 psock 164 Changing Rooms: Jolyn from 12 to 13 New Player Lovie! Changing Rooms: Margery from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Milagros from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Sharron from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Danielle from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rodrick from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ricky from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Lovie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Angeline from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Corine from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jetta from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kristel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Karin from 14 to 15 Regena has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: Rea from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Matt from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Gudrun from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Chia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Phoebe from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jeanene from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Williams from 14 to 15 psock 50 New Player Ilona! Changing Rooms: Carri from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Hershel from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jasmin from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jamaal from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Joey from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Ilona Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Angelita from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alanna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shera from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Victoria from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Darin from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Willetta from 14 to 13 Yuette has left the game Terminating thread with socket 165 Changing Rooms: Stephenie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hedy from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Gabriele from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Charline from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Raina from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Wendy from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Myrtis from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shandra from 13 to 18 psock 11 New Player Marlene! Changing Rooms: Oneida from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Teressa from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kenton from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sally from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Phillip from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Olivia from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Marlene Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Heather from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rudolph from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Enid from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roseanne from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Libbie from 18 to 14 Dwight has left the game Terminating thread with socket 53 Changing Rooms: Shara from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Janie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lindsay from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Erik from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Amiee from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shavonne from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 15 to 14 psock 165 New Player Mel! Changing Rooms: Kimberlee from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rosaline from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gerri from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mirta from 18 to 14 Player Start! Name: Mel Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Dorathy from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Darius from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Elane from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dominick from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kenny from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Maddie from 13 to 18 Whitley has left the game Terminating thread with socket 28 Changing Rooms: Salley from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Halley from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ashlea from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Toni from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Terina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Berta from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Taren from 14 to 15 Battle Time! psock 53 Attacks: 4200 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 4200 (from 28 3) (0 uninvolved) New Player Emerita! Changing Rooms: Elliott from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Diedre from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mafalda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wei from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mackenzie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Diedra from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Emerita Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Ossie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nathanial from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fawn from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tyler from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tona from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Eric from 17 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Stepanie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 82 Changing Rooms: Chong from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Rosemarie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elvia from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Theda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rashida from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Corrine from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Oliver from 13 to 14 psock 28 New Player Camie! Changing Rooms: Luise from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deandre from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Alberta from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Naomi from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lorene from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Camie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Kathy from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Monnie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cori from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Libby from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Temika from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alec from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deadra from 13 to 12 Dalton has left the game Terminating thread with socket 166 Changing Rooms: Josephina from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Kandi from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Cole from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Maragret from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jack from 12 to 13 psock 82 Changing Rooms: Una from 14 to 13 New Player Mammie! Changing Rooms: Linwood from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tonda from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Marita from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cecily from 18 to 14 Player Start! Name: Mammie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Nidia from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Arielle from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eldon from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roxana from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fritz from 14 to 13 Jolyn has left the game Terminating thread with socket 57 Changing Rooms: Lynetta from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Gabriel from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Monique from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Isidra from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sharice from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lovie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mertie from 13 to 12 psock 166 New Player Shala! Changing Rooms: Shirley from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marth from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yoko from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Luba from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Page from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bibi from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Shala Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Yoshiko from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mikaela from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mendy from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Inell from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Fredda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Illa from 13 to 14 Williams has left the game Terminating thread with socket 58 Changing Rooms: Yvette from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marine from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ilona from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Karri from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Wilhemina from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Leia from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lucina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cornelius from 13 to 18 psock 57 New Player Ethelyn! Changing Rooms: Thi from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Patrica from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Elnora from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Karrie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ken from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sergio from 18 to 13 Player Start! Name: Ethelyn Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Leann from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Keitha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Garnett from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lindy from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Abram from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 14 to 13 Shandra has left the game Terminating thread with socket 59 Changing Rooms: Cathie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jeanette from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Marlene from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Eveline from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cara from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sudie from 18 to 14 psock 58 New Player Evita! Changing Rooms: Jolynn from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Roselyn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sabine from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melissa from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: In from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Genie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ida from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Evita Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Dede from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dolly from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Fatima from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Justa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nigel from 13 to 12 Tanika has left the game Terminating thread with socket 34 Changing Rooms: Letha from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kamala from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mel from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Georgine from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tamala from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Hank from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Bernardina from 14 to 15 psock 59 New Player Lasonya! Changing Rooms: Contessa from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kellie from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kristofer from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tula from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Trinity from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hortense from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kina from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Lasonya Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Carolin from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marlys from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kandice from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Adriana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darcy from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Truman from 13 to 18 Taren has left the game Terminating thread with socket 85 Changing Rooms: Nam from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Flora from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Emerita from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Melania from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Theodore from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rae from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marguerite from 12 to 13 psock 34 New Player Angie! Changing Rooms: Isaias from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ming from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jonathon from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Londa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Benita from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yuki from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Latashia from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Angie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Florentina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Birgit from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deb from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Mariella from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hwa from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Luciana from 14 to 13 Oliver has left the game Terminating thread with socket 62 Changing Rooms: Lily from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Camie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Janise from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Florinda from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jenni from 15 to 14 psock 85 Changing Rooms: Muriel from 13 to 14 New Player Deja! Changing Rooms: Caryl from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ninfa from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Alfonso from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Len from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Connie from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Deja Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tressa from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tony from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nancie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Agustina from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lavona from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Margert from 13 to 12 Una has left the game Terminating thread with socket 23 Changing Rooms: Ahmad from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Chuck from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mammie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Chantel from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Angelena from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Erich from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 14 to 13 psock 62 New Player Lianne! Changing Rooms: Krystle from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Arianna from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Monroe from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rich from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alix from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Hien from 18 to 14 Player Start! Name: Lianne Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Margery from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Milagros from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sharron from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Danielle from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rodrick from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ricky from 12 to 13 Shirley has left the game Terminating thread with socket 89 Changing Rooms: Angeline from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Corine from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jetta from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shala from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kristel from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Karin from 15 to 14 psock 23 New Player Odelia! Changing Rooms: Rea from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Matt from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Gudrun from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chia from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Phoebe from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jeanene from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Odelia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Carri from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hershel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jasmin from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jamaal from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Joey from 13 to 18 Cornelius has left the game Terminating thread with socket 113 Changing Rooms: Angelita from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alanna from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ethelyn from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shera from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Victoria from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Willetta from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Darin from 15 to 14 psock 89 New Player Edwina! Changing Rooms: Stephenie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hedy from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Charline from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Gabriele from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Raina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wendy from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Myrtis from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Edwina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Oneida from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Teressa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kenton from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sally from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Phillip from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Olivia from 11 to 12 Jolynn has left the game Terminating thread with socket 167 Changing Rooms: Rudolph from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Heather from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Evita from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Enid from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Roseanne from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Libbie from 14 to 15 psock 113 New Player Jonnie! Changing Rooms: Shara from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Janie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lindsay from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Erik from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Amiee from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shavonne from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Jonnie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Kimberlee from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rosaline from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Gerri from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Mirta from 14 to 15 Contessa has left the game Terminating thread with socket 168 Changing Rooms: Dorathy from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Darius from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lasonya from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elane from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Dominick from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Maddie from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kenny from 13 to 14 psock 167 Changing Rooms: Salley from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Halley from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ashlea from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Toni from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Terina from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Berta from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Elliott from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Diedre from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mafalda from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Wei from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mackenzie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Diedra from 15 to 14 Isaias has left the game Terminating thread with socket 169 Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 29 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Ossie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Angie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nathanial from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Fawn from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Tyler from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tona from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Eric from 18 to 14 psock 168 New Player Pat! Changing Rooms: Chong from 17 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Rosemarie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Elvia from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Theda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rashida from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Corrine from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Pat Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Luise from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deandre from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alberta from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Naomi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lorene from 15 to 14 Muriel has left the game Terminating thread with socket 170 Changing Rooms: Kathy from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Monnie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Cori from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Deja from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Libby from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Temika from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alec from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deadra from 12 to 13 psock 169 New Player Krystina! Changing Rooms: Josephina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kandi from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cole from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Maragret from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jack from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Krystina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Linwood from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tonda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marita from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cecily from 14 to 15 Krystle has left the game Terminating thread with socket 171 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Arielle from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lianne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Eldon from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Roxana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Fritz from 13 to 14 psock 170 New Player Margarita! Changing Rooms: Lynetta from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gabriel from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Monique from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Isidra from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sharice from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lovie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mertie from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Margarita Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Marth from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Yoko from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Luba from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Page from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Bibi from 13 to 14 Rea has left the game Terminating thread with socket 172 Changing Rooms: Yoshiko from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Mikaela from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Odelia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mendy from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Inell from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fredda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Illa from 14 to 13 psock 171 New Player Shannon! Changing Rooms: Yvette from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marine from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ilona from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Karri from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wilhemina from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Leia from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lucina from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Shannon Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Thi from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Patrica from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Elnora from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Karrie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ken from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Sergio from 13 to 14 Stephenie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 173 Changing Rooms: Leann from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Keitha from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Edwina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Garnett from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lindy from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Abram from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 13 to 18 psock 172 New Player Shemika! Changing Rooms: Cathie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jeanette from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marlene from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Eveline from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cara from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sudie from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Shemika Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Roselyn from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sabine from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Melissa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: In from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Genie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ida from 12 to 13 Shara has left the game Terminating thread with socket 174 Changing Rooms: Dolly from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dede from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jonnie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Fatima from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nigel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Justa from 11 to 12 psock 173 New Player Lauri! Changing Rooms: Letha from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kamala from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mel from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Georgine from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Tamala from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hank from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bernardina from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Lauri Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Kellie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kristofer from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tula from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Trinity from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hortense from 14 to 15 Salley has left the game Terminating thread with socket 175 Changing Rooms: Carolin from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marlys from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kandice from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Adriana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Darcy from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Truman from 18 to 17 psock 174 New Player Belinda! Changing Rooms: Nam from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Flora from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Melania from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Emerita from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Theodore from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rae from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marguerite from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Belinda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Ming from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jonathon from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Londa from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Benita from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Yuki from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Latashia from 14 to 15 Chong has left the game Terminating thread with socket 176 Changing Rooms: Florentina from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Birgit from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Pat from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deb from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mariella from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hwa from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Luciana from 13 to 14 psock 175 New Player Tanya! Changing Rooms: Lily from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Camie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Janise from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Florinda from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jenni from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Tanya Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Caryl from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ninfa from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alfonso from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Len from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Connie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tressa from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tony from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Krystina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nancie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Agustina from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lavona from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Margert from 12 to 13 psock 176 New Player Bryan! Changing Rooms: Ahmad from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Chuck from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mammie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Chantel from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Angelena from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Erich from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Bryan Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Arianna from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Monroe from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rich from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alix from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hien from 14 to 15 Lynetta has left the game Terminating thread with socket 178 Changing Rooms: Margery from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Milagros from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Margarita from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sharron from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Danielle from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rodrick from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ricky from 13 to 14 psock 274 New Player Georgiann! Changing Rooms: Angeline from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Corine from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jetta from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shala from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Kristel from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Karin from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Georgiann Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Matt from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Gudrun from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Chia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Phoebe from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jeanene from 15 to 14 Yvette has left the game Terminating thread with socket 179 Changing Rooms: Carri from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Hershel from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shannon from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jasmin from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jamaal from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Joey from 18 to 13 psock 178 New Player Meghan! Changing Rooms: Angelita from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alanna from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ethelyn from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Shera from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Victoria from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Darin from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Willetta from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Meghan Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Hedy from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Charline from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gabriele from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Raina from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Myrtis from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wendy from 13 to 14 Cathie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 180 Changing Rooms: Oneida from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Teressa from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shemika from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kenton from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sally from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Phillip from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Olivia from 12 to 13 psock 179 New Player Tresa! Changing Rooms: Rudolph from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Heather from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Evita from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Enid from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roseanne from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Libbie from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Tresa Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Janie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lindsay from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Erik from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Amiee from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Shavonne from 14 to 15 Letha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 181 Changing Rooms: Kimberlee from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lauri from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rosaline from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gerri from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mirta from 15 to 14 psock 180 New Player Camille! Changing Rooms: Dorathy from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Darius from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Lasonya from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Elane from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dominick from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kenny from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Maddie from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Camille Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Halley from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ashlea from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Toni from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Terina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Berta from 15 to 14 Nam has left the game Changing Rooms: Elliott from 18 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 182 Changing Rooms: Diedre from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Belinda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mafalda from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Wei from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mackenzie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Diedra from 14 to 13 psock 181 New Player Zita! Changing Rooms: Ossie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Angie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nathanial from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fawn from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tyler from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tona from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Eric from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Zita Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Battle Time! Attacks: 1000 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 1000 (from 30 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Rosemarie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elvia from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Theda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rashida from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Corrine from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Luise from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deandre from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tanya from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Alberta from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Naomi from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lorene from 14 to 15 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! psock 182 New Player Kimbery! Changing Rooms: Kathy from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Monnie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deja from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Cori from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Libby from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Temika from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alec from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Kimbery Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Deadra from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Josephina from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kandi from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Cole from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Maragret from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jack from 14 to 15 Ahmad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 184 Changing Rooms: Linwood from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tonda from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Marita from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Bryan from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cecily from 15 to 14 psock 275 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Arielle from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lianne from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Eldon from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roxana from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fritz from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Gabriel from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Monique from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Isidra from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sharice from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lovie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mertie from 13 to 14 Angeline has left the game Terminating thread with socket 185 Changing Rooms: Marth from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Georgiann from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Yoko from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Luba from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Page from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Bibi from 14 to 13 psock 184 New Player Corene! Changing Rooms: Yoshiko from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mikaela from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Odelia from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Mendy from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Inell from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fredda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Illa from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Corene Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Marine from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ilona from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Karri from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Wilhemina from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Leia from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lucina from 13 to 14 Angelita has left the game Terminating thread with socket 186 Changing Rooms: Thi from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Patrica from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Elnora from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Meghan from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Karrie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ken from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sergio from 14 to 15 psock 185 New Player Velda! Changing Rooms: Leann from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Keitha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Edwina from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Garnett from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lindy from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Abram from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 18 to 17 Player Start! Name: Velda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jeanette from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Marlene from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eveline from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Cara from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sudie from 15 to 14 Heather has left the game Changing Rooms: Roselyn from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 187 Changing Rooms: Tresa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sabine from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melissa from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: In from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Genie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ida from 13 to 12 psock 186 New Player Mike! Changing Rooms: Dolly from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dede from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jonnie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Fatima from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Justa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nigel from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Mike Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Kamala from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Georgine from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tamala from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hank from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Bernardina from 14 to 13 Dorathy has left the game Changing Rooms: Kellie from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 188 Changing Rooms: Kristofer from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Camille from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tula from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Trinity from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hortense from 15 to 14 psock 187 Changing Rooms: Carolin from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Marlys from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kandice from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Adriana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darcy from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Truman from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Flora from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Melania from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Emerita from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Theodore from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rae from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marguerite from 12 to 13 Nathanial has left the game Changing Rooms: Ming from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jonathon from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Zita from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Londa from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 189 Changing Rooms: Benita from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yuki from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Latashia from 15 to 14 psock 188 New Player Mariano! Changing Rooms: Florentina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Birgit from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Pat from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deb from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mariella from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Hwa from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Luciana from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Mariano Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lily from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Camie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Janise from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Florinda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jenni from 13 to 14 Kathy has left the game Terminating thread with socket 190 Changing Rooms: Caryl from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kimbery from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ninfa from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Alfonso from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Len from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Connie from 14 to 15 psock 189 New Player Yolonda! Changing Rooms: Tressa from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tony from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Krystina from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Nancie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Agustina from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lavona from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Margert from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Yolonda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Chuck from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mammie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chantel from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Angelena from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Erich from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 12 to 13 Nidia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 191 Changing Rooms: Arianna from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Monroe from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rich from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alix from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Hien from 15 to 14 psock 190 New Player Assunta! Changing Rooms: Milagros from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Margery from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Margarita from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sharron from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Danielle from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rodrick from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Ricky from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Assunta Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Corine from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jetta from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shala from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kristel from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Karin from 15 to 14 Mikaela has left the game Terminating thread with socket 192 Changing Rooms: Matt from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Corene from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Gudrun from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Chia from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Phoebe from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Jeanene from 14 to 13 psock 191 New Player Shana! Changing Rooms: Carri from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hershel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shannon from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jasmin from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jamaal from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Joey from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Shana Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Alanna from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ethelyn from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shera from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Victoria from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darin from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Willetta from 13 to 14 Leann has left the game Terminating thread with socket 119 Changing Rooms: Velda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hedy from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Charline from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Gabriele from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Raina from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Myrtis from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Wendy from 14 to 13 psock 192 New Player Ozell! Changing Rooms: Oneida from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Teressa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shemika from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Kenton from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sally from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Phillip from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Olivia from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Ozell Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Rudolph from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Evita from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Enid from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roseanne from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Libbie from 14 to 13 Dolly has left the game Terminating thread with socket 40 Changing Rooms: Mike from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Janie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lindsay from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Erik from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Amiee from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shavonne from 15 to 14 psock 119 New Player Delbert! Changing Rooms: Kimberlee from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lauri from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Rosaline from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Gerri from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mirta from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Delbert Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Darius from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lasonya from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Elane from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dominick from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kenny from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Maddie from 15 to 14 Carolin has left the game Terminating thread with socket 68 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Halley from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ashlea from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Toni from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Terina from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Berta from 14 to 13 psock 40 New Player Emmaline! Changing Rooms: Elliott from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Diedre from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Belinda from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mafalda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Wei from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Mackenzie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Diedra from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Emmaline Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Ossie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Angie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fawn from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tyler from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tona from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Eric from 15 to 14 Birgit has left the game Terminating thread with socket 94 Changing Rooms: Mariano from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rosemarie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Elvia from 13 to 17 Changing Rooms: Theda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rashida from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Corrine from 12 to 13 psock 68 New Player Reginald! Battle Time! Changing Rooms: Luise from 13 to 18 Attacks: 3450 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 3450 (from 23 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Deandre from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tanya from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Alberta from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Naomi from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lorene from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Reginald Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Monnie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Deja from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cori from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Libby from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Temika from 14 to 13 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Alec from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deadra from 12 to 13 Tressa has left the game Terminating thread with socket 70 Changing Rooms: Yolonda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Josephina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kandi from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cole from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Maragret from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jack from 15 to 14 psock 94 New Player Stacia! Changing Rooms: Linwood from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tonda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marita from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Bryan from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Cecily from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Stacia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Arielle from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lianne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Eldon from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Roxana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fritz from 15 to 14 Milagros has left the game Changing Rooms: Assunta from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Gabriel from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 120 Changing Rooms: Monique from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Isidra from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sharice from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lovie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mertie from 14 to 13 psock 70 New Player Syreeta! Changing Rooms: Marth from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Georgiann from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Yoko from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Luba from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Page from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Bibi from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Syreeta Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Yoshiko from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Odelia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mendy from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Inell from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Fredda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Illa from 12 to 13 Carri has left the game Terminating thread with socket 98 Changing Rooms: Shana from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marine from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ilona from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Karri from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wilhemina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Leia from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lucina from 14 to 15 psock 120 New Player Carolina! Changing Rooms: Thi from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Patrica from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Elnora from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Meghan from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Karrie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ken from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sergio from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Carolina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Keitha from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Edwina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Garnett from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lindy from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Abram from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 17 to 18 Oneida has left the game Terminating thread with socket 121 Changing Rooms: Ozell from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jeanette from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marlene from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Eveline from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cara from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sudie from 14 to 15 psock 98 New Player Delicia! Changing Rooms: Roselyn from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tresa from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sabine from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Melissa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: In from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Genie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ida from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Delicia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Dede from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jonnie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fatima from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Justa from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nigel from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Delbert from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kamala from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mel from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Georgine from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tamala from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Hank from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Bernardina from 13 to 18 psock 121 New Player Jewel! Changing Rooms: Kellie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kristofer from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Camille from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tula from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Trinity from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hortense from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Jewel Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Marlys from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kandice from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Adriana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Darcy from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Truman from 18 to 13 Elliott has left the game Terminating thread with socket 21 Changing Rooms: Emmaline from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Flora from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melania from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Emerita from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Theodore from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rae from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marguerite from 13 to 18 psock 276 New Player Delana! Changing Rooms: Ming from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jonathon from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Londa from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Zita from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Benita from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yuki from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Latashia from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Delana Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Florentina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Pat from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deb from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mariella from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hwa from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Luciana from 13 to 18 Luise has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Reginald from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lily from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Camie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Janise from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Florinda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jenni from 14 to 15 psock 21 Changing Rooms: Caryl from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kimbery from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ninfa from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alfonso from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Len from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Connie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tony from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Krystina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nancie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Agustina from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lavona from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Margert from 18 to 13 Linwood has left the game Terminating thread with socket 49 Changing Rooms: Chuck from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Stacia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mammie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Chantel from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Angelena from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Erich from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 13 to 14 psock 9 New Player Eloise! Changing Rooms: Arianna from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Monroe from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rich from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alix from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hien from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Eloise Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Margery from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Margarita from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sharron from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Danielle from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rodrick from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ricky from 13 to 18 Marth has left the game Terminating thread with socket 64 Changing Rooms: Syreeta from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Corine from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jetta from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shala from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kristel from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Karin from 14 to 15 psock 49 New Player Kathrin! Changing Rooms: Matt from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Corene from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Gudrun from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Chia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Phoebe from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jeanene from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Kathrin Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Hershel from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shannon from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jasmin from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jamaal from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Joey from 12 to 13 Thi has left the game Terminating thread with socket 76 Changing Rooms: Carolina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Alanna from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ethelyn from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Shera from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Victoria from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Darin from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Willetta from 14 to 13 psock 64 New Player Nannie! Changing Rooms: Velda from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Hedy from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Charline from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Raina from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Myrtis from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wendy from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Gabriele from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Nannie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Teressa from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shemika from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kenton from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sally from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Phillip from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Olivia from 12 to 13 Roselyn has left the game Terminating thread with socket 124 Changing Rooms: Delicia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rudolph from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Evita from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Enid from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Roseanne from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Libbie from 13 to 14 psock 76 New Player Isobel! Changing Rooms: Mike from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Janie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lindsay from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Erik from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Amiee from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shavonne from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Isobel Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Kimberlee from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lauri from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rosaline from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gerri from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mirta from 15 to 14 Kellie has left the game Changing Rooms: Jewel from 10 to 11 Terminating thread with socket 126 Changing Rooms: Darius from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Lasonya from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Elane from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dominick from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kenny from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Maddie from 14 to 15 psock 124 New Player Shaun! Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Halley from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Ashlea from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Toni from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Terina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Berta from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Shaun Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Diedre from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Belinda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mafalda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Wei from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mackenzie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Diedra from 12 to 13 Ming has left the game Terminating thread with socket 146 Changing Rooms: Delana from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ossie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Angie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Fawn from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tyler from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tona from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eric from 14 to 13 psock 126 New Player Rodrigo! Changing Rooms: Mariano from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rosemarie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Theda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rashida from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Corrine from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Rodrigo Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Deandre from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tanya from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Alberta from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Naomi from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lorene from 14 to 15 Battle Time! Attacks: 3900 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 3900 (from 26 1) (0 uninvolved) Alfonso has left the game Changing Rooms: Tanika from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 153 Changing Rooms: Monnie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deja from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cori from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Libby from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Temika from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alec from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deadra from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! psock 146 New Player Shanda! Changing Rooms: Yolonda from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Josephina from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kandi from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cole from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Maragret from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jack from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Shanda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tonda from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Marita from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Bryan from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cecily from 15 to 14 Monroe has left the game Changing Rooms: Eloise from 10 to 11 Terminating thread with socket 193 Changing Rooms: Arielle from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lianne from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Eldon from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roxana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Fritz from 14 to 13 psock 153 New Player Laraine! Changing Rooms: Assunta from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Gabriel from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Monique from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Isidra from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sharice from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lovie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mertie from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Laraine Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Georgiann from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yoko from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luba from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Page from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bibi from 18 to 13 Gudrun has left the game Changing Rooms: Kathrin from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Yoshiko from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Odelia from 11 to 10 Terminating thread with socket 194 Changing Rooms: Mendy from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Inell from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fredda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Illa from 13 to 12 psock 193 New Player Barbara! Changing Rooms: Shana from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Marine from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ilona from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Karri from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Wilhemina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Leia from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lucina from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Barbara Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Patrica from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Elnora from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Meghan from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Karrie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ken from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sergio from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Nannie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Keitha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Edwina from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Garnett from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lindy from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Abram from 18 to 14 Wendy has left the game Changing Rooms: Lorean from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 195 psock 194 New Player Janina! Changing Rooms: Ozell from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jeanette from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Marlene from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Eveline from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Cara from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sudie from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Janina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tresa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sabine from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Melissa from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: In from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Genie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ida from 13 to 14 Janie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 196 Changing Rooms: Dede from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Isobel from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jonnie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Fatima from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Justa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nigel from 13 to 12 psock 195 New Player Roderick! Changing Rooms: Delbert from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kamala from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Georgine from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Hank from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Bernardina from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tamala from 18 to 14 Player Start! Name: Roderick Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Kristofer from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Camille from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tula from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Trinity from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kina from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Hortense from 15 to 14 Halley has left the game Terminating thread with socket 197 Changing Rooms: Shaun from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marlys from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kandice from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Adriana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darcy from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Truman from 13 to 18 psock 196 New Player Antonetta! Changing Rooms: Emmaline from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Flora from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Emerita from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melania from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Theodore from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rae from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marguerite from 18 to 17 Player Start! Name: Antonetta Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jonathon from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Londa from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Zita from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Benita from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Yuki from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Latashia from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Florentina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rodrigo from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Pat from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deb from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mariella from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Hwa from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Luciana from 18 to 17 psock 197 New Player Myrle! Changing Rooms: Reginald from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lily from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Camie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Janise from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Florinda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jenni from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Myrle Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Caryl from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kimbery from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ninfa from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Len from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Connie from 14 to 15 Kandi has left the game Changing Rooms: Shanda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tony from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Krystina from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Nancie from 11 to 10 Terminating thread with socket 199 Changing Rooms: Agustina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lavona from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Margert from 13 to 12 psock 277 New Player Syble! Changing Rooms: Chuck from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Stacia from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mammie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Chantel from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Angelena from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Erich from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Syble Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Arianna from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rich from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Alix from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hien from 13 to 14 Monique has left the game Changing Rooms: Laraine from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Margery from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 200 Changing Rooms: Margarita from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sharron from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Danielle from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rodrick from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ricky from 18 to 13 psock 199 New Player Donny! Changing Rooms: Syreeta from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Corine from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jetta from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shala from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kristel from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Karin from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Donny Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Corene from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Matt from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chia from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Phoebe from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jeanene from 12 to 13 Karri has left the game Changing Rooms: Barbara from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hershel from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 201 Changing Rooms: Shannon from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jasmin from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Jamaal from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Joey from 13 to 18 psock 200 New Player Alvera! Changing Rooms: Carolina from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Alanna from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ethelyn from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shera from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Victoria from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darin from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Willetta from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Alvera Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Velda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hedy from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Charline from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Raina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Myrtis from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Gabriele from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Teressa from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Janina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shemika from 11 to 10 Bennett has left the game Changing Rooms: Kenton from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sally from 18 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 202 Changing Rooms: Phillip from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Olivia from 13 to 12 psock 201 New Player Ferdinand! Changing Rooms: Delicia from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rudolph from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Evita from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Enid from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roseanne from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Libbie from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Ferdinand Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Mike from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lindsay from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Erik from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Amiee from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shavonne from 13 to 12 Georgine has left the game Changing Rooms: Roderick from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kimberlee from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 203 Changing Rooms: Lauri from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Rosaline from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Gerri from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mirta from 14 to 15 psock 202 New Player Reagan! Changing Rooms: Jewel from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Darius from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lasonya from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Elane from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Dominick from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kenny from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Maddie from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Reagan Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ashlea from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Toni from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Terina from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Berta from 18 to 13 Melania has left the game Changing Rooms: Antonetta from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Diedre from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Belinda from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 204 Changing Rooms: Mafalda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wei from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mackenzie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Diedra from 13 to 12 psock 203 New Player Madaline! Changing Rooms: Delana from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ossie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Angie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fawn from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tyler from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tona from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Eric from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Madaline Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Mariano from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rosemarie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Theda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rashida from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Corrine from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Myrle from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deandre from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alberta from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tanya from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Naomi from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lorene from 15 to 14 psock 204 New Player Arvilla! Changing Rooms: Tanika from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Monnie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Deja from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cori from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Libby from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Temika from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Alec from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Arvilla Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Battle Time! Attacks: 1533 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 1533 (from 23 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Deadra from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yolonda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Josephina from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cole from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Maragret from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jack from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Syble from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tonda from 10 to 11 Angelena has left the game Changing Rooms: Marita from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bryan from 11 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 206 Changing Rooms: Cecily from 14 to 13 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! psock 278 New Player Noreen! Changing Rooms: Eloise from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Arielle from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lianne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Eldon from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Roxana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fritz from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Noreen Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Assunta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gabriel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Isidra from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sharice from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lovie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mertie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Donny from 10 to 11 Jetta has left the game Changing Rooms: Georgiann from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Yoko from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Luba from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 207 Changing Rooms: Page from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Bibi from 13 to 12 psock 206 New Player Maxine! Changing Rooms: Kathrin from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Yoshiko from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Odelia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mendy from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Inell from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Fredda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Illa from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Maxine Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shana from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marine from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ilona from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Wilhemina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Leia from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lucina from 14 to 13 Victoria has left the game Changing Rooms: Alvera from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Patrica from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Elnora from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Meghan from 11 to 10 Terminating thread with socket 208 Changing Rooms: Karrie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ken from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sergio from 15 to 14 psock 207 New Player Kara! Changing Rooms: Nannie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Keitha from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Edwina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Garnett from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lindy from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Abram from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 17 to 18 Player Start! Name: Kara Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Ozell from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jeanette from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marlene from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Eveline from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Cara from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sudie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ferdinand from 10 to 11 Roseanne has left the game Changing Rooms: Tresa from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sabine from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Melissa