2155 bytes read from map Next: GAMEDESC While having a cup of tea atop an old house, you accidentally fall through the roof into a small broom closet. There is no way back to the roof, but a door leads out of the closet. After allocating a combined total of 100 points of attack, defense, and regeneration, you prepare to open the door and discover what lays beyond. Next: MONSTER NAME Glog DESCRIPTION A slimy and toothy character GOLD 50 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Farly DESCRIPTION Tall, skinny, with claws and scales GOLD 100 ATTACK 40 DEFENSE 50 REGEN 100 Unknown line in monster: MONSTER Next: MONSTER NAME Soup Eater DESCRIPTION Makes soup out of people GOLD 200 ATTACK 80 DEFENSE 70 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Insulation Monster DESCRIPTION Makes you itch until you rip your own head off! GOLD 10 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 80 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Bat DESCRIPTION Is it one, or a bunch of them? Don't get too close! ATTACK 80 GOLD 5 DEFENSE 20 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Lab3 DESCRIPTION This lab is a monster! ATTACK 60 GOLD 100 DEFENSE 10 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Furnace DESCRIPTION Scaled Fire Dragon ATTACK 1200 DEFENSE 1800 GOLD 100000 REGEN 100 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Broom Closet DESCRIPTION Small, Cramped room full of cleaning implements CONNECT Living Room GOLD 10 Next: ROOM NAME Living Room DESCRIPTION Spacious, but dank and mouldy. CONNECT Broom Closet CONNECT Attic CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Glog MONSTER Farly GOLD 100 Unknown line: ROOM Next: ROOM NAME Kitchen DESCRIPTION Nothing has been cooked here for a while CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Attic CONNECT Basement MONSTER Soup Eater GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Attic DESCRIPTION A place full of insulation, and bats CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Insulation Monster MONSTER Bat Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Neat and tidy room, with some kind of canned goods stored on shelves CONNECT Kitchen CONNECT Utility Room CONNECT Garage Next: ROOM NAME Garage DESCRIPTION Dirt floor, contains a decrepid but restorable Mercedes SSK, a BMW R32, and a collection of rusty tools. CONNECT Basement MONSTER Lab3 Next: ROOM NAME Utility Room DESCRIPTION Little room with blackened walls and ceiling. Was there a fire here? CONNECT Basement MONSTER Furnace Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 New Player Jo! Player Start! Name: Jo Description: Jo desc Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 30 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 New Player test! Player Start! Name: test Description: hi Gold: 0 Attack: 10 Defense: 10 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES test has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Jo has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Jo has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Jo has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Jo has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Jo has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Jo has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 New Player jo! Player Start! Name: jo Description: test Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES jo has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 Jo has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player Seth! Player Start! Name: Seth Description: Logged in from LurkWolf Gold: 0 Attack: 60 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Seth from 10 to 11 Seth has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 psock 7 psock 8 New Player SethTest! Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 Player Start! Name: SethTest Description: test Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 25 Regen: 25 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 SethTest has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 7 test has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 jo has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 psock 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 6 jo has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 jo has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 jo has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 jo has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 jo has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player ja! Player Start! Name: ja Description: joh Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 ja has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 jo has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 ja has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 jo has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 jo has been abandoned ja has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 ja has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 jo has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 jo has been abandoned ja has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 psock 5 jo has been abandoned ja has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 psock 4 jo has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 7 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 7 ja has been abandoned jo has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 46 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 psock 6 psock 7 psock 8 psock 9 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 7 ja has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 11 ja has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 ja has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 ja has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 ja has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 ja has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 ja has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 ja has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 ja has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 ja has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 ja has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 ja has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 ja has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 ja has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 ja has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 ja has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 ja has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Changing Rooms: ja from 10 to 0 ja has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Changing Rooms: ja from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: ja from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: ja from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: ja from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: ja from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: ja from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: ja from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1200 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1200 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 ja has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Player Start! Name: ja Description: joh Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: ja from 10 to 11 Attacks: 0 60 Defense: 0 80 Damages (P/M) 60 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 ja has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player ST1! Player Start! Name: ST1 Description: fish Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: ST1 from 10 to 11 ST1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player Me! Player Start! Name: Me Description: You Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Me from 10 to 11 Me has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 New Player hi! Player Start! Name: hi Description: description Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: hi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: hi from 11 to 13 psock 6 New Player jesse! Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: hi from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: hi from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: hi from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: hi from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: jesse Description: Logged in from LurkWolf Gold: 0 Attack: 60 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO jesse has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jesse has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: hi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: hi from 11 to 10 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 psock 4 New Player joe! Player Start! Name: joe Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Changing Rooms: hi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: hi from 11 to 10 hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 psock 6 joe has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 4 hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Changing Rooms: hi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: hi from 11 to 10 Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) joe has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Changing Rooms: hi from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: hi from 11 to 10 Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 7 hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 New Player bting it! Player Start! Name: bting it Description: description Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) bting it has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 bting it has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 bting it has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 bting it has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 bting it has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 New Player new! Changing Rooms: joe from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: joe from 11 to 10 Player Start! Name: new Description: description Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO new has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 new has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) joe has been abandoned new has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 New Player Test name! psock 5 New Player othe! Player Start! Name: Test name Description: Me Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 30 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Player Start! Name: othe Description: da Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Test name from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: othe from 10 to 11 Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 41 10 Defense: 30 80 Damages (P/M) 0 1 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 0 10 Defense: 30 80 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 75 40 Defense: 30 80 Damages (P/M) 25 35 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 33 40 Defense: 30 80 Damages (P/M) 25 0 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 41 80 Defense: 30 80 Damages (P/M) 65 1 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Test name from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Test