from 10 to 11 Terminating thread with socket 209 Changing Rooms: In from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Genie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ida from 14 to 15 psock 208 New Player Carey! Changing Rooms: Dede from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Isobel from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jonnie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fatima from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nigel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Justa from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Carey Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Delbert from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kamala from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mel from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tamala from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Hank from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bernardina from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Reagan from 10 to 11 Elane has left the game Changing Rooms: Kristofer from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Camille from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 210 Changing Rooms: Tula from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Trinity from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kina from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hortense from 14 to 15 psock 209 New Player Malena! Changing Rooms: Shaun from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Marlys from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Kandice from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Adriana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Darcy from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Truman from 18 to 14 Player Start! Name: Malena Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Emmaline from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Flora from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Emerita from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Theodore from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rae from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marguerite from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Madaline from 10 to 11 Tyler has left the game Changing Rooms: Jonathon from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Londa from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Zita from 11 to 10 Terminating thread with socket 211 Changing Rooms: Benita from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yuki from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Latashia from 12 to 13 psock 210 New Player Joshua! Changing Rooms: Rodrigo from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Florentina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Pat from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deb from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mariella from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hwa from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Luciana from 17 to 18 Player Start! Name: Joshua Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Reginald from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lily from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Camie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Janise from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Florinda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jenni from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Arvilla from 10 to 11 Libby has left the game Changing Rooms: Caryl from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kimbery from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ninfa from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 212 Changing Rooms: Len from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Connie from 15 to 14 psock 211 New Player Hattie! Changing Rooms: Shanda from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tony from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Krystina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nancie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Agustina from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lavona from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Margert from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Hattie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Chuck from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Stacia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mammie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Chantel from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Erich from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Noreen from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Arianna from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 13 to 18 Roxana has left the game Changing Rooms: Rich from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alix from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 213 Changing Rooms: Hien from 14 to 13 psock 212 New Player Jacquelyne! Changing Rooms: Laraine from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Margery from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Margarita from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sharron from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Danielle from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rodrick from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ricky from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Jacquelyne Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Syreeta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Corine from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shala from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kristel from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Karin from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Maxine from 10 to 11 Inell has left the game Changing Rooms: Matt from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Corene from 11 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 214 Changing Rooms: Chia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Phoebe from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jeanene from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Barbara from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hershel from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shannon from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jasmin from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jamaal from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Joey from 18 to 14 psock 213 New Player Marlana! Player Start! Name: Marlana Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Carolina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Alanna from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ethelyn from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Shera from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Darin from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Willetta from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kara from 10 to 11 Lindy has left the game Changing Rooms: Velda from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Hedy from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Charline from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 215 Changing Rooms: Raina from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Myrtis from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gabriele from 14 to 13 psock 214 New Player Felicitas! Changing Rooms: Teressa from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Janina from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Shemika from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kenton from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Sally from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Phillip from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Olivia from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Felicitas Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Delicia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rudolph from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Evita from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Enid from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Libbie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Carey from 10 to 11 Nigel has left the game Changing Rooms: Mike from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lindsay from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Erik from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Amiee from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 216 Changing Rooms: Shavonne from 12 to 13 psock 215 New Player Roxann! Changing Rooms: Roderick from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Kimberlee from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lauri from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rosaline from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Gerri from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mirta from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Roxann Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jewel from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Darius from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lasonya from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dominick from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kenny from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Maddie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Malena from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 11 to 10 Darcy has left the game Changing Rooms: Ashlea from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Toni from 18 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 217 Changing Rooms: Terina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Berta from 13 to 14 psock 216 New Player Jadwiga! Changing Rooms: Antonetta from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Diedre from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Belinda from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mafalda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Wei from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mackenzie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Diedra from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Jadwiga Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Delana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ossie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Angie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fawn from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tona from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eric from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Joshua from 10 to 11 Hwa has left the game Changing Rooms: Mariano from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rosemarie from 10 to 11 Terminating thread with socket 218 Changing Rooms: Theda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rashida from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Corrine from 15 to 14 psock 217 New Player Roslyn! Changing Rooms: Deandre from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Myrle from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Alberta from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tanya from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Naomi from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lorene from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Roslyn Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tanika from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Monnie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deja from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cori from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Temika from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alec from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Deadra from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hattie from 10 to 11 Lavona has left the game Changing Rooms: Yolonda from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Josephina from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 219 Changing Rooms: Cole from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Maragret from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jack from 14 to 13 psock 218 New Player Nubia! Battle Time! Changing Rooms: Syble from 11 to 12 Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 30 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Tonda from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marita from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Bryan from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cecily from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Nubia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Eloise from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Arielle from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lianne from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Eldon from 15 to 14 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Fritz from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jacquelyne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Assunta from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Gabriel from 13 to 12 Rodrick has left the game Changing Rooms: Isidra from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sharice from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 220 Changing Rooms: Lovie from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Mertie from 13 to 12 psock 219 New Player Janel! Changing Rooms: Donny from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Georgiann from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yoko from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Luba from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Page from 18 to 17 Player Start! Name: Janel Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Bibi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kathrin from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Yoshiko from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Odelia from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Mendy from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Fredda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Illa from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shana from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marine from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ilona from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wilhemina from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Leia from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lucina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marlana from 10 to 11 psock 220 New Player Darlene! Changing Rooms: Alvera from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Patrica from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Elnora from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Meghan from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Karrie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ken from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sergio from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Darlene Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Nannie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Keitha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Edwina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Garnett from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Abram from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Felicitas from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ozell from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jeanette from 11 to 12 Phillip has left the game Changing Rooms: Marlene from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Eveline from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cara from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 222 Changing Rooms: Sudie from 15 to 14 psock 279 New Player Augustina! Changing Rooms: Ferdinand from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Tresa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sabine from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Melissa from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: In from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Genie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ida from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Augustina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Dede from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Isobel from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jonnie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fatima from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Justa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roxann from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Delbert from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kamala from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tamala from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hank from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Bernardina from 14 to 13 psock 222 New Player Mervin! Changing Rooms: Reagan from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kristofer from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Camille from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tula from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Trinity from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Hortense from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Mervin Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shaun from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marlys from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kandice from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Adriana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Truman from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jadwiga from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Emmaline from 13 to 18 Mackenzie has left the game Changing Rooms: Flora from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Emerita from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Theodore from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 224 Changing Rooms: Rae from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marguerite from 18 to 14 psock 280 New Player Perla! Changing Rooms: Madaline from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jonathon from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Londa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Zita from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Benita from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Yuki from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Latashia from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Perla Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Rodrigo from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Florentina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Pat from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deb from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mariella from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Luciana from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Roslyn from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Reginald from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lily from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Camie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Janise from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Florinda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jenni from 13 to 12 psock 224 Changing Rooms: Arvilla from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Caryl from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kimbery from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Ninfa from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Len from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Connie from 14 to 15 Deadra has left the game Terminating thread with socket 225 Changing Rooms: Shanda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tony from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Krystina from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nancie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Agustina from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Margert from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Nubia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Chuck from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Stacia from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mammie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Chantel from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Erich from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 14 to 15 psock 281 New Player Theressa! Changing Rooms: Noreen from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Arianna from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Rich from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Alix from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Hien from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Theressa Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Laraine from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Margery from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Margarita from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sharron from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Danielle from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ricky from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Janel from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Syreeta from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Corine from 15 to 14 Page has left the game Terminating thread with socket 227 Changing Rooms: Shala from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kristel from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Karin from 15 to 14 psock 225 New Player Shirlene! Changing Rooms: Maxine from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Matt from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Corene from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chia from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Phoebe from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jeanene from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Shirlene Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Barbara from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hershel from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Shannon from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jasmin from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jamaal from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Joey from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darlene from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Carolina from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Alanna from 13 to 18 Ken has left the game Changing Rooms: Ethelyn from 10 to 11 Terminating thread with socket 228 Changing Rooms: Darin from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Willetta from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shera from 18 to 17 psock 227 New Player Eustolia! Changing Rooms: Kara from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Velda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hedy from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Charline from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Raina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Myrtis from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Eustolia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Gabriele from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Teressa from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Janina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shemika from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Kenton from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sally from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Olivia from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Augustina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Delicia from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rudolph from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Evita from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Enid from 18 to 13 Ida has left the game Changing Rooms: Libbie from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 229 psock 228 New Player Ellis! Changing Rooms: Carey from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mike from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lindsay from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Erik from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Amiee from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shavonne from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Ellis Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Roderick from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kimberlee from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lauri from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Rosaline from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Gerri from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mirta from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mervin from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jewel from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Darius from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lasonya from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Dominick from 14 to 13 Kina has left the game Changing Rooms: Kenny from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 230 Changing Rooms: Maddie from 13 to 14 psock 229 New Player Cristobal! Changing Rooms: Malena from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ashlea from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Toni from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Terina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Berta from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Cristobal Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Antonetta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Diedre from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Belinda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mafalda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wei from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Diedra from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Delana from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Perla from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ossie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Angie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fawn from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tona from 13 to 18 Latashia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 231 Changing Rooms: Eric from 13 to 12 psock 230 New Player Tomoko! Changing Rooms: Joshua from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mariano from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rosemarie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Theda from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rashida from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Corrine from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Tomoko Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Deandre from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Myrle from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alberta from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tanya from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Naomi from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lorene from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Monnie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Deja from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Cori from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Temika from 14 to 15 Connie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 232 Changing Rooms: Alec from 17 to 18 psock 231 New Player Heide! Changing Rooms: Hattie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Yolonda from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Josephina from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cole from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Maragret from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jack from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Heide Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Syble from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tonda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marita from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bryan from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cecily from 12 to 13 Battle Time! Attacks: 3416 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 3416 (from 41 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Eloise from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Theressa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Arielle from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lianne from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eldon from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Fritz from 13 to 14 Hien has left the game Terminating thread with socket 233 psock 232 New Player Elaina! Changing Rooms: Jacquelyne from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Assunta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gabriel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Isidra from 14 to 13 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Sharice from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lovie from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mertie from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Elaina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Donny from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Georgiann from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yoko from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Luba from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bibi from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shirlene from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kathrin from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Yoshiko from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Odelia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mendy from 12 to 13 Jeanene has left the game Changing Rooms: Fredda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Illa from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 234 psock 233 Changing Rooms: Shana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marine from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ilona from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Wilhemina from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Leia from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lucina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marlana from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Alvera from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Patrica from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Elnora from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Meghan from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Karrie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sergio from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eustolia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nannie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Keitha from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Edwina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Garnett from 12 to 13 Myrtis has left the game Changing Rooms: Abram from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 235 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 17 to 18 psock 234 New Player Elene! Changing Rooms: Felicitas from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ozell from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jeanette from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marlene from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Eveline from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Cara from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sudie from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Elene Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Ferdinand from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tresa from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sabine from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Melissa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: In from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Genie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ellis from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dede from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Isobel from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jonnie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fatima from 15 to 14 Shavonne has left the game Changing Rooms: Justa from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 236 psock 235 New Player Barbie! Changing Rooms: Roxann from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Delbert from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kamala from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mel from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tamala from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Hank from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bernardina from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Barbie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Reagan from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kristofer from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Camille from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tula from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Trinity from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hortense from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cristobal from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shaun from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Marlys from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Kandice from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Adriana from 13 to 14 Berta has left the game Changing Rooms: Truman from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 237 psock 236 New Player Yun! Changing Rooms: Jadwiga from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Emmaline from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Flora from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Emerita from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Theodore from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rae from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marguerite from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Yun Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Madaline from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jonathon from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Londa from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Zita from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Benita from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yuki from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tomoko from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Florentina from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rodrigo from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Pat from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deb from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mariella from 15 to 14 Rashida has left the game Terminating thread with socket 238 Changing Rooms: Luciana from 17 to 18 psock 237 New Player Cris! Changing Rooms: Roslyn from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Reginald from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lily from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Camie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Janise from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Florinda from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jenni from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Cris Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Arvilla from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Caryl from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kimbery from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ninfa from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Len from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Heide from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shanda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tony from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Krystina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nancie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Agustina from 17 to 18 Jack has left the game Changing Rooms: Margert from 18 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 239 psock 238 New Player Laverna! Changing Rooms: Nubia from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Chuck from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Stacia from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Mammie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Chantel from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Erich from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Laverna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Noreen from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Arianna from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rich from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alix from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Elaina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Laraine from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Margery from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Margarita from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Sharron from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Danielle from 14 to 13 Mertie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 240 Changing Rooms: Ricky from 17 to 18 psock 239 New Player Jae! Changing Rooms: Janel from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Syreeta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Corine from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shala from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kristel from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Karin from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Jae Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Maxine from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Matt from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Corene from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Chia from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Phoebe from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Barbara from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hershel from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jasmin from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shannon from 12 to 13 Lucina has left the game Changing Rooms: Jamaal from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Joey from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 240 Changing Rooms: Darlene from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Carolina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alanna from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ethelyn from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Darin from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shera from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Willetta from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kara from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Velda from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hedy from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Charline from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Raina from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gabriele from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Elene from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Teressa from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Janina from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kenton from 18 to 14 Sudie has left the game Changing Rooms: Sally from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shemika from 10 to 11 Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Olivia from 14 to 15 psock 5 New Player Cornell! Changing Rooms: Augustina from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Delicia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rudolph from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Evita from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Enid from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Libbie from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Cornell Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Carey from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mike from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lindsay from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Erik from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Amiee from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Barbie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Roderick from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Kimberlee from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lauri from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rosaline from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gerri from 13 to 18 Bernardina has left the game Changing Rooms: Mirta from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 New Player Luana! Changing Rooms: Mervin from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jewel from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Darius from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Lasonya from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dominick from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kenny from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Maddie from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Luana Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Malena from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ashlea from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Toni from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Terina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yun from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Antonetta from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Diedre from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Belinda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mafalda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Wei from 18 to 14 Marguerite has left the game Changing Rooms: Diedra from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 New Player Tasha! Changing Rooms: Delana from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Perla from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Ossie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Angie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fawn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tona from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eric from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Tasha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Joshua from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mariano from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosemarie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Theda from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Corrine from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cris from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deandre from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Myrle from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alberta from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tanya from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Naomi from 13 to 14 Jenni has left the game Changing Rooms: Lorene from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 241 psock 8 New Player Bell! Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Monnie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deja from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cori from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Temika from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alec from 18 to 13 Player Start! Name: Bell Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Hattie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yolonda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Josephina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cole from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Maragret from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Laverna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Syble from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tonda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marita from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Bryan from 12 to 13 Marylyn has left the game Changing Rooms: Cecily from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 241 New Player Billi! Changing Rooms: Theressa from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Eloise from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Arielle from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lianne from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eldon from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fritz from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Billi Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Battle Time! Attacks: 5666 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 5666 (from 34 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Jacquelyne from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Assunta from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Gabriel from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Isidra from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sharice from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lovie from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jae from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Donny from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Georgiann from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Yoko from 13 to 14 Karin has left the game Changing Rooms: Luba from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 242 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Bibi from 18 to 17 psock 10 New Player Emma! Changing Rooms: Shirlene from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Yoshiko from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kathrin from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Odelia from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Mendy from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Illa from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Fredda from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Emma Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shana from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Marine from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ilona from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wilhemina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Leia from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marlana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alvera from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Patrica from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Elnora from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Meghan from 10 to 11 Willetta has left the game Changing Rooms: Karrie from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 12 Changing Rooms: Sergio from 14 to 15 psock 242 New Player Annabelle! Changing Rooms: Eustolia from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Nannie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Keitha from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Edwina from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Garnett from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Abram from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lorean from 18 to 14 Player Start! Name: Annabelle Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Felicitas from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ozell from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jeanette from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marlene from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eveline from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cara from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cornell from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ferdinand from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tresa from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sabine from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melissa from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: In from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Genie from 13 to 18 psock 12 New Player Delores! Changing Rooms: Ellis from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dede from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Isobel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jonnie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fatima from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Justa from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Delores Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Roxann from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Delbert from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kamala from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mel from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Tamala from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hank from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Luana from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Reagan from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kristofer from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Camille from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tula from 12 to 13 Maddie has left the game Changing Rooms: Trinity from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 14 Changing Rooms: Hortense from 13 to 14 psock 282 New Player Brian! Changing Rooms: Cristobal from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shaun from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marlys from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kandice from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Adriana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Truman from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Brian Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jadwiga from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Emmaline from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Flora from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Emerita from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Theodore from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rae from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tasha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Madaline from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jonathon from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Londa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Zita from 12 to 13 Eric has left the game Changing Rooms: Benita from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Yuki from 18 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 15 psock 14 New Player Lionel! Changing Rooms: Tomoko from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Florentina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rodrigo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Pat from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deb from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mariella from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Luciana from 18 to 17 Player Start! Name: Lionel Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Roslyn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Reginald from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lily from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Camie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Janise from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Florinda from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Bell from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Arvilla from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Caryl from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ninfa from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kimbery from 18 to 17 Alec has left the game Changing Rooms: Len from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 16 psock 15 New Player Verlene! Changing Rooms: Heide from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shanda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tony from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Krystina from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nancie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Agustina from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Margert from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Verlene Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Nubia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chuck from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Stacia from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mammie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Chantel from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Erich from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Billi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Noreen from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Arianna from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 18 to 13 Fritz has left the game Changing Rooms: Rich from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alix from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 17 psock 16 New Player Deena! Changing Rooms: Elaina from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Laraine from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Margery from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Margarita from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sharron from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Danielle from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ricky from 18 to 17 Player Start! Name: Deena Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Janel from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Syreeta from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Corine from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shala from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kristel from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Emma from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Maxine from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Matt from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Corene from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chia from 13 to 12 Illa has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 Changing Rooms: Phoebe from 15 to 14 psock 17 New Player Maryland! Changing Rooms: Nidia from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Barbara from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hershel from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jasmin from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shannon from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jamaal from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Joey from 18 to 17 Player Start! Name: Maryland Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Darlene from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Carolina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Alanna from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ethelyn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darin from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shera from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Annabelle from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kara from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Velda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hedy from 14 to 15 Lorean has left the game Changing Rooms: Charline from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Raina from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 19 Changing Rooms: Gabriele from 17 to 18 psock 18 Changing Rooms: Elene from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Teressa from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Janina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kenton from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shemika from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sally from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Olivia from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Augustina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Delicia from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rudolph from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Evita from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Enid from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Libbie from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Delores from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Carey from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mike from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lindsay from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Erik from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Amiee from 14 to 15 psock 19 New Player Sandie! Changing Rooms: Barbie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Roderick from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kimberlee from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lauri from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Rosaline from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Gerri from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Mirta from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Sandie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Mervin from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jewel from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Darius from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lasonya from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Dominick from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kenny from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Brian from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Malena from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ashlea from 11 to 12 Truman has left the game Changing Rooms: Toni from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 243 Changing Rooms: Terina from 13 to 12 psock 283 New Player Penney! Changing Rooms: Yun from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Antonetta from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Diedre from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Belinda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mafalda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wei from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Diedra from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Penney Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Delana from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Perla from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ossie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Angie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Fawn from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tona from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lionel from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Joshua from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mariano from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rosemarie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Theda from 14 to 13 Luciana has left the game Terminating thread with socket 22 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Corrine from 14 to 15 psock 243 New Player Elinore! Changing Rooms: Cris from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deandre from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Myrle from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Alberta from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tanya from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Naomi from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lorene from 17 to 18 Player Start! Name: Elinore Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Monnie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Deja from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cori from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Temika from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Verlene from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hattie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Yolonda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Josephina from 13 to 14 Margert has left the game Changing Rooms: Cole from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Maragret from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 244 psock 22 New Player Raleigh! Changing Rooms: Laverna from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Syble from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tonda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marita from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Bryan from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cecily from 18 to 17 Player Start! Name: Raleigh Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Theressa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Eloise from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Arielle from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lianne from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eldon from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Deena from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jacquelyne from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Assunta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gabriel from 14 to 13 Ricky has left the game Changing Rooms: Isidra from 18 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 24 Changing Rooms: Sharice from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lovie from 13 to 14 psock 244 New Player Trey! Changing Rooms: Jae from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Donny from 18 to 17 Battle Time! Changing Rooms: Georgiann from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yoko from 14 to 15 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Luba from 18 to 14 Player Start! Name: Trey Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Bibi from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shirlene from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yoshiko from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kathrin from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Odelia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mendy from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fredda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Maryland from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shana from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Marine from 14 to 13 Joey has left the game Changing Rooms: Ilona from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 25 Changing Rooms: Wilhemina from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Leia from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marlana from 13 to 14 psock 24 New Player Sun! Changing Rooms: Alvera from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Patrica from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Elnora from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Meghan from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Karrie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sergio from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Sun Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Eustolia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nannie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Keitha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Edwina from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Garnett from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Abram from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Felicitas from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ozell from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Jeanette from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marlene from 13 to 18 Olivia has left the game Changing Rooms: Eveline from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Cara from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 26 psock 25 Changing Rooms: Cornell from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Ferdinand from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tresa from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sabine from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Melissa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: In from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Genie from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Ellis from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dede from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Isobel from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jonnie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fatima from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Justa from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sandie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Roxann from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Delbert from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kamala from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mel from 17 to 18 Mirta has left the game Changing Rooms: Tamala from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hank from 18 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 27 psock 26 New Player Rodger! Changing Rooms: Luana from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Reagan from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kristofer from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Camille from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tula from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Trinity from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Hortense from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Rodger Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Cristobal from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shaun from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marlys from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kandice from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Adriana from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Penney from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jadwiga from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Emmaline from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Flora from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Emerita from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Theodore from 15 to 14 Diedra has left the game Terminating thread with socket 245 Changing Rooms: Rae from 14 to 13 psock 27 New Player Tameka! Changing Rooms: Tasha from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Madaline from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jonathon from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Londa from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Zita from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Benita from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yuki from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Tameka Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tomoko from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Florentina from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rodrigo from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Pat from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Deb from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mariella from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Elinore from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Roslyn from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Reginald from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lily from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Camie from 13 to 12 Lorene has left the game Changing Rooms: Janise from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Florinda from 17 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 29 psock 245 New Player Larhonda! Changing Rooms: Bell from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Arvilla from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Caryl from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kimbery from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ninfa from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Len from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Larhonda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Heide from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shanda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tony from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Krystina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nancie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Agustina from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Raleigh from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nubia from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Chuck from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Stacia from 18 to 13 Cecily has left the game Changing Rooms: Mammie from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 30 Changing Rooms: Chantel from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Erich from 14 to 13 psock 29 New Player Sharee! Changing Rooms: Billi from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Noreen from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Arianna from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rich from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alix from 17 to 18 Player Start! Name: Sharee Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Elaina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Laraine from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Margery from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Margarita from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Sharron from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Danielle from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Trey from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Janel from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Syreeta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Corine from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shala from 13 to 18 Bibi has left the game Changing Rooms: Kristel from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 31 psock 30 Changing Rooms: Emma from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Maxine from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Matt from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Corene from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Chia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Phoebe from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Barbara from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hershel from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jasmin from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shannon from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jamaal from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sun from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Darlene from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Carolina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alanna from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ethelyn from 13 to 18 Sergio has left the game Changing Rooms: Darin from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 32 Changing Rooms: Shera from 13 to 12 psock 31 New Player Edmundo! Changing Rooms: Annabelle from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kara from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Velda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hedy from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Charline from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Raina from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Edmundo Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Gabriele from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Elene from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Teressa from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Janina from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shemika from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kenton from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sally from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jed from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Augustina from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Delicia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rudolph from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Evita from 15 to 14 Genie has left the game Changing Rooms: Enid from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 33 Changing Rooms: Libbie from 17 to 18 psock 32 New Player Casandra! Changing Rooms: Delores from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Carey from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mike from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lindsay from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Erik from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Amiee from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Casandra Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Barbie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roderick from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kimberlee from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lauri from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rosaline from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gerri from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rodger from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mervin from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jewel from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Darius from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lasonya from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dominick from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kenny from 12 to 13 Hortense has left the game Terminating thread with socket 246 psock 33 Changing Rooms: Brian from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Malena from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ashlea from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Toni from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Terina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yun from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Antonetta from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Diedre from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Belinda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mafalda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Wei from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tameka from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Delana from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Perla from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ossie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Angie from 15 to 14 Yuki has left the game Changing Rooms: Fawn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tona from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 35 psock 246 New Player Berniece! Changing Rooms: Lionel from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Joshua from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mariano from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosemarie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Theda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dorthy from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Berniece Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Corrine from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cris from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deandre from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Myrle from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alberta from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tanya from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Naomi from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Larhonda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Monnie from 10 to 11 Len has left the game Changing Rooms: Deja from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cori from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Temika from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 36 psock 35 New Player Ivana! Changing Rooms: Verlene from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Hattie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yolonda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Josephina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Cole from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Maragret from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Ivana Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Laverna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Syble from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tonda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marita from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bryan from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sharee from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Theressa from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Eloise from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Arielle from 13 to 18 Alix has left the game Changing Rooms: Lianne from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Eldon from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 37 psock 36 New Player Viki! Changing Rooms: Deena from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jacquelyne from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Assunta from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Gabriel from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Isidra from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sharice from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lovie from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Viki Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Battle Time! Attacks: 533 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 533 (from 32 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Jae from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Donny from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Georgiann from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Yoko from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luba from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shirlene from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Yoshiko from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kathrin from 10 to 11 Phoebe has left the game Changing Rooms: Odelia from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Mendy from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 38 Changing Rooms: Fredda from 12 to 13 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! psock 37 New Player Lupe! Changing Rooms: Maryland from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shana from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Marine from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ilona from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Wilhemina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Leia from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Lupe Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Marlana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alvera from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Patrica from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Elnora from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Meghan from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Karrie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Edmundo from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Eustolia from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nannie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Keitha from 12 to 13 Raina has left the game Changing Rooms: Edwina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Garnett from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Abram from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 39 psock 38 New Player Katerine! Changing Rooms: Felicitas from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ozell from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jeanette from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marlene from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Eveline from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cara from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Katerine Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Cornell from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ferdinand from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tresa from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sabine from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Melissa from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: In from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Casandra from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ellis from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dede from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Isobel from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jonnie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Fatima from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Justa from 12 to 13 psock 39 New Player Britany! Changing Rooms: Sandie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Roxann from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Delbert from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kamala from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mel from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tamala from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hank from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Britany Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Luana from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Reagan from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kristofer from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Camille from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tula from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Trinity from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cristobal from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shaun from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marlys from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kandice from 18 to 13 Terina has left the game Changing Rooms: Adriana from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 41 psock 284 New Player Melony! Changing Rooms: Penney from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jadwiga from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Emmaline from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Flora from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Emerita from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Theodore from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Melony Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Rae from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tasha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Madaline from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jonathon from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Londa from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Zita from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Benita from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Berniece from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tomoko from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Florentina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rodrigo from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Pat from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deb from 13 to 14 Dorthy has left the game Changing Rooms: Mariella from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 42 psock 41 New Player Ellsworth! Changing Rooms: Elinore from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Roslyn from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Reginald from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lily from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Camie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Janise from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Florinda from 18 to 14 Player Start! Name: Ellsworth Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Bell from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Arvilla from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Caryl from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kimbery from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ninfa from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ivana from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Heide from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shanda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tony from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Krystina from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nancie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Agustina from 18 to 17 psock 42 New Player Christine! Changing Rooms: Raleigh from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Nubia from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chuck from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Stacia from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mammie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Chantel from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Erich from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Christine Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Billi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Noreen from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Arianna from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rich from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Viki from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elaina from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Laraine from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Margery from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Margarita from 17 to 18 Sharice has left the game Changing Rooms: Sharron from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 44 Changing Rooms: Danielle from 13 to 18 psock 285 New Player Kraig! Changing Rooms: Trey from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Janel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Syreeta from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Corine from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shala from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kristel from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Kraig Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Emma from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Maxine from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Matt from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Corene from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Chia from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lupe from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Barbara from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hershel from 14 to 15 Leia has left the game Changing Rooms: Shannon from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jasmin from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 45 Changing Rooms: Jamaal from 18 to 13 psock 44 New Player Marget! Changing Rooms: Sun from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Darlene from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Carolina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Alanna from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ethelyn from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shera from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darin from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Marget Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Annabelle from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kara from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Velda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hedy from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Charline from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gabriele from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Katerine from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elene from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Teressa from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Janina from 18 to 13 Cara has left the game Changing Rooms: Shemika from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kenton from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sally from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 46 psock 45 New Player Lien! Changing Rooms: Jed from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Augustina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Delicia from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rudolph from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Evita from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Enid from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Libbie from 18 to 13 Player Start! Name: Lien Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Delores from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Carey from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mike from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lindsay from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Erik from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Amiee from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Britany from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Barbie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Roderick from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kimberlee from 18 to 13 Hank has left the game Changing Rooms: Lauri from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Rosaline from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 47 Changing Rooms: Gerri from 18 to 17 psock 46 New Player Gilma! Changing Rooms: Rodger from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mervin from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jewel from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Darius from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lasonya from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dominick from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kenny from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Gilma Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Brian from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Malena from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ashlea from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Toni from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melony from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Yun from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Antonetta from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Diedre from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Belinda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mafalda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Wei from 14 to 15 Rae has left the game Terminating thread with socket 48 psock 47 New Player Jenna! Changing Rooms: Tameka from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Delana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Perla from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ossie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Angie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fawn from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tona from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Jenna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lionel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Joshua from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mariano from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rosemarie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Theda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Corrine from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ellsworth from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cris from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deandre from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Myrle from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Alberta from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Tanya from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Naomi from 14 to 15 Florinda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 248 psock 48 New Player Jude! Changing Rooms: Larhonda from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Monnie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Cori from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deja from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Temika from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Jude Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Verlene from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hattie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Yolonda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Josephina from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cole from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Maragret from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Christine from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Laverna from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Syble from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tonda from 14 to 13 Erich has left the game Changing Rooms: Marita from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Bryan from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 249 psock 248 New Player Deonna! Changing Rooms: Sharee from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Theressa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eloise from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Arielle from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lianne from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eldon from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Deonna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Deena from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jacquelyne from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Assunta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gabriel from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Isidra from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lovie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kraig from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jae from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Donny from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Georgiann from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yoko from 14 to 13 Kristel has left the game Changing Rooms: Luba from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 51 psock 249 New Player Rebecca! Battle Time! Attacks: 1400 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 1400 (from 28 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Shirlene from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yoshiko from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kathrin from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Odelia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mendy from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Rebecca Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Fredda from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Maryland from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shana from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marine from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ilona from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Wilhemina from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Marlana from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marget from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Alvera from 14 to 13 Darin has left the game Changing Rooms: Patrica from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Elnora from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Meghan from 11 to 10 Terminating thread with socket 52 Changing Rooms: Karrie from 14 to 15 psock 51 New Player Lilliana! Changing Rooms: Edmundo from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Eustolia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nannie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Keitha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Edwina from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Garnett from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Abram from 18 to 14 Player Start! Name: Lilliana Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Felicitas from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ozell from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jeanette from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marlene from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Eveline from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lien from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cornell from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ferdinand from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tresa from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sabine from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Melissa from 14 to 13 Libbie has left the game Changing Rooms: In from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 250 psock 52 New Player Wilda! Changing Rooms: Casandra from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ellis from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dede from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Isobel from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jonnie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fatima from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Justa from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Wilda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Sandie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Roxann from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Delbert from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kamala from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mel from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tamala from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gilma from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Luana from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Reagan from 14 to 13 Kenny has left the game Changing Rooms: Kristofer from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Camille from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 54 Changing Rooms: Tula from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Trinity from 14 to 13 psock 250 New Player Emilio! Changing Rooms: Cristobal from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shaun from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marlys from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kandice from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Adriana from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Emilio Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Penney from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jadwiga from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Emmaline from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Flora from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Emerita from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Theodore from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jenna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tasha from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Madaline from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jonathon from 14 to 15 Tona has left the game Changing Rooms: Londa from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Zita from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 55 Changing Rooms: Benita from 13 to 18 psock 54 New Player Larraine! Changing Rooms: Berniece from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tomoko from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Florentina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rodrigo from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Pat from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deb from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mariella from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Larraine Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Elinore from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roslyn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Reginald from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lily from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Janise from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Camie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jude from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Bell from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Arvilla from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Caryl from 14 to 15 Temika has left the game Changing Rooms: Kimbery from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ninfa from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 56 psock 55 New Player Yelena! Changing Rooms: Ivana from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Heide from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Shanda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tony from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Krystina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nancie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Agustina from 17 to 18 Player Start! Name: Yelena Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Raleigh from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nubia from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Chuck from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Stacia from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mammie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Chantel from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deonna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Billi from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Noreen from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Arianna from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rich from 13 to 12 psock 56 New Player Dacia! Changing Rooms: Viki from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Elaina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Laraine from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Margery from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Margarita from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sharron from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Danielle from 18 to 13 Player Start! Name: Dacia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Trey from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Janel from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Syreeta from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Corine from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shala from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rebecca from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Emma from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Maxine from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Matt from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Corene from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Chia from 14 to 13 Fredda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 252 psock 286 New Player Lyman! Changing Rooms: Lupe from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Barbara from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hershel from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shannon from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jasmin from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jamaal from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Lyman Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Sun from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darlene from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Carolina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alanna from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ethelyn from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shera from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lilliana from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Annabelle from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kara from 14 to 13 Abram has left the game Changing Rooms: Velda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hedy from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Charline from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 253 Changing Rooms: Gabriele from 18 to 13 psock 252 New Player Tereasa! Changing Rooms: Katerine from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Elene from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Teressa from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Janina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shemika from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kenton from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sally from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Tereasa Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jed from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Augustina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Delicia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rudolph from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Evita from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Enid from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Wilda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Delores from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Carey from 12 to 13 Justa has left the game Changing Rooms: Mike from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lindsay from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 60 Changing Rooms: Erik from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Amiee from 13 to 14 psock 253 New Player Kathlene! Changing Rooms: Britany from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Barbie from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roderick from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kimberlee from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lauri from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rosaline from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gerri from 17 to 18 Player Start! Name: Kathlene Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Rodger from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mervin from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jewel from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Darius from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lasonya from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dominick from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Emilio from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brian from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Malena from 14 to 13 Adriana has left the game Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 61 Changing Rooms: Ashlea from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Toni from 13 to 18 psock 60 New Player Brittaney! Changing Rooms: Melony from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Yun from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Antonetta from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Diedre from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Belinda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mafalda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Wei from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Brittaney Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tameka from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Delana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Perla from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ossie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Angie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fawn from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Larraine from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lionel from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Joshua from 18 to 13 Mariella has left the game Changing Rooms: Mariano from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rosemarie from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 254 Changing Rooms: Theda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Corrine from 13 to 14 psock 61 New Player Cristal! Changing Rooms: Ellsworth from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Cris from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deandre from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Myrle from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alberta from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tanya from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Naomi from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Cristal Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Larhonda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Monnie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deja from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cori from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yelena from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Verlene from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hattie from 12 to 13 Agustina has left the game Changing Rooms: Yolonda from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Josephina from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 63 Changing Rooms: Maragret from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cole from 14 to 13 psock 254 New Player Catheryn! Changing Rooms: Christine from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Laverna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Syble from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tonda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marita from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bryan from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Catheryn Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Sharee from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Theressa from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eloise from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Arielle from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lianne from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Eldon from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dacia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deena from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jacquelyne from 15 to 14 Danielle has left the game Changing Rooms: Assunta from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Gabriel from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Isidra from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 255 Changing Rooms: Lovie from 18 to 14 psock 63 New Player Mohammad! Changing Rooms: Kraig from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jae from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Donny from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Georgiann from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Yoko from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Luba from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Mohammad Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shirlene from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yoshiko from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kathrin from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Odelia from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mendy from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lyman from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Maryland from 13 to 12 Jamaal has left the game Changing Rooms: Shana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marine from 13 to 14 Battle Time! Attacks: 1650 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 1650 (from 33 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Ilona from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 65 Changing Rooms: Wilhemina from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Marlana from 14 to 13 psock 255 New Player Concepcion! Changing Rooms: Marget from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Alvera from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Elnora from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Meghan from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Patrica from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Karrie from 15 to 14 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Player Start! Name: Concepcion Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Edmundo from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Eustolia from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nannie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Keitha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Edwina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Garnett from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tereasa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Felicitas from 14 to 15 Sally has left the game Changing Rooms: Ozell from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jeanette from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marlene from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eveline from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 66 psock 65 New Player Hunter! Changing Rooms: Lien from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Cornell from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ferdinand from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tresa from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sabine from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Melissa from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: In from 18 to 13 Player Start! Name: Hunter Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Casandra from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ellis from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dede from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Isobel from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jonnie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Fatima from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kathlene from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sandie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Roxann from 12 to 13 Gerri has left the game Changing Rooms: Delbert from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kamala from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mel from 18 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 67 Changing Rooms: Tamala from 13 to 14 psock 66 New Player Ayanna! Changing Rooms: Gilma from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Luana from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Reagan from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kristofer from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Camille from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tula from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Trinity from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Ayanna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Cristobal from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shaun from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marlys from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Kandice from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Brittaney from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Penney from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jadwiga from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Emmaline from 14 to 13 Wei has left the game Changing Rooms: Flora from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Emerita from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 256 Changing Rooms: Theodore from 14 to 15 psock 67 New Player Zada! Changing Rooms: Jenna from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Tasha from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Madaline from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jonathon from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Londa from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Zita from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Benita from 18 to 14 Player Start! Name: Zada Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Berniece from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tomoko from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Florentina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rodrigo from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Pat from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deb from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cristal from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elinore from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roslyn from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Reginald from 13 to 18 Naomi has left the game Changing Rooms: Lily from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Camie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Janise from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 69 psock 256 New Player Margaret! Changing Rooms: Jude from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Bell from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Arvilla from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Caryl from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kimbery from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ninfa from 18 to 14 Player Start! Name: Margaret Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Ivana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Heide from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shanda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tony from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Krystina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nancie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Catheryn from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Raleigh from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Nubia from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Chuck from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Stacia from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mammie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chantel from 14 to 13 psock 69 New Player Jamal! Changing Rooms: Deonna from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Billi from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Noreen from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Arianna from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rich from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Jamal Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Viki from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elaina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Laraine from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Margery from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Margarita from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sharron from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mohammad from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Trey from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Janel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Syreeta from 14 to 13 Luba has left the game Changing Rooms: Corine from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 71 Changing Rooms: Shala from 13 to 14 psock 287 New Player Glynda! Changing Rooms: Rebecca from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Emma from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Maxine from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Matt from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Corene from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chia from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Glynda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lupe from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Barbara from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hershel from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shannon from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jasmin from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Concepcion from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sun from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Darlene from 12 to 13 Karrie has left the game Changing Rooms: Carolina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Alanna from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ethelyn from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shera from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 72 psock 71 New Player Sadye! Changing Rooms: Lilliana from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Annabelle from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kara from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Velda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hedy from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Charline from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Sadye Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Gabriele from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Katerine from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elene from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Teressa from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Janina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shemika from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kenton from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hunter from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jed from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Augustina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Delicia from 13 to 12 In has left the game Changing Rooms: Rudolph from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Evita from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Enid from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 73 psock 72 New Player Casey! Changing Rooms: Wilda from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Delores from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Carey from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mike from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lindsay from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Erik from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Amiee from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Casey Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Britany from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Barbie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roderick from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kimberlee from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lauri from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Rosaline from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ayanna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rodger from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mervin from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jewel from 11 to 12 Trinity has left the game Changing Rooms: Darius from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Lasonya from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 74 Changing Rooms: Dominick from 18 to 17 psock 73 New Player Shirly! Changing Rooms: Emilio from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Brian from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Malena from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ashlea from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Toni from 18 to 17 Player Start! Name: Shirly Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Melony from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Yun from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Antonetta from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Diedre from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Belinda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mafalda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Zada from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tameka from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Delana from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Perla from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ossie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Angie from 14 to 15 Benita has left the game Changing Rooms: Fawn from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 75 psock 74 New Player Kasi! Changing Rooms: Larraine from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lionel from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Joshua from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mariano from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rosemarie from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Theda from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Kasi Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Corrine from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ellsworth from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cris from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deandre from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Myrle from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alberta from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tanya from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Margaret from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Larhonda from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Monnie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Deja from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cori from 14 to 13 psock 75 New Player Rosetta! Changing Rooms: Yelena from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Verlene from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hattie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yolonda from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Josephina from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cole from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Maragret from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Rosetta Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Christine from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Laverna from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Syble from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tonda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marita from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Bryan from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jamal from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sharee from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Theressa from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eloise from 11 to 12 Rich has left the game Changing Rooms: Arielle from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lianne from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Eldon from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 77 psock 288 New Player Devon! Changing Rooms: Dacia from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deena from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jacquelyne from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Assunta from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gabriel from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Isidra from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Devon Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lovie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kraig from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jae from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Donny from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Georgiann from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yoko from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Glynda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shirlene from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Yoshiko from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kathrin from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Odelia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mendy from 14 to 13 psock 77 New Player Hans! Changing Rooms: Lyman from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Maryland from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marine from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ilona from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wilhemina from 17 to 18 Player Start! Name: Hans Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Marlana from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Marget from 10 to 11 Battle Time! Attacks: 3300 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 3300 (from 33 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Alvera from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Elnora from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Patrica from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Meghan from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sadye from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Edmundo from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Eustolia from 14 to 15 Charline has left the game Changing Rooms: Nannie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Keitha from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 79 Changing Rooms: Edwina from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Garnett from 18 to 17 psock 289 New Player Milly! Changing Rooms: Tereasa from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Felicitas from 15 to 14 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Ozell from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jeanette from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marlene from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Eveline from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Milly Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lien from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cornell from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ferdinand from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tresa from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sabine from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melissa from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Casey from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Casandra from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ellis from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Dede from 15 to 14 Amiee has left the game Changing Rooms: Isobel from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jonnie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fatima from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 80 psock 79 New Player Debi! Changing Rooms: Kathlene from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sandie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roxann from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Delbert from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kamala from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mel from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tamala from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Debi Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Gilma from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Luana from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Reagan from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kristofer from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Camille from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tula from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shirly from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cristobal from 14 to 13 Toni has left the game Changing Rooms: Shaun from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 81 Changing Rooms: Marlys from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kandice from 17 to 18 psock 80 New Player Kemberly! Changing Rooms: Brittaney from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Penney from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jadwiga from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Emmaline from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Flora from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Emerita from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Theodore from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Kemberly Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jenna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tasha from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Madaline from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jonathon from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Londa from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Zita from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kasi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Berniece from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tomoko from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Florentina from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rodrigo from 14 to 13 Theda has left the game Changing Rooms: Pat from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deb from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 259 psock 81 New Player Willie! Changing Rooms: Cristal from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Elinore from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Roslyn from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Reginald from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lily from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Camie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Janise from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Willie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jude from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Bell from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Arvilla from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Caryl from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kimbery from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ninfa from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rosetta from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ivana from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Heide from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Shanda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tony from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Krystina from 12 to 13 Maragret has left the game Changing Rooms: Nancie from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 83 psock 259 New Player Clayton! Changing Rooms: Catheryn from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Raleigh from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nubia from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Chuck from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mammie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Chantel from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Clayton Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Stacia from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deonna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Billi from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Noreen from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Arianna from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Devon from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Viki from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Elaina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Laraine from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Margery from 13 to 18 Isidra has left the game Changing Rooms: Margarita from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sharron from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 84 psock 83 New Player Angle! Changing Rooms: Mohammad from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Trey from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Janel from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Syreeta from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Corine from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Angle Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shala from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rebecca from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Emma from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Maxine from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Matt from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Corene from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Chia from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Hans from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lupe from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Barbara from 13 to 14 Wilhemina has left the game Changing Rooms: Hershel from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 260 Changing Rooms: Shannon from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jasmin from 18 to 17 psock 84 New Player Karly! Changing Rooms: Concepcion from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sun from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darlene from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Carolina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alanna from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ethelyn from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shera from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Karly Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lilliana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Annabelle from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kara from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Velda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hedy from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gabriele from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Milly from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Katerine from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Elene from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Teressa from 14 to 13 Eveline has left the game Changing Rooms: Janina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kenton from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shemika from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 86 psock 260 New Player Li! Changing Rooms: Hunter from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jed from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Augustina from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Delicia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rudolph from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Evita from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Enid from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Li Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Wilda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Delores from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Carey from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mike from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lindsay from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Erik from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Debi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Britany from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Barbie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Roderick from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kimberlee from 13 to 18 Tamala has left the game Changing Rooms: Lauri from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rosaline from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 87 psock 86 Changing Rooms: Ayanna from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rodger from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mervin from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jewel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darius from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lasonya from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dominick from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Emilio from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brian from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Malena from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ashlea from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kemberly from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Melony from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Yun from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Antonetta from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Diedre from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Belinda from 14 to 15 Theodore has left the game Changing Rooms: Mafalda from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 88 psock 87 New Player Darwin! Changing Rooms: Zada from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tameka from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Delana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Perla from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ossie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Angie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fawn from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Darwin Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Larraine from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lionel from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Joshua from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mariano from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosemarie from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Corrine from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Willie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ellsworth from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Cris from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deandre from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Myrle from 13 to 18 Janise has left the game Changing Rooms: Alberta from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tanya from 18 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 261 psock 88 New Player Sheila! Changing Rooms: Margaret from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Larhonda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Monnie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deja from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cori from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Sheila Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Yelena from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Verlene from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hattie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yolonda from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Josephina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Cole from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Clayton from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Christine from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Laverna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Syble from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tonda from 13 to 12 Chantel has left the game Changing Rooms: Marita from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Bryan from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 90 psock 261 New Player Shila! Changing Rooms: Jamal from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sharee from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Theressa from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Eloise from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Arielle from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lianne from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Eldon from 17 to 18 Player Start! Name: Shila Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Dacia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deena from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jacquelyne from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Assunta from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Gabriel from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lovie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Angle from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kraig from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jae from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Donny from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Georgiann from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yoko from 13 to 18 psock 90 New Player Lauran! Changing Rooms: Glynda from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shirlene from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yoshiko from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kathrin from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Odelia from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mendy from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Lauran Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lyman from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Maryland from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marine from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ilona from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Marlana from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Karly from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marget from 11 to 12 Shera has left the game Changing Rooms: Alvera from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Elnora from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Patrica from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Meghan from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 92 psock 290 New Player Lucius! Changing Rooms: Sadye from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Edmundo from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Eustolia from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nannie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Keitha from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Edwina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Garnett from 17 to 18 Player Start! Name: Lucius Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Battle Time! Attacks: 3166 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 3166 (from 38 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Tereasa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Felicitas from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ozell from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jeanette from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marlene from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Li from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lien from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cornell from 14 to 13 Enid has left the game Changing Rooms: Ferdinand from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tresa from 18 to 14 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Sabine from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Melissa from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 93 psock 92 New Player Jerrica! Changing Rooms: Casey from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Casandra from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ellis from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dede from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Isobel from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jonnie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Fatima from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Jerrica Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Kathlene from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sandie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Roxann from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Delbert from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kamala from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alec from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Gilma from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Reagan from 13 to 14 Dominick has left the game Changing Rooms: Kristofer from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Camille from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 262 Changing Rooms: Tula from 12 to 13 psock 93 New Player Shari! Changing Rooms: Shirly from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Cristobal from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shaun from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Marlys from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Kandice from 18 to 13 Player Start! Name: Shari Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Brittaney from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Penney from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jadwiga from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Emmaline from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Flora from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Emerita from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darwin from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jenna from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tasha from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Madaline from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jonathon from 13 to 12 Fawn has left the game Changing Rooms: Londa from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Zita from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 95 psock 262 New Player Mellie! Changing Rooms: Kasi from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Berniece from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Tomoko from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Florentina from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rodrigo from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deb from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Mellie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Pat from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cristal from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elinore from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roslyn from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Reginald from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lily from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Camie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sheila from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jude from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Bell from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Arvilla from 15 to 14 Cori has left the game Changing Rooms: Caryl from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 96 Changing Rooms: Kimbery from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ninfa from 13 to 12 psock 95 New Player Star! Changing Rooms: Rosetta from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ivana from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shanda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tony from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Heide from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Krystina from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nancie from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Star Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Catheryn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Raleigh from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Chuck from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Stacia from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mammie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nubia from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shila from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deonna from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Billi from 14 to 15 Eldon has left the game Changing Rooms: Noreen from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Arianna from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 97 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 18 to 17 psock 96 New Player Nellie! Changing Rooms: Devon from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Viki from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Elaina from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Laraine from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Margery from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Margarita from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sharron from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Nellie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Mohammad from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Trey from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Janel from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Syreeta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Corine from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shala from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lauran from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rebecca from 13 to 14 Mendy has left the game Changing Rooms: Emma from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Maxine from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Matt from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Corene from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chia from 17 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 263 psock 97 New Player Sunny! Changing Rooms: Hans from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lupe from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Barbara from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Hershel from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jasmin from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shannon from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Sunny Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Concepcion from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sun from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Darlene from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Carolina from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alanna from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ethelyn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lucius from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lilliana from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Annabelle from 12 to 13 Garnett has left the game Changing Rooms: Kara from 17 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 99 Changing Rooms: Velda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hedy from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Gabriele from 13 to 14 psock 263 New Player Pablo! Changing Rooms: Milly from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Katerine from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elene from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Teressa from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Janina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kenton from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shemika from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Pablo Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Hunter from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jed from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Augustina from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Delicia from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rudolph from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Evita from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jerrica from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Wilda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Delores from 14 to 13 Fatima has left the game Changing Rooms: Carey from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lindsay from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Erik from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 100 Changing Rooms: Mike from 18 to 13 psock 99 New Player Nickolas! Changing Rooms: Debi from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Britany from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Barbie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roderick from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kimberlee from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lauri from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Rosaline from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Nickolas Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Ayanna from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rodger from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mervin from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jewel from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Darius from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lasonya from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shari from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Emilio from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Brian from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Malena from 13 to 18 Kandice has left the game Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 101 Changing Rooms: Ashlea from 14 to 15 psock 100 New Player Maryanna! Changing Rooms: Kemberly from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Melony from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Antonetta from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yun from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Diedre from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Belinda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mafalda from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Maryanna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Zada from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tameka from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Delana from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Perla from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ossie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Angie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mellie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Larraine from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lionel from 14 to 15 Deb has left the game Changing Rooms: Joshua from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mariano from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rosemarie from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 102 Changing Rooms: Corrine from 18 to 13 psock 101 New Player Hertha! Changing Rooms: Willie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ellsworth from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cris from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Deandre from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Myrle from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alberta from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tanya from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Hertha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Margaret from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Larhonda from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Monnie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deja from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Star from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Yelena from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Verlene from 14 to 15 Nancie has left the game Changing Rooms: Hattie from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 103 Changing Rooms: Yolonda from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Josephina from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cole from 13 to 14 psock 102 New Player Zaida! Changing Rooms: Clayton from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Christine from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Laverna from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Syble from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tonda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marita from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Bryan from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Zaida Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jamal from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sharee from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Theressa from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Eloise from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Arielle from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lianne from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nellie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dacia from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deena from 12 to 13 Sharron has left the game Changing Rooms: Jacquelyne from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Assunta from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gabriel from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 104 Changing Rooms: Lovie from 14 to 13 psock 103 New Player Rowena! Changing Rooms: Angle from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Kraig from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jae from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Donny from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Georgiann from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Yoko from 18 to 17 Player Start! Name: Rowena Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Glynda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shirlene from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kathrin from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Yoshiko from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Odelia from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sunny from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lyman from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Maryland from 14 to 13 Jasmin has left the game Terminating thread with socket 105 Changing Rooms: Shana from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marine from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ilona from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marlana from 14 to 15 psock 104 New Player Estell! Changing Rooms: Karly from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Marget from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alvera from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Elnora from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Patrica from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Meghan from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Estell Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Sadye from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Edmundo from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Eustolia from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nannie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Keitha from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Edwina from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Pablo from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tereasa from 13 to 12 Kenton has left the game Changing Rooms: Felicitas from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ozell from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jeanette from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 106 Changing Rooms: Marlene from 14 to 13 psock 105 New Player Priscilla! Battle Time! Attacks: 3600 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 3600 (from 36 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Li from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lien from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cornell from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ferdinand from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tresa from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sabine from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Melissa from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Priscilla Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Casey from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Casandra from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ellis from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Dede from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Isobel from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jonnie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nickolas from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kathlene from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sandie from 18 to 14 Rosaline has left the game Changing Rooms: Roxann from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 107 Changing Rooms: Delbert from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kamala from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mel from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! psock 106 New Player Moises! Changing Rooms: Alec from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gilma from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Luana from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Reagan from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kristofer from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Camille from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tula from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Moises Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shirly from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cristobal from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shaun from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Marlys from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Maryanna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brittaney from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Penney from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jadwiga from 18 to 17 Mafalda has left the game Changing Rooms: Emmaline from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Flora from 18 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 108 Changing Rooms: Emerita from 13 to 18 psock 107 New Player Zola! Changing Rooms: Darwin from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jenna from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tasha from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Madaline from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Jonathon from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Londa from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Zita from 17 to 18 Player Start! Name: Zola Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Kasi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Berniece from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tomoko from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Florentina from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rodrigo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Pat from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hertha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cristal from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Elinore from 14 to 13 Alberta has left the game Changing Rooms: Roslyn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Reginald from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 109 Changing Rooms: Lily from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Camie from 13 to 14 psock 108 New Player Jerald! Changing Rooms: Sheila from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jude from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Bell from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Arvilla from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Caryl from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kimbery from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ninfa from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Jerald Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Rosetta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ivana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Heide from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shanda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tony from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Krystina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Zaida from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Catheryn from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Raleigh from 12 to 13 Marita has left the game Changing Rooms: Nubia from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Chuck from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Stacia from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 110 Changing Rooms: Mammie from 13 to 18 psock 109 New Player Kareen! Changing Rooms: Shila from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deonna from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Billi from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Noreen from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Arianna from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 17 to 18 Player Start! Name: Kareen Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Devon from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Viki from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Elaina from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Laraine from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Margery from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Margarita from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rowena from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mohammad from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Trey from 12 to 13 Yoko has left the game Terminating thread with socket 111 Changing Rooms: Janel from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Syreeta from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Corine from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shala from 14 to 13 psock 110 New Player Sheilah! Changing Rooms: Lauran from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Rebecca from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Emma from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Maxine from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Matt from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Corene from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Chia from 18 to 14 Player Start! Name: Sheilah Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Hans from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lupe from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Barbara from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hershel from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shannon from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Estell from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Concepcion from 13 to 12 Elnora has left the game Changing Rooms: Sun from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 112 Changing Rooms: Darlene from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Carolina from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Alanna from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ethelyn from 13 to 12 psock 111 New Player Lady! Changing Rooms: Lucius from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lilliana from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Annabelle from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kara from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Velda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hedy from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Lady Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Gabriele from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Milly from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Katerine from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Elene from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Teressa from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Janina from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shemika from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Priscilla from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hunter from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jed from 17 to 18 Sabine has left the game Changing Rooms: Augustina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Delicia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rudolph from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 264 Changing Rooms: Evita from 14 to 13 psock 112 New Player Jolanda! Changing Rooms: Jerrica from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Wilda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Delores from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Carey from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mike from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lindsay from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Erik from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Jolanda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Debi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Britany from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Barbie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Roderick from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kimberlee from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lauri from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Moises from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ayanna from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rodger from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mervin from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jewel from 14 to 15 Tula has left the game Changing Rooms: Darius from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lasonya from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 114 psock 264 New Player Ima! Changing Rooms: Shari from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Emilio from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brian from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Malena from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ashlea from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Ima Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Kemberly from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melony from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Yun from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Antonetta from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Diedre from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Belinda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Zola from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Zada from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tameka from 12 to 13 Londa has left the game Changing Rooms: Delana from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Perla from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ossie from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 115 Changing Rooms: Angie from 13 to 14 psock 114 Changing Rooms: Mellie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Larraine from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lionel from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Joshua from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mariano from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosemarie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Corrine from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Willie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ellsworth from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cris from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deandre from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Myrle from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tanya from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jerald from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Margaret from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Larhonda from 18 to 13 Ninfa has left the game Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Monnie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deja from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 116 psock 115 New Player Kristi! Changing Rooms: Star from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Yelena from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Verlene from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hattie from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Yolonda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Josephina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Cole from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Kristi Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Clayton from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Christine from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Laverna from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Syble from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Bryan from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tonda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kareen from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jamal from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sharee from 10 to 11 Sonya has left the game Changing Rooms: Theressa from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Eloise from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 117 Changing Rooms: Arielle from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lianne from 13 to 14 psock 116 Changing Rooms: Nellie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dacia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deena from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jacquelyne from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Assunta from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gabriel from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lovie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Angle from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kraig from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jae from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Donny from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Georgiann from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sheilah from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Glynda from 13 to 12 Matt has left the game Changing Rooms: Shirlene from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yoshiko from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kathrin from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 118 Changing Rooms: Odelia from 13 to 12 psock 117 New Player Sharlene! Changing Rooms: Sunny from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lyman from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Maryland from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marine from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ilona from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Sharlene Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Marlana from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Karly from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marget from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Alvera from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Patrica from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Meghan from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Lady from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sadye from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Edmundo from 10 to 11 Hedy has left the game Changing Rooms: Eustolia from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nannie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Keitha from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 265 Changing Rooms: Edwina from 14 to 15 psock 118 New Player Rosella! Changing Rooms: Pablo from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tereasa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Felicitas from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Ozell from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jeanette from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marlene from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Rosella Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Li from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lien from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cornell from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ferdinand from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tresa from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Melissa from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jolanda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Casey from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Casandra from 14 to 13 Lindsay has left the game Changing Rooms: Ellis from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dede from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Isobel from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 266 Changing Rooms: Jonnie from 13 to 14 psock 265 New Player Jorge! Changing Rooms: Nickolas from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kathlene from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sandie from 14 to 15 Battle Time! Attacks: 3400 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 3400 (from 34 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Roxann from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Delbert from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kamala from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mel from 18 to 14 Player Start! Name: Jorge Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Alec from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gilma from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Reagan from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kristofer from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Camille from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ima from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shirly from 11 to 12 Isabelle has left the game Changing Rooms: Cristobal from 15 to 14 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Shaun from 18 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 267 Changing Rooms: Marlys from 18 to 17 psock 266 New Player Dionne! Changing Rooms: Maryanna from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Brittaney from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Penney from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jadwiga from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Emmaline from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Flora from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Emerita from 18 to 