name from 10 to 11 Attacks: 33 70 Defense: 30 80 Damages (P/M) 55 0 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Test name from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Test name from 10 to 11 Attacks: 50 70 Defense: 30 80 Damages (P/M) 55 10 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 0 20 Defense: 0 80 Damages (P/M) 20 0 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 0 30 Defense: 0 80 Damages (P/M) 30 0 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Test name from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Test name from 10 to 11 Attacks: 41 20 Defense: 30 80 Damages (P/M) 5 1 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 41 50 Defense: 30 80 Damages (P/M) 35 1 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 33 50 Defense: 30 80 Damages (P/M) 35 0 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 25 60 Defense: 30 80 Damages (P/M) 45 0 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 33 40 Defense: 30 80 Damages (P/M) 25 0 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 50 30 Defense: 30 80 Damages (P/M) 15 10 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 33 70 Defense: 30 80 Damages (P/M) 55 0 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Test name has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 New Player Hello! Player Start! Name: Hello Description: character Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Hello from 10 to 11 Attacks: 83 30 Defense: 0 80 Damages (P/M) 30 43 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Glog died Monster Farly is in state 3 Farly died Changing Rooms: Hello from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Hello from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hello from 11 to 13 Attacks: 50 50 Defense: 0 100 Damages (P/M) 50 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Attacks: 66 133 Defense: 0 100 Damages (P/M) 133 16 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Hello has been abandoned othe has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Hello has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 4 Jo has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 New Player Jojo! Jojo has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 New Player mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 psock 4 psock 5 psock 7 psock 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 10 Player Start! Name: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 10 Defense: 90 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 New Player name! name has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 5 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 New Player awdasd! Player Start! Name: awdasd Description: asdasdasd Gold: 0 Attack: 70 Defense: 20 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: awdasd from 10 to 11 Attacks: 58 0 Defense: 20 0 Damages (P/M) 0 58 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 81 0 Defense: 20 0 Damages (P/M) 0 81 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: awdasd from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: awdasd from 13 to 12 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 08:16:06 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 08:16:06 2020 awdasd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player ! Player Start! Name: Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO psock 4 New Player qa! Player Start! Name: qa Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 11:46:13 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 11:46:13 2020 qa has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 New Player lomng name here! Player Start! Name: lomng name here Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 11:53:37 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 11:53:37 2020 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player This is a playerq! Player Start! Name: This is a playerq Description: hi I am a palyer Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: This is a playerq from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: This is a playerq from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: This is a playerq from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: This is a playerq from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: This is a playerq from 12 to 14 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 11:54:57 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 11:54:57 2020 This is a playerq has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 11:54:57 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 11:54:57 2020 lomng name here has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 New Player Test! psock 4 New Player teast! Player Start! Name: teast Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Player Start! Name: Test Description: this is the description Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 12:43:46 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 12:43:46 2020 Test has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 12:47:00 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 12:47:00 2020 Test has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 12:49:23 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 12:49:23 2020 Test has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 12:53:28 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 12:53:28 2020 Test has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 12:54:12 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 12:54:12 2020 Test has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 12:57:34 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 12:57:34 2020 Test has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 13:17:04 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 13:17:04 2020 Test has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 13:18:26 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 13:18:26 2020 teast has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 New Player Glorfindel! Player Start! Name: Glorfindel Description: elf Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Glorfindel from 10 to 11 Glorfindel has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 2155 bytes read from map Next: GAMEDESC While having a cup of tea atop an old house, you accidentally fall through the roof into a small broom closet. There is no way back to the roof, but a door leads out of the closet. After allocating a combined total of 100 points of attack, defense, and regeneration, you prepare to open the door and discover what lays beyond. Next: MONSTER NAME Glog DESCRIPTION A slimy and toothy character GOLD 50 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Farly DESCRIPTION Tall, skinny, with claws and scales GOLD 100 ATTACK 40 DEFENSE 50 REGEN 100 Unknown line in monster: MONSTER Next: MONSTER NAME Soup Eater DESCRIPTION Makes soup out of people GOLD 200 ATTACK 80 DEFENSE 70 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Insulation Monster DESCRIPTION Makes you itch until you rip your own head off! GOLD 10 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 80 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Bat DESCRIPTION Is it one, or a bunch of them? Don't get too close! ATTACK 80 GOLD 5 DEFENSE 20 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Lab3 DESCRIPTION This lab is a monster! ATTACK 60 GOLD 100 DEFENSE 10 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Furnace DESCRIPTION Scaled Fire Dragon ATTACK 1200 DEFENSE 1800 GOLD 100000 REGEN 100 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Broom Closet DESCRIPTION Small, Cramped room full of cleaning implements CONNECT Living Room GOLD 10 Next: ROOM NAME Living Room DESCRIPTION Spacious, but dank and mouldy. CONNECT Broom Closet CONNECT Attic CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Glog MONSTER Farly GOLD 100 Unknown line: ROOM Next: ROOM NAME Kitchen DESCRIPTION Nothing has been cooked here for a while CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Attic CONNECT Basement MONSTER Soup Eater GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Attic DESCRIPTION A place full of insulation, and bats CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Insulation Monster MONSTER Bat Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Neat and tidy room, with some kind of canned goods stored on shelves CONNECT Kitchen CONNECT Utility Room CONNECT Garage Next: ROOM NAME Garage DESCRIPTION Dirt floor, contains a decrepid but restorable Mercedes SSK, a BMW R32, and a collection of rusty tools. CONNECT Basement MONSTER Lab3 Next: ROOM NAME Utility Room DESCRIPTION Little room with blackened walls and ceiling. Was there a fire here? CONNECT Basement MONSTER Furnace Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 New Player Seth! Player Start! Name: Seth Description: fish Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Seth from 10 to 11 Seth has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 2155 bytes read from map Next: GAMEDESC While having a cup of tea atop an old house, you accidentally fall through the roof into a small broom closet. There is no way back to the roof, but a door leads out of the closet. After allocating a combined total of 100 points of attack, defense, and regeneration, you prepare to open the door and discover what lays beyond. Next: MONSTER NAME Glog DESCRIPTION A slimy and toothy character GOLD 50 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Farly DESCRIPTION Tall, skinny, with claws and scales GOLD 100 ATTACK 40 DEFENSE 50 REGEN 100 Unknown line in monster: MONSTER Next: MONSTER NAME Soup Eater DESCRIPTION Makes soup out of people GOLD 200 ATTACK 80 DEFENSE 70 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Insulation Monster DESCRIPTION Makes you itch until you rip your own head off! GOLD 10 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 80 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Bat DESCRIPTION Is it one, or a bunch of them? Don't get too close! ATTACK 80 GOLD 5 DEFENSE 20 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Lab3 DESCRIPTION This lab is a monster! ATTACK 60 GOLD 100 DEFENSE 10 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Furnace DESCRIPTION Scaled Fire Dragon ATTACK 1200 DEFENSE 1800 GOLD 100000 REGEN 100 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Broom Closet DESCRIPTION Small, Cramped room full of cleaning implements CONNECT Living Room GOLD 10 Next: ROOM NAME Living Room DESCRIPTION Spacious, but dank and mouldy. CONNECT Broom Closet CONNECT Attic CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Glog MONSTER Farly GOLD 100 Unknown line: ROOM Next: ROOM NAME Kitchen DESCRIPTION Nothing has been cooked here for a while CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Attic CONNECT Basement MONSTER Soup Eater GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Attic DESCRIPTION A place full of insulation, and bats CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Insulation Monster MONSTER Bat Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Neat and tidy room, with some kind of canned goods stored on shelves CONNECT Kitchen CONNECT Utility Room CONNECT Garage Next: ROOM NAME Garage DESCRIPTION Dirt floor, contains a decrepid but restorable Mercedes SSK, a BMW R32, and a collection of rusty tools. CONNECT