14 Player Start! Name: Dionne Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Darwin from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jenna from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tasha from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Madaline from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jonathon from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Zita from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: In from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kasi from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Berniece from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Tomoko from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Florentina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rodrigo from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Pat from 13 to 12 Corrine has left the game Terminating thread with socket 268 psock 267 New Player Jarred! Changing Rooms: Hertha from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Cristal from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elinore from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Roslyn from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Reginald from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lily from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Camie from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Jarred Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Sheila from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jude from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Bell from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Arvilla from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Caryl from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kimbery from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kristi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rosetta from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ivana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Heide from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shanda from 14 to 15 Josephina has left the game Changing Rooms: Tony from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 123 Changing Rooms: Krystina from 15 to 14 psock 268 New Player Helga! Changing Rooms: Zaida from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Catheryn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Raleigh from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Nubia from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Chuck from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Stacia from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mammie from 18 to 17 Player Start! Name: Helga Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shila from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deonna from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Billi from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Noreen from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Arianna from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Devon from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Viki from 18 to 14 Gabriel has left the game Changing Rooms: Elaina from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 269 Changing Rooms: Laraine from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Margery from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Margarita from 13 to 12 psock 123 New Player Eartha! Changing Rooms: Rowena from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Mohammad from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Trey from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Janel from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Syreeta from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Corine from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Eartha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shala from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lauran from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rebecca from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Emma from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Maxine from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Corene from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Chia from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sharlene from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hans from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lupe from 10 to 11 Marine has left the game Changing Rooms: Nidia from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Barbara from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hershel from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 125 Changing Rooms: Shannon from 13 to 14 psock 269 New Player Delena! Changing Rooms: Estell from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Concepcion from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sun from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Darlene from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Carolina from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alanna from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ethelyn from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Delena Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lucius from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lilliana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Annabelle from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kara from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Velda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gabriele from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rosella from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Milly from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Katerine from 10 to 11 Jeanette has left the game Changing Rooms: Elene from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Teressa from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Janina from 18 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 270 Changing Rooms: Shemika from 13 to 18 psock 125 Changing Rooms: Priscilla from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Hunter from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jed from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Augustina from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Delicia from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rudolph from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Evita from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jerrica from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Wilda from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Delores from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Carey from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mike from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Erik from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jorge from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Debi from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Britany from 12 to 13 Kamala has left the game Changing Rooms: Barbie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roderick from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kimberlee from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lauri from 11 to 10 Terminating thread with socket 127 psock 270 New Player Sandi! Changing Rooms: Moises from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Ayanna from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Rodger from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mervin from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jewel from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Darius from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Lasonya from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Sandi Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shari from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Emilio from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Brian from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Malena from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ashlea from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Dionne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kemberly from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Melony from 10 to 11 Flora has left the game Changing Rooms: Yun from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 128 Changing Rooms: Antonetta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Diedre from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Belinda from 13 to 14 psock 127 New Player Jamel! Changing Rooms: Zola from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Zada from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tameka from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Delana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Perla from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ossie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Angie from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Jamel Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Mellie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Larraine from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lionel from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Joshua from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mariano from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rosemarie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jarred from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Willie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ellsworth from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cris from 13 to 12 Lily has left the game Changing Rooms: Deandre from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Myrle from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 129 Changing Rooms: Tanya from 12 to 13 psock 128 New Player Moriah! Changing Rooms: Jerald from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Margaret from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Larhonda from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Monnie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deja from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Moriah Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Star from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Yelena from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Verlene from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Hattie from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Yolonda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cole from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Helga from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Clayton from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Christine from 14 to 13 Chuck has left the game Changing Rooms: Laverna from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Syble from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 130 Changing Rooms: Tonda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bryan from 15 to 14 psock 129 New Player Laurette! Changing Rooms: Kareen from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jamal from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sharee from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Theressa from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Eloise from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Arielle from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lianne from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Laurette Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Nellie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dacia from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Deena from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jacquelyne from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Assunta from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lovie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Eartha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Angle from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kraig from 14 to 15 Corine has left the game Changing Rooms: Jae from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Donny from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 131 Changing Rooms: Georgiann from 14 to 13 psock 130 Changing Rooms: Sheilah from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Glynda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shirlene from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yoshiko from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kathrin from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Odelia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sunny from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lyman from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Maryland from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ilona from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marlana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Delena from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Karly from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marget from 12 to 13 Alanna has left the game Changing Rooms: Alvera from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Patrica from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 132 Changing Rooms: Meghan from 17 to 18 psock 131 New Player Mirian! Changing Rooms: Lady from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sadye from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Edmundo from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Eustolia from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Nannie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Keitha from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Edwina from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Mirian Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Pablo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tereasa from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Felicitas from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ozell from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marlene from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Li from 11 to 10 Rudolph has left the game Changing Rooms: Cornell from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 133 Changing Rooms: Tresa from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ferdinand from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lien from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melissa from 12 to 13 psock 132 Changing Rooms: Jolanda from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Casey from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Casandra from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ellis from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Dede from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Isobel from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jonnie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Nickolas from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kathlene from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sandie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roxann from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Delbert from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mel from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sandi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Alec from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Gilma from 14 to 15 Darius has left the game Terminating thread with socket 134 Changing Rooms: Luana from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Reagan from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kristofer from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Camille from 15 to 14 psock 133 New Player Lashanda! Battle Time! Attacks: 1000 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 1000 (from 30 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Ima from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Shirly from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cristobal from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shaun from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marlys from 17 to 18 Player Start! Name: Lashanda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Maryanna from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brittaney from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Penney from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jadwiga from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Emmaline from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Emerita from 14 to 13 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Jamel from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Darwin from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jenna from 18 to 13 Ossie has left the game Changing Rooms: Tasha from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Madaline from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jonathon from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 135 Changing Rooms: Zita from 17 to 18 psock 134 New Player Lara! Changing Rooms: In from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kasi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Berniece from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tomoko from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Florentina from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rodrigo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Pat from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Lara Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Hertha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cristal from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Elinore from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roslyn from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Reginald from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Camie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Moriah from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sheila from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jude from 12 to 13 Monnie has left the game Changing Rooms: Bell from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Arvilla from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 136 Changing Rooms: Caryl from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kimbery from 13 to 18 psock 135 New Player Mavis! Changing Rooms: Kristi from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Rosetta from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ivana from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Heide from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shanda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tony from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Krystina from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Mavis Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Zaida from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Catheryn from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Raleigh from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Nubia from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Stacia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mammie from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Laurette from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shila from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deonna from 18 to 17 Arielle has left the game Changing Rooms: Billi from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Noreen from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Arianna from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 137 psock 136 New Player Jaquelyn! Changing Rooms: Krysta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Devon from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Viki from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Elaina from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Laraine from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Margery from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Margarita from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Jaquelyn Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Rowena from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mohammad from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Trey from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Janel from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Syreeta from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shala from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lauran from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Rebecca from 18 to 17 Yoshiko has left the game Changing Rooms: Emma from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 138 Changing Rooms: Maxine from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Corene from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Chia from 13 to 14 psock 137 New Player Adella! Changing Rooms: Sharlene from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Hans from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lupe from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Barbara from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hershel from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shannon from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Adella Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Estell from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Concepcion from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sun from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darlene from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Carolina from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ethelyn from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mirian from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lucius from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lilliana from 13 to 14 Keitha has left the game Changing Rooms: Annabelle from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kara from 18 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 139 Changing Rooms: Velda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Gabriele from 18 to 17 psock 138 New Player Michael! Changing Rooms: Rosella from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Milly from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Katerine from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Elene from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Teressa from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Janina from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shemika from 18 to 13 Player Start! Name: Michael Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Priscilla from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hunter from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jed from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Augustina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Delicia from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Evita from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jerrica from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Wilda from 18 to 13 Dede has left the game Changing Rooms: Delores from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 140 Changing Rooms: Carey from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mike from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Erik from 13 to 12 psock 139 New Player Trula! Changing Rooms: Jorge from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Debi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Britany from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Barbie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roderick from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kimberlee from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lauri from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Trula Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Moises from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ayanna from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rodger from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mervin from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jewel from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lasonya from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lashanda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shari from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Emilio from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brian from 15 to 14 Marlys has left the game Changing Rooms: Malena from 18 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 141 Changing Rooms: Ashlea from 15 to 14 psock 140 New Player Tonya! Changing Rooms: Dionne from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kemberly from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Melony from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Yun from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Antonetta from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Diedre from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Belinda from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Tonya Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Zola from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Zada from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tameka from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Delana from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Perla from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Angie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lara from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mellie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Larraine from 12 to 13 Florentina has left the game Terminating thread with socket 142 Changing Rooms: Lionel from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Joshua from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mariano from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosemarie from 13 to 12 psock 141 New Player Florene! Changing Rooms: Jarred from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Willie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ellsworth from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cris from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deandre from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Myrle from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tanya from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Florene Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jerald from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Margaret from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Larhonda from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deja from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mavis from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Star from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Yelena from 13 to 12 Tony has left the game Changing Rooms: Verlene from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 143 Changing Rooms: Hattie from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Yolonda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Cole from 12 to 13 psock 142 New Player Dion! Changing Rooms: Helga from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Clayton from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Christine from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Laverna from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Syble from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tonda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Bryan from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Dion Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Kareen from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jamal from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sharee from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Theressa from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Eloise from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lianne from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jaquelyn from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nellie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dacia from 18 to 13 Margery has left the game Changing Rooms: Deena from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 144 Changing Rooms: Jacquelyne from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Assunta from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lovie from 15 to 14 psock 143 New Player Ouida! Changing Rooms: Eartha from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Angle from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kraig from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jae from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Donny from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Georgiann from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Ouida Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Sheilah from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Glynda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shirlene from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kathrin from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Odelia from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Adella from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sunny from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lyman from 12 to 13 Hershel has left the game Terminating thread with socket 145 Changing Rooms: Maryland from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ilona from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marlana from 15 to 14 psock 144 New Player Phyllis! Changing Rooms: Delena from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Karly from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marget from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alvera from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Patrica from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Meghan from 18 to 17 Player Start! Name: Phyllis Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lady from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sadye from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Edmundo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eustolia from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nannie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Edwina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Michael from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Pablo from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tereasa from 14 to 13 Teressa has left the game Changing Rooms: Felicitas from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ozell from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 271 Changing Rooms: Marlene from 14 to 15 psock 145 New Player Lavonda! Changing Rooms: Sonya from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Li from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cornell from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lien from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ferdinand from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tresa from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Lavonda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Melissa from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jolanda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Casey from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Casandra from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ellis from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Isobel from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jonnie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Trula from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nickolas from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kathlene from 12 to 13 Kimberlee has left the game Changing Rooms: Sandie from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 147 Changing Rooms: Roxann from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Delbert from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mel from 15 to 14 psock 271 New Player Ezra! Changing Rooms: Sandi from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Alec from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gilma from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Reagan from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kristofer from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Ezra Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Camille from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ima from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shirly from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cristobal from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shaun from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tonya from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Maryanna from 13 to 14 Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 22 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Brittaney from 12 to 13 Diedre has left the game Changing Rooms: Penney from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jadwiga from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Emmaline from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 148 Changing Rooms: Emerita from 13 to 12 psock 147 Changing Rooms: Jamel from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Darwin from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jenna from 13 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Tasha from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Madaline from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jonathon from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Zita from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: In from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kasi from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Berniece from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tomoko from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rodrigo from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Pat from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Florene from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hertha from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cristal from 10 to 11 Deandre has left the game Terminating thread with socket 149 Changing Rooms: Elinore from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Roslyn from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Reginald from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Camie from 14 to 15 psock 148 New Player Caitlyn! Changing Rooms: Moriah from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sheila from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jude from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Bell from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Arvilla from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Caryl from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kimbery from 18 to 13 Player Start! Name: Caitlyn Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Kristi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rosetta from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ivana from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Heide from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shanda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Krystina from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dion from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Zaida from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Catheryn from 14 to 15 Tonda has left the game Changing Rooms: Raleigh from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Nubia from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Stacia from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 150 Changing Rooms: Mammie from 18 to 17 psock 149 Changing Rooms: Laurette from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shila from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deonna from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Billi from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Noreen from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Arianna from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Devon from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Viki from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Elaina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Laraine from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Margarita from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ouida from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rowena from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mohammad from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Trey from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Janel from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Syreeta from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shala from 13 to 14 psock 150 New Player Etha! Changing Rooms: Lauran from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rebecca from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Emma from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Maxine from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Etha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Corene from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Chia from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sharlene from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hans from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lupe from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Barbara from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shannon from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Phyllis from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Estell from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Concepcion from 18 to 17 Patrica has left the game Changing Rooms: Sun from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Darlene from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Carolina from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 152 Changing Rooms: Ethelyn from 18 to 13 psock 291 New Player Yael! Changing Rooms: Mirian from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lucius from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lilliana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Annabelle from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kara from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Velda from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Yael Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Gabriele from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rosella from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Milly from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Katerine from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Elene from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Janina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shemika from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lavonda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Priscilla from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hunter from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jed from 15 to 14 Melissa has left the game Changing Rooms: Augustina from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Delicia from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 272 Changing Rooms: Evita from 13 to 12 psock 152 New Player Britney! Changing Rooms: Jerrica from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Wilda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Delores from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Carey from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mike from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Britney Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Erik from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jorge from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Debi from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Britany from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Barbie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Roderick from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lauri from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Ezra from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Moises from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ayanna from 18 to 14 Kristofer has left the game Changing Rooms: Mervin from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rodger from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jewel from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 154 Changing Rooms: Lasonya from 14 to 13 psock 272 New Player Vergie! Changing Rooms: Lashanda from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shari from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Emilio from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Brian from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Malena from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ashlea from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Vergie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Dionne from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kemberly from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Melony from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Yun from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Antonetta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Belinda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: India from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Zola from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Zada from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tameka from 14 to 15 Jonathon has left the game Changing Rooms: Delana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Perla from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 155 Changing Rooms: Angie from 14 to 13 psock 154 New Player Corrinne! Changing Rooms: Lara from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Mellie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Larraine from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lionel from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Joshua from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Corrinne Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Mariano from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rosemarie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jarred from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Willie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ellsworth from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Cris from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Myrle from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tanya from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Caitlyn from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jerald from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Margaret from 18 to 13 Caryl has left the game Changing Rooms: Larhonda from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 156 Changing Rooms: Deja from 14 to 13 psock 155 New Player Ernest! Changing Rooms: Mavis from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Star from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Yelena from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Verlene from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hattie from 17 to 18 Player Start! Name: Ernest Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Yolonda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cole from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Helga from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Clayton from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Christine from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Laverna from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Syble from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bryan from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kareen from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jamal from 15 to 14 Arianna has left the game Changing Rooms: Sharee from 11 to 10 Terminating thread with socket 157 Changing Rooms: Theressa from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eloise from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lianne from 14 to 15 psock 156 New Player Roni! Changing Rooms: Jaquelyn from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Nellie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Dacia from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deena from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jacquelyne from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Assunta from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Roni Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lovie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eartha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Angle from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kraig from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jae from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Donny from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Georgiann from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Etha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sheilah from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Glynda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shirlene from 14 to 15 Chia has left the game Changing Rooms: Kathrin from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Odelia from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 158 psock 157 New Player Lourie! Changing Rooms: Adella from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sunny from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lyman from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Maryland from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shana from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ilona from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Lourie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Marlana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Delena from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Karly from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marget from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alvera from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Meghan from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Yael from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lady from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sadye from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Edmundo from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Eustolia from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Nannie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Edwina from 13 to 12 Gabriele has left the game Terminating thread with socket 273 psock 158 New Player Catherin! Changing Rooms: Michael from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Pablo from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Tereasa from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Felicitas from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Catherin Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Ozell from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marlene from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Li from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Cornell from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lien from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Ferdinand from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tresa from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Britney from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jolanda from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Casey from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Casandra from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ellis from 18 to 13 Erik has left the game Changing Rooms: Isobel from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jonnie from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 160 psock 273 Changing Rooms: Trula from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nickolas from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Kathlene from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sandie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roxann from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Delbert from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mel from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sandi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alec from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Gilma from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Luana from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Reagan from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Camille from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Vergie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ima from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Shirly from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cristobal from 12 to 13 Ashlea has left the game Changing Rooms: Shaun from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 161 psock 160 New Player Marlon! Changing Rooms: Tonya from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Maryanna from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Brittaney from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Penney from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Emmaline from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jadwiga from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Marlon Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Emerita from 12 to 13 Battle Time! Attacks: 2200 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 2200 (from 33 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Jamel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darwin from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jenna from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tasha from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Madaline from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Zita from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Corrinne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: In from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kasi from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Berniece from 13 to 12 Rosemarie has left the game Changing Rooms: Tomoko from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rodrigo from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Pat from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 162 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! psock 161 New Player Kandra! Changing Rooms: Florene from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Hertha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cristal from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Elinore from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roslyn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Reginald from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Kandra Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Camie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Moriah from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sheila from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jude from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bell from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Arvilla from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Kimbery from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ernest from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kristi from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rosetta from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ivana from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Heide from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shanda from 15 to 14 Cole has left the game Changing Rooms: Krystina from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 163 psock 162 New Player Kassie! Changing Rooms: Dion from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Zaida from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Catheryn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Raleigh from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nubia from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Kassie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Stacia from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mammie from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Laurette from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shila from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Deonna from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Billi from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Noreen from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Roni from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Devon from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Viki from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Elaina from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Laraine from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Margarita from 18 to 17 Lovie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 164 psock 163 New Player Myrl! Changing Rooms: Ouida from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Rowena from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mohammad from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Trey from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Janel from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Syreeta from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Myrl Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shala from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lauran from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rebecca from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Emma from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Maxine from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Corene from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lourie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sharlene from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hans from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lupe from 13 to 14 Ilona has left the game Changing Rooms: Nidia from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Barbara from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 50 Changing Rooms: Shannon from 14 to 13 psock 164 New Player Cassandra! Changing Rooms: Phyllis from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Estell from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Concepcion from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sun from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darlene from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Carolina from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ethelyn from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Cassandra Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Mirian from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lucius from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lilliana from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Annabelle from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kara from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Velda from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Catherin from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rosella from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Milly from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Katerine from 13 to 12 Marlene has left the game Changing Rooms: Elene from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Janina from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: Shemika from 18 to 14 psock 50 New Player Millard! Changing Rooms: Lavonda from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Priscilla from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hunter from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jed from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Augustina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Delicia from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Evita from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Millard Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jerrica from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Wilda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Delores from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Carey from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mike from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jorge from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Debi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Britany from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Barbie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roderick from 15 to 14 Mel has left the game Changing Rooms: Lauri from 10 to 11 Terminating thread with socket 165 psock 11 New Player Raymon! Changing Rooms: Ezra from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Moises from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ayanna from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rodger from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Mervin from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jewel from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Raymon Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lasonya from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lashanda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shari from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Emilio from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brian from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Malena from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marlon from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dionne from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kemberly from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Melony from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Yun from 13 to 14 Emerita has left the game Changing Rooms: Antonetta from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Belinda from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 53 psock 165 New Player Odell! Changing Rooms: India from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Zola from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Zada from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tameka from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Delana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Perla from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Odell Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Angie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lara from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mellie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Larraine from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Lionel from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Joshua from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mariano from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kandra from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jarred from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Willie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ellsworth from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cris from 12 to 13 Camie has left the game Changing Rooms: Myrle from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tanya from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 28 psock 53 New Player Latonya! Changing Rooms: Caitlyn from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jerald from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Margaret from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Larhonda from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Latonya Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Deja from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mavis from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Star from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Yelena from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Verlene from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hattie from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Yolonda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kassie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Helga from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Clayton from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Christine from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Laverna from 12 to 13 Mammie has left the game Changing Rooms: Syble from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 82 Changing Rooms: Bryan from 14 to 15 psock 28 Changing Rooms: Kareen from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jamal from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sharee from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Theressa from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Eloise from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lianne from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jaquelyn from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nellie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dacia from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Deena from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jacquelyne from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Assunta from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Myrl from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Eartha from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Angle from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kraig from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jae from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Donny from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Georgiann from 13 to 12 Shala has left the game Terminating thread with socket 166 psock 82 New Player Valarie! Changing Rooms: Etha from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sheilah from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Glynda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shirlene from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kathrin from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Odelia from 17 to 18 Player Start! Name: Valarie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Adella from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sunny from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lyman from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Maryland from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marlana from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cassandra from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Delena from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Karly from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marget from 13 to 12 Ethelyn has left the game Changing Rooms: Alvera from 17 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 57 Changing Rooms: Meghan from 18 to 17 psock 166 New Player Leopoldo! Changing Rooms: Yael from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lady from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sadye from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Edmundo from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eustolia from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Leopoldo Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Edwina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nannie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Michael from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Pablo from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tereasa from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Felicitas from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ozell from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Millard from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Li from 10 to 11 Evita has left the game Changing Rooms: Cornell from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lien from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ferdinand from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tresa from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 58 psock 57 New Player Basilia! Changing Rooms: Britney from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jolanda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Casey from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Casandra from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ellis from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Basilia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Isobel from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jonnie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Trula from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nickolas from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kathlene from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Sandie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roxann from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Delbert from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Raymon from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sandi from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alec from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gilma from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luana from 14 to 15 Lasonya has left the game Changing Rooms: Reagan from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Camille from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 59 psock 58 New Player Reyes! Changing Rooms: Vergie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ima from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shirly from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cristobal from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shaun from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Reyes Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tonya from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Maryanna from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Brittaney from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Penney from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Emmaline from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jadwiga from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Odell from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jamel from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Darwin from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jenna from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tasha from 13 to 14 Angie has left the game Changing Rooms: Madaline from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Zita from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 34 psock 59 Changing Rooms: Corrinne from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: In from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kasi from 13 to 14 Battle Time! Attacks: 3900 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 3900 (from 26 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Berniece from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tomoko from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rodrigo from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Pat from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Florene from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hertha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cristal from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elinore from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roslyn from 14 to 15 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Reginald from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Latonya from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Moriah from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sheila from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jude from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Bell from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Arvilla from 17 to 18 Deja has left the game Terminating thread with socket 85 Changing Rooms: Kimbery from 12 to 13 psock 34 Changing Rooms: Ernest from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kristi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rosetta from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ivana from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Heide from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shanda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Krystina from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dion from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Zaida from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Catheryn from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Raleigh from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Nubia from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Stacia from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Laurette from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shila from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deonna from 13 to 14 Lianne has left the game Changing Rooms: Billi from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Noreen from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 62 psock 85 New Player Joana! Changing Rooms: Roni from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Viki from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Elaina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Devon from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Laraine from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Joana Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Margarita from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ouida from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rowena from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mohammad from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Trey from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Syreeta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Janel from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Valarie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lauran from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rebecca from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Emma from 18 to 17 Odelia has left the game Changing Rooms: Maxine from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 23 Changing Rooms: Corene from 15 to 14 psock 62 New Player Natashia! Changing Rooms: Lourie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sharlene from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hans from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lupe from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Barbara from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Natashia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shannon from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Phyllis from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Estell from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Concepcion from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sun from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Darlene from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Carolina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Leopoldo from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mirian from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lucius from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lilliana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Annabelle from 14 to 15 Edwina has left the game Changing Rooms: Kara from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Velda from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 89 psock 23 New Player Brittny! Changing Rooms: Catherin from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Rosella from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Milly from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Katerine from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Brittny Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Elene from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Janina from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shemika from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lavonda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Priscilla from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Hunter from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jed from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Augustina from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Delicia from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Basilia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jerrica from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Wilda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Delores from 14 to 15 Jonnie has left the game Changing Rooms: Carey from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mike from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 113 psock 89 New Player Gwyneth! Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jorge from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Debi from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Britany from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Barbie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roderick from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Gwyneth Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lauri from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Ezra from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Moises from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ayanna from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rodger from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mervin from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jewel from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Reyes from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lashanda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shari from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Emilio from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Brian from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Malena from 14 to 13 psock 113 New Player Lakeisha! Changing Rooms: Marlon from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Dionne from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kemberly from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Melony from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Yun from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Lakeisha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Antonetta from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Belinda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: India from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Zola from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Zada from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tameka from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Delana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Perla from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Camie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lara from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Mellie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Larraine from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lionel from 14 to 15 Pat has left the game Changing Rooms: Joshua from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mariano from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 168 psock 292 New Player Sherry! Changing Rooms: Kandra from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jarred from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Willie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ellsworth from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Cris from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Myrle from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Sherry Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tanya from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Caitlyn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jerald from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Margaret from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Larhonda from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Connie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mavis from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Star from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yelena from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Verlene from 14 to 13 Krystina has left the game Terminating thread with socket 169 Changing Rooms: Hattie from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Yolonda from 13 to 14 psock 168 New Player Arica! Changing Rooms: Kassie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Helga from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Clayton from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Christine from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Laverna from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Syble from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Arica Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Bryan from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kareen from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jamal from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sharee from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Theressa from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eloise from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Joana from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jaquelyn from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nellie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dacia from 15 to 14 Margarita has left the game Changing Rooms: Deena from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jacquelyne from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 170 Changing Rooms: Assunta from 17 to 18 psock 169 New Player Hugo! Changing Rooms: Myrl from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Eartha from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Angle from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kraig from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jae from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Donny from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Georgiann from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Hugo Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Etha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sheilah from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Glynda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shirlene from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kathrin from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Natashia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Adella from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sunny from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lyman from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Maryland from 14 to 15 Shannon has left the game Terminating thread with socket 171 Changing Rooms: Shana from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marlana from 14 to 13 psock 170 New Player Melonie! Changing Rooms: Cassandra from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Delena from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Karly from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marget from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Melonie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Alvera from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Meghan from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Yael from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lady from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sadye from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Edmundo from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eustolia from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nannie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Brittny from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Michael from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Pablo from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tereasa from 13 to 12 Shemika has left the game Changing Rooms: Felicitas from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 172 Changing Rooms: Ozell from 14 to 15 psock 171 New Player Clyde! Changing Rooms: Millard from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Li from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lien from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Cornell from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Clyde Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Ferdinand from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tresa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Britney from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jolanda from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Casey from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Casandra from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ellis from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Isobel from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gwyneth from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Trula from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nickolas from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kathlene from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sandie from 13 to 18 Lauri has left the game Terminating thread with socket 173 Changing Rooms: Roxann from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Delbert from 14 to 15 psock 172 New Player Conception! Changing Rooms: Raymon from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sandi from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Alec from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Gilma from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Luana from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Conception Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Reagan from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Camille from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Vergie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ima from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Shirly from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cristobal from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shaun from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lakeisha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tonya from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Maryanna from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brittaney from 15 to 14 Belinda has left the game Changing Rooms: Penney from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 174 Changing Rooms: Jadwiga from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Emmaline from 14 to 13 psock 173 New Player Alvina! Changing Rooms: Odell from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jamel from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darwin from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jenna from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tasha from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Madaline from 18 to 17 Player Start! Name: Alvina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Zita from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Corrinne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: In from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Kasi from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Berniece from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tomoko from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rodrigo from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sherry from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Florene from 11 to 12 Battle Time! Attacks: 3400 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 3400 (from 34 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Hertha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cristal from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Elinore from 14 to 13 Tanya has left the game Changing Rooms: Roslyn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Reginald from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 175 psock 174 New Player Jeffery! Changing Rooms: Latonya from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Moriah from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sheila from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jude from 12 to 13 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Player Start! Name: Jeffery Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Bell from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Arvilla from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Kimbery from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ernest from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kristi from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rosetta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ivana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Heide from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shanda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Arica from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dion from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Zaida from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Catheryn from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Raleigh from 15 to 14 Bryan has left the game Changing Rooms: Nubia from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 176 Changing Rooms: Stacia from 12 to 13 psock 175 New Player Domenica! Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Laurette from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shila from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deonna from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Domenica Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Billi from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Noreen from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roni from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Devon from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Viki from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Elaina from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Laraine from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hugo from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ouida from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Rowena from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mohammad from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Trey from 14 to 15 Georgiann has left the game Changing Rooms: Janel from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Syreeta from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 274 psock 176 New Player Jeanne! Changing Rooms: Valarie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lauran from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rebecca from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Emma from 17 to 18 Player Start! Name: Jeanne Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Maxine from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Corene from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lourie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sharlene from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Hans from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lupe from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Barbara from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Melonie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Phyllis from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Estell from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Concepcion from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sun from 18 to 17 Meghan has left the game Changing Rooms: Darlene from 18 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 178 Changing Rooms: Carolina from 13 to 14 psock 274 New Player Thao! Changing Rooms: Leopoldo from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Mirian from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lucius from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lilliana from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Annabelle from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kara from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Thao Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Velda from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Catherin from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rosella from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Milly from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Katerine from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Elene from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Janina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Clyde from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lavonda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Priscilla from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Hunter from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jed from 14 to 13 Tresa has left the game Changing Rooms: Augustina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Delicia from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 179 psock 178 New Player Vivien! Changing Rooms: Basilia from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jerrica from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Wilda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Delores from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Vivien Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Carey from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mike from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jorge from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Debi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Britany from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Barbie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roderick from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Conception from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ezra from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Moises from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ayanna from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rodger from 18 to 17 Camille has left the game Changing Rooms: Mervin from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jewel from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 180 psock 179 New Player Arleen! Changing Rooms: Reyes from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lashanda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shari from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Emilio from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Brian from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Malena from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Arleen Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Marlon from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dionne from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kemberly from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melony from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Yun from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Antonetta from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alvina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: India from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Zola from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Zada from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tameka from 13 to 18 Zita has left the game Changing Rooms: Delana from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Perla from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 181 psock 180 Changing Rooms: Camie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lara from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mellie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Larraine from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lionel from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Joshua from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mariano from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kandra from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jarred from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Willie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ellsworth from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cris from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Myrle from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jeffery from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Caitlyn from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jerald from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Margaret from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Larhonda from 18 to 14 Kimbery has left the game Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 182 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 18 to 17 psock 181 New Player Del! Changing Rooms: Connie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mavis from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Star from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Yelena from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Verlene from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Del Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Hattie from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yolonda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kassie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Helga from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Clayton from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Christine from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Laverna from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Syble from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Domenica from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kareen from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jamal from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sharee from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Theressa from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eloise from 18 to 17 psock 182 New Player Barton! Changing Rooms: Joana from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jaquelyn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nellie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dacia from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deena from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Barton Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jacquelyne from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Assunta from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Myrl from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Eartha from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Angle from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kraig from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jae from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Donny from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jeanne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Etha from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sheilah from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Glynda from 13 to 12 Corene has left the game Terminating thread with socket 184 Changing Rooms: Shirlene from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kathrin from 13 to 14 psock 293 New Player Bradly! Changing Rooms: Natashia from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Adella from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sunny from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lyman from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Bradly Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Maryland from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marlana from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cassandra from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Delena from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Karly from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marget from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alvera from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Thao from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Yael from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lady from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sadye from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Edmundo from 13 to 12 Velda has left the game Changing Rooms: Eustolia from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 185 Changing Rooms: Nannie from 12 to 13 psock 184 New Player Anette! Changing Rooms: Brittny from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Michael from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Pablo from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tereasa from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Anette Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Felicitas from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ozell from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Millard from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Li from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lien from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cornell from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ferdinand from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Vivien from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Britney from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jolanda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Casey from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Casandra from 12 to 13 Mike has left the game Changing Rooms: Ellis from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 186 Changing Rooms: Isobel from 14 to 13 psock 185 New Player Kendall! Changing Rooms: Gwyneth from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Trula from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nickolas from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kathlene from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sandie from 18 to 17 Player Start! Name: Kendall Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Roxann from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Delbert from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Raymon from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sandi from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alec from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gilma from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Reagan from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Arleen from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Vergie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ima from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shirly from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cristobal from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shaun from 13 to 18 psock 186 New Player Shan! Changing Rooms: Lakeisha from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Tonya from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Maryanna from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Brittaney from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Penney from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Shan Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Emmaline from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jadwiga from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Odell from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jamel from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Darwin from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jenna from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tasha from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Madaline from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Corrinne from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: In from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kasi from 15 to 14 Mariano has left the game Changing Rooms: Berniece from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tomoko from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rodrigo from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 188 psock 294 New Player Rosa! Changing Rooms: Sherry from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Florene from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hertha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cristal from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Rosa Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Elinore from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Roslyn from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Reginald from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Latonya from 10 to 11 Battle Time! Attacks: 4500 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 4500 (from 30 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Moriah from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sheila from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jude from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Bell from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Arvilla from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Del from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ernest from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kristi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rosetta from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ivana from 13 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Heide from 14 to 13 Yolonda has left the game Changing Rooms: Shanda from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 189 psock 188 New Player Wilburn! Changing Rooms: Arica from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dion from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Zaida from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Catheryn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Raleigh from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Wilburn Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Nubia from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Stacia from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Laurette from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shila from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deonna from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Noreen from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Billi from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Barton from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Roni from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Devon from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Viki from 15 to 14 Assunta has left the game Changing Rooms: Elaina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Laraine from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 190 psock 189 New Player Katelynn! Changing Rooms: Hugo from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Ouida from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rowena from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mohammad from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Trey from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Katelynn Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Janel from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Syreeta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Valarie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lauran from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rebecca from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Emma from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Maxine from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Bradly from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lourie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sharlene from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hans from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lupe from 14 to 13 Shana has left the game Terminating thread with socket 191 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Barbara from 14 to 13 psock 190 New Player Ellena! Changing Rooms: Melonie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Phyllis from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Estell from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Concepcion from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sun from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Darlene from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Ellena Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Carolina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Leopoldo from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mirian from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lucius from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lilliana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Annabelle from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kara from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Anette from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Catherin from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Rosella from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Milly from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Katerine from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Elene from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Janina from 15 to 14 Ozell has left the game Terminating thread with socket 192 psock 191 New Player Jerrod! Changing Rooms: Clyde from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lavonda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Priscilla from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Hunter from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Jerrod Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jed from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Augustina from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Delicia from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Basilia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jerrica from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Wilda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Delores from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Carey from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kendall from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jorge from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Debi from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Britany from 18 to 17 Delbert has left the game Changing Rooms: Barbie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Roderick from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 119 psock 192 New Player Andre! Changing Rooms: Conception from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Ezra from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Moises from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ayanna from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rodger from 17 to 18 Player Start! Name: Andre Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Mervin from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jewel from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Reyes from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lashanda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shari from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Emilio from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Brian from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Malena from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shan from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marlon from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dionne from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kemberly from 13 to 14 Emmaline has left the game Changing Rooms: Yun from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Antonetta from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 40 Changing Rooms: Melony from 10 to 11 psock 119 New Player Joleen! Changing Rooms: Alvina from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: India from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Zola from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Zada from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tameka from 18 to 17 Player Start! Name: Joleen Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Delana from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Perla from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Camie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lara from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Mellie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Larraine from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lionel from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Joshua from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kandra from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jarred from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Willie from 13 to 14 Reginald has left the game Changing Rooms: Ellsworth from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Cris from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Myrle from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 68 psock 40 Changing Rooms: Jeffery from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Caitlyn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jerald from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Margaret from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Larhonda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tanika from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Connie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mavis from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Star from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yelena from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Verlene from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hattie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Wilburn from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kassie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Helga from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Clayton from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Christine from 18 to 17 Stacia has left the game Changing Rooms: Laverna from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Syble from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 94 psock 68 New Player Lelah! Changing Rooms: Domenica from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kareen from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jamal from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sharee from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Lelah Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Theressa from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Eloise from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Joana from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jaquelyn from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nellie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dacia from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Deena from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jacquelyne from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Katelynn from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Myrl from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Eartha from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Angle from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kraig from 14 to 15 Syreeta has left the game Changing Rooms: Jae from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Donny from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 70 psock 94 Changing Rooms: Jeanne from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Etha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sheilah from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Glynda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shirlene from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kathrin from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Natashia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Adella from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sunny from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Lyman from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Maryland from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marlana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cassandra from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Delena from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Karly from 13 to 12 Carolina has left the game Changing Rooms: Marget from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alvera from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 120 psock 70 New Player Margo! Changing Rooms: Thao from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Yael from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lady from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sadye from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Edmundo from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Margo Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Eustolia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nannie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Brittny from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Michael from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Pablo from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tereasa from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Felicitas from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jerrod from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Millard from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Li from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cornell from 13 to 14 Delicia has left the game Changing Rooms: Lien from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ferdinand from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 98 psock 120 New Player Simonne! Changing Rooms: Vivien from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Britney from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jolanda from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Casey from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Casandra from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ellis from 18 to 17 Player Start! Name: Simonne Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Isobel from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gwyneth from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Trula from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nickolas from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kathlene from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sandie from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Roxann from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Andre from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Raymon from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sandi from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alec from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gilma from 14 to 15 Jewel has left the game Changing Rooms: Luana from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 121 Changing Rooms: Reagan from 12 to 13 psock 98 New Player Chrystal! Changing Rooms: Arleen from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Vergie from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ima from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shirly from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cristobal from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Chrystal Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shaun from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Lakeisha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tonya from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Maryanna from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Brittaney from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Penney from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jadwiga from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Joleen from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Odell from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jamel from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darwin from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jenna from 12 to 13 Delana has left the game Terminating thread with socket 276 Changing Rooms: Tasha from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Madaline from 18 to 17 psock 121 New Player Felton! Changing Rooms: Corrinne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: In from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kasi from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Felton Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Berniece from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tomoko from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rodrigo from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sherry from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Florene from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hertha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cristal from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Elinore from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roslyn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Latonya from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Moriah from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sheila from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jude from 12 to 13 Tanika has left the game Changing Rooms: Bell from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Arvilla from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 21 psock 276 New Player Theola! Changing Rooms: Del from 11 to 12 Battle Time! Attacks: 2500 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 2500 (from 30 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Ernest from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Kristi from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosetta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ivana from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Theola Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Heide from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shanda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Arica from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dion from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Zaida from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Catheryn from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Raleigh from 13 to 14 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Nubia from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lelah from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Laurette from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Shila from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deonna from 18 to 17 Eloise has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Noreen from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Billi from 13 to 18 psock 21 New Player Masako! Changing Rooms: Barton from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Roni from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Devon from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Viki from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Masako Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Elaina from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Laraine from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hugo from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ouida from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Rowena from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mohammad from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Trey from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Janel from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Valarie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lauran from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rebecca from 18 to 13 Kathrin has left the game Changing Rooms: Emma from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Maxine from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 49 psock 9 New Player Iluminada! Changing Rooms: Bradly from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lourie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sharlene from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Hans from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lupe from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Barbara from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Iluminada Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Melonie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Phyllis from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Estell from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Concepcion from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sun from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darlene from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Margo from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Leopoldo from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mirian from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lucius from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lilliana from 15 to 14 Nannie has left the game Changing Rooms: Annabelle from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 64 Changing Rooms: Kara from 13 to 14 psock 49 New Player Lavonia! Changing Rooms: Anette from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Catherin from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rosella from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Milly from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Katerine from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Elene from 18 to 13 Player Start! Name: Lavonia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Janina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Clyde from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lavonda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Priscilla from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Hunter from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jed from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Augustina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Simonne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Basilia from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jerrica from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Wilda from 14 to 15 Isobel has left the game Changing Rooms: Delores from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Carey from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 76 psock 64 New Player Rosie! Changing Rooms: Kendall from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jorge from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Debi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Britany from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Barbie from 18 to 14 Player Start! Name: Rosie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Roderick from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Conception from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ezra from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Moises from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ayanna from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rodger from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Mervin from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Chrystal from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Reyes from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lashanda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shari from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Emilio from 18 to 13 Shaun has left the game Terminating thread with socket 124 Changing Rooms: Brian from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Malena from 13 to 12 psock 76 Changing Rooms: Shan from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Marlon from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dionne from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kemberly from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melony from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Sharon Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Yun from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Antonetta from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alvina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: India from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Zola from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Zada from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tameka from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Perla from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Felton from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Camie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lara from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mellie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Larraine from 14 to 15 Rodrigo has left the game Changing Rooms: Lionel from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 126 Changing Rooms: Joshua from 14 to 15 psock 124 New Player Shandi! Changing Rooms: Rosa from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kandra from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jarred from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Willie from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Shandi Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Ellsworth from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cris from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Myrle from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Jeffery from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Caitlyn from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jerald from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Margaret from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Larhonda from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Theola from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Connie from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Mavis from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Star from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Yelena from 15 to 14 Shanda has left the game Changing Rooms: Verlene from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 146 Changing Rooms: Hattie from 12 to 13 psock 126 Changing Rooms: Wilburn from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Kassie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Helga from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Clayton from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Christine from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Laverna from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Syble from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Domenica from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kareen from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jamal from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sharee from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Theressa from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Masako from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Joana from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jaquelyn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nellie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dacia from 18 to 17 Laraine has left the game Changing Rooms: Deena from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jacquelyne from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 153 psock 146 New Player Mayme! Changing Rooms: Katelynn from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Myrl from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eartha from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Angle from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kraig from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Mayme Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jae from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Donny from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jeanne from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Etha from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sheilah from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Glynda from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shirlene from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Iluminada from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Natashia from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Adella from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sunny from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lyman from 14 to 13 Barbara has left the game Terminating thread with socket 193 Changing Rooms: Maryland from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Marlana from 13 to 18 psock 153 New Player Inge! Changing Rooms: Ellena from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cassandra from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Delena from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Karly from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Inge Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Marget from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Alvera from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Thao from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yael from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lady from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sadye from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Edmundo from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eustolia from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lavonia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brittny from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Michael from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Pablo from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tereasa from 18 to 13 Janina has left the game Changing Rooms: Felicitas from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 194 psock 193 Changing Rooms: Jerrod from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Millard from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Li from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lien from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cornell from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ferdinand from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Vivien from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Britney from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jolanda from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Casey from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Casandra from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ellis from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rosie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Gwyneth from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Trula from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Nickolas from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kathlene from 13 to 12 Roderick has left the game Changing Rooms: Sandie from 18 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 195 Changing Rooms: Roxann from 13 to 14 psock 194 New Player Vina! Changing Rooms: Andre from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Raymon from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sandi from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Alec from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Gilma from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luana from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Vina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Reagan from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Arleen from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Vergie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ima from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shirly from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cristobal from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sharon from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lakeisha from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tonya from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Maryanna from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Brittaney from 12 to 13 Antonetta has left the game Changing Rooms: Penney from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 196 Changing Rooms: Jadwiga from 12 to 13 psock 195 New Player Amada! Changing Rooms: Joleen from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Odell from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jamel from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Darwin from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jenna from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tasha from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Amada Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Madaline from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Corrinne from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: In from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kasi from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Berniece from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tomoko from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shandi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sherry from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Florene from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Hertha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cristal from 12 to 13 Myrle has left the game Terminating thread with socket 197 Changing Rooms: Elinore from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Roslyn from 14 to 15 psock 196 New Player Mora! Changing Rooms: Latonya from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Moriah from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sheila from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Jude from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Mora Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Bell from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Arvilla from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Del from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ernest from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kristi from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rosetta from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ivana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Heide from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Adah from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Arica from 13 to 14 Battle Time! Attacks: 5466 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 5466 (from 41 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Dion from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Zaida from 13 to 14 Syble has left the game Changing Rooms: Catheryn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Raleigh from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 277 Changing Rooms: Nubia from 13 to 14 psock 197 Changing Rooms: Lelah from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Laurette from 17 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Shila from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deonna from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Noreen from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Billi from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Barton from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roni from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Devon from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Viki from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Elaina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mayme from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hugo from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Ouida from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rowena from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mohammad from 18 to 13 Donny has left the game Changing Rooms: Trey from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 199 Changing Rooms: Janel from 18 to 13 psock 277 New Player Lorenzo! Changing Rooms: Valarie from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Lauran from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rebecca from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Emma from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Maxine from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Lorenzo Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Bradly from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lourie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sharlene from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hans from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lupe from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Inge from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Melonie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Phyllis from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Estell from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Concepcion from 13 to 14 Alvera has left the game Changing Rooms: Sun from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 200 Changing Rooms: Darlene from 14 to 15 psock 199 New Player Evelynn! Changing Rooms: Margo from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Leopoldo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mirian from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lucius from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lilliana from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Evelynn Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Annabelle from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kara from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Anette from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Catherin from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Rosella from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Milly from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Katerine from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Elene from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Clyde from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lavonda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Priscilla from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Hunter from 18 to 13 Ferdinand has left the game Changing Rooms: Jed from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Augustina from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 201 psock 200 New Player Fae! Changing Rooms: Simonne from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Basilia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jerrica from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wilda from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Fae Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Delores from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Carey from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kendall from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jorge from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Debi from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Britany from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Barbie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Vina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Conception from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ezra from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Moises from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ayanna from 15 to 14 Reagan has left the game Changing Rooms: Rodger from 17 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 202 Changing Rooms: Mervin from 18 to 13 psock 201 New Player Tamera! Changing Rooms: Chrystal from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Reyes from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Lashanda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shari from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Emilio from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Brian from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Malena from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Tamera Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shan from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marlon from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dionne from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kemberly from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Melony from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yun from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Amada from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Alvina from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: India from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Zola from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Zada from 14 to 13 Madaline has left the game Changing Rooms: Tameka from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 203 Changing Rooms: Perla from 18 to 13 psock 202 New Player Irena! Changing Rooms: Felton from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Camie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lara from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mellie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Larraine from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Irena Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lionel from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Joshua from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kandra from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jarred from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Willie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ellsworth from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cris from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mora from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jeffery from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Caitlyn from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jerald from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Margaret from 15 to 14 Arvilla has left the game Changing Rooms: Larhonda from 18 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 204 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 13 to 12 psock 203 New Player Richard! Changing Rooms: Theola from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Connie from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mavis from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Star from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yelena from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Verlene from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Richard Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Hattie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Wilburn from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kassie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Helga from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Clayton from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Christine from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Laverna from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Domenica from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kareen from 15 to 14 Noreen has left the game Changing Rooms: Jamal from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 278 Changing Rooms: Sharee from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Theressa from 14 to 13 psock 204 New Player Jenise! Changing Rooms: Masako from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Joana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jaquelyn from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nellie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dacia from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Deena from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Jenise Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jacquelyne from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Katelynn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Myrl from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eartha from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Angle from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kraig from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jae from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lorenzo from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jeanne from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Etha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sheilah from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Glynda from 18 to 17 Maxine has left the game Changing Rooms: Shirlene from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 206 psock 278 New Player Beatris! Changing Rooms: Iluminada from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Natashia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Adella from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sunny from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Lyman from 13 to 18 Player Start! Name: Beatris Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Maryland from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Marlana from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cassandra from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Delena from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Karly from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Marget from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Evelynn from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Thao from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yael from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lady from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sadye from 18 to 13 Kara has left the game Changing Rooms: Edmundo from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 207 Changing Rooms: Eustolia from 14 to 15 psock 206 New Player Thu! Changing Rooms: Lavonia from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Brittny from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Michael from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Pablo from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tereasa from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Thu Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Felicitas from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jerrod from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Millard from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Li from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lien from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cornell from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fae from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Vivien from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Britney from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jolanda from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Casey from 18 to 17 Carey has left the game Changing Rooms: Casandra from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ellis from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 208 psock 207 New Player Rashad! Changing Rooms: Rosie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Gwyneth from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Trula from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nickolas from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Kathlene from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sandie from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Rashad Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Roxann from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Andre from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Raymon from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sandi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alec from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gilma from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Luana from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tamera from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Arleen from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Vergie from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ima from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shirly from 13 to 14 Malena has left the game Changing Rooms: Cristobal from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 209 psock 208 New Player Francisco! Changing Rooms: Sharon from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lakeisha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tonya from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Maryanna from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Brittaney from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Penney from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Francisco Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jadwiga from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Joleen from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Odell from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jamel from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Darwin from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jenna from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tasha from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Irena from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Corrinne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: In from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kasi from 14 to 13 Joshua has left the game Changing Rooms: Berniece from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 210 Changing Rooms: Tomoko from 18 to 13 psock 209 Changing Rooms: Shandi from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sherry from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Florene from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hertha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cristal from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Elinore from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roslyn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Latonya from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Moriah from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sheila from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jude from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bell from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Richard from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Del from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ernest from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Kristi from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosetta from 14 to 13 Hattie has left the game Changing Rooms: Ivana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Heide from 17 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 211 psock 210 New Player Grayce! Changing Rooms: Adah from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Arica from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dion from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Zaida from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Catheryn from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Raleigh from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Grayce Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Nubia from 14 to 13 Battle Time! Attacks: 2833 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 2833 (from 34 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Lelah from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Laurette from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shila from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Deonna from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Billi from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jenise from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Barton from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roni from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Devon from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Viki from 14 to 13 Jacquelyne has left the game Terminating thread with socket 212 Changing Rooms: Elaina from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! psock 211 Changing Rooms: Mayme from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hugo from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ouida from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rowena from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mohammad from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Trey from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Janel from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Valarie from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lauran from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rebecca from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Emma from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Beatris from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Bradly from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lourie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sharlene from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Hans from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lupe from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 15 to 14 Marlana has left the game Terminating thread with socket 213 psock 212 New Player Kirby! Changing Rooms: Inge from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Melonie from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Phyllis from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Estell from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Concepcion from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Kirby Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Sun from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darlene from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Margo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Leopoldo from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mirian from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lucius from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lilliana from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Annabelle from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Thu from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Anette from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Catherin from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rosella from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Milly from 12 to 13 Felicitas has left the game Changing Rooms: Katerine from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Elene from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 214 psock 213 New Player Cheyenne! Changing Rooms: Mariana from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Clyde from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lavonda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Priscilla from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Hunter from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jed from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Cheyenne Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Augustina from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Simonne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Basilia from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jerrica from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Wilda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Delores from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rashad from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kendall from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jorge from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Debi from 14 to 13 Roxann has left the game Changing Rooms: Britany from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 215 Changing Rooms: Barbie from 15 to 14 psock 214 New Player Reynalda! Changing Rooms: Vina from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Conception from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ezra from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Moises from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ayanna from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rodger from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mervin from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Reynalda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Chrystal from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Reyes from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lashanda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shari from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Emilio from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brian from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Francisco from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shan from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marlon from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dionne from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kemberly from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melony from 13 to 14 Jadwiga has left the game Changing Rooms: Yun from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 216 psock 215 New Player Jayne! Changing Rooms: Amada from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Alvina from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: India from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Zola from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Zada from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tameka from 17 to 18 Player Start! Name: Jayne Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Perla from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Felton from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Camie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lara from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mellie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Larraine from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lionel from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosa from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kandra from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jarred from 15 to 14 Roslyn has left the game Changing Rooms: Willie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ellsworth from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 217 Changing Rooms: Cris from 18 to 17 psock 216 New Player Avery! Changing Rooms: Mora from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jeffery from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Caitlyn from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jerald from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Margaret from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Larhonda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Alexandra from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Avery Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Theola from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Connie from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Mavis from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Star from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yelena from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Verlene from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Grayce from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Wilburn from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kassie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Helga from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Clayton from 13 to 18 Nubia has left the game Changing Rooms: Christine from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Laverna from 18 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 218 psock 217 New Player Leatha! Changing Rooms: Domenica from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kareen from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jamal from 18 to 13 Player Start! Name: Leatha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Sharee from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Theressa from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Masako from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Joana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jaquelyn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nellie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dacia from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deena from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Odis from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Katelynn from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Myrl from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Eartha from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Angle from 18 to 17 Janel has left the game Changing Rooms: Kraig from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 219 Changing Rooms: Jae from 12 to 13 psock 218 Changing Rooms: Lorenzo from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jeanne from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Etha from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sheilah from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Glynda from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shirlene from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Iluminada from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Natashia from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Adella from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sunny from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lyman from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Maryland from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kirby from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cassandra from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Delena from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Karly from 18 to 14 Darlene has left the game Changing Rooms: Marget from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 220 psock 219 New Player Jerrie! Changing Rooms: Evelynn from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Thao from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yael from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lady from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sadye from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Edmundo from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Jerrie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Eustolia from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lavonia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brittny from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Michael from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Pablo from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tereasa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cheyenne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jerrod from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Millard from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Li from 12 to 13 Augustina has left the game Changing Rooms: Lien from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cornell from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 279 psock 220 New Player Kayla! Changing Rooms: Fae from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Vivien from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Britney from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jolanda from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Casey from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Casandra from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Kayla Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Ellis from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rosie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gwyneth from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Trula from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nickolas from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kathlene from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sandie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Reynalda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Andre from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Raymon from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sandi from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alec from 13 to 12 Mervin has left the game Changing Rooms: Gilma from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 222 Changing Rooms: Luana from 18 to 17 psock 279 New Player Tessie! Changing Rooms: Tamera from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Arleen from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Vergie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ima from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shirly from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Tessie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Cristobal from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sharon from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lakeisha from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tonya from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Maryanna from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Brittaney from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Penney from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jayne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Joleen from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Odell from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jamel from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Darwin from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jenna from 13 to 18 Perla has left the game Changing Rooms: Tasha from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 280 psock 222 New Player Lyndon! Changing Rooms: Irena from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Corrinne from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: In from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kasi from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Lyndon Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Berniece from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tomoko from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shandi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sherry from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Florene from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hertha from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cristal from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Elinore from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Avery from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Latonya from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Moriah from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sheila from 18 to 13 Alexandra has left the game Changing Rooms: Jude from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Bell from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 224 psock 280 New Player Cedrick! Changing Rooms: Richard from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Del from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ernest from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kristi from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rosetta from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ivana from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Cedrick Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Heide from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Adah from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Arica from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dion from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Zaida from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Catheryn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Raleigh from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Leatha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lelah from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Laurette from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shila from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deonna from 13 to 12 Theressa has left the game Changing Rooms: Billi from 18 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 281 psock 224 New Player Matilda! Changing Rooms: Jenise from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Barton from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roni from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Devon from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Viki from 13 to 14 Battle Time! Attacks: 2066 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 2066 (from 31 1) (0 uninvolved) Player Start! Name: Matilda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Elaina from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Mayme from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hugo from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ouida from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rowena from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Mohammad from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Trey from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Valarie from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lauran from 14 to 13 Shirlene has left the game Changing Rooms: Rebecca from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Emma from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 225 psock 281 New Player Rebecka! Changing Rooms: Beatris from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Bradly from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lourie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sharlene from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hans from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Rebecka Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lupe from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Nidia from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Inge from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Melonie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Phyllis from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Estell from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Concepcion from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sun from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jerrie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Margo from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Leopoldo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mirian from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lucius from 18 to 13 Eustolia has left the game Changing Rooms: Lilliana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Annabelle from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 227 psock 225 New Player Suzanne! Changing Rooms: Thu from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Anette from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Catherin from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rosella from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Milly from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Suzanne Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Katerine from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Elene from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Clyde from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lavonda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Priscilla from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Hunter from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jed from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kayla from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Simonne from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Basilia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jerrica from 14 to 13 Ellis has left the game Changing Rooms: Wilda from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 228 Changing Rooms: Delores from 12 to 13 psock 227 New Player Luna! Changing Rooms: Rashad from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kendall from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jorge from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Debi from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Britany from 13 to 14 Player Start! Name: Luna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Barbie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Vina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Conception from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ezra from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Moises from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ayanna from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rodger from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tessie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Chrystal from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Reyes from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lashanda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shari from 12 to 13 Cristobal has left the game Changing Rooms: Emilio from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 229 Changing Rooms: Brian from 14 to 15 psock 228 New Player Jada! Changing Rooms: Francisco from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Shan from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marlon from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dionne from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Jada Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Kemberly from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Melony from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yun from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Amada from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alvina from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: India from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Zola from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Zada from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tameka from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lyndon from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Felton from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Camie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lara from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mellie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Larraine from 15 to 14 Tomoko has left the game Terminating thread with socket 230 Changing Rooms: Lionel from 14 to 13 psock 229 New Player Eun! Changing Rooms: Rosa from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kandra from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jarred from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Willie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ellsworth from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Eun Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Cris from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mora from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jeffery from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Caitlyn from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Jerald from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Margaret from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Larhonda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cedrick from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Theola from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Connie from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mavis from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Star from 14 to 15 Heide has left the game Terminating thread with socket 231 Changing Rooms: Yelena from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Verlene from 13 to 12 psock 230 New Player Larissa! Changing Rooms: Grayce from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Wilburn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kassie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Helga from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Clayton from 18 to 17 Player Start! Name: Larissa Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Christine from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Laverna from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Domenica from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kareen from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jamal from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sharee from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Matilda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Masako from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Joana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jaquelyn from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nellie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dacia from 13 to 12 Elaina has left the game Terminating thread with socket 232 Changing Rooms: Deena from 14 to 13 psock 231 New Player Lamar! Changing Rooms: Odis from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Katelynn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Myrl from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eartha from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Angle from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kraig from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Lamar Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jae from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lorenzo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jeanne from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Etha from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sheilah from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Glynda from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rebecka from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Iluminada from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Natashia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Adella from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sunny from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Lyman from 17 to 18 Nidia has left the game Changing Rooms: Maryland from 18 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 233 psock 232 New Player Lucille! Changing Rooms: Kirby from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cassandra from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Delena from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Karly from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Lucille Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Marget from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Evelynn from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Thao from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yael from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lady from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sadye from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Edmundo from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Suzanne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lavonia from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Brittny from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Michael from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Pablo from 14 to 13 Elene has left the game Changing Rooms: Tereasa from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 234 psock 233 Changing Rooms: Cheyenne from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jerrod from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Millard from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Li from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lien from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cornell from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fae from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Vivien from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Britney from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jolanda from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Casey from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Casandra from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rosie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Gwyneth from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Trula from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nickolas from 18 to 14 Barbie has left the game Changing Rooms: Kathlene from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 235 Changing Rooms: Sandie from 14 to 13 psock 234 Changing Rooms: Reynalda from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Andre from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Raymon from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sandi from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alec from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gilma from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Luana from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tamera from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Arleen from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Vergie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ima from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shirly from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jada from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sharon from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lakeisha from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tonya from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Maryanna from 15 to 14 Yun has left the game Changing Rooms: Brittaney from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Penney from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 236 psock 235 New Player Amal! Changing Rooms: Jayne from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Joleen from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Odell from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jamel from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Darwin from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Amal Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jenna from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Tasha from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Irena from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Corrinne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: In from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kasi from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Berniece from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eun from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shandi from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sherry from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Florene from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Hertha from 18 to 13 Cris has left the game Changing Rooms: Cristal from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 237 Changing Rooms: Elinore from 13 to 14 psock 236 New Player Santana! Changing Rooms: Avery from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Latonya from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Moriah from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sheila from 13 to 12 Player Start! Name: Santana Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jude from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bell from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Richard from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Del from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ernest from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kristi from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosetta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ivana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Larissa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Adah from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Arica from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dion from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Zaida from 14 to 13 Laverna has left the game Changing Rooms: Catheryn from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Raleigh from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 238 Changing Rooms: Leatha from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lelah from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Laurette from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shila from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Deonna from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Billi from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jenise from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Barton from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roni from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Devon from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Viki from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lamar from 10 to 11 Battle Time! Attacks: 2666 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 2666 (from 32 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Mayme from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hugo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ouida from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rowena from 18 to 13 Jae has left the game Changing Rooms: Mohammad from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 239 Changing Rooms: Trey from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Valarie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lauran from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rebecca from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Emma from 14 to 13 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Beatris from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Bradly from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lourie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sharlene from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hans from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lupe from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lucille from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Inge from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Melonie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Phyllis from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Estell from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Concepcion from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sun from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jerrie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Margo from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Leopoldo from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mirian from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lucius from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lilliana from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Annabelle from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Thu from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Anette from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Catherin from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rosella from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Milly from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Katerine from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Benita from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Clyde from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lavonda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Priscilla from 18 to 14 Cornell has left the game Changing Rooms: Hunter from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jed from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Kayla from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Simonne from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Basilia from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jerrica from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Wilda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Delores from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rashad from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kendall from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jorge from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Debi from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Britany from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Vina from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Conception from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ezra from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Moises from 13 to 12 Luana has left the game Changing Rooms: Ayanna from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Rodger from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tessie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Chrystal from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Reyes from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lashanda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shari from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Emilio from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brian from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Francisco from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shan from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marlon from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Dionne from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kemberly from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Melony from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Amal from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Amada from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alvina from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: India from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Zola from 14 to 15 Tasha has left the game Changing Rooms: Zada from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Tameka from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lyndon from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Felton from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Camie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lara from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mellie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Larraine from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lionel from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rosa from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kandra from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jarred from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Willie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ellsworth from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mora from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jeffery from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Caitlyn from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jerald from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Margaret from 14 to 13 Bell has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Larhonda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Santana from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cedrick from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Theola from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Connie from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mavis from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Star from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yelena from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Verlene from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Grayce from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wilburn from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kassie from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Helga from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Clayton from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Christine from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Domenica from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kareen from 14 to 15 Billi has left the game Changing Rooms: Jamal from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 241 Changing Rooms: Sharee from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Matilda from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Masako from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Joana from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jaquelyn from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nellie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dacia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deena from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Odis from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Katelynn from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Myrl from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Eartha from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Angle from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kraig from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lorenzo from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jeanne from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Etha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sheilah from 13 to 18 Emma has left the game Changing Rooms: Glynda from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 10 Changing Rooms: Rebecka from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Iluminada from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Natashia from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Adella from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sunny from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lyman from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Maryland from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kirby from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cassandra from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Delena from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Karly from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marget from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Evelynn from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Thao from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Yael from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lady from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sadye from 13 to 14 Annabelle has left the game Changing Rooms: Edmundo from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 242 Changing Rooms: Suzanne from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lavonia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brittny from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Michael from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Pablo from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tereasa from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cheyenne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jerrod from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Millard from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Li from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lien from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fae from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Vivien from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Britney from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jolanda from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Casey from 17 to 18 Delores has left the game Changing Rooms: Casandra from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 12 Changing Rooms: Luna from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Rosie from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Gwyneth from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Trula from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nickolas from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kathlene from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Sandie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Reynalda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Andre from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Raymon from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sandi from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alec from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Gilma from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tamera from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Arleen from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Vergie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ima from 12 to 13 Brian has left the game Changing Rooms: Shirly from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 282 Changing Rooms: Jada from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sharon from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lakeisha from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tonya from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Maryanna from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Brittaney from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Penney from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jayne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Joleen from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Odell from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jamel from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Darwin from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jenna from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Irena from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Corrinne from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: In from 14 to 13 Lionel has left the game Changing Rooms: Kasi from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 14 Changing Rooms: Berniece from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Eun from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shandi from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sherry from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Florene from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hertha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cristal from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Elinore from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Avery from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Latonya from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Moriah from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sheila from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jude from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Richard from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Del from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ernest from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kristi from 14 to 15 Verlene has left the game Changing Rooms: Rosetta from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ivana from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 15 Changing Rooms: Larissa from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Adah from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Arica from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dion from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Zaida from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Catheryn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Raleigh from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Leatha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lelah from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Laurette from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shila from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deonna from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jenise from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Barton from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Roni from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 13 to 14 Deena has left the game Changing Rooms: Devon from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Viki from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 16 Changing Rooms: Lamar from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Mayme from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hugo from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ouida from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rowena from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mohammad from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Trey from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Valarie from 13 to 12 Battle Time! Attacks: 5100 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 5100 (from 34 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Lauran from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rebecca from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Beatris from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Bradly from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lourie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sharlene from 13 to 12 Maryland has left the game Changing Rooms: Hans from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lupe from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 17 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Lucille from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Inge from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Melonie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Phyllis from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Estell from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Concepcion from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sun from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jerrie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Margo from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Leopoldo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mirian from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lucius from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lilliana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Thu from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Anette from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Catherin from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rosella from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Milly from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Katerine from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Benita from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Clyde from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lavonda from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Priscilla from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Hunter from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jed from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kayla from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Simonne from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Basilia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jerrica from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Wilda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rashad from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kendall from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jorge from 18 to 13 Sandie has left the game Changing Rooms: Debi from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 19 Changing Rooms: Britany from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Vina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Conception from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ezra from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Moises from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ayanna from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rodger from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tessie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Chrystal from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Reyes from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lashanda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shari from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Emilio from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Francisco from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shan from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marlon from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dionne from 14 to 13 Penney has left the game Changing Rooms: Kemberly from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Melony from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 283 Changing Rooms: Amal from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Amada from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alvina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: India from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Zola from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Zada from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tameka from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lyndon from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Felton from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Camie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lara from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mellie from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Larraine from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosa from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kandra from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jarred from 14 to 15 Elinore has left the game Changing Rooms: Willie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ellsworth from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 243 Changing Rooms: Mora from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jeffery from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Caitlyn from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Jerald from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Margaret from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Larhonda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Santana from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Theola from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cedrick from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Connie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mavis from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Star from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yelena from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Grayce from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Wilburn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kassie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Helga from 14 to 15 Raleigh has left the game Changing Rooms: Clayton from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Christine from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 22 Changing Rooms: Domenica from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kareen from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jamal from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sharee from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Matilda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Masako from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Joana from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jaquelyn from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nellie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dacia from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Odis from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Katelynn from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Myrl from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eartha from 13 to 14 Trey has left the game Changing Rooms: Angle from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kraig from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 244 Changing Rooms: Lorenzo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jeanne from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Etha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sheilah from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Glynda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rebecka from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Iluminada from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Natashia from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Adella from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sunny from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Lyman from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kirby from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cassandra from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Delena from 14 to 15 Sun has left the game Changing Rooms: Karly from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 24 Changing Rooms: Marget from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Evelynn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Thao from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yael from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lady from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sadye from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Edmundo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Suzanne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lavonia from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Brittny from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Michael from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Pablo from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tereasa from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cheyenne from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jerrod from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Millard from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 14 to 13 Jed has left the game Changing Rooms: Li from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 25 Changing Rooms: Lien from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Fae from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Vivien from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Britney from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jolanda from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Casey from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Casandra from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rosie from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Gwyneth from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Trula from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nickolas from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kathlene from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Reynalda from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Andre from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Raymon from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sandi from 18 to 17 Rodger has left the game Changing Rooms: Alec from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gilma from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 26 Changing Rooms: Tamera from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Arleen from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Vergie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ima from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shirly from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jada from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sharon from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lakeisha from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Tonya from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Maryanna from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Brittaney from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jayne from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Joleen from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Odell from 15 to 14 Tameka has left the game Changing Rooms: Jamel from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Darwin from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 27 Changing Rooms: Jenna from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Irena from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Corrinne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: In from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kasi from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Berniece from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Eun from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shandi from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sherry from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Florene from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Hertha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cristal from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Avery from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Latonya from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Moriah from 13 to 12 Larhonda has left the game Changing Rooms: Sheila from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 245 Changing Rooms: Jude from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Richard from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Del from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ernest from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kristi from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosetta from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Ivana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Larissa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Adah from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Arica from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dion from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Zaida from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Catheryn from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Leatha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lelah from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Laurette from 13 to 18 Sharee has left the game Changing Rooms: Shila from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Deonna from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 29 Changing Rooms: Jenise from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Barton from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roni from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Devon from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Viki from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lamar from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Mayme from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hugo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ouida from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rowena from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mohammad from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Valarie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lauran from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rebecca from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Beatris from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Bradly from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lourie from 10 to 11 Battle Time! Attacks: 2666 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 2666 (from 20 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Sharlene from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hans from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lupe from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lucille from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Inge from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Melonie from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Phyllis from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Estell from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Concepcion from 14 to 13 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Jerrie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Margo from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Leopoldo from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mirian from 14 to 15 Edmundo has left the game Changing Rooms: Lucius from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lilliana from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 31 Changing Rooms: Thu from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Anette from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Catherin from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rosella from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Milly from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Katerine from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Benita from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lavonda from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Priscilla from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hunter from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Clyde from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kayla from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Simonne from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Basilia from 13 to 12 Casandra has left the game Changing Rooms: Jerrica from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wilda from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 32 Changing Rooms: Rashad from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kendall from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jorge from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Debi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Britany from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Vina from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Conception from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Ezra from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Moises from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ayanna from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tessie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Chrystal from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Reyes from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lashanda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shari from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Emilio from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Francisco from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shan from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marlon from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Dionne from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kemberly from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Melony from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Amal from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Amada from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alvina from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: India from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Zola from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Zada from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lyndon from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Felton from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Camie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lara from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mellie from 14 to 13 Berniece has left the game Changing Rooms: Larraine from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 246 Changing Rooms: Rosa from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kandra from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jarred from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Willie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ellsworth from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mora from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jeffery from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Caitlyn from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jerald from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Margaret from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Santana from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Theola from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cedrick from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Connie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mavis from 18 to 14 Ivana has left the game Changing Rooms: Star from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yelena from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 35 Changing Rooms: Grayce from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wilburn from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kassie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Helga from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Clayton from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Christine from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Domenica from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Kareen from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jamal from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Matilda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Masako from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Joana from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jaquelyn from 12 to 13 Viki has left the game Changing Rooms: Nellie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dacia from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 36 Changing Rooms: Odis from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Katelynn from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Myrl from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Eartha from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Angle from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kraig from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lorenzo from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jeanne from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Etha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sheilah from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Glynda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rebecka from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Iluminada from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Natashia from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Adella from 14 to 13 Lupe has left the game Changing Rooms: Sunny from 17 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 37 Changing Rooms: Lyman from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kirby from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cassandra from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Delena from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Karly from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marget from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Evelynn from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Thao from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Yael from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lady from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sadye from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Suzanne from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lavonia from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Brittny from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Michael from 13 to 12 Katerine has left the game Changing Rooms: Pablo from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tereasa from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 38 Changing Rooms: Cheyenne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jerrod from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Millard from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Li from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Lien from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fae from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Vivien from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Britney from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jolanda from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Casey from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Luna from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Rosie from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Gwyneth from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Trula from 14 to 13 Britany has left the game Changing Rooms: Nickolas from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kathlene from 17 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 39 Changing Rooms: Reynalda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Andre from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Raymon from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sandi from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alec from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Gilma from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tamera from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Arleen from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Vergie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ima from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shirly from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jada from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sharon from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lakeisha from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tonya from 14 to 15 Melony has left the game Changing Rooms: Maryanna from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brittaney from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 284 Changing Rooms: Jayne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Joleen from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Odell from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jamel from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Darwin from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jenna from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Irena from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Corrinne from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: In from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kasi from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Eun from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shandi from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sherry from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Florene from 18 to 17 Ellsworth has left the game Changing Rooms: Hertha from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cristal from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 41 Changing Rooms: Avery from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Latonya from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Moriah from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sheila from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jude from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Richard from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Del from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ernest from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kristi from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rosetta from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Larissa from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Adah from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Arica from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dion from 12 to 13 Christine has left the game Changing Rooms: Zaida from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Catheryn from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 42 Changing Rooms: Leatha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lelah from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Laurette from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shila from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deonna from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jenise from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Barton from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roni from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Devon from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lamar from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mayme from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hugo from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ouida from 18 to 14 Kraig has left the game Changing Rooms: Rowena from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 285 Changing Rooms: Mohammad from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Valarie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lauran from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rebecca from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Beatris from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Bradly from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lourie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Sharlene from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hans from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lucille from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Inge from 10 to 11 Battle Time! Attacks: 2583 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 2583 (from 31 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Melonie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Phyllis from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Estell from 13 to 12 Marget has left the game Changing Rooms: Concepcion from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 44 Changing Rooms: Jerrie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Margo from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Leopoldo from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mirian from 15 to 14 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Lucius from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lilliana from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Thu from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Anette from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Catherin from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rosella from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Milly from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Benita from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Clyde from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lavonda from 18 to 14 Lien has left the game Changing Rooms: Priscilla from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hunter from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 45 Changing Rooms: Kayla from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Simonne from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Basilia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jerrica from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Wilda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rashad from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kendall from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jorge from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Debi from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Vina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Conception from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ezra from 17 to 18 Gilma has left the game Changing Rooms: Moises from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ayanna from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 46 Changing Rooms: Tessie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Chrystal from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Reyes from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lashanda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shari from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Emilio from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Francisco from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shan from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marlon from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dionne from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kemberly from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Amal from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Amada from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alvina from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: India from 14 to 13 Jenna has left the game Changing Rooms: Zola from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Zada from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 47 Changing Rooms: Lyndon from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Felton from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Camie from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lara from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mellie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Larraine from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rosa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kandra from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jarred from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Willie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mora from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jeffery from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Caitlyn from 18 to 14 Jude has left the game Changing Rooms: Jerald from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Margaret from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 48 Changing Rooms: Santana from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Theola from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Cedrick from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Connie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mavis from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Star from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Yelena from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Grayce from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Wilburn from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kassie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Helga from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Clayton from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Domenica from 17 to 18 Deonna has left the game Changing Rooms: Kareen from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jamal from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 248 Changing Rooms: Matilda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Masako from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Joana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jaquelyn from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Nellie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dacia from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Odis from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Katelynn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Myrl from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eartha from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Angle from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lorenzo from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jeanne from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Etha from 12 to 13 Rebecca has left the game Changing Rooms: Sheilah from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Glynda from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 249 Changing Rooms: Rebecka from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Iluminada from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Natashia from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Adella from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sunny from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lyman from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kirby from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cassandra from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Delena from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Karly from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Evelynn from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Thao from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yael from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lady from 14 to 13 Lilliana has left the game Changing Rooms: Sadye from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 51 Changing Rooms: Suzanne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lavonia from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Brittny from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Michael from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Pablo from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tereasa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cheyenne from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jerrod from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Millard from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Li from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Fae from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Vivien from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Britney from 13 to 18 Wilda has left the game Changing Rooms: Jolanda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Casey from 18 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 52 Changing Rooms: Luna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rosie from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Gwyneth from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Trula from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Nickolas from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kathlene from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Reynalda from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Andre from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Raymon from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sandi from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Alec from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tamera from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Arleen from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Vergie from 15 to 14 Emilio has left the game Changing Rooms: Ima from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shirly from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 250 Changing Rooms: Jada from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sharon from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lakeisha from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tonya from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Maryanna from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Brittaney from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jayne from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Joleen from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Odell from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jamel from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Darwin from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Irena from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Corrinne from 12 to 13 Larraine has left the game Changing Rooms: In from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 54 Changing Rooms: Kasi from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Eun from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shandi from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sherry from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Florene from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Hertha from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cristal from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Avery from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Latonya from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Moriah from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sheila from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Richard from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Del from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ernest from 12 to 13 Yelena has left the game Changing Rooms: Kristi from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 55 Changing Rooms: Rosetta from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Larissa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Adah from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Arica from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Dion from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Zaida from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Catheryn from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Leatha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lelah from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Laurette from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shila from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jenise from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Barton from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Roni from 18 to 13 Dacia has left the game Changing Rooms: Krysta from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 56 Changing Rooms: Devon from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lamar from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mayme from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Hugo from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ouida from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rowena from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mohammad from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Valarie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lauran from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Beatris from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Bradly from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lourie from 10 to 11 Lyman has left the game Changing Rooms: Sharlene from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 286 Changing Rooms: Hans from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lucille from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Inge from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Melonie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Phyllis from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Estell from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Concepcion from 12 to 13 Battle Time! Attacks: 2250 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 2250 (from 27 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Jerrie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Margo from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Leopoldo from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mirian from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lucius from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Thu from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Anette from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Catherin from 18 to 13 Tereasa has left the game Changing Rooms: Rosella from 12 to 13 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Milly from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 252 Changing Rooms: Benita from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Clyde from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lavonda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Priscilla from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hunter from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kayla from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Simonne from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Basilia from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jerrica from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rashad from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kendall from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 14 to 13 Kathlene has left the game Changing Rooms: Jorge from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Debi from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 253 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Vina from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Conception from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ezra from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Moises from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ayanna from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tessie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Chrystal from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Reyes from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lashanda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shari from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Francisco from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shan from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Marlon from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dionne from 15 to 14 Brittaney has left the game Changing Rooms: Kemberly from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 60 Changing Rooms: Amal from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Amada from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alvina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: India from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Zola from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Zada from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lyndon from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Felton from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Camie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lara from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mellie from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosa from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kandra from 12 to 13 Cristal has left the game Changing Rooms: Jarred from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Willie from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 61 Changing Rooms: Mora from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jeffery from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Caitlyn from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jerald from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Margaret from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Santana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Theola from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cedrick from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Connie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mavis from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Star from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Grayce from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wilburn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kassie from 18 to 14 Catheryn has left the game Changing Rooms: Helga from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 254 Changing Rooms: Clayton from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Domenica from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Kareen from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jamal from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Matilda from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Masako from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Joana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jaquelyn from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nellie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Odis from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Katelynn from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Myrl from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Eartha from 14 to 13 Mohammad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 63 Changing Rooms: Angle from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lorenzo from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jeanne from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Etha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sheilah from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Glynda from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rebecka from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Iluminada from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Natashia from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Adella from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sunny from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kirby from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cassandra from 12 to 13 Concepcion has left the game Changing Rooms: Delena from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 255 Changing Rooms: Karly from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Evelynn from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Thao from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Yael from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lady from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sadye from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Suzanne from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lavonia from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brittny from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Michael from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Pablo from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cheyenne from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jerrod from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Millard from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 13 to 14 Hunter has left the game Terminating thread with socket 65 Changing Rooms: Li from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fae from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Vivien from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Britney from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Jolanda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Casey from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luna from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rosie from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gwyneth from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Trula from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nickolas from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Andre from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Reynalda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Raymon from 15 to 14 Ayanna has left the game Changing Rooms: Sandi from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alec from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 66 Changing Rooms: Tamera from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Arleen from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Vergie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ima from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shirly from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jada from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sharon from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lakeisha from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tonya from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Maryanna from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jayne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Joleen from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Odell from 12 to 13 Zada has left the game Changing Rooms: Jamel from 18 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 67 Changing Rooms: Darwin from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Irena from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Corrinne from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: In from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kasi from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Eun from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shandi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sherry from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Florene from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Hertha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Avery from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Latonya from 18 to 14 Margaret has left the game Changing Rooms: Moriah from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 256 Changing Rooms: Sheila from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Richard from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Del from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ernest from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kristi from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rosetta from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Larissa from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Adah from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Arica from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dion from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Zaida from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Leatha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lelah from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Laurette from 18 to 14 Jamal has left the game Changing Rooms: Shila from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 69 Changing Rooms: Jenise from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Barton from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Roni from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Devon from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lamar from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mayme from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hugo from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ouida from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rowena from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Valarie from 13 to 14 Glynda has left the game Changing Rooms: Lauran from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 287 Changing Rooms: Beatris from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Bradly from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lourie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sharlene from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hans from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lucille from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Inge from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Melonie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Phyllis from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Estell from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jerrie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Margo from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Leopoldo from 13 to 12 Sadye has left the game Changing Rooms: Mirian from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 71 Changing Rooms: Lucius from 13 to 12 Battle Time! Attacks: 4200 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 4200 (from 28 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Thu from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Anette from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Catherin from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rosella from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Milly from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Benita from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Clyde from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lavonda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Priscilla from 14 to 13 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Kayla from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Simonne from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Basilia from 14 to 13 Casey has left the game Terminating thread with socket 72 Changing Rooms: Jerrica from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rashad from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kendall from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jorge from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Debi from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Vina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Conception from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ezra from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Moises from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tessie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Chrystal from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Reyes from 14 to 15 Shirly has left the game Changing Rooms: Lashanda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shari from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 73 Changing Rooms: Francisco from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shan from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Marlon from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dionne from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kemberly from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Amal from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Amada from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Alvina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: India from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Zola from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lyndon from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Felton from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Camie from 14 to 13 Kasi has left the game Changing Rooms: Lara from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 74 Changing Rooms: Mellie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rosa from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kandra from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jarred from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Willie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mora from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jeffery from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Caitlyn from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jerald from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Santana from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cedrick from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Theola from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Connie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mavis from 18 to 17 Rosetta has left the game Terminating thread with socket 75 Changing Rooms: Star from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Grayce from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Wilburn from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kassie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Helga from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Clayton from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Domenica from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kareen from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Matilda from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Masako from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Joana from 12 to 13 Devon has left the game Changing Rooms: Jaquelyn from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 288 Changing Rooms: Nellie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Odis from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Katelynn from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Myrl from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eartha from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Angle from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lorenzo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jeanne from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Etha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sheilah from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rebecka from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Iluminada from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Natashia from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Adella from 13 to 12 Hans has left the game Terminating thread with socket 77 Changing Rooms: Sunny from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kirby from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cassandra from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Delena from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Karly from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Evelynn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Thao from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yael from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lady from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Suzanne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lavonia from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Brittny from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Michael from 12 to 13 Milly has left the game Changing Rooms: Pablo from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 289 Changing Rooms: Cheyenne from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jerrod from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Millard from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Li from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fae from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Vivien from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Britney from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jolanda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luna from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rosie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gwyneth from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Trula from 13 to 18 Debi has left the game Terminating thread with socket 79 Changing Rooms: Nickolas from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Andre from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Reynalda from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Raymon from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sandi from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Alec from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tamera from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Arleen from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Vergie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ima from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jada from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sharon from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lakeisha from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tonya from 13 to 14 Kemberly has left the game Changing Rooms: Maryanna from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 80 Changing Rooms: Jayne from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Joleen from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Odell from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jamel from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Darwin from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Irena from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Corrinne from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: In from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Eun from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shandi from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sherry from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Florene from 17 to 18 Willie has left the game Changing Rooms: Hertha from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 81 Changing Rooms: Avery from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Latonya from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Moriah from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sheila from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Richard from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Del from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ernest from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kristi from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Larissa from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Adah from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Arica from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dion from 13 to 18 Clayton has left the game Terminating thread with socket 259 Changing Rooms: Zaida from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Leatha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lelah from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Laurette from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shila from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jenise from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Barton from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Roni from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lamar from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Mayme from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hugo from 12 to 13 Angle has left the game Changing Rooms: Ouida from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 83 Changing Rooms: Rowena from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Valarie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lauran from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Beatris from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bradly from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lourie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sharlene from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lucille from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Inge from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Melonie from 18 to 14 Karly has left the game Changing Rooms: Phyllis from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Estell from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 84 Changing Rooms: Jerrie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Margo from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Leopoldo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mirian from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lucius from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Thu from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Anette from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Catherin from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rosella from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Benita from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 13 to 12 Battle Time! Changing Rooms: Clyde from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lavonda from 14 to 15 Li has left the game Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Priscilla from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 260 Changing Rooms: Kayla from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Simonne from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Basilia from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jerrica from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rashad from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kendall from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jorge from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Vina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Conception from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ezra from 14 to 15 Alec has left the game Terminating thread with socket 86 Changing Rooms: Moises from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tessie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Chrystal from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Reyes from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lashanda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shari from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Francisco from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shan from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Marlon from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dionne from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Amal from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Amada from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alvina from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: India from 13 to 18 Darwin has left the game Terminating thread with socket 87 Changing Rooms: Zola from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lyndon from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Felton from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Camie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lara from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Mellie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosa from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kandra from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jarred from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mora from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jeffery from 12 to 13 Sheila has left the game Changing Rooms: Caitlyn from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 88 Changing Rooms: Jerald from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Santana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cedrick from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Theola from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Connie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mavis from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Star from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Grayce from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wilburn from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kassie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Helga from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Domenica from 18 to 14 Shila has left the game Terminating thread with socket 261 Changing Rooms: Kareen from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Matilda from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Masako from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Joana from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jaquelyn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Nellie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Odis from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Katelynn from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Myrl from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Eartha from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lorenzo from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jeanne from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Etha from 13 to 18 Lauran has left the game Changing Rooms: Sheilah from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 90 Changing Rooms: Rebecka from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Iluminada from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Natashia from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Adella from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sunny from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kirby from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cassandra from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Delena from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Evelynn from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Thao from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Yael from 13 to 12 Lucius has left the game Changing Rooms: Lady from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 290 Changing Rooms: Suzanne from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lavonia from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Brittny from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Michael from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Pablo from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cheyenne from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jerrod from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Millard from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fae from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Vivien from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Britney from 18 to 13 Jerrica has left the game Changing Rooms: Jolanda from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 92 Changing Rooms: Luna from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rosie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gwyneth from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Trula from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Nickolas from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Andre from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Reynalda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Raymon from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sandi from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tamera from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Arleen from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Vergie from 14 to 15 Shari has left the game Terminating thread with socket 93 Changing Rooms: Ima from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jada from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sharon from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lakeisha from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tonya from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Maryanna from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jayne from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Joleen from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Odell from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jamel from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Irena from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Corrinne from 13 to 12 Mellie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 262 Changing Rooms: In from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Eun from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shandi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sherry from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Florene from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hertha from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Avery from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Latonya from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Moriah from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Richard from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Del from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ernest from 13 to 12 Star has left the game Changing Rooms: Kristi from 18 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 95 Changing Rooms: Larissa from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Adah from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Arica from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Dion from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Zaida from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Leatha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lelah from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Laurette from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jenise from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Barton from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roni from 13 to 14 Nellie has left the game Changing Rooms: Krysta from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 96 Changing Rooms: Lamar from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mayme from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Hugo from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ouida from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rowena from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Valarie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Beatris