Basement MONSTER Lab3 Next: ROOM NAME Utility Room DESCRIPTION Little room with blackened walls and ceiling. Was there a fire here? CONNECT Basement MONSTER Furnace Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 2155 bytes read from map Next: GAMEDESC While having a cup of tea atop an old house, you accidentally fall through the roof into a small broom closet. There is no way back to the roof, but a door leads out of the closet. After allocating a combined total of 100 points of attack, defense, and regeneration, you prepare to open the door and discover what lays beyond. Next: MONSTER NAME Glog DESCRIPTION A slimy and toothy character GOLD 50 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Farly DESCRIPTION Tall, skinny, with claws and scales GOLD 100 ATTACK 40 DEFENSE 50 REGEN 100 Unknown line in monster: MONSTER Next: MONSTER NAME Soup Eater DESCRIPTION Makes soup out of people GOLD 200 ATTACK 80 DEFENSE 70 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Insulation Monster DESCRIPTION Makes you itch until you rip your own head off! GOLD 10 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 80 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Bat DESCRIPTION Is it one, or a bunch of them? Don't get too close! ATTACK 80 GOLD 5 DEFENSE 20 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Lab3 DESCRIPTION This lab is a monster! ATTACK 60 GOLD 100 DEFENSE 10 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Furnace DESCRIPTION Scaled Fire Dragon ATTACK 1200 DEFENSE 1800 GOLD 100000 REGEN 100 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Broom Closet DESCRIPTION Small, Cramped room full of cleaning implements CONNECT Living Room GOLD 10 Next: ROOM NAME Living Room DESCRIPTION Spacious, but dank and mouldy. CONNECT Broom Closet CONNECT Attic CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Glog MONSTER Farly GOLD 100 Unknown line: ROOM Next: ROOM NAME Kitchen DESCRIPTION Nothing has been cooked here for a while CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Attic CONNECT Basement MONSTER Soup Eater GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Attic DESCRIPTION A place full of insulation, and bats CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Insulation Monster MONSTER Bat Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Neat and tidy room, with some kind of canned goods stored on shelves CONNECT Kitchen CONNECT Utility Room CONNECT Garage Next: ROOM NAME Garage DESCRIPTION Dirt floor, contains a decrepid but restorable Mercedes SSK, a BMW R32, and a collection of rusty tools. CONNECT Basement MONSTER Lab3 Next: ROOM NAME Utility Room DESCRIPTION Little room with blackened walls and ceiling. Was there a fire here? CONNECT Basement MONSTER Furnace Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player TestScript! Player Start! Name: TestScript Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 99 Defense: 1 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 4 psock 6 New Player Consuelo! psock 7 New Player Gabriela! psock 8 Player Start! Name: Consuelo Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Brian! psock 9 Player Start! Name: Gabriela Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Ellena! Player Start! Name: Brian Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Ira! Player Start! Name: Ellena Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Player Start! Name: Ira Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Consuelo from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Gabriela from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brian from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ira from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Consuelo from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gabriela from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brian from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ira from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Consuelo from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Gabriela from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brian from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ira from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Consuelo from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Gabriela from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brian from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ira from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Consuelo from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Gabriela from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brian from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ira from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Consuelo from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Gabriela from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Brian from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ira from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Consuelo from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gabriela from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brian from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ira from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Consuelo from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Gabriela from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Brian from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ira from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Consuelo from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Gabriela from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brian from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Ira from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Consuelo from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Gabriela from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Brian from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ira from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Consuelo from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Gabriela from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brian from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ira from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Consuelo from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Gabriela from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brian from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ira from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Consuelo from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Gabriela from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brian from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ira from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Consuelo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gabriela from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Brian from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ira from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Consuelo from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Gabriela from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brian from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ira from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Consuelo from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Gabriela from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Brian from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ira from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Consuelo from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Gabriela from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brian from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ira from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Consuelo from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Gabriela from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Brian from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Ira from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Consuelo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gabriela from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Brian from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ellena from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Ira from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Consuelo from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Gabriela from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Brian from 11 to 10 Battle Time! Changing Rooms: Ellena from 16 to 14 Attacks: 116 1200 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1200 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Ira from 12 to 14 Consuelo has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Gabriela has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Brian has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Ellena has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Ira has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 2155 bytes read from map Next: GAMEDESC While having a cup of tea atop an old house, you accidentally fall through the roof into a small broom closet. There is no way back to the roof, but a door leads out of the closet. After allocating a combined total of 100 points of attack, defense, and regeneration, you prepare to open the door and discover what lays beyond. Next: MONSTER NAME Glog DESCRIPTION A slimy and toothy character GOLD 50 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Farly DESCRIPTION Tall, skinny, with claws and scales GOLD 100 ATTACK 40 DEFENSE 50 REGEN 100 Unknown line in monster: MONSTER Next: MONSTER NAME Soup Eater DESCRIPTION Makes soup out of people GOLD 200 ATTACK 80 DEFENSE 70 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Insulation Monster DESCRIPTION Makes you itch until you rip your own head off! GOLD 10 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 80 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Bat DESCRIPTION Is it one, or a bunch of them? Don't get too close! ATTACK 80 GOLD 5 DEFENSE 20 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Lab3 DESCRIPTION This lab is a monster! ATTACK 60 GOLD 100 DEFENSE 10 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Furnace DESCRIPTION Scaled Fire Dragon ATTACK 1200 DEFENSE 1800 GOLD 100000 REGEN 100 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Broom Closet DESCRIPTION Small, Cramped room full of cleaning implements CONNECT Living Room GOLD 10 Next: ROOM NAME Living Room DESCRIPTION Spacious, but dank and mouldy. CONNECT Broom Closet CONNECT Attic CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Glog MONSTER Farly GOLD 100 Unknown line: ROOM Next: ROOM NAME Kitchen DESCRIPTION Nothing has been cooked here for a while CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Attic CONNECT Basement MONSTER Soup Eater GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Attic DESCRIPTION A place full of insulation, and bats CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Insulation Monster MONSTER Bat Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Neat and tidy room, with some kind of canned goods stored on shelves CONNECT Kitchen CONNECT Utility Room CONNECT Garage Next: ROOM NAME Garage DESCRIPTION Dirt floor, contains a decrepid but restorable Mercedes SSK, a BMW R32, and a collection of rusty tools. CONNECT Basement MONSTER Lab3 Next: ROOM NAME Utility Room DESCRIPTION Little room with blackened walls and ceiling. Was there a fire here? CONNECT Basement MONSTER Furnace Next: Ignoring unknown item: 2155 bytes read from map Next: GAMEDESC While having a cup of tea atop an old house, you accidentally fall through the roof into a small broom closet. There is no way back to the roof, but a door leads out of the closet. After allocating a combined total of 100 points of attack, defense, and regeneration, you prepare to open the door and discover what lays beyond. Next: MONSTER NAME Glog DESCRIPTION A slimy and toothy character GOLD 50 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Farly DESCRIPTION Tall, skinny, with claws and scales GOLD 100 ATTACK 40 DEFENSE 50 REGEN 100 Unknown line in monster: MONSTER Next: MONSTER NAME Soup Eater DESCRIPTION Makes soup out of people GOLD 200 ATTACK 80 DEFENSE 70 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Insulation Monster DESCRIPTION Makes you itch until you rip your own head off! GOLD 10 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 80 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Bat DESCRIPTION Is it one, or a bunch of them? Don't get too close! ATTACK 80 GOLD 5 DEFENSE 20 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Lab3 DESCRIPTION This lab is a monster! ATTACK 60 GOLD 100 DEFENSE 10 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Furnace DESCRIPTION Scaled Fire Dragon ATTACK 1200 DEFENSE 1800 GOLD 100000 REGEN 100 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Broom Closet DESCRIPTION Small, Cramped room full of cleaning implements CONNECT Living Room GOLD 10 Next: ROOM NAME Living Room DESCRIPTION Spacious, but dank and mouldy. CONNECT Broom Closet CONNECT Attic CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Glog MONSTER Farly GOLD 100 Unknown line: ROOM Next: ROOM NAME Kitchen DESCRIPTION Nothing has been cooked here for a while CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Attic CONNECT Basement MONSTER Soup Eater GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Attic DESCRIPTION A place full of insulation, and bats CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Insulation Monster MONSTER Bat Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Neat and tidy room, with some kind of canned goods stored on shelves CONNECT Kitchen CONNECT Utility Room CONNECT Garage Next: ROOM NAME Garage DESCRIPTION Dirt floor, contains a decrepid but restorable Mercedes SSK, a BMW R32, and a collection of rusty tools. CONNECT Basement MONSTER Lab3 Next: ROOM NAME Utility Room DESCRIPTION Little room with blackened walls and ceiling. Was there a fire here? CONNECT Basement MONSTER Furnace Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 17:18:02 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 29 17:18:15 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player test! test has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Test! Test has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 psock 6 psock 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 7 No good! Couldn't understand type 110 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 110 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 psock 4 psock 5 psock 7 psock 8 psock 9 psock 10 psock 11 psock 12 psock 13 psock 14 psock 15 psock 16 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 17 Terminating thread with socket 16 Terminating thread with socket 14 Terminating thread with socket 13 Terminating thread with socket 12 Terminating thread with socket 11 Terminating thread with socket 10 Terminating thread with socket 15 Terminating thread with socket 9 Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 17 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 test has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 New Player test name mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Player Start! Name: test name mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Description: This is a test description that is kinda long just to have room in my client for kinda long descriptions just to be safe. At the same time, I figured I would test html tags to see if my parse would parser them when sent this way Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO test name mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 psock 4 psock 5 psock 7 New Player jam! Player Start! Name: jam Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 4 New Player GORGE! Player Start! Name: GORGE Description: asdasdasdasdas Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: GORGE from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: GORGE from 11 to 10 Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: GORGE from 10 to 11 Attacks: 83 50 Defense: 0 80 Damages (P/M) 50 43 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Changing Rooms: GORGE from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: GORGE from 10 to 11 Attacks: 133 40 Defense: 0 80 Damages (P/M) 40 93 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Glog died Monster Farly is in state 3 Farly died Attacks: 50 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 50 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 166 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 166 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: GORGE from 11 to 12 Attacks: 133 53 Defense: 0 70 Damages (P/M) 53 98 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Soup Eater is in state 3 New Player qweqweqweqwe! qweqweqweqwe has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 jam has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 GORGE has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 psock 4 psock 5 psock 7 psock 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 psock 4 New Player asdasd! Player Start! Name: asdasd Description: asdasdasd Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Jan 30 10:39:51 2020 asdasd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 9 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 psock 5 psock 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 psock 4 psock 5 psock 6 psock 7 New Player Ja! Player Start! Name: Ja Description: desc Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO psock 9 New Player name! Ja has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 10 New Player Jadfaagfd! name has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 7 New Player Herb! Herb has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 9 New Player Fang! Player Start! Name: Fang Description: hi server Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Fang from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Fang from 11 to 13 Attacks: 116 116 Defense: 0 100 Damages (P/M) 116 66 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Jan 30 13:30:02 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Jan 30 13:30:02 2020 Fang has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 New Player asdasdasd! Player Start! Name: asdasdasd Description: asdasasd Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: asdasdasd from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: asdasdasd from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: asdasdasd from 10 to 11 Jadfaagfd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 7 New Player Character! Player Start! Name: Character Description: Character with extreamly long desciption, its only purpose is to take up about a paragreaph of space to test the lkea out of the page, this way I know if my lurk client gives too much or to little space to the descrioption. THis should probiably be enoguth description Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Character has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 7 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Jan 31 10:33:46 2020 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 9 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 9 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Jan 31 10:55:30 2020 asdasdasd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 New Player AXXX! Player Start! Name: AXXX Description: ZXZZxzxz Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: AXXX from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: AXXX from 11 to 13 Attacks: 33 66 Defense: 0 100 Damages (P/M) 66 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Attacks: 83 0 Defense: 0 100 Damages (P/M) 0 33 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Changing Rooms: AXXX from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: AXXX from 11 to 12 Attacks: 116 66 Defense: 0 70 Damages (P/M) 66 81 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Soup Eater is in state 3 Soup Eater died Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Jan 31 11:41:42 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Jan 31 11:41:42 2020 AXXX has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 New Player asd! Player Start! Name: asd Description: asd Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Jan 31 12:47:53 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Jan 31 12:47:53 2020 asd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 New Player ewttew! Player Start! Name: ewttew Description: ewrewrer Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 6 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 9 Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 10 New Player gfh! Player Start! Name: gfh Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 ewttew has been abandoned gfh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 New Player Seth! Player Start! Name: Seth Description: me Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Seth from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Seth from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Seth from 12 to 13 Attacks: 83 16 Defense: 0 100 Damages (P/M) 16 33 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Insulation Monster died Monster Bat is in state 3 Bat died Seth has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player Login! Login has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Login has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Login has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Login has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Login has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Login has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player what! what has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player this is a name of a character th! Player Start! Name: this is a name of a character th Description: While having a cup of tea atop an old house, you accidentally fall through the roof into a small broom closet. There is no way back to the roof, but a door leads out of the closet. After allocating a combined total of 100 points of attack, defense, and regeneration, you prepare to open the door and discover what lays beyond. Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO this is a name of a character th has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player this is a name of a character ta! Player Start! Name: this is a name of a character ta Description: While having a cup of tea atop an old house, you accidentally fall through the roof into a small broom closet. There is no way back to the roof, but a door leads out of the closet. After allocating a combined total of 100 points of attack, defense, and regeneration, you prepare to open the door and discover what lays beyond. Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO this is a name of a character ta has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 this is a name of a character ta has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 this is a name of a character ta has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Feb 3 13:03:48 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Feb 3 13:03:48 2020 this is a name of a character ta has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Feb 3 13:05:41 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Feb 3 13:05:41 2020 this is a name of a character ta has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 this is a name of a character ta has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 this is a name of a character ta has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Feb 3 13:09:11 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Feb 3 13:09:11 2020 this is a name of a character ta has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 New Player other name! Player Start! Name: other name Description: description Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO other name has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 this is a name of a character ta has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 New Player this is a name! Player Start! Name: this is a name Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO psock 4 New Player othrt! Player Start! Name: othrt Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO othrt has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 this is a name has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 New Player testName! testName has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 New Player ! Player Start! Name: Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 New Player some name! Player Start! Name: some name Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: some name from 10 to 11 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 4 00:02:44 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 4 00:02:44 2020 some name has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Player Start! Name: test Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 4 00:03:12 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 4 00:03:12 2020 test has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Changing Rooms: test from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: test from 11 to 13 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 4 00:06:08 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 4 00:06:08 2020 test has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 4 00:06:41 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 4 00:06:41 2020 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 4 00:06:41 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 4 00:06:41 2020 test has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 4 00:16:14 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player this characte! Player Start! Name: this characte Description: that has a dscription Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: this characte from 10 to 11 this characte has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player dsaaf! Player Start! Name: dsaaf Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO dsaaf has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player bdghghsd! Player Start! Name: bdghghsd Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: bdghghsd from 10 to 11 bdghghsd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: bdghghsd from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: bdghghsd from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: bdghghsd from 11 to 12 bdghghsd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: bdghghsd from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: bdghghsd from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: bdghghsd from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: bdghghsd from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: bdghghsd from 14 to 15 Attacks: 0 70 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 70 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Changing Rooms: bdghghsd from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: bdghghsd from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: bdghghsd from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: bdghghsd from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 200 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 200 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: bdghghsd from 16 to 14 Changing Rooms: bdghghsd from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 600 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 600 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: bdghghsd from 16 to 14 Changing Rooms: bdghghsd from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1000 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1000 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Attacks: 0 200 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 200 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 bdghghsd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Player Start! Name: bdghghsd Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: bdghghsd from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: bdghghsd from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: bdghghsd from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: bdghghsd from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 200 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 200 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 bdghghsd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: bdghghsd from 16 to 14 Changing Rooms: bdghghsd from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 800 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 800 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Attacks: 0 800 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 800 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 bdghghsd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 bdghghsd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 4 15:05:58 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 4 15:05:58 2020 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player sdzfk;ljbdegfksa.jfasd;hlja;! Player Start! Name: sdzfk;ljbdegfksa.jfasd;hlja; Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 4 15:07:09 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 4 15:07:09 2020 sdzfk;ljbdegfksa.jfasd;hlja; has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Seth from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Seth from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Seth from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 83 1600 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1600 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Seth has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Player Start! Name: Seth Description: me Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Seth from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Seth from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Seth from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Seth from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 66 1400 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1400 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 4 15:12:19 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 4 15:12:19 2020 Seth has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Grjhfhn! Player Start! Name: Grjhfhn Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Grjhfhn from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Grjhfhn from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Grjhfhn from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Grjhfhn from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1400 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1400 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Grjhfhn from 16 to 14 Changing Rooms: Grjhfhn from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 400 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 400 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Grjhfhn from 16 to 14 Changing Rooms: Grjhfhn from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 600 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 600 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Attacks: 83 400 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 400 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 4 15:15:02 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 4 15:15:02 2020 Grjhfhn has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Player Start! Name: Seth Description: me Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Seth from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Seth from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Seth from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Seth from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 83 1000 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1000 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 4 15:17:57 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 4 15:17:57 2020 Seth has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Thjgf! Player Start! Name: Thjgf Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Thjgf from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Thjgf from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Thjgf from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Thjgf from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1000 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1000 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Thjgf has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player tes! tes has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 tes has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 tes has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player vsz! vsz has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player faszfqa! faszfqa has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 faszfqa has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player sad! Player Start! Name: sad Description: asd Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: sad from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: sad from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: sad from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: sad from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: sad from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: sad from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 50 1200 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1200 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 104 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 New Player a! a has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 a has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 Player Start! Name: a Description: this contains newlines Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Feb 5 12:57:59 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Feb 5 12:57:59 2020 a has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Feb 