from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Bradly from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lourie from 13 to 12 Sunny has left the game Changing Rooms: Sharlene from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 97 Changing Rooms: Lucille from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Inge from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Melonie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Phyllis from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Estell from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jerrie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Margo from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Leopoldo from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mirian from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Thu from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Anette from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Catherin from 13 to 18 Pablo has left the game Terminating thread with socket 263 Changing Rooms: Rosella from 17 to 18 Battle Time! Attacks: 1800 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 1800 (from 27 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Benita from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Clyde from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lavonda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Priscilla from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kayla from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Simonne from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Basilia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rashad from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Kendall from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 15 to 14 Nickolas has left the game Changing Rooms: Jorge from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 99 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Vina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Conception from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ezra from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Moises from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tessie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chrystal from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Reyes from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lashanda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Francisco from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shan from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marlon from 14 to 15 Maryanna has left the game Changing Rooms: Dionne from 18 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 100 Changing Rooms: Amal from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Amada from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alvina from 18 to 17 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: India from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Zola from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lyndon from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Felton from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Camie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lara from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rosa from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kandra from 13 to 18 Hertha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 101 Changing Rooms: Jarred from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mora from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jeffery from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Caitlyn from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jerald from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Santana from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cedrick from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Theola from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Connie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mavis from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Grayce from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Wilburn from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kassie from 14 to 15 Zaida has left the game Changing Rooms: Helga from 18 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 102 Changing Rooms: Domenica from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kareen from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Matilda from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Masako from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Joana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jaquelyn from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Odis from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Katelynn from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Myrl from 15 to 14 Rowena has left the game Changing Rooms: Eartha from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 103 Changing Rooms: Lorenzo from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jeanne from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Etha from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sheilah from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rebecka from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Iluminada from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Natashia from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Adella from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kirby from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cassandra from 15 to 14 Estell has left the game Terminating thread with socket 104 Changing Rooms: Delena from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Evelynn from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Thao from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Yael from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lady from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Suzanne from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lavonia from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Brittny from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Michael from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cheyenne from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jerrod from 12 to 13 Priscilla has left the game Changing Rooms: Millard from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 105 Changing Rooms: Fae from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Vivien from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Britney from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jolanda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Luna from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rosie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Gwyneth from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Trula from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Andre from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Reynalda from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Raymon from 14 to 13 Moises has left the game Changing Rooms: Sandi from 18 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 106 Changing Rooms: Tamera from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Arleen from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Vergie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ima from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jada from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sharon from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lakeisha from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tonya from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jayne from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Joleen from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Odell from 13 to 12 Zola has left the game Terminating thread with socket 107 Changing Rooms: Jamel from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Irena from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Corrinne from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: In from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eun from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shandi from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sherry from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Florene from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Avery from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Latonya from 14 to 13 Jerald has left the game Terminating thread with socket 108 Changing Rooms: Moriah from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Richard from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Del from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ernest from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kristi from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Larissa from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Adah from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Arica from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dion from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Leatha from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lelah from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 15 to 14 Kareen has left the game Changing Rooms: Laurette from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 109 Changing Rooms: Jenise from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Barton from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Roni from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Krysta from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Lamar from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mayme from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Hugo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ouida from 18 to 13 Sheilah has left the game Changing Rooms: Valarie from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 110 Changing Rooms: Beatris from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Bradly from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lourie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sharlene from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lucille from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Inge from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Melonie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Phyllis from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jerrie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Margo from 14 to 15 Lady has left the game Changing Rooms: Leopoldo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mirian from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 111 Changing Rooms: Thu from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Anette from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Catherin from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Rosella from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Benita from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Clyde from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lavonda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kayla from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Simonne from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Basilia from 13 to 12 Jolanda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 112 Changing Rooms: Rashad from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kendall from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jorge from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Vina from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Conception from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ezra from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tessie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Chrystal from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Reyes from 15 to 14 Ima has left the game Changing Rooms: Lashanda from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 264 Changing Rooms: Francisco from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shan from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marlon from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dionne from 14 to 15 Battle Time! Attacks: 1500 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 1500 (from 18 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Amal from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Amada from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Alvina from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: India from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lyndon from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Felton from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Camie from 13 to 12 In has left the game Changing Rooms: Lara from 18 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 114 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Rosa from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kandra from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Jarred from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mora from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jeffery from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Caitlyn from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Santana from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cedrick from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Theola from 15 to 14 Kristi has left the game Changing Rooms: Connie from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 115 Changing Rooms: Mavis from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Grayce from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wilburn from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kassie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Helga from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Domenica from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Matilda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Masako from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Joana from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jaquelyn from 13 to 14 Krysta has left the game Terminating thread with socket 116 Changing Rooms: Odis from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Katelynn from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Myrl from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eartha from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lorenzo from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jeanne from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Etha from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rebecka from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Iluminada from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Natashia from 13 to 12 Sharlene has left the game Changing Rooms: Adella from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 117 Changing Rooms: Kirby from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cassandra from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Delena from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Evelynn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Thao from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Yael from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Suzanne from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lavonia from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brittny from 13 to 12 Rosella has left the game Terminating thread with socket 118 Changing Rooms: Michael from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cheyenne from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jerrod from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Millard from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sonya from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Fae from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Vivien from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Britney from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Luna from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Gwyneth from 14 to 13 Jorge has left the game Terminating thread with socket 265 Changing Rooms: Trula from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Andre from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Reynalda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Raymon from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sandi from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tamera from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Arleen from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Vergie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jada from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sharon from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lakeisha from 14 to 15 Dionne has left the game Terminating thread with socket 266 Changing Rooms: Tonya from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jayne from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Joleen from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Odell from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jamel from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Irena from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Corrinne from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Eun from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shandi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sherry from 14 to 15 Jarred has left the game Changing Rooms: Florene from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 267 Changing Rooms: Avery from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Latonya from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Moriah from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Richard from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Del from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ernest from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Larissa from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Adah from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Arica from 13 to 12 Helga has left the game Changing Rooms: Dion from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 268 Changing Rooms: Leatha from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Lelah from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Laurette from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jenise from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Barton from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Roni from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lamar from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mayme from 17 to 18 Eartha has left the game Changing Rooms: Hugo from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 123 Changing Rooms: Ouida from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Valarie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Beatris from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Bradly from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lourie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lucille from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Inge from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melonie from 14 to 15 Delena has left the game Terminating thread with socket 269 Changing Rooms: Phyllis from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Jerrie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Margo from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Leopoldo from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mirian from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Thu from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Anette from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Catherin from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Benita from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Clyde from 13 to 14 Sonya has left the game Terminating thread with socket 125 Changing Rooms: Lavonda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kayla from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Simonne from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Basilia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rashad from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Kendall from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Vina from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Conception from 13 to 18 Sandi has left the game Terminating thread with socket 270 Changing Rooms: Ezra from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tessie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chrystal from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Reyes from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lashanda from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Francisco from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shan from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marlon from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Amal from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Amada from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Alvina from 18 to 14 Jamel has left the game Changing Rooms: India from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 127 Changing Rooms: Lyndon from 14 to 13 Battle Time! Attacks: 1466 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 1466 (from 22 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Felton from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Camie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lara from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rosa from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kandra from 17 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Mora from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jeffery from 13 to 18 Moriah has left the game Terminating thread with socket 128 Changing Rooms: Caitlyn from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Santana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cedrick from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Theola from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Connie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mavis from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Grayce from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Wilburn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kassie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Domenica from 14 to 15 Laurette has left the game Terminating thread with socket 129 Changing Rooms: Matilda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Masako from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Joana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jaquelyn from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Odis from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Katelynn from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Myrl from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lorenzo from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jeanne from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Etha from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rebecka from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Iluminada from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Natashia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Adella from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kirby from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cassandra from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Evelynn from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Thao from 15 to 14 Mirian has left the game Changing Rooms: Yael from 18 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 131 Changing Rooms: Suzanne from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lavonia from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Brittny from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Michael from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cheyenne from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jerrod from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Millard from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fae from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Vivien from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Britney from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luna from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rosie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gwyneth from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Trula from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Andre from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Reynalda from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Raymon from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tamera from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Arleen from 14 to 15 Lashanda has left the game Changing Rooms: Vergie from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 133 Changing Rooms: Jada from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sharon from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lakeisha from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tonya from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jayne from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Joleen from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Odell from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Irena from 12 to 13 Lara has left the game Changing Rooms: Corrinne from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 134 Changing Rooms: Eun from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Shandi from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sherry from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Florene from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Avery from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Latonya from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Richard from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Del from 12 to 13 Mavis has left the game Changing Rooms: Ernest from 18 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 135 Changing Rooms: Larissa from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Adah from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Arica from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dion from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Leatha from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lelah from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jenise from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Barton from 14 to 13 Jaquelyn has left the game Terminating thread with socket 136 Changing Rooms: Roni from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lamar from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mayme from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Hugo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ouida from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Valarie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Beatris from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bradly from 14 to 13 Adella has left the game Terminating thread with socket 137 Changing Rooms: Lourie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lucille from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Inge from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Melonie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Phyllis from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jerrie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Margo from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Leopoldo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Thu from 12 to 13 Michael has left the game Changing Rooms: Anette from 17 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 138 Changing Rooms: Catherin from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Benita from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Clyde from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lavonda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kayla from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Simonne from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Basilia from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rashad from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kendall from 12 to 13 Trula has left the game Terminating thread with socket 139 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Vina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Conception from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ezra from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Tessie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Chrystal from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Reyes from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Francisco from 14 to 13 Tonya has left the game Changing Rooms: Shan from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marlon from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 140 Changing Rooms: Amal from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Amada from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alvina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: India from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lyndon from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Felton from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Camie from 13 to 18 Battle Time! Attacks: 1416 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 1416 (from 17 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Rosa from 18 to 14 Florene has left the game Terminating thread with socket 141 Changing Rooms: Kandra from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Mora from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jeffery from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Caitlyn from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Santana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cedrick from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Theola from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Connie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Grayce from 14 to 15 Dion has left the game Changing Rooms: Wilburn from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kassie from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 142 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Domenica from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Matilda from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Masako from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Joana from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Odis from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Katelynn from 14 to 15 Ouida has left the game Terminating thread with socket 143 Changing Rooms: Myrl from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Lorenzo from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jeanne from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Etha from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rebecka from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Iluminada from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Natashia from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kirby from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 13 to 18 Phyllis has left the game Terminating thread with socket 144 Changing Rooms: Cassandra from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Evelynn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Thao from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Yael from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Suzanne from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lavonia from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brittny from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cheyenne from 12 to 13 Lavonda has left the game Changing Rooms: Jerrod from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 145 Changing Rooms: Millard from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Fae from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Vivien from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Britney from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Luna from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Gwyneth from 14 to 15 Ezra has left the game Changing Rooms: Andre from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 271 Changing Rooms: Reynalda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Raymon from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tamera from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Arleen from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Vergie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jada from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sharon from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lakeisha from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jayne from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Joleen from 13 to 18 India has left the game Terminating thread with socket 147 Changing Rooms: Odell from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Irena from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Corrinne from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Eun from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shandi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sherry from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Avery from 12 to 13 Caitlyn has left the game Changing Rooms: Latonya from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 148 Changing Rooms: Richard from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Del from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ernest from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Larissa from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Adah from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Arica from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Leatha from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Lelah from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Jenise from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Barton from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Roni from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lamar from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mayme from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Hugo from 13 to 18 Etha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 150 Changing Rooms: Valarie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Beatris from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Bradly from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lourie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lucille from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Inge from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melonie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jerrie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Margo from 13 to 18 Yael has left the game Terminating thread with socket 291 Changing Rooms: Leopoldo from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Thu from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Anette from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Catherin from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Benita from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Clyde from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kayla from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Simonne from 14 to 15 Britney has left the game Terminating thread with socket 152 Changing Rooms: Basilia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rashad from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kendall from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Marylyn from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Vina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Conception from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tessie from 12 to 13 Vergie has left the game Changing Rooms: Chrystal from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 272 Changing Rooms: Reyes from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Francisco from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shan from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marlon from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Amal from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Amada from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Alvina from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lyndon from 18 to 13 Corrinne has left the game Changing Rooms: Felton from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 154 Changing Rooms: Camie from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosa from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kandra from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mora from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jeffery from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Santana from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cedrick from 14 to 13 Ernest has left the game Changing Rooms: Theola from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 155 Changing Rooms: Connie from 13 to 14 Battle Time! Attacks: 1000 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 1000 (from 12 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Grayce from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Wilburn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kassie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Domenica from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Matilda from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Masako from 13 to 14 Roni has left the game Changing Rooms: Joana from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 156 Changing Rooms: Odis from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Katelynn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Myrl from 17 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Lorenzo from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jeanne from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Rebecka from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Iluminada from 13 to 12 Lourie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 157 Changing Rooms: Natashia from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kirby from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cassandra from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Evelynn from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Thao from 15 to 14 Catherin has left the game Changing Rooms: Suzanne from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 158 Changing Rooms: Lavonia from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Brittny from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Cheyenne from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jerrod from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Millard from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fae from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Vivien from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Luna from 14 to 15 Marylyn has left the game Changing Rooms: Rosie from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 273 Changing Rooms: Gwyneth from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Andre from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Reynalda from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Raymon from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tamera from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Arleen from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jada from 14 to 15 Marlon has left the game Changing Rooms: Sharon from 13 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 160 Changing Rooms: Lakeisha from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jayne from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Joleen from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Odell from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Irena from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Eun from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shandi from 13 to 18 Kandra has left the game Terminating thread with socket 161 Changing Rooms: Sherry from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Avery from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Latonya from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Richard from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Del from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Larissa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Adah from 12 to 13 Kassie has left the game Changing Rooms: Arica from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 162 Changing Rooms: Leatha from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lelah from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Isabelle from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jenise from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Barton from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lamar from 15 to 14 Myrl has left the game Changing Rooms: Mayme from 18 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 163 Changing Rooms: Hugo from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Valarie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Beatris from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Bradly from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lucille from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Inge from 13 to 12 Cassandra has left the game Terminating thread with socket 164 Changing Rooms: Melonie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jerrie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Margo from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Leopoldo from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Thu from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Anette from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Benita from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 14 to 13 Millard has left the game Changing Rooms: Clyde from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 50 Changing Rooms: Kayla from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Simonne from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Basilia from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rashad from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kendall from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 14 to 15 Raymon has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: Vina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Conception from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tessie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Chrystal from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Reyes from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Francisco from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Shan from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Amal from 15 to 14 Odell has left the game Terminating thread with socket 165 Changing Rooms: Amada from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alvina from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lyndon from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Felton from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Camie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rosa from 13 to 18 Latonya has left the game Changing Rooms: Mora from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 53 Changing Rooms: Jeffery from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Santana from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cedrick from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Theola from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Connie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Grayce from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wilburn from 14 to 15 Isabelle has left the game Terminating thread with socket 28 Changing Rooms: Domenica from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Matilda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Masako from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Joana from 15 to 14 Battle Time! Attacks: 1000 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 1000 (from 10 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Odis from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Katelynn from 14 to 13 Valarie has left the game Changing Rooms: Lorenzo from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jeanne from 17 to 18 Terminating thread with socket 82 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Rebecka from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Iluminada from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Natashia from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kirby from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Evelynn from 15 to 14 Leopoldo has left the game Changing Rooms: Thao from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 166 Changing Rooms: Suzanne from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lavonia from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Brittny from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cheyenne from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jerrod from 13 to 12 Basilia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 57 Changing Rooms: Fae from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Vivien from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Luna from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Gwyneth from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Andre from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Reynalda from 12 to 13 Reyes has left the game Changing Rooms: Tamera from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 58 Changing Rooms: Arleen from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jada from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sharon from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Lakeisha from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jayne from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Joleen from 17 to 18 Camie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 59 Changing Rooms: Irena from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Eun from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shandi from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Sherry from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Avery from 14 to 15 Connie has left the game Changing Rooms: Richard from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 34 Changing Rooms: Del from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Larissa from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Adah from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Arica from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Leatha from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lelah from 15 to 14 Joana has left the game Changing Rooms: Jenise from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 85 Changing Rooms: Barton from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lamar from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mayme from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hugo from 14 to 13 Natashia has left the game Changing Rooms: Beatris from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Bradly from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 62 Changing Rooms: Lucille from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Inge from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Melonie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jerrie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Margo from 13 to 14 Brittny has left the game Changing Rooms: Thu from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Anette from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 23 Changing Rooms: Benita from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Clyde from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kayla from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Simonne from 14 to 15 Gwyneth has left the game Terminating thread with socket 89 Changing Rooms: Rashad from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kendall from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Vina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Conception from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tessie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chrystal from 14 to 13 Lakeisha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 113 Changing Rooms: Francisco from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shan from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Amal from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Amada from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Alvina from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lyndon from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Felton from 12 to 13 Sherry has left the game Terminating thread with socket 292 Changing Rooms: Rosa from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mora from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jeffery from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Santana from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cedrick from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Theola from 14 to 15 Arica has left the game Changing Rooms: Grayce from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 168 Changing Rooms: Wilburn from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Domenica from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Matilda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Masako from 13 to 18 Hugo has left the game Changing Rooms: Odis from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Katelynn from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 169 Battle Time! Attacks: 733 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 733 (from 11 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Lorenzo from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jeanne from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rebecka from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Iluminada from 13 to 14 Melonie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 170 Changing Rooms: Kirby from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 15 to 14 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Evelynn from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Thao from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Suzanne from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lavonia from 14 to 13 Clyde has left the game Terminating thread with socket 171 Changing Rooms: Cheyenne from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jerrod from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Fae from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Vivien from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Luna from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rosie from 12 to 13 Conception has left the game Terminating thread with socket 172 Changing Rooms: Andre from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Reynalda from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Tamera from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Arleen from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jada from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sharon from 17 to 18 Alvina has left the game Terminating thread with socket 173 Changing Rooms: Jayne from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Joleen from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Irena from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eun from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shandi from 17 to 18 Jeffery has left the game Terminating thread with socket 174 Changing Rooms: Avery from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Richard from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Del from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Larissa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Adah from 18 to 17 Domenica has left the game Changing Rooms: Leatha from 14 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 175 Changing Rooms: Lelah from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jenise from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Barton from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lamar from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Mayme from 12 to 13 Jeanne has left the game Terminating thread with socket 176 Changing Rooms: Beatris from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bradly from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lucille from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Inge from 13 to 18 Thao has left the game Terminating thread with socket 274 Changing Rooms: Jerrie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Margo from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Thu from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Anette from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Benita from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 14 to 13 Vivien has left the game Terminating thread with socket 178 Changing Rooms: Kayla from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Simonne from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rashad from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kendall from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Vina from 12 to 13 Arleen has left the game Terminating thread with socket 179 Changing Rooms: Tessie from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Chrystal from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Francisco from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shan from 18 to 14 Changing Rooms: Amal from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Amada from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lyndon from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Felton from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosa from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mora from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Santana from 18 to 14 Del has left the game Terminating thread with socket 181 Changing Rooms: Cedrick from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Theola from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Grayce from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Wilburn from 14 to 15 Barton has left the game Changing Rooms: Matilda from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Masako from 18 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 182 Changing Rooms: Odis from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Katelynn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lorenzo from 14 to 15 Bradly has left the game Terminating thread with socket 293 Changing Rooms: Rebecka from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Iluminada from 14 to 13 Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 8 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Kirby from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Evelynn from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Anette has left the game Terminating thread with socket 184 Changing Rooms: Suzanne from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lavonia from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Cheyenne from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jerrod from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Fae from 12 to 13 Kendall has left the game Terminating thread with socket 185 Changing Rooms: Luna from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rosie from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Andre from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Reynalda from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tamera from 15 to 14 Shan has left the game Changing Rooms: Jada from 13 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 186 Changing Rooms: Sharon from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Jayne from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Joleen from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Irena from 13 to 14 Rosa has left the game Terminating thread with socket 294 Changing Rooms: Eun from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Shandi from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Avery from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Richard from 13 to 18 Wilburn has left the game Terminating thread with socket 188 Changing Rooms: Larissa from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Adah from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Leatha from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Lelah from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jenise from 15 to 14 Katelynn has left the game Terminating thread with socket 189 Changing Rooms: Lamar from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mayme from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Beatris from 13 to 18 Ellena has left the game Changing Rooms: Inge from 18 to 17 Terminating thread with socket 190 Changing Rooms: Lucille from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jerrie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Margo from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Thu from 13 to 12 Jerrod has left the game Terminating thread with socket 191 Changing Rooms: Benita from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Kayla from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Simonne from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rashad from 13 to 14 Andre has left the game Changing Rooms: Raphael from 15 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 192 Changing Rooms: Vina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tessie from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chrystal from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Francisco from 14 to 15 Joleen has left the game Terminating thread with socket 119 Changing Rooms: Amal from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Amada from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Lyndon from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Felton from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Mora from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Santana from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cedrick from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Theola from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Grayce from 13 to 12 Lelah has left the game Terminating thread with socket 68 Changing Rooms: Matilda from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Masako from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Odis from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lorenzo from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rebecka from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Iluminada from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Kirby from 17 to 18 Battle Time! Margo has left the game Attacks: 166 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 166 (from 10 1) (0 uninvolved) Terminating thread with socket 70 Changing Rooms: Evelynn from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Suzanne from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lavonia from 18 to 17 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Cheyenne from 15 to 14 Simonne has left the game Terminating thread with socket 120 Changing Rooms: Fae from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Luna from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rosie from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Reynalda from 13 to 14 Chrystal has left the game Terminating thread with socket 98 Changing Rooms: Tamera from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jada from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Sharon from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jayne from 17 to 18 Felton has left the game Terminating thread with socket 121 Changing Rooms: Irena from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eun from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shandi from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Avery from 13 to 12 Theola has left the game Terminating thread with socket 276 Changing Rooms: Richard from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Larissa from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Adah from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Leatha from 18 to 14 Masako has left the game Terminating thread with socket 21 Changing Rooms: Jenise from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lamar from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mayme from 12 to 13 Iluminada has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Beatris from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lucille from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Inge from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Jerrie from 15 to 14 Lavonia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 49 Changing Rooms: Thu from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Benita from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Mariana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Kayla from 13 to 14 Rosie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 64 Changing Rooms: Rashad from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Vina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tessie from 13 to 14 Sharon has left the game Terminating thread with socket 76 Changing Rooms: Francisco from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Amal from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Amada from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lyndon from 13 to 18 Shandi has left the game Terminating thread with socket 124 Changing Rooms: Mora from 13 to 14 Changing Rooms: Santana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cedrick from 15 to 14 Adah has left the game Terminating thread with socket 126 Changing Rooms: Grayce from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Matilda from 13 to 18 Mayme has left the game Terminating thread with socket 146 Changing Rooms: Odis from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lorenzo from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rebecka from 13 to 14 Inge has left the game Terminating thread with socket 153 Changing Rooms: Kirby from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Evelynn from 13 to 14 Battle Time! Attacks: 250 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 250 (from 5 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Suzanne from 12 to 13 Mariana has left the game Terminating thread with socket 193 Changing Rooms: Cheyenne from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Fae from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Luna from 15 to 14 Vina has left the game Terminating thread with socket 194 Changing Rooms: Reynalda from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tamera from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jada from 15 to 14 Amada has left the game Terminating thread with socket 195 Changing Rooms: Jayne from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Irena from 13 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Eun from 13 to 14 Mora has left the game Terminating thread with socket 196 Changing Rooms: Avery from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Richard from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Larissa from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Leatha from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Jenise from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lamar from 12 to 13 Lorenzo has left the game Terminating thread with socket 277 Changing Rooms: Beatris from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lucille from 13 to 14 Evelynn has left the game Terminating thread with socket 199 Changing Rooms: Jerrie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Thu from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Benita from 14 to 15 Fae has left the game Terminating thread with socket 200 Changing Rooms: Kayla from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rashad from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 15 to 14 Tamera has left the game Terminating thread with socket 201 Changing Rooms: Tessie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Francisco from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Amal from 14 to 13 Irena has left the game Terminating thread with socket 202 Changing Rooms: Lyndon from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Santana from 12 to 13 Richard has left the game Terminating thread with socket 203 Changing Rooms: Cedrick from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Grayce from 13 to 12 Jenise has left the game Terminating thread with socket 204 Changing Rooms: Matilda from 18 to 17 Changing Rooms: Odis from 12 to 13 Beatris has left the game Terminating thread with socket 278 Changing Rooms: Rebecka from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Kirby from 13 to 14 Thu has left the game Terminating thread with socket 206 Changing Rooms: Suzanne from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cheyenne from 15 to 14 Rashad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 207 Changing Rooms: Luna from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Reynalda from 15 to 14 Francisco has left the game Terminating thread with socket 208 Changing Rooms: Jada from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jayne from 17 to 18 Battle Time! Attacks: 100 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 100 (from 2 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Eun from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Avery from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Grayce has left the game Terminating thread with socket 210 Changing Rooms: Larissa from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Leatha from 15 to 14 Odis has left the game Terminating thread with socket 211 Changing Rooms: Lamar from 13 to 12 Kirby has left the game Terminating thread with socket 212 Changing Rooms: Lucille from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Jerrie from 15 to 14 Cheyenne has left the game Terminating thread with socket 213 Changing Rooms: Benita from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Kayla from 13 to 18 Reynalda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 214 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 14 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tessie from 15 to 14 Jayne has left the game Terminating thread with socket 215 Changing Rooms: Amal from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lyndon from 17 to 18 Avery has left the game Terminating thread with socket 216 Changing Rooms: Santana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cedrick from 13 to 18 Leatha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 217 Changing Rooms: Matilda from 17 to 18 Changing Rooms: Rebecka from 15 to 14 Jerrie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 219 Changing Rooms: Suzanne from 12 to 13 Kayla has left the game Terminating thread with socket 220 Changing Rooms: Luna from 15 to 14 Tessie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 279 Changing Rooms: Jada from 13 to 18 Lyndon has left the game Terminating thread with socket 222 Changing Rooms: Eun from 13 to 14 Battle Time! Attacks: 400 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 400 (from 3 1) (0 uninvolved) Cedrick has left the game Terminating thread with socket 280 Changing Rooms: Larissa from 13 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Matilda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 224 Changing Rooms: Lamar from 12 to 13 Rebecka has left the game Terminating thread with socket 281 Changing Rooms: Lucille from 13 to 18 Suzanne has left the game Terminating thread with socket 225 Changing Rooms: Benita from 14 to 15 Luna has left the game Terminating thread with socket 227 Changing Rooms: Raphael from 13 to 12 Jada has left the game Terminating thread with socket 228 Changing Rooms: Amal from 12 to 13 Eun has left the game Terminating thread with socket 229 Changing Rooms: Santana from 12 to 13 Larissa has left the game Terminating thread with socket 230 Lamar has left the game Terminating thread with socket 231 Lucille has left the game Terminating thread with socket 232 Benita has left the game Terminating thread with socket 233 Raphael has left the game Terminating thread with socket 234 Amal has left the game Terminating thread with socket 235 Santana has left the game Terminating thread with socket 236 Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 3) (0 uninvolved) Lyman has left the game Terminating thread with socket 218 Masako has left the game Terminating thread with socket 209 Eartha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 197 Rebecca has left the game Christine has left the game Terminating thread with socket 94 Terminating thread with socket 40 Assunta has left the game Terminating thread with socket 180 Rowena has left the game Terminating thread with socket 149 Monnie has left the game Belinda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 132 Terminating thread with socket 130 Madaline has left the game Kristofer has left the game Terminating thread with socket 33 Terminating thread with socket 30 Flora has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 Patrica has left the game Terminating thread with socket 240 Linwood has left the game Terminating thread with socket 187 Danielle has left the game Terminating thread with socket 275 Gabriel has left the game Terminating thread with socket 167 Mariella has left the game Terminating thread with socket 151 Oda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 91 Shirley has left the game Mirtha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 78 Terminating thread with socket 258 Huong has left the game Terminating thread with socket 257 Kenny has left the game Terminating thread with socket 251 Shavonne has left the game Terminating thread with socket 43 Linwood has left the game Terminating thread with socket 247 Shavonne has left the game Terminating thread with socket 20 Lenard has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 Jolyn has left the game Terminating thread with socket 226 Earl has left the game Chong has left the game Terminating thread with socket 221 Terminating thread with socket 223 Genny has left the game Terminating thread with socket 205 Elvia has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 198 Nettie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 122 Tanika has left the game Terminating thread with socket 183 Oliver has left the game Terminating thread with socket 177 Ivelisse has left the game Terminating thread with socket 159 TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 237 psock 4 New Player Jeanett! Player Start! Name: Jeanett Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 New Player Leonia! Player Start! Name: Leonia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 New Player Alesia! Player Start! Name: Alesia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Ashlyn! Player Start! Name: Ashlyn Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Samantha! Player Start! Name: Samantha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 psock 10 New Player Marianna! Player Start! Name: Marianna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 11 Changing Rooms: Jeanett from 10 to 11 New Player Melina! Player Start! Name: Melina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 12 Changing Rooms: Leonia from 10 to 11 New Player Sage! Player Start! Name: Sage Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 13 New Player Abbey! Changing Rooms: Alesia from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Abbey Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 14 Changing Rooms: Ashlyn from 10 to 11 New Player Florance! Player Start! Name: Florance Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 15 Changing Rooms: Samantha from 10 to 11 New Player Charleen! Player Start! Name: Charleen Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 16 Changing Rooms: Flora from 15 to 14 New Player Elda! Player Start! Name: Elda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 17 Changing Rooms: Marianna from 10 to 11 New Player Albertina! psock 18 Jeanett has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Player Start! Name: Albertina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Melina from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Nada Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 19 Leonia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Sage from 10 to 11 New Player Shirlee! psock 4 Player Start! Name: Shirlee Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Alesia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Abbey from 10 to 11 psock 5 Ashlyn has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Florance from 10 to 11 New Player Rina! psock 6 Samantha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Player Start! Name: Rina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Charleen from 10 to 11 New Player Clelia! psock 7 Flora has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Player Start! Name: Clelia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Elda from 10 to 11 New Player Alyce! psock 8 Marianna has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 Player Start! Name: Alyce Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Leif! Changing Rooms: Albertina from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Leif Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 Melina has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: Nada from 10 to 11 New Player Edda! Player Start! Name: Edda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 10 Sage has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 New Player Octavio! Changing Rooms: Shirlee from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Octavio Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 11 Abbey has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 Changing Rooms: Barton from 14 to 13 New Player Pamila! Player Start! Name: Pamila Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 12 Florance has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 New Player Taisha! Player Start! Name: Taisha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Rina from 10 to 11 psock 13 Charleen has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 New Player Dylan! Changing Rooms: Clelia from 10 to 11 psock 14 Player Start! Name: Dylan Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Elda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Changing Rooms: Alyce from 10 to 11 New Player Branda! psock 15 Player Start! Name: Branda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Albertina has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 Changing Rooms: Leif from 10 to 11 psock 16 Nada has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 Changing Rooms: Edda from 10 to 11 New Player Tamisha! Player Start! Name: Tamisha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 17 Shirlee has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 Changing Rooms: Octavio from 10 to 11 psock 18 Barton has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: Pamila from 10 to 11 New Player Maryjo! Player Start! Name: Maryjo Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 19 Changing Rooms: Taisha from 10 to 11 Rina has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Clelia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Dylan from 10 to 11 New Player Ena! psock 5 Player Start! Name: Ena Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Alyce has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 New Player Laine! Player Start! Name: Laine Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Branda from 10 to 11 psock 6 Leif has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 New Player Trudy! Player Start! Name: Trudy Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Violet from 18 to 13 psock 7 Edda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 New Player Tyson! Changing Rooms: Tamisha from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Tyson Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 Octavio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 New Player Karma! Changing Rooms: Jamal from 13 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Player Start! Name: Karma Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 Pamila has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: Maryjo from 10 to 11 psock 10 Taisha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 New Player Evia! Player Start! Name: Evia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Elda from 11 to 12 psock 11 Dylan has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 Changing Rooms: Ena from 10 to 11 psock 12 Changing Rooms: Laine from 10 to 11 Branda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 New Player Mallory! Player Start! Name: Mallory Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 13 Changing Rooms: Trudy from 10 to 11 Violet has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 New Player Virginia! Player Start! Name: Virginia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 14 Tamisha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Changing Rooms: Tyson from 10 to 11 New Player Deeanna! Player Start! Name: Deeanna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 15 Jamal has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 Changing Rooms: Karma from 10 to 11 New Player Brunilda! Player Start! Name: Brunilda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 16 Maryjo has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 Changing Rooms: Emma from 13 to 18 New Player Kimberli! psock 17 Player Start! Name: Kimberli Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Elda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 Changing Rooms: Evia from 10 to 11 New Player Trudi! Player Start! Name: Trudi Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 18 Ena has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: Nickolas from 13 to 18 psock 19 Laine has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Mallory from 10 to 11 New Player Cherlyn! Player Start! Name: Cherlyn Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 4 Trudy has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Virginia from 10 to 11 New Player Belle! Player Start! Name: Belle Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 Tyson has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Deeanna from 10 to 11 Battle Time! Attacks: 116 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 116 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) psock 6 Karma has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Brunilda from 10 to 11 New Player Alfreda! Player Start! Name: Alfreda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 Emma has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 New Player Anthony! Changing Rooms: Kimberli from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Anthony Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Evia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 New Player Emmie! Changing Rooms: Trudi from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Emmie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Nickolas has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 9 New Player Torrie! Changing Rooms: Kenny from 12 to 13 Player Start! Name: Torrie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 10 Mallory has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 Changing Rooms: Cherlyn from 10 to 11 psock 11 Virginia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 Changing Rooms: Belle from 10 to 11 New Player Yessenia! Player Start! Name: Yessenia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 12 Deeanna has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 New Player Belkis! Changing Rooms: Elinore from 13 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Player Start! Name: Belkis Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 13 Brunilda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 Changing Rooms: Alfreda from 10 to 11 New Player Bao! Player Start! Name: Bao Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 14 Kimberli has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Changing Rooms: Anthony from 10 to 11 psock 15 Trudi has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 New Player Tom! Changing Rooms: Emmie from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Tom Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 16 Kenny has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 Changing Rooms: Torrie from 10 to 11 New Player Catherina! Player Start! Name: Catherina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 17 Cherlyn has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 Changing Rooms: Donette from 12 to 13 New Player Armanda! Player Start! Name: Armanda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 18 Belle has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: Yessenia from 10 to 11 New Player June! Player Start! Name: June Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 19 Elinore has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Belkis from 10 to 11 New Player Lisette! Player Start! Name: Lisette Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 4 Alfreda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Bao from 10 to 11 New Player Renae! Player Start! Name: Renae Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 Anthony has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Delores from 18 to 14 New Player Cristen! Player Start! Name: Cristen Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 Emmie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Tom from 10 to 11 New Player Ann! Player Start! Name: Ann Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 Torrie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Catherina from 10 to 11 New Player Jeff! Player Start! Name: Jeff Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 Donette has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 Changing Rooms: Armanda from 10 to 11 New Player Edmond! Player Start! Name: Edmond Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 Yessenia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: June from 10 to 11 New Player Ed! Player Start! Name: Ed Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 10 Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 3) (0 uninvolved) Belkis has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 Changing Rooms: Lisette from 10 to 11 New Player Melany! Player Start! Name: Melany Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 11 Bao has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 Changing Rooms: Renae from 10 to 11 New Player Idell! Player Start! Name: Idell Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 12 Delores has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 Changing Rooms: Cristen from 10 to 11 New Player Tiffanie! Player Start! Name: Tiffanie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 13 Tom has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 Changing Rooms: Ann from 10 to 11 New Player Alba! Player Start! Name: Alba Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 14 Catherina has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Changing Rooms: Jeff from 10 to 11 New Player Hue! Player Start! Name: Hue Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 15 Armanda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 New Player Jackie! Changing Rooms: Edmond from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Jackie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 16 June has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 Changing Rooms: Ed from 10 to 11 New Player Ligia! Player Start! Name: Ligia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 17 Lisette has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 Changing Rooms: Melany from 10 to 11 psock 18 Renae has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: Idell from 10 to 11 New Player Gertude! Player Start! Name: Gertude Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 19 Cristen has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Tiffanie from 10 to 11 New Player Paola! Player Start! Name: Paola Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 4 Ann has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Alba from 10 to 11 New Player Alfred! Player Start! Name: Alfred Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 Jeff has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Hue from 10 to 11 New Player Jennine! Player Start! Name: Jennine Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 Edmond has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Jackie from 10 to 11 psock 7 Ed has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Ligia from 10 to 11 psock 8 Melany has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 New Player Aubrey! Changing Rooms: Ninfa from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Player Start! Name: Aubrey Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 Idell has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: Gertude from 10 to 11 New Player Agueda! Player Start! Name: Agueda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 10 Tiffanie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 Changing Rooms: Paola from 10 to 11 psock 11 Alba has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 Changing Rooms: Alfred from 10 to 11 New Player Freddy! Player Start! Name: Freddy Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 12 Hue has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 Changing Rooms: Jennine from 10 to 11 New Player Damon! Player Start! Name: Damon Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 13 Jackie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 Changing Rooms: Darlene from 14 to 15 New Player Zenia! Player Start! Name: Zenia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 14 Ligia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Changing Rooms: Nada from 11 to 12 New Player Pok! Player Start! Name: Pok Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 15 Ninfa has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 Changing Rooms: Aubrey from 10 to 11 New Player Patricia! Player Start! Name: Patricia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 16 Gertude has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 Changing Rooms: Agueda from 10 to 11 New Player Krissy! Player Start! Name: Krissy Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 17 Paola has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 Changing Rooms: Cheryl from 14 to 15 New Player Criselda! Player Start! Name: Criselda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 18 Alfred has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: Freddy from 10 to 11 New Player Katheryn! Player Start! Name: Katheryn Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 19 Jennine has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Damon from 10 to 11 New Player Gabrielle! Player Start! Name: Gabrielle Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 4 Darlene has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Zenia from 10 to 11 psock 5 Nada has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Pok from 10 to 11 New Player Nichole! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 1) (0 uninvolved) Player Start! Name: Nichole Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 Aubrey has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Patricia from 10 to 11 New Player Howard! Player Start! Name: Howard Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 Agueda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Krissy from 10 to 11 New Player Ethyl! New Player Peter! Player Start! Name: Ethyl Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Player Start! Name: Peter Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 Cheryl has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 Changing Rooms: Criselda from 10 to 11 New Player Shiloh! Player Start! Name: Shiloh Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 Freddy has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: Katheryn from 10 to 11 New Player Reena! Player Start! Name: Reena Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Damon has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 psock 10 Changing Rooms: Gabrielle from 10 to 11 New Player Andra! Player Start! Name: Andra Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 11 Zenia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 New Player Jay! Player Start! Name: Jay Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 12 Pok has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 Changing Rooms: Nichole from 10 to 11 psock 13 Patricia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 Changing Rooms: Howard from 10 to 11 New Player Otelia! Player Start! Name: Otelia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 14 Krissy has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Changing Rooms: Ethyl from 10 to 11 New Player Jesusa! Changing Rooms: Peter from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Jesusa Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 15 Criselda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 Changing Rooms: Shiloh from 10 to 11 New Player Jen! Player Start! Name: Jen Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 16 Katheryn has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 Changing Rooms: Reena from 10 to 11 psock 17 Gabrielle has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 Changing Rooms: Andra from 10 to 11 psock 18 Changing Rooms: Jay from 10 to 11 New Player Kyung! Player Start! Name: Kyung Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 19 Nichole has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Jerrie from 14 to 13 New Player Tawnya! psock 20 Howard has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Player Start! Name: Tawnya Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Otelia from 10 to 11 New Player Gisela! Player Start! Name: Gisela Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 Ethyl has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Peter has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: Jesusa from 10 to 11 New Player Jennette! Player Start! Name: Jennette Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 Shiloh has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Jen from 10 to 11 New Player Kyong! Player Start! Name: Kyong Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 4 Reena has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Cheri from 17 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Player Start! Name: Wilton Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 Andra has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 Changing Rooms: Tad from 18 to 13 New Player Candra! Player Start! Name: Candra Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 Jay has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: Kyung from 10 to 11 psock 9 Jerrie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 New Player Latricia! Player Start! Name: Latricia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tawnya from 10 to 11 psock 10 Otelia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 New Player Tawny! Changing Rooms: Gisela from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Tawny Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 11 Jesusa has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 Changing Rooms: Jennette from 10 to 11 New Player Valeri! Player Start! Name: Valeri Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 12 Jen has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 Changing Rooms: Kyong from 10 to 11 New Player Adelaida! Player Start! Name: Adelaida Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 13 Cheri has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Changing Rooms: Wilton from 10 to 11 New Player Matha! Player Start! Name: Matha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 14 Tad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 Changing Rooms: Candra from 10 to 11 New Player Nakita! Player Start! Name: Nakita Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 15 Kyung has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 Changing Rooms: Ellsworth from 14 to 13 New Player Lia! Player Start! Name: Lia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 16 Tawnya has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 Changing Rooms: Latricia from 10 to 11 New Player Karole! Player Start! Name: Karole Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 17 Gisela has left the game Terminating thread with socket 20 Changing Rooms: Tawny from 10 to 11 New Player Zoraida! Player Start! Name: Zoraida Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 18 Jennette has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Valeri from 10 to 11 New Player Alyse! Player Start! Name: Alyse Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 19 Kyong has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Adelaida from 10 to 11 New Player Rickie! Player Start! Name: Rickie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 1) (0 uninvolved) psock 5 Wilton has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: Matha from 10 to 11 New Player Allene! Player Start! Name: Allene Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 Candra has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Nakita from 10 to 11 New Player Tiana! Player Start! Name: Tiana Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 4 Ellsworth has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Lia from 10 to 11 New Player Wilma! Player Start! Name: Wilma Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 Latricia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Karole from 10 to 11 New Player Karey! Player Start! Name: Karey Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 Tawny has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 Changing Rooms: Zoraida from 10 to 11 New Player Darcel! Player Start! Name: Darcel Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 Valeri has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: Alyse from 10 to 11 New Player Thersa! Player Start! Name: Thersa Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 10 Adelaida has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 Changing Rooms: Rickie from 10 to 11 New Player Kaitlyn! Player Start! Name: Kaitlyn Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 11 Matha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 Changing Rooms: Allene from 10 to 11 New Player Leonardo! Player Start! Name: Leonardo Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 12 Nakita has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 Changing Rooms: Tiana from 10 to 11 New Player Carie! Player Start! Name: Carie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 13 Lia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 Changing Rooms: Wilma from 10 to 11 New Player Lacey! Player Start! Name: Lacey Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 14 Karole has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Changing Rooms: Karey from 10 to 11 New Player Joan! Player Start! Name: Joan Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 15 Zoraida has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 Changing Rooms: Darcel from 10 to 11 New Player Petrina! Player Start! Name: Petrina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 16 Alyse has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 Changing Rooms: Thersa from 10 to 11 psock 17 Rickie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 Changing Rooms: Kaitlyn from 10 to 11 New Player Kum! Player Start! Name: Kum Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 18 Allene has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Leonardo from 10 to 11 psock 19 Tiana has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Carie from 10 to 11 Wilma has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Lacey from 10 to 11 New Player May! Player Start! Name: May Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 4 Karey has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Joan from 10 to 11 New Player Simona! Player Start! Name: Simona Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 Darcel has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Petrina from 10 to 11 New Player Annelle! Player Start! Name: Annelle Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 Thersa has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Alfreda from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! New Player Wyatt! Player Start! Name: Wyatt Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 Kaitlyn has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 Changing Rooms: Kum from 10 to 11 New Player Janee! psock 9 Player Start! Name: Janee Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Leonardo has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: Lindsay from 14 to 15 New Player Augustus! psock 10 Player Start! Name: Augustus Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Carie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 Changing Rooms: Delicia from 18 to 14 New Player Dona! Player Start! Name: Dona Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 11 Lacey has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 Changing Rooms: May from 10 to 11 psock 12 New Player Alyssa! Joan has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 Player Start! Name: Alyssa Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Simona from 10 to 11 New Player Hollis! psock 13 Player Start! Name: Hollis Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Petrina has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 Changing Rooms: Annelle from 10 to 11 New Player Eneida! Player Start! Name: Eneida Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 14 Alfreda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Changing Rooms: Wyatt from 10 to 11 New Player Tamra! Player Start! Name: Tamra Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 15 Kum has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 New Player Mozelle! Changing Rooms: Janee from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Mozelle Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 16 Lindsay has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 New Player Ike! Changing Rooms: Augustus from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Ike Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 17 Delicia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 New Player Sonia! Changing Rooms: Dona from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Sonia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 18 May has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 New Player Dwana! Player Start! Name: Dwana Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 19 Changing Rooms: Alyssa from 10 to 11 Simona has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 New Player Tiffaney! Changing Rooms: Hollis from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Tiffaney Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 Annelle has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Eneida from 10 to 11 New Player Jose! Player Start! Name: Jose Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 3) (0 uninvolved) psock 4 Wyatt has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Tamra from 10 to 11 New Player Hong! Player Start! Name: Hong Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 Janee has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Mozelle from 10 to 11 New Player Hiroko! Player Start! Name: Hiroko Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 Augustus has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Ike from 10 to 11 New Player Janell! Player Start! Name: Janell Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 Dona has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 Changing Rooms: Sonia from 10 to 11 New Player Jennifer! Player Start! Name: Jennifer Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 Changing Rooms: Dwana from 10 to 11 New Player Jestine! Alyssa has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Player Start! Name: Jestine Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 10 Hollis has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 Changing Rooms: Tiffaney from 10 to 11 New Player Samira! Player Start! Name: Samira Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 11 Eneida has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 Changing Rooms: Jose from 10 to 11 New Player Yahaira! Player Start! Name: Yahaira Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 12 Tamra has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 New Player Synthia! Changing Rooms: Hong from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Synthia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 13 Mozelle has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 Changing Rooms: Hiroko from 10 to 11 psock 14 Ike has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Changing Rooms: Janell from 10 to 11 psock 15 Sonia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 Changing Rooms: Jennifer from 10 to 11 psock 16 Dwana has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 Changing Rooms: Jestine from 10 to 11 New Player Jared! Player Start! Name: Jared Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 17 Tiffaney has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 Changing Rooms: Samira from 10 to 11 New Player Andy! Player Start! Name: Andy Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 18 Jose has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Yahaira from 10 to 11 New Player Alexandria! Player Start! Name: Alexandria Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 19 Hong has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: Synthia from 10 to 11 psock 5 Hiroko has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Melonie from 15 to 14 New Player Sook! Player Start! Name: Sook Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 4 Janell has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Katerine from 14 to 13 psock 6 New Player Debbra! Jennifer has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Player Start! Name: Debbra Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Phoebe from 15 to 14 psock 7 Jestine has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Jared from 10 to 11 New Player Brinda! Player Start! Name: Brinda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 Samira has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 Changing Rooms: Andy from 10 to 11 New Player Clora! Player Start! Name: Clora Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 Yahaira has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: Alexandria from 10 to 11 New Player Rubin! Player Start! Name: Rubin Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Synthia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 psock 10 Changing Rooms: Chia from 15 to 14 New Player Cedric! Player Start! Name: Cedric Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 11 Melonie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 Changing Rooms: Sook from 10 to 11 New Player Adelina! Player Start! Name: Adelina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 12 Katerine has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 New Player Monica! Player Start! Name: Monica Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Debbra from 10 to 11 psock 13 Phoebe has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 New Player Burton! Player Start! Name: Burton Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 14 Changing Rooms: Elene from 14 to 13 Jared has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 New Player Mikki! Changing Rooms: Brinda from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Mikki Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Andy has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 psock 15 Changing Rooms: Clora from 10 to 11 New Player Barbera! Player Start! Name: Barbera Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 16 Alexandria has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 Changing Rooms: Rubin from 10 to 11 New Player Adeline! Player Start! Name: Adeline Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 17 Chia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 Changing Rooms: Cedric from 10 to 11 New Player Rosario! Player Start! Name: Rosario Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 18 Sook has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Adelina from 10 to 11 New Player Francesco! Player Start! Name: Francesco Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 19 Changing Rooms: Monica from 10 to 11 Debbra has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 New Player Eden! Player Start! Name: Eden Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 Changing Rooms: Burton from 10 to 11 New Player Nicolas! Elene has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Player Start! Name: Nicolas Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 4 Brinda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Mikki from 10 to 11 New Player Denese! Player Start! Name: Denese Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 Clora has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 New Player Karoline! Changing Rooms: Barbera from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Karoline Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 Rubin has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 New Player Lloyd! Changing Rooms: Adeline from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Lloyd Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 Cedric has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 Changing Rooms: Rosario from 10 to 11 New Player Cheryll! Player Start! Name: Cheryll Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 Adelina has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: Francesco from 10 to 11 New Player Caroll! Player Start! Name: Caroll Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 10 Monica has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 Changing Rooms: Eden from 10 to 11 New Player Tawana! Player Start! Name: Tawana Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 11 Burton has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 Changing Rooms: Nicolas from 10 to 11 New Player Jesse! Player Start! Name: Jesse Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 12 Mikki has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 Changing Rooms: Denese from 10 to 11 psock 13 Barbera has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 Changing Rooms: Karoline from 10 to 11 New Player Paris! Player Start! Name: Paris Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 14 Adeline has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Changing Rooms: Lloyd from 10 to 11 New Player Shantelle! Player Start! Name: Shantelle Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 15 Rosario has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 Changing Rooms: Cheryll from 10 to 11 New Player Damion! Player Start! Name: Damion Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 16 Francesco has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 Changing Rooms: Caroll from 10 to 11 New Player Boris! Player Start! Name: Boris Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 17 Eden has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 Changing Rooms: Tawana from 10 to 11 New Player Ja! Nicolas has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Player Start! Name: Ja Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 18 Changing Rooms: Jesse from 10 to 11 New Player Shalanda! psock 5 Denese has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Player Start! Name: Shalanda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Oneida from 17 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! psock 19 Karoline has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Paris from 10 to 11 New Player Shantell! Lloyd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 Player Start! Name: Shantell Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shantelle from 10 to 11 psock 6 Cheryll has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 New Player Lesia! Changing Rooms: Damion from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Lesia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 Caroll has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Boris from 10 to 11 New Player Andria! Player Start! Name: Andria Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 Tawana has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 New Player Loraine! Changing Rooms: Ja from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Loraine Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 Jesse has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: Shalanda from 10 to 11 psock 10 Oneida has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 Changing Rooms: Lia from 11 to 12 psock 11 Paris has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 psock 12 Changing Rooms: Shantell from 10 to 11 New Player Arthur! Shantelle has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 Player Start! Name: Arthur Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Ned! Player Start! Name: Ned Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 13 Damion has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 Changing Rooms: Lesia from 10 to 11 New Player Astrid! Changing Rooms: Kenton from 14 to 13 psock 14 Player Start! Name: Astrid Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Boris has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Changing Rooms: Andria from 10 to 11 New Player Machelle! Player Start! Name: Machelle Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 15 Ja has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 Changing Rooms: Loraine from 10 to 11 New Player Nora! Player Start! Name: Nora Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 16 Changing Rooms: Krystina from 18 to 13 Shalanda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 New Player Bari! Player Start! Name: Bari Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 1) (0 uninvolved) psock 17 Lia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Simonne from 15 to 14 psock 18 New Player Enriqueta! Shantell has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 Player Start! Name: Enriqueta Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 Changing Rooms: Arthur from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ned from 10 to 11 New Player Meryl! Player Start! Name: Meryl Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Lesia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 19 Kenton has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Astrid from 10 to 11 psock 4 Andria has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Machelle from 10 to 11 New Player Treva! Player Start! Name: Treva Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 Loraine has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Nora from 10 to 11 New Player Chadwick! Player Start! Name: Chadwick Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 Krystina has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Bari from 10 to 11 New Player Veronique! Player Start! Name: Veronique Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 Simonne has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 Changing Rooms: Darius from 17 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! New Player Leonor! Player Start! Name: Leonor Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 Changing Rooms: Enriqueta from 10 to 11 Arthur has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 New Player Claire! Player Start! Name: Claire Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 10 Ned has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 Changing Rooms: Meryl from 10 to 11 New Player Shonna! psock 11 Player Start! Name: Shonna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Elnora from 15 to 14 Astrid has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 New Player Karyn! Machelle has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 Player Start! Name: Karyn Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Treva from 10 to 11 psock 12 psock 13 New Player Palmira! Nora has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 Changing Rooms: Chadwick from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Palmira Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Jacklyn! psock 14 Player Start! Name: Jacklyn Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Bari has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Changing Rooms: Veronique from 10 to 11 New Player Leontine! Darius has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 Player Start! Name: Leontine Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 15 Changing Rooms: Leonor from 10 to 11 Enriqueta has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 psock 16 New Player Gustavo! Player Start! Name: Gustavo Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Claire from 10 to 11 New Player Kiara! psock 17 Meryl has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Player Start! Name: Kiara Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shonna from 10 to 11 New Player Curtis! psock 18 Player Start! Name: Curtis Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Elnora has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 Changing Rooms: Karyn from 10 to 11 psock 5 Treva has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 New Player Ross! psock 19 Changing Rooms: Palmira from 10 to 11 Chadwick has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Player Start! Name: Ross Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jacklyn from 10 to 11 New Player Willene! psock 4 Veronique has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Player Start! Name: Willene Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Leontine from 10 to 11 New Player Fernande! Player Start! Name: Fernande Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 Leonor has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 New Player Marceline! psock 7 Player Start! Name: Marceline Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Gustavo from 10 to 11 Claire has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Kiara from 10 to 11 New Player Joaquina! psock 8 Player Start! Name: Joaquina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Shonna has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 New Player Elena! Player Start! Name: Elena Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Curtis from 10 to 11 psock 9 Karyn has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: Annelle from 11 to 10 New Player Hellen! Player Start! Name: Hellen Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 10 New Player Yu! Palmira has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 Player Start! Name: Yu Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Ross from 10 to 11 psock 11 Jacklyn has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 New Player Quintin! Player Start! Name: Quintin Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Willene from 10 to 11 psock 12 Leontine has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 New Player Celinda! Changing Rooms: Fernande from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Celinda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 13 Gustavo has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 Changing Rooms: Marceline from 10 to 11 New Player Tish! Kiara has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Changing Rooms: Joaquina from 10 to 11 psock 14 Player Start! Name: Tish Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 15 Changing Rooms: Elena from 10 to 11 Curtis has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 Annelle has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 psock 16 Changing Rooms: Hellen from 10 to 11 New Player Buford! Player Start! Name: Buford Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Dorris! Ross has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Yu from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Dorris Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 17 psock 5 Willene has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 Changing Rooms: Quintin from 10 to 11 New Player Ka! Player Start! Name: Ka Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 18 New Player Theodora! Fernande has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Player Start! Name: Theodora Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Celinda from 10 to 11 New Player Keira! psock 19 Player Start! Name: Keira Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Marceline has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 New Player Nelle! Player Start! Name: Nelle Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Joaquina has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Tish from 10 to 11 Elena has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 New Player Brittney! psock 6 Player Start! Name: Brittney Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Ivy! Hellen has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Player Start! Name: Ivy Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Buford from 10 to 11 New Player Romelia! Player Start! Name: Romelia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 Yu has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 Changing Rooms: Dorris from 10 to 11 New Player Tynisha! Player Start! Name: Tynisha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 Changing Rooms: Mayme from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Quintin has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: Ka from 10 to 11 New Player Pricilla! psock 10 Changing Rooms: Theodora from 10 to 11 Celinda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 Player Start! Name: Pricilla Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Keira from 10 to 11 New Player Era! psock 11 Player Start! Name: Era Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Nelle from 10 to 11 psock 12 Tish has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 New Player Tabetha! psock 20 Player Start! Name: Tabetha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Brittney from 10 to 11 New Player Rebbecca! psock 13 Changing Rooms: Ivy from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Rebbecca Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Buford has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 Changing Rooms: Romelia from 10 to 11 New Player Aleshia! psock 21 Changing Rooms: Tynisha from 10 to 11 Mayme has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Dorris has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 Player Start! Name: Aleshia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Ka has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 psock 14 New Player Angelique! Theodora has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Pricilla from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Angelique Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 15 Keira has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 Changing Rooms: Era from 10 to 11 psock 5 New Player Chun! Player Start! Name: Chun Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Nelle has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 New Player Orville! Changing Rooms: Simonne from 14 to 13 psock 16 Player Start! Name: Orville Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Joyce! Brittney has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: Tabetha from 10 to 11 psock 17 Player Start! Name: Joyce Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Rebbecca from 10 to 11 Ivy has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 New Player Elbert! Romelia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Player Start! Name: Elbert Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Emilie! psock 6 Player Start! Name: Emilie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Tynisha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Aleshia from 10 to 11 New Player Clair! Player Start! Name: Clair Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 Changing Rooms: Angelique from 10 to 11 Pricilla has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 New Player Joette! psock 8 Player Start! Name: Joette Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Yoshiko from 15 to 14 Era has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 New Player Miguelina! psock 9 Changing Rooms: Chun from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Miguelina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Simonne has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 New Player Dixie! Changing Rooms: Orville from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Dixie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 10 New Player Kimi! Tabetha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 Player Start! Name: Kimi Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Joyce from 10 to 11 psock 11 Rebbecca has left the game Terminating thread with socket 20 New Player Victor! Player Start! Name: Victor Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 12 Changing Rooms: Elbert from 10 to 11 New Player Luther! Changing Rooms: Emilie from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Luther Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 18 Aleshia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 Changing Rooms: Clair from 10 to 11 New Player Kennith! Player Start! Name: Kennith Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 19 Angelique has left the game Terminating thread with socket 21 New Player Travis! Changing Rooms: Joette from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Travis Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Yoshiko has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 psock 13 Chun has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 Changing Rooms: Miguelina from 10 to 11 psock 14 Orville has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Dixie from 10 to 11 psock 15 Changing Rooms: Kimi from 10 to 11 Joyce has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 New Player Adolph! psock 5 Player Start! Name: Adolph Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Victor from 10 to 11 New Player Stevie! Elbert has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 Player Start! Name: Stevie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 16 Emilie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: Luther from 10 to 11 New Player Rosalee! Player Start! Name: Rosalee Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 17 Clair has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 New Player Madelaine! Changing Rooms: Kennith from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Madelaine Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 4 Joette has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Travis from 10 to 11 New Player Benedict! Player Start! Name: Benedict Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 Miguelina has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Ivy from 11 to 10 psock 7 Dixie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Myrtis from 15 to 14 New Player Alisha! Player Start! Name: Alisha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 Kimi has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 New Player Nery! Changing Rooms: Adolph from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Nery Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 Victor has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: Stevie from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Wilfred Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 10 Luther has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 Changing Rooms: Rosalee from 10 to 11 New Player Erica! Player Start! Name: Erica Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 11 Kennith has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 Changing Rooms: Madelaine from 10 to 11 New Player Jessica! Player Start! Name: Jessica Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Travis has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 psock 12 Changing Rooms: Benedict from 10 to 11 psock 18 Ivy has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 Changing Rooms: Caroll from 11 to 10 New Player Walton! Player Start! Name: Walton Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 19 Myrtis has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 Changing Rooms: Alisha from 10 to 11 New Player Jessi! Player Start! Name: Jessi Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 13 Adolph has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 Changing Rooms: Nery from 10 to 11 psock 14 Stevie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Wilfred from 10 to 11 New Player Ami! Player Start! Name: Ami Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 15 Rosalee has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Changing Rooms: Erica from 10 to 11 New Player Morris! Player Start! Name: Morris Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 Madelaine has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 Changing Rooms: Jessica from 10 to 11 New Player Barrett! Player Start! Name: Barrett Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 16 Benedict has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: Diedre from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! New Player Marion! psock 17 Player Start! Name: Marion Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Caroll has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Walton from 10 to 11 New Player Rolando! Player Start! Name: Rolando Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 4 Alisha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Jessi from 10 to 11 psock 6 Nery has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Leif from 11 to 12 New Player Larue! Player Start! Name: Larue Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 Wilfred has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Ami from 10 to 11 psock 8 Erica has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 Changing Rooms: Morris from 10 to 11 New Player Palmer! Player Start! Name: Palmer Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 Jessica has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: Barrett from 10 to 11 psock 10 Diedre has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 New Player Johna! New Player Bobby! Changing Rooms: Marion from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Johna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Player Start! Name: Bobby Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 11 Walton has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 New Player Maren! Changing Rooms: Rolando from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Maren Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 12 Jessi has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 Changing Rooms: Mavis from 13 to 14 psock 18 Leif has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 Changing Rooms: Larue from 10 to 11 psock 19 Ami has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 Changing Rooms: Burton from 11 to 12 New Player Christiane! Player Start! Name: Christiane Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 13 Morris has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 Changing Rooms: Palmer from 10 to 11 New Player Yetta! Player Start! Name: Yetta Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 14 Barrett has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 15 Battle Time! Attacks: 66 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 66 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Marion has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Changing Rooms: Johna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Bobby from 10 to 11 New Player Manual! Player Start! Name: Manual Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 Rolando has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 Changing Rooms: Maren from 10 to 11 Mavis has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 16 Changing Rooms: Eustolia from 14 to 15 psock 4 Larue has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 New Player Dorie! Changing Rooms: Brad from 18 to 17 Player Start! Name: Dorie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 17 Burton has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Christiane from 10 to 11 New Player Sumiko! psock 6 Palmer has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Player Start! Name: Sumiko Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Yetta from 10 to 11 psock 7 New Player Arnold! Changing Rooms: Hedy from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: Arnold Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Olympia! psock 8 Player Start! Name: Olympia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Johna has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 Bobby has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Manual from 10 to 11 New Player Alayna! psock 20 Player Start! Name: Alayna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Maren has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: Sunni from 17 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! New Player Zandra! Player Start! Name: Zandra Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 Eustolia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 New Player Christoper! Player Start! Name: Christoper Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 10 Brad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 Changing Rooms: Dorie from 10 to 11 New Player Jefferson! Changing Rooms: Jorge from 14 to 13 Player Start! Name: Jefferson Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 11 Christiane has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 Changing Rooms: Sumiko from 10 to 11 psock 12 Yetta has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 New Player Verda! Player Start! Name: Verda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 18 Hedy has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 Changing Rooms: Arnold from 10 to 11 New Player An! Player Start! Name: An Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Olympia from 10 to 11 psock 13 Manual has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 New Player Hee! Player Start! Name: Hee Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Alayna from 10 to 11 psock 14 Sunni has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Zandra from 10 to 11 New Player Delisa! Player Start! Name: Delisa Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 15 Changing Rooms: Christoper from 10 to 11 New Player Matthew! Dorie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Player Start! Name: Matthew Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 Jorge has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: Jefferson from 10 to 11 New Player Sueann! Player Start! Name: Sueann Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 16 Changing Rooms: Kandice from 13 to 18 Sumiko has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 New Player Florence! psock 4 Player Start! Name: Florence Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Verda from 10 to 11 New Player Nanette! Player Start! Name: Nanette Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Arnold has left the game psock 17 Terminating thread with socket 6 Olympia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: An from 10 to 11 psock 19 Changing Rooms: Hee from 10 to 11 Alayna has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 New Player Alda! Player Start! Name: Alda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 Battle Time! Attacks: 83 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 83 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Zandra has left the game Terminating thread with socket 20 Changing Rooms: Delisa from 10 to 11 New Player Armando! Player Start! Name: Armando Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 Christoper has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Matthew from 10 to 11 New Player Siu! Player Start! Name: Siu Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 Jefferson has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 New Player Laquita! Changing Rooms: Sueann from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Laquita Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 Kandice has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 New Player Eboni! Player Start! Name: Eboni Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Florence from 10 to 11 psock 10 Verda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 Changing Rooms: Nanette from 10 to 11 New Player Georgianne! Player Start! Name: Georgianne Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 11 An has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 Changing Rooms: Caroll from 10 to 11 New Player Lacie! psock 12 Player Start! Name: Lacie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Hee has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 Changing Rooms: Alda from 10 to 11 New Player America! Player Start! Name: America Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 18 Delisa has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 Changing Rooms: Armando from 10 to 11 New Player Katheleen! Player Start! Name: Katheleen Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 13 Matthew has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 Changing Rooms: Siu from 10 to 11 psock 14 Sueann has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Laquita from 10 to 11 New Player Charisse! Player Start! Name: Charisse Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 15 Changing Rooms: Eboni from 10 to 11 Florence has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 New Player Mila! Player Start! Name: Mila Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 Nanette has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 New Player Xenia! Changing Rooms: Georgianne from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Xenia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 16 Caroll has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 Changing Rooms: Lacie from 10 to 11 psock 4 Alda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 Changing Rooms: America from 10 to 11 New Player Melda! Player Start! Name: Melda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 17 Armando has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Katheleen from 10 to 11 psock 19 Siu has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Larue from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! New Player Particia! Player Start! Name: Particia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 Laquita has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Charisse from 10 to 11 New Player Sebastian! Player Start! Name: Sebastian Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 Eboni has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Mila from 10 to 11 New Player Kerstin! Player Start! Name: Kerstin Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 Georgianne has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 Changing Rooms: Xenia from 10 to 11 New Player Maxima! psock 9 Player Start! Name: Maxima Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Lacie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: Lucienne from 13 to 12 New Player Barrie! psock 10 Player Start! Name: Barrie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES America has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 Changing Rooms: Melda from 10 to 11 New Player Kathe! Player Start! Name: Kathe Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Katheleen has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 psock 11 Changing Rooms: Deandre from 17 to 18 New Player Laura! psock 12 Larue has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 Player Start! Name: Laura Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Particia from 10 to 11 New Player Zona! Player Start! Name: Zona Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 18 Charisse has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 Changing Rooms: Sebastian from 10 to 11 psock 13 Mila has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 Changing Rooms: Kerstin from 10 to 11 psock 14 Xenia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 New Player Zachary! Player Start! Name: Zachary Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Maxima from 10 to 11 psock 15 Lucienne has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 New Player Caprice! Changing Rooms: Barrie from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Caprice Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 Melda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 New Player Brianne! Changing Rooms: Kathe from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Brianne Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 16 Deandre has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 New Player Nikole! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Laura from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Nikole Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Particia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Zona from 10 to 11 New Player Vivian! psock 17 Player Start! Name: Vivian Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Sebastian has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Jen from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! New Player Della! Player Start! Name: Della Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 19 Kerstin has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Sarita from 13 to 14 psock 6 Maxima has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Zachary from 10 to 11 New Player Otto! Player Start! Name: Otto Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 Barrie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Caprice from 10 to 11 psock 8 Kathe has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 Changing Rooms: Brianne from 10 to 11 New Player Gladis! psock 9 Player Start! Name: Gladis Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Laura has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: Nikole from 10 to 11 psock 10 New Player Nancy! Player Start! Name: Nancy Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Zona has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 New Player Derick! Changing Rooms: Vivian from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Derick Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 11 Jen has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 Changing Rooms: Della from 10 to 11 Sarita has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 psock 12 Changing Rooms: Donette from 13 to 14 New Player Genevie! Player Start! Name: Genevie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 13 Zachary has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 Changing Rooms: Otto from 10 to 11 New Player Dayna! Player Start! Name: Dayna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 18 Caprice has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 Changing Rooms: Roxana from 13 to 14 New Player Suzanna! psock 14 Player Start! Name: Suzanna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Brianne has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Gladis from 10 to 11 psock 15 Nikole has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 New Player Terry! Changing Rooms: Nancy from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Terry Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 Vivian has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: Derick from 10 to 11 New Player Beata! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 3) (0 uninvolved) psock 16 Player Start! Name: Beata Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Della has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 Changing Rooms: Nubia from 13 to 14 New Player Norberto! psock 4 Donette has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 Player Start! Name: Norberto Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Genevie from 10 to 11 New Player Salina! psock 17 Player Start! Name: Salina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Otto has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Dayna from 10 to 11 New Player Enedina! Roxana has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 19 Player Start! Name: Enedina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Suzanna from 10 to 11 New Player My! psock 6 Player Start! Name: My Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Gladis has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Changing Rooms: Sasha from 18 to 14 Nancy has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Terry from 10 to 11 New Player Doretta! Player Start! Name: Doretta Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 Derick has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 Changing Rooms: Beata from 10 to 11 New Player Athena! psock 9 Player Start! Name: Athena Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Nubia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 New Player Melynda! Changing Rooms: Norberto from 10 to 11 psock 10 Player Start! Name: Melynda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Genevie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 Changing Rooms: Salina from 10 to 11 psock 11 Dayna has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 New Player Luanna! Changing Rooms: Enedina from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Luanna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 12 Suzanna has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 New Player Ervin! Changing Rooms: My from 10 to 11 psock 13 Player Start! Name: Ervin Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Letitia! Changing Rooms: Wilton from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Player Start! Name: Letitia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Sasha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 psock 18 Terry has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 New Player Kevin! Changing Rooms: Doretta from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Kevin Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 14 Beata has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Athena from 10 to 11 psock 15 New Player Kelsi! Norberto has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Player Start! Name: Kelsi Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Melynda from 10 to 11 psock 5 Salina has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 New Player Mariah! Changing Rooms: Clelia from 11 to 12 Player Start! Name: Mariah Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 16 Enedina has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 Changing Rooms: Luanna from 10 to 11 psock 4 My has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 Changing Rooms: Ervin from 10 to 11 psock 17 Wilton has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Letitia from 10 to 11 New Player Tim! Player Start! Name: Tim Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 19 Doretta has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Kevin from 10 to 11 New Player Inger! Player Start! Name: Inger Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 Athena has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 New Player Marisha! Changing Rooms: Roseanne from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Marisha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 Changing Rooms: Kelsi from 10 to 11 New Player Sha! Melynda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Player Start! Name: Sha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 Clelia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 Changing Rooms: Mariah from 10 to 11 psock 9 Luanna has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: Latonya from 13 to 18 psock 10 Ervin has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 Changing Rooms: Connie from 13 to 12 psock 11 Battle Time! Attacks: 16 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 16 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Letitia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 10 to 11 New Player Nichol! Player Start! Name: Nichol Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 12 Kevin has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 Changing Rooms: Inger from 10 to 11 New Player Ermelinda! Player Start! Name: Ermelinda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 13 Roseanne has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 Changing Rooms: Marisha from 10 to 11 New Player Luella! Player Start! Name: Luella Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 18 Kelsi has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 Changing Rooms: Sha from 10 to 11 New Player Susan! Player Start! Name: Susan Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 14 Mariah has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Bari from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! psock 15 Latonya has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Changing Rooms: Mallory from 11 to 10 New Player Gena! Player Start! Name: Gena Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 Connie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: Etha from 13 to 14 New Player Tawanna! psock 16 Player Start! Name: Tawanna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Tim has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 Changing Rooms: Nichol from 10 to 11 New Player Charlena! psock 4 Inger has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 Player Start! Name: Charlena Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Ermelinda from 10 to 11 New Player Rosalia! psock 17 Marisha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Player Start! Name: Rosalia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Luella from 10 to 11 psock 19 Sha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Susan from 10 to 11 New Player Ty! psock 6 Bari has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Player Start! Name: Ty Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Darcy from 14 to 13 New Player Karon! Mallory has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Player Start! Name: Karon Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 Changing Rooms: Gena from 10 to 11 psock 8 Etha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 New Player Tran! Player Start! Name: Tran Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Tawanna from 10 to 11 Nichol has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 9 Changing Rooms: Charlena from 10 to 11 New Player Rubye! psock 10 Ermelinda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 Player Start! Name: Rubye Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Bonnie! Changing Rooms: Rosalia from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Bonnie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 11 Luella has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 Changing Rooms: Barton from 13 to 12 New Player Charissa! Susan has left the game psock 12 Terminating thread with socket 18 Player Start! Name: Charissa Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Battle Time! Attacks: 100 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 100 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Ty from 10 to 11 psock 13 New Player Reed! Darcy has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 Player Start! Name: Reed Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Karon from 10 to 11 New Player Leila! psock 18 Player Start! Name: Leila Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Gena has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 psock 14 Changing Rooms: Tran from 10 to 11 Tawanna has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 New Player Ettie! Changing Rooms: Kellie from 13 to 14 psock 15 Player Start! Name: Ettie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Charlena has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Changing Rooms: Rubye from 10 to 11 psock 5 Rosalia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 New Player Marcene! Changing Rooms: Bonnie from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Marcene Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 16 Barton has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 New Player Brande! Changing Rooms: Charissa from 10 to 11 psock 4 Player Start! Name: Brande Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Janet! Ty has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 Player Start! Name: Janet Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Reed from 10 to 11 psock 17 Karon has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Leila from 10 to 11 New Player Tonette! Player Start! Name: Tonette Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 19 Tran has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Changing Rooms: Temika from 13 to 14 New Player Carin! Kellie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Player Start! Name: Carin Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Zachery! psock 7 Player Start! Name: Zachery Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Ettie from 10 to 11 Rubye has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 New Player Haydee! Player Start! Name: Haydee Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 Bonnie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 Changing Rooms: Marcene from 10 to 11 psock 9 Charissa has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: Brande from 10 to 11 New Player Rosalyn! psock 10 Player Start! Name: Rosalyn Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Janet from 10 to 11 Reed has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 New Player Nadia! Changing Rooms: Michael from 14 to 15 psock 11 Player Start! Name: Nadia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Leila has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 psock 12 Changing Rooms: Tonette from 10 to 11 Temika has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 psock 13 Changing Rooms: Carin from 10 to 11 New Player Jodee! Changing Rooms: Zachery from 10 to 11 Ettie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 Player Start! Name: Jodee Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 18 Changing Rooms: Haydee from 10 to 11 New Player Stephnie! Player Start! Name: Stephnie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 14 Marcene has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 Changing Rooms: Genny from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! New Player Jenice! psock 20 Player Start! Name: Jenice Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Brande has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 New Player Abraham! Changing Rooms: Rosalyn from 10 to 11 psock 15 Janet has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Player Start! Name: Abraham Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Michael has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: Nadia from 10 to 11 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Walton from 11 to 12 Tonette has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Caprice from 11 to 12 New Player Stan! Player Start! Name: Stan Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Carin has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 psock 16 Zachery has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Jodee from 10 to 11 Haydee has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 17 New Player Shelia! Changing Rooms: Stephnie from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Shelia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 Genny has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Jenice from 10 to 11 psock 7 New Player Florine! Rosalyn has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Abraham from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Florine Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Kirsten! Nadia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 Player Start! Name: Kirsten Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Hugo from 13 to 14 Walton has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 9 Changing Rooms: Yessenia from 11 to 10 psock 10 Caprice has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 Changing Rooms: Stan from 10 to 11 psock 11 Jodee has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 New Player Janis! psock 12 Player Start! Name: Janis Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Stephnie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 Changing Rooms: Shelia from 10 to 11 New Player Ignacia! Player Start! Name: Ignacia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 13 Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 1) (0 uninvolved) Jenice has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 Changing Rooms: Marianna from 11 to 10 psock 18 New Player Mamie! Abraham has left the game Terminating thread with socket 20 Player Start! Name: Mamie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Florine from 10 to 11 New Player Crystal! Changing Rooms: Kirsten from 10 to 11 psock 14 Player Start! Name: Crystal Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Hugo has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 psock 19 Changing Rooms: Marry from 15 to 14 New Player Fernando! Player Start! Name: Fernando Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Yessenia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 New Player Shela! psock 15 Player Start! Name: Shela Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jerald from 15 to 14 Stan has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Hattie from 14 to 15 New Player Tamie! Player Start! Name: Tamie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Miss! Changing Rooms: Janis from 10 to 11 psock 4 Player Start! Name: Miss Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Shelia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Changing Rooms: Ignacia from 10 to 11 New Player Clinton! psock 20 Player Start! Name: Clinton Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Marianna has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 New Player Tammi! Player Start! Name: Tammi Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 16 Florine has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Mamie from 10 to 11 New Player Adina! Player Start! Name: Adina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Kirsten has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 17 Changing Rooms: Crystal from 10 to 11 New Player Gayla! Marry has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Player Start! Name: Gayla Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Fernando from 10 to 11 psock 6 New Player Christina! Changing Rooms: Shela from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Christina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 Jerald has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 New Player Valencia! Player Start! Name: Valencia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Hattie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Changing Rooms: Tamie from 10 to 11 New Player Neely! Janis has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: Miss from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Neely Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 Ignacia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 Changing Rooms: Clinton from 10 to 11 psock 10 Changing Rooms: Tammi from 10 to 11 New Player Claude! Player Start! Name: Claude Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 11 Mamie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 Changing Rooms: Adina from 10 to 11 Crystal has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 psock 12 Changing Rooms: Gayla from 10 to 11 New Player Shemeka! Fernando has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 Player Start! Name: Shemeka Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 13 Shela has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 Changing Rooms: Christina from 10 to 11 New Player Felipa! Player Start! Name: Felipa Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 14 Changing Rooms: Valencia from 10 to 11 New Player Marc! Player Start! Name: Marc Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Tamie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 psock 18 Miss has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Neely from 10 to 11 New Player Jaunita! Player Start! Name: Jaunita Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 15 Changing Rooms: Marlon from 15 to 14 Clinton has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 New Player Tatum! Player Start! Name: Tatum Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 Tammi has left the game Terminating thread with socket 20 Changing Rooms: Claude from 10 to 11 New Player Marcella! Player Start! Name: Marcella Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 4 Adina has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Changing Rooms: Lucius from 13 to 14 psock 19 Gayla has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 Changing Rooms: Shemeka from 10 to 11 New Player Tari! Player Start! Name: Tari Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 16 Christina has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Felipa from 10 to 11 New Player Carylon! Player Start! Name: Carylon Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 17 Valencia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Marc from 10 to 11 New Player Madelene! Player Start! Name: Madelene Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 Neely has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Jaunita from 10 to 11 New Player Yajaira! Player Start! Name: Yajaira Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 Marlon has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 New Player Loreen! Changing Rooms: Tatum from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Loreen Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 Claude has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 Changing Rooms: Marcella from 10 to 11 New Player Phyliss! Player Start! Name: Phyliss Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 Lucius has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: Stephenie from 13 to 14 New Player Aiko! Player Start! Name: Aiko Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 10 Shemeka has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 Changing Rooms: Tari from 10 to 11 New Player Luanne! Player Start! Name: Luanne Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 11 Felipa has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 Changing Rooms: Carylon from 10 to 11 New Player Natisha! Player Start! Name: Natisha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 12 Marc has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 Changing Rooms: Madelene from 10 to 11 Jaunita has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 New Player Lashawn! psock 13 Changing Rooms: Yajaira from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Lashawn Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 14 Tatum has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 Changing Rooms: Loreen from 10 to 11 New Player Clifton! psock 18 Player Start! Name: Clifton Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Marcella has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Phyliss from 10 to 11 New Player Mee! Stephenie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 15 Player Start! Name: Mee Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Aiko from 10 to 11 psock 4 Tari has left the game Terminating thread with socket 19 New Player Bettyann! Changing Rooms: Luanne from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Bettyann Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Soledad! Carylon has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 psock 5 Player Start! Name: Soledad Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Natisha from 10 to 11 Madelene has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 psock 16 New Player Dianna! Player Start! Name: Dianna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Lettie! psock 17 Yajaira has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Player Start! Name: Lettie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lashawn from 10 to 11 New Player Roseann! Player Start! Name: Roseann Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Loreen has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Shara from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Clifton from 10 to 11 Phyliss has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Mee from 10 to 11 Aiko has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Luanne has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 Changing Rooms: Bettyann from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Soledad from 10 to 11 Natisha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: Dianna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lettie from 10 to 11 Lashawn has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 Changing Rooms: Roseann from 10 to 11 Shara has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 Clifton has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 Mee has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 Bettyann has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 Soledad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Dianna has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Lettie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Roseann has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 237 psock 19 psock 4 New Player Dick! Player Start! Name: Dick Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 New Player Marya! Player Start! Name: Marya Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 psock 7 New Player Jamison! Player Start! Name: Jamison Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Eliza! Player Start! Name: Eliza Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 New Player Millie! psock 10 Player Start! Name: Millie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 11 Changing Rooms: Dick from 10 to 11 psock 12 New Player Gwyn! Player Start! Name: Gwyn Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Norah! Changing Rooms: Marya from 10 to 11 psock 13 Player Start! Name: Norah Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 14 New Player Nilda! Player Start! Name: Nilda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jamison from 10 to 11 psock 15 New Player Joanna! Changing Rooms: Eliza from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Joanna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 16 Changing Rooms: Mavis from 14 to 13 New Player Lawanda! Player Start! Name: Lawanda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 17 Changing Rooms: Millie from 10 to 11 New Player Vertie! Player Start! Name: Vertie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 18 Dick has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: Florene from 17 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! New Player Gino! Player Start! Name: Gino Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 20 Changing Rooms: Gwyn from 10 to 11 Marya has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 New Player Guadalupe! Changing Rooms: Norah from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Guadalupe Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Nilda from 10 to 11 Jamison has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 21 Eliza has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Joanna from 10 to 11 New Player Lonny! Mavis has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Raymon from 15 to 14 Player Start! Name: Lonny Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Mauricio! psock 6 Changing Rooms: Lawanda from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Mauricio Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Millie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 7 Changing Rooms: Vertie from 10 to 11 New Player Mariette! psock 8 Player Start! Name: Mariette Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Florene has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 Changing Rooms: Gino from 10 to 11 Gwyn has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 New Player Rubie! psock 9 Player Start! Name: Rubie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Norah has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 Changing Rooms: Guadalupe from 10 to 11 psock 10 Changing Rooms: Zachary from 11 to 12 New Player Tobias! psock 11 Nilda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 Player Start! Name: Tobias Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Joanna has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 New Player Mikel! psock 12 Player Start! Name: Mikel Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Raymon has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 Changing Rooms: Lonny from 10 to 11 psock 13 New Player Helen! Lawanda has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Player Start! Name: Helen Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Mauricio from 10 to 11 New Player Caryn! psock 14 Player Start! Name: Caryn Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Vertie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 Changing Rooms: Jeff from 11 to 10 New Player Guy! Changing Rooms: Mariette from 10 to 11 Battle Time! Attacks: 100 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 100 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Player Start! Name: Guy Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 15 Gino has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 Changing Rooms: Rubie from 10 to 11 New Player Sparkle! psock 16 Guadalupe has left the game Terminating thread with socket 20 Player Start! Name: Sparkle Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Kylie! Changing Rooms: Shandi from 18 to 14 Player Start! Name: Kylie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 17 Zachary has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 New Player Lynell! Player Start! Name: Lynell Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 18 Changing Rooms: Tobias from 10 to 11 New Player Kendal! Player Start! Name: Kendal Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 4 Changing Rooms: Mikel from 10 to 11 Lonny has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 New Player Maricela! Player Start! Name: Maricela Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 20 Changing Rooms: Helen from 10 to 11 Mauricio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 21 New Player Niki! Changing Rooms: Caryn from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Niki Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Jeff has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Mariette has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Guy from 10 to 11 New Player Joanne! Player Start! Name: Joanne Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 Rubie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Sparkle from 10 to 11 psock 7 Shandi has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Kylie from 10 to 11 New Player Adrian! psock 8 Player Start! Name: Adrian Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lynell from 10 to 11 Tobias has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 9 Changing Rooms: Kendal from 10 to 11 Mikel has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 Changing Rooms: Maricela from 10 to 11 New Player Kym! Helen has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 Player Start! Name: Kym Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 11 Caryn has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 Changing Rooms: Niki from 10 to 11 psock 12 Guy has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 Changing Rooms: Joanne from 10 to 11 New Player Porter! Player Start! Name: Porter Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 13 Changing Rooms: Wilma from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Sparkle has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 psock 14 Kylie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Changing Rooms: Adrian from 10 to 11 New Player Candice! Player Start! Name: Candice Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 15 Lynell has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 Changing Rooms: Angeline from 12 to 13 New Player Chrissy! psock 16 Player Start! Name: Chrissy Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Kendal has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 Changing Rooms: Samira from 11 to 12 New Player Patty! Player Start! Name: Patty Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 17 Maricela has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: Kym from 10 to 11 psock 18 Niki has left the game Terminating thread with socket 20 Changing Rooms: Veronique from 11 to 10 New Player Ralph! Player Start! Name: Ralph Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 4 Joanne has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Porter from 10 to 11 psock 20 Wilma has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Illa from 12 to 13 New Player Abel! psock 5 Player Start! Name: Abel Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Adrian has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Candice from 10 to 11 New Player Lizabeth! psock 6 Player Start! Name: Lizabeth Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Angeline has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Chrissy from 10 to 11 New Player Delpha! Player Start! Name: Delpha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 Samira has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Patty from 10 to 11 New Player Hortensia! psock 8 Player Start! Name: Hortensia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Kym has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 Changing Rooms: Chadwick from 11 to 10 psock 9 New Player Shellie! Veronique has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Player Start! Name: Shellie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Ralph from 10 to 11 New Player Azzie! Player Start! Name: Azzie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 10 Porter has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Shan from 14 to 13 psock 11 Illa has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 New Player Cruz! Changing Rooms: Abel from 10 to 11 psock 12 Player Start! Name: Cruz Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Candice has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 Changing Rooms: Lizabeth from 10 to 11 New Player Yesenia! Player Start! Name: Yesenia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 13 Chrissy has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 New Player Merry! Changing Rooms: Delpha from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Merry Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 14 Patty has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 New Player Allie! Changing Rooms: Hortensia from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Allie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 15 Chadwick has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 New Player Marietta! Player Start! Name: Marietta Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Shellie from 10 to 11 psock 16 Ralph has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 New Player Pennie! Changing Rooms: Azzie from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Pennie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 17 New Player Torie! Shan has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: Jalisa from 13 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Player Start! Name: Torie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 18 Abel has left the game Terminating thread with socket 20 New Player Michele! Changing Rooms: Cruz from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Michele Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 4 Lizabeth has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 New Player Kena! Changing Rooms: Yesenia from 10 to 11 Player Start! Name: Kena Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 20 Delpha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Merry from 10 to 11 New Player Lela! Player Start! Name: Lela Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 Hortensia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Allie from 10 to 11 psock 6 Changing Rooms: Marietta from 10 to 11 New Player Eliz! Shellie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Player Start! Name: Eliz Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 Azzie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Pennie from 10 to 11 New Player Vincenza! Player Start! Name: Vincenza Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 Jalisa has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 Changing Rooms: Torie from 10 to 11 New Player Kanisha! Player Start! Name: Kanisha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 Cruz has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Changing Rooms: Michele from 10 to 11 New Player Bettie! psock 10 Player Start! Name: Bettie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Yesenia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 Changing Rooms: Kena from 10 to 11 psock 11 New Player Regine! Merry has left the game Terminating thread with socket 13 Player Start! Name: Regine Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lela from 10 to 11 New Player Mandi! Player Start! Name: Mandi Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 12 Allie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 14 Changing Rooms: Corene from 15 to 14 psock 13 New Player Concetta! Marietta has left the game Terminating thread with socket 15 Player Start! Name: Concetta Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Eliz from 10 to 11 New Player Thurman! Player Start! Name: Thurman Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 14 Pennie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 16 Changing Rooms: Vincenza from 10 to 11 Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 3) (0 uninvolved) psock 15 Torie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 17 New Player Bud! Player Start! Name: Bud Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Kanisha from 10 to 11 New Player Crissy! Player Start! Name: Crissy Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 16 Michele has left the game Terminating thread with socket 18 New Player Linnea! Changing Rooms: Bettie from 10 to 11 psock 17 Player Start! Name: Linnea Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Kena has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 New Player Usha! Player Start! Name: Usha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Regine from 10 to 11 psock 18 Lela has left the game Terminating thread with socket 20 Changing Rooms: Mandi from 10 to 11 psock 4 Corene has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 New Player Lawanna! Player Start! Name: Lawanna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Concetta from 10 to 11 Eliz has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 20 Changing Rooms: Thurman from 10 to 11 New Player Anisha! psock 5 Vincenza has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Player Start! Name: Anisha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Christinia! psock 6 Player Start! Name: Christinia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Bud from 10 to 11 Kanisha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Crissy has been abandoned Christinia has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 15 Terminating thread with socket 5 Linnea has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 16 Concetta has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 12 Regine has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 19 Bettie has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 Bud has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 14 Ralph has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Mandi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 11 Thurman has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 13 New Player Stormy! Usha has been abandoned Stormy has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 17 Terminating thread with socket 6 Lawanna has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 18 Anisha has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 20 psock 7 psock 4 TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Apr 7 16:22:16 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Apr 8 09:49:37 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Apr 8 18:16:15 2022 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Apr 10 00:19:28 2022 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Apr 12 09:10:32 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Apr 12 11:26:00 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Seth from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Seth from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 105 0 Defense: 20 0 Damages (P/M) 0 105 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Seth from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Seth from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 58 0 Defense: 20 0 Damages (P/M) 0 58 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Seth has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 2245 bytes read from cave Next: GAMEDESC While hunting for cougars in the forest, and wading through deep vegetation, you fall into an abandoned well. Sadly, your hunting rifle, with an attack of 2,800, was lost in your fall. Consoling yourself with a maximum of 100 points of attack, defense and regen, you prepare to explore the underground. Next: MONSTER NAME Hurk DESCRIPTION Short creature with 5 legs GOLD 150 ATTACK 30 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Clag DESCRIPTION Like Hurk, but with 6 legs. They must be insects GOLD 350 ATTACK 50 DEFENSE 80 Next: MONSTER NAME Balrog DESCRIPTION It probably has a name, but we're not asking! GOLD 1000000 ATTACK 1409 DEFENSE 1280 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderA DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderB DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderC DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Pit DESCRIPTION Dirty, full of plants. But there's a glint of gold! This looks promising. There is a small tunnel leading away. CONNECT Cavern GOLD 4 Next: ROOM NAME Cavern DESCRIPTION There's a little more space here, but still not much headroom. It is dark, but there appears to be a hole in the floor. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Pit GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Hole DESCRIPTION Sliding down the hole, you find youself feeling a smooth wall, distinct against the soft dirt. There is a handle for a door. Where could it lead? CONNECT Atrium MONSTER SpiderA MONSTER SpiderB MONSTER SpiderC GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Atrium DESCRIPTION A large stone room, lit with torches. But who replaces the torches? Some stairs lead down, and a hall leads away. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Hallway CONNECT Basement MONSTER GOLD 0 Unknown line: MONSTER Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Damp stone rooms, large and full of rats. CONNECT Cellar CONNECT Atrium MONSTER Hurk MONSTER Clag GOLD 400 Next: ROOM NAME Cellar DESCRIPTION Might have held roots once CONNECT Basement GOLD 1000 Next: ROOM NAME Storage DESCRIPTION There's a bunch of old tables here. CONNECT Basement GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Treasure Room DESCRIPTION Full of gold CONNECT Hallway GOLD 400000 Next: ROOM NAME Hallway DESCRIPTION Long, lighted by torches and a balrog! MONSTER Balrog CONNECT Treasure Room CONNECT Atrium CONNECT Basement Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Seth! Player Start! Name: Seth Description: Logged in from LURKMAN Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 25 Regen: 25 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Seth from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Seth from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 9 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 9 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Seth from 12 to 13 Seth has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Apr 25 00:46:27 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 2245 bytes read from cave Next: GAMEDESC While hunting for cougars in the forest, and wading through deep vegetation, you fall into an abandoned well. Sadly, your hunting rifle, with an attack of 2,800, was lost in your fall. Consoling yourself with a maximum of 100 points of attack, defense and regen, you prepare to explore the underground. Next: MONSTER NAME Hurk DESCRIPTION Short creature with 5 legs GOLD 150 ATTACK 30 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Clag DESCRIPTION Like Hurk, but with 6 legs. They must be insects GOLD 350 ATTACK 50 DEFENSE 80 Next: MONSTER NAME Balrog DESCRIPTION It probably has a name, but we're not asking! GOLD 1000000 ATTACK 1409 DEFENSE 1280 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderA DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderB DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderC DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Pit DESCRIPTION Dirty, full of plants. But there's a glint of gold! This looks promising. There is a small tunnel leading away. CONNECT Cavern GOLD 4 Next: ROOM NAME Cavern DESCRIPTION There's a little more space here, but still not much headroom. It is dark, but there appears to be a hole in the floor. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Pit GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Hole DESCRIPTION Sliding down the hole, you find youself feeling a smooth wall, distinct against the soft dirt. There is a handle for a door. Where could it lead? CONNECT Atrium MONSTER SpiderA MONSTER SpiderB MONSTER SpiderC GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Atrium DESCRIPTION A large stone room, lit with torches. But who replaces the torches? Some stairs lead down, and a hall leads away. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Hallway CONNECT Basement MONSTER GOLD 0 Unknown line: MONSTER Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Damp stone rooms, large and full of rats. CONNECT Cellar CONNECT Atrium MONSTER Hurk MONSTER Clag GOLD 400 Next: ROOM NAME Cellar DESCRIPTION Might have held roots once CONNECT Basement GOLD 1000 Next: ROOM NAME Storage DESCRIPTION There's a bunch of old tables here. CONNECT Basement GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Treasure Room DESCRIPTION Full of gold CONNECT Hallway GOLD 400000 Next: ROOM NAME Hallway DESCRIPTION Long, lighted by torches and a balrog! MONSTER Balrog CONNECT Treasure Room CONNECT Atrium CONNECT Basement Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player swe! swe has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player re! re has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun May 1 00:18:58 2022 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 123 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue May 3 06:42:08 2022 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat May 7 09:45:31 2022 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player Seth! Seth has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Seth has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun May 15 00:18:55 2022 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun May 15 20:10:41 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu May 19 22:42:00 2022 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun May 22 00:19:15 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue May 24 00:29:53 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat May 28 02:01:07 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun May 29 00:19:00 2022 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jun 1 04:00:11 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Jun 5 06:16:59 2022 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Jun 9 06:54:14 2022 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Jun 12 00:18:55 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Jun 13 07:35:04 2022 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 80 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 65 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 131 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 115 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 65 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 42 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 16 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 104 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 158 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 104 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 43 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Jun 19 00:18:54 2022 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Jun 26 00:18:58 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jun 29 17:29:48 2022 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 21 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 36 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Jul 4 00:49:35 2022 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5