5 13:53:54 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Feb 5 13:53:54 2020 test has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 test has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 sad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 New Player tester! Player Start! Name: tester Description: tester 2 Gold: 0 Attack: 42 Defense: 48 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Feb 5 19:52:49 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Feb 5 19:52:49 2020 tester has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 06:51:01 2020 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 New Player sdf! Player Start! Name: sdf Description: sdf Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 New Player thamk;! Player Start! Name: thamk; Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 New Player Tim! Player Start! Name: Tim Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 12:26:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 12:26:55 2020 Tim has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 12:27:18 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 12:27:18 2020 Tim has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 12:27:28 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 12:27:28 2020 Tim has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Herb has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 12:31:54 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 12:31:54 2020 thamk; has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 New Player rtwey! rtwey has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 New Player sadasd! New Player sadasddsadsdsasadsadsaddsaasdads! sadasddsadsdsasadsadsaddsaasdads has left the game Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 12:47:00 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 12:47:00 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 New Player zXxz! Player Start! Name: zXxz Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: zXxz from 10 to 11 Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Player Start! Name: rtwey Description: rwgwgfdgrewgregw Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 12:51:02 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 12:51:02 2020 rtwey has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 12:51:09 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 12:51:09 2020 rtwey has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player rtweyhtyeu! Player Start! Name: rtweyhtyeu Description: rwgwgfdgrewgregw Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 12:52:00 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 12:52:00 2020 rtweyhtyeu has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player rtweyhtyeueada! rtweyhtyeueada has left the game Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 12:52:46 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 12:52:46 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Player Start! Name: rtweyhtyeueada Description: rwgwgfdgrewgregw Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 12:52:54 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 12:52:54 2020 rtweyhtyeueada has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 12:53:00 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 12:53:00 2020 rtweyhtyeueada has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player rtweyhtyeueadad! Player Start! Name: rtweyhtyeueadad Description: rwgwgfdgrewgregw Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 13:02:45 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 13:02:45 2020 rtweyhtyeueadad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 13:15:22 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 13:15:22 2020 rtweyhtyeueadad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 13:29:03 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 13:29:03 2020 rtweyhtyeueadad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 13:43:21 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 13:43:21 2020 rtweyhtyeueadad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 13:48:41 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 13:48:41 2020 rtweyhtyeueadad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 13:48:54 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 13:48:54 2020 rtweyhtyeueadad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: rtweyhtyeueadad from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: rtweyhtyeueadad from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: rtweyhtyeueadad from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: rtweyhtyeueadad from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: rtweyhtyeueadad from 14 to 15 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 13:57:04 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 13:57:04 2020 rtweyhtyeueadad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 14:08:07 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 14:08:07 2020 rtweyhtyeueadad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 14:09:01 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 14:09:01 2020 rtweyhtyeueadad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 14:11:39 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 14:11:39 2020 rtweyhtyeueadad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 14:21:09 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 14:21:09 2020 rtweyhtyeueadad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 14:22:24 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 14:22:24 2020 rtweyhtyeueadad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 14:23:07 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 14:23:07 2020 rtweyhtyeueadad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 rtweyhtyeueadad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 14:27:00 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 14:27:00 2020 rtweyhtyeueadad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: rtweyhtyeueadad from 15 to 14 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: rtweyhtyeueadad from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: rtweyhtyeueadad from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: rtweyhtyeueadad from 11 to 10 Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) rtweyhtyeueadad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 14:42:35 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 14:42:35 2020 rtweyhtyeueadad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Changing Rooms: rtweyhtyeueadad from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: rtweyhtyeueadad from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: rtweyhtyeueadad from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: rtweyhtyeueadad from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: rtweyhtyeueadad from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: rtweyhtyeueadad from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: rtweyhtyeueadad from 14 to 15 Attacks: 0 50 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 50 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Changing Rooms: rtweyhtyeueadad from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: rtweyhtyeueadad from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1600 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1600 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 14:45:15 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 14:45:15 2020 rtweyhtyeueadad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player Jesse! Player Start! Name: Jesse Description: Hi seth, new client Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jesse from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jesse from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Jesse from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Jesse from 14 to 15 Attacks: 83 0 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 0 78 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 83 70 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 70 78 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Jesse Description: Hi seth, new client Gold: 100 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 30 Started: YES Join Battle: YES **** end of winner **** Attacks: 33 60 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 60 28 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 14:46:32 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 14:46:32 2020 Jesse has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Gandalf! Player Start! Name: Gandalf Description: fish Gold: 0 Attack: 70 Defense: 30 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Gandalf from 10 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gandalf from 10 to 12 Changing Rooms: Gandalf from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Gandalf from 11 to 13 Gandalf has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Player Start! Name: Seth Description: me Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Seth from 10 to 11 Seth has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Seth from 11 to 13 Seth has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player hui! Player Start! Name: hui Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: hui from 10 to 11 Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 2 2) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: hui from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: hui from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: hui from 14 to 15 Attacks: 0 50 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 50 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 0 90 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 90 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 21:17:59 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 21:17:59 2020 hui has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Seth from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Seth from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Seth from 14 to 15 Attacks: 83 80 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 80 78 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Seth Description: me Gold: 100 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 20 Started: YES Join Battle: YES **** end of winner **** Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 21:20:22 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 6 21:20:22 2020 Seth has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player hi! hi has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 7 19:55:25 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 7 19:55:25 2020 sdf has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 psock 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 7 20:26:27 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 7 20:26:27 2020 zXxz has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Changing Rooms: test from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: test from 11 to 10 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 8 14:08:38 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 8 14:08:38 2020 test has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 8 14:09:21 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 8 14:09:21 2020 test has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Changing Rooms: test from 10 to 11 Attacks: 100 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 100 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 33 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 33 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 33 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 33 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 50 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 50 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 66 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 66 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 33 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 33 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 16 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 16 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 50 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 50 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 100 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 100 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 33 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 33 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 8 14:33:15 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 8 14:33:15 2020 test has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 8 21:40:38 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 4 New Player Batete! Player Start! Name: Batete Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Batete from 10 to 0 Changing Rooms: Batete from 10 to 13 Changing Rooms: Batete from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Batete from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Batete from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Batete from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Batete from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Batete from 14 to 15 Attacks: 0 60 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 60 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 0 30 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 30 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 0 40 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 40 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Player Start! Name: Batete Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Batete from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Batete from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Batete from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Batete from 14 to 15 Attacks: 0 40 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 40 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 0 60 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 60 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 New Player Marc! Player Start! Name: Marc Description: E.T Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Marc from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marc from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marc from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marc from 14 to 15 Attacks: 0 50 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 50 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Marc from 15 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marc from 15 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marc from 15 to 141 Changing Rooms: Marc from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marc from 14 to 15 Attacks: 0 60 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 60 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Marc has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Player Start! Name: Marc Description: E.T Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Marc has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player marc! Player Start! Name: marc Description: Logged in from LurkWolf Gold: 0 Attack: 60 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: marc from 10 to 10 Changing Rooms: marc from 10 to 10 Changing Rooms: marc from 10 to 10 Changing Rooms: marc from 10 to 10 Changing Rooms: marc from 10 to 10 Changing Rooms: marc from 10 to 1 psock 5 Changing Rooms: marc from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marc from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: marc from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Marc from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: marc from 10 to 10 Changing Rooms: Marc from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marc from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marc from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: marc from 10 to 12 Changing Rooms: marc from 10 to 14 Changing Rooms: marc from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: marc from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: marc from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: marc from 14 to 15 Attacks: 70 20 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 10 65 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 40 10 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 0 35 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: marc Description: Logged in from LurkWolf Gold: 100 Attack: 60 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 100 Started: YES Join Battle: NO **** end of winner **** marc has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Player Start! Name: Batete Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Batete from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Batete from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Batete from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Batete from 14 to 15 Attacks: 0 80 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 80 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 0 30 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 30 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Batete has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 New Player Batete2! Player Start! Name: Batete2 Description: I am here for revenge Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 40 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Batete2 from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Batete2 from 11 to 11 Changing Rooms: Batete2 from 11 to 11 Changing Rooms: Batete2 from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Batete2 from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Batete2 from 14 to 15 Attacks: 25 40 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 20 20 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 25 50 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 30 20 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 25 80 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 60 20 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 41 20 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 0 36 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 75 50 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 30 70 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Batete2 Description: I am here for revenge Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 40 Regen: 10 Status: DEAD Location: Garage Health: 0 Started: YES **** end of winner **** Batete2 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Marc has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 2155 bytes read from map Next: GAMEDESC While having a cup of tea atop an old house, you accidentally fall through the roof into a small broom closet. There is no way back to the roof, but a door leads out of the closet. After allocating a combined total of 100 points of attack, defense, and regeneration, you prepare to open the door and discover what lays beyond. Next: MONSTER NAME Glog DESCRIPTION A slimy and toothy character GOLD 50 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Farly DESCRIPTION Tall, skinny, with claws and scales GOLD 100 ATTACK 40 DEFENSE 50 REGEN 100 Unknown line in monster: MONSTER Next: MONSTER NAME Soup Eater DESCRIPTION Makes soup out of people GOLD 200 ATTACK 80 DEFENSE 70 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Insulation Monster DESCRIPTION Makes you itch until you rip your own head off! GOLD 10 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 80 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Bat DESCRIPTION Is it one, or a bunch of them? Don't get too close! ATTACK 80 GOLD 5 DEFENSE 20 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Lab3 DESCRIPTION This lab is a monster! ATTACK 60 GOLD 100 DEFENSE 10 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Furnace DESCRIPTION Scaled Fire Dragon ATTACK 1200 DEFENSE 1800 GOLD 100000 REGEN 100 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Broom Closet DESCRIPTION Small, Cramped room full of cleaning implements CONNECT Living Room GOLD 10 Next: ROOM NAME Living Room DESCRIPTION Spacious, but dank and mouldy. CONNECT Broom Closet CONNECT Attic CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Glog MONSTER Farly GOLD 100 Unknown line: ROOM Next: ROOM NAME Kitchen DESCRIPTION Nothing has been cooked here for a while CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Attic CONNECT Basement MONSTER Soup Eater GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Attic DESCRIPTION A place full of insulation, and bats CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Insulation Monster MONSTER Bat Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Neat and tidy room, with some kind of canned goods stored on shelves CONNECT Kitchen CONNECT Utility Room CONNECT Garage Next: ROOM NAME Garage DESCRIPTION Dirt floor, contains a decrepid but restorable Mercedes SSK, a BMW R32, and a collection of rusty tools. CONNECT Basement MONSTER Lab3 Next: ROOM NAME Utility Room DESCRIPTION Little room with blackened walls and ceiling. Was there a fire here? CONNECT Basement MONSTER Furnace Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player Batmarc_sensei! Player Start! Name: Batmarc_sensei Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 60 Defense: 10 Regen: 30 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 4 New Player BegoAndres! Player Start! Name: BegoAndres Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 40 Defense: 30 Regen: 30 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: BegoAndres from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Batmarc_sensei from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: BegoAndres from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Batmarc_sensei from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Batmarc_sensei from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: BegoAndres from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: BegoAndres from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Batmarc_sensei from 14 to 15 Attacks: 116 60 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 40 111 (from 2 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Batmarc_sensei Description: Gold: 60 Attack: 60 Defense: 10 Regen: 30 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 60 Started: YES Join Battle: YES **** end of winner **** **** Completed Lab! **** Name: BegoAndres Description: Gold: 150 Attack: 40 Defense: 30 Regen: 30 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 60 Started: YES Join Battle: NO **** end of winner **** Attacks: 80 60 Defense: 10 10 Damages (P/M) 55 75 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 60 50 Defense: 10 10 Damages (P/M) 45 55 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Batmarc_sensei Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 60 Defense: 10 Regen: 30 Status: DEAD Location: Garage Health: -10 Started: YES **** end of winner **** Attacks: 33 50 Defense: 30 10 Damages (P/M) 35 28 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 53 40 Defense: 30 10 Damages (P/M) 25 48 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Batmarc_sensei has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 BegoAndres has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 psock 4 New Player BegoSis! Player Start! Name: BegoSis Description: I am Bego's sidekick Gold: 0 Attack: 60 Defense: 10 Regen: 30 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO BegoAndres has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player BegoaAndres! Player Start! Name: BegoaAndres Description: I SAID ATTACK IS THE BEST DEFENSE Gold: 0 Attack: 70 Defense: 15 Regen: 15 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: BegoSis from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: BegoaAndres from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: BegoSis from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: BegoaAndres from 11 to 11 Changing Rooms: BegoaAndres from 11 to 11 Changing Rooms: BegoaAndres from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: BegoSis from 12 to 12 Changing Rooms: BegoaAndres from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: BegoSis from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: BegoSis from 14 to 14 Changing Rooms: BegoaAndres from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: BegoSis from 14 to 15 Attacks: 35 20 Defense: 15 10 Damages (P/M) 13 30 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: BegoaAndres Description: I SAID ATTACK IS THE BEST DEFENSE Gold: 100 Attack: 70 Defense: 15 Regen: 15 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 87 Started: YES Join Battle: NO **** end of winner **** Attacks: 0 50 Defense: 10 10 Damages (P/M) 45 0 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 116 0 Defense: 15 0 Damages (P/M) 0 116 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 93 0 Defense: 15 0 Damages (P/M) 0 93 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) BegoaAndres has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 BegoSis has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 106 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 54 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 9 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 4 New Player Alex! Player Start! Name: Alex Description: Guess what Alex I SUPPORT FULL HTML Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player yuka! Player Start! Name: yuka Description: yuka katsuki Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: yuka from 10 to 23 yuka has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Changing Rooms: yuka from 10 to 1 Changing Rooms: yuka from 10 to 3 Changing Rooms: yuka from 10 to 10 Changing Rooms: yuka from 10 to 4 Changing Rooms: yuka from 10 to 5 Changing Rooms: yuka from 10 to 6 Changing Rooms: yuka from 10 to 7 Changing Rooms: yuka from 10 to 8 Changing Rooms: yuka from 10 to 8 Changing Rooms: yuka from 10 to 9 Changing Rooms: yuka from 10 to 10 Changing Rooms: yuka from 10 to 11 Attacks: 116 70 Defense: 0 80 Damages (P/M) 70 76 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 33 40 Defense: 0 80 Damages (P/M) 40 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 yuka has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 New Player yk! Player Start! Name: yk Description: yuka katsuki Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: yk from 10 to 10 Changing Rooms: yk from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: yk from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: yk from 13 to 12 psock 9 yk has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 yk has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 10 New Player yucca! Player Start! Name: yucca Description: yuka katsuki Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: yucca from 10 to 10 Changing Rooms: yucca from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: yucca from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: yucca from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: yucca from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: yucca from 14 to 15 Attacks: 83 0 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 0 78 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 116 50 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 50 111 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: yucca Description: yuka katsuki Gold: 100 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 50 Started: YES Join Battle: NO **** end of winner **** yucca has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 10 New Player Tim_Herbert! Tim_Herbert has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Player Start! Name: Tim_Herbert Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO New Player tacreitz! psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 11 Changing Rooms: Tim_Herbert from 10 to 3 Changing Rooms: Tim_Herbert from 10 to 2 Changing Rooms: Tim_Herbert from 10 to 1 Changing Rooms: Tim_Herbert from 10 to 2 Changing Rooms: Tim_Herbert from 10 to 1 Changing Rooms: Tim_Herbert from 10 to 10 Changing Rooms: Tim_Herbert from 10 to 13 tacreitz has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 11 tacreitz has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Changing Rooms: Tim_Herbert from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim_Herbert from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim_Herbert from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim_Herbert from 14 to 15 Attacks: 0 10 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 10 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 tacreitz has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 Attacks: 0 70 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 70 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 0 10 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 10 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 0 30 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 30 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Tim_Herbert has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 10 Player Start! Name: Tim_Herbert Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Tim_Herbert from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim_Herbert from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim_Herbert from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim_Herbert from 14 to 15 Attacks: 0 50 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 50 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 psock 8 Tim_Herbert has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 9 Player Start! Name: tacreitz Description: ju Gold: 0 Attack: 20 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Attacks: 0 10 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 10 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Changing Rooms: tacreitz from 10 to 11 Attacks: 0 10 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 10 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 0 40 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 40 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Changing Rooms: tacreitz from 11 to 12 psock 10 Changing Rooms: tacreitz from 12 to 13 Tim_Herbert has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: tacreitz from 13 to 11 psock 11 Changing Rooms: tacreitz from 11 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 10 Tim_Herbert has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 9 psock 10 Changing Rooms: tacreitz from 13 to 11 psock 11 Changing Rooms: tacreitz from 11 to 10 Tim_Herbert has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 12 Changing Rooms: tacreitz from 10 to 11 Tim_Herbert has left the game Terminating thread with socket 12 psock 10 Changing Rooms: tacreitz from 11 to 13 New Player Tim_C_Herbert! Player Start! Name: Tim_C_Herbert Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Tim_C_Herbert from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim_C_Herbert from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim_C_Herbert from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim_C_Herbert from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: tacreitz from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: tacreitz from 12 to 14 Attacks: 66 40 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 40 61 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 83 80 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 80 78 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Tim_C_Herbert Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: DEAD Location: Garage Health: -20 Started: YES **** end of winner **** Changing Rooms: tacreitz from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 9 Attacks: 13 70 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 60 8 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 20 70 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 60 15 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 psock 12 Tim_C_Herbert has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 tacreitz has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 New Player taylor_creitz! Player Start! Name: taylor_creitz Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 30 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: taylor_creitz from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: taylor_creitz from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: taylor_creitz from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: taylor_creitz from 14 to 15 Attacks: 25 20 Defense: 30 10 Damages (P/M) 5 20 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 taylor_creitz has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 12 psock 10 Attacks: 33 30 Defense: 30 10 Damages (P/M) 15 28 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 41 20 Defense: 30 10 Damages (P/M) 5 36 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: taylor_creitz Description: Gold: 100 Attack: 50 Defense: 30 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 95 Started: YES Join Battle: NO **** end of winner **** New Player sargeant! Player Start! Name: sargeant Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO taylor_creitz has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 sargeant has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 12 Terminating thread with socket 12 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Feb 12 09:52:38 2020 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Feb 12 09:55:33 2020 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 New Player D-Dub! Player Start! Name: D-Dub Description: Dweeb Hunter Gold: 0 Attack: 25 Defense: 60 Regen: 15 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Attacks: 83 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 83 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: D-Dub from 10 to 11 Attacks: 16 50 Defense: 60 80 Damages (P/M) 20 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 12 60 Defense: 60 80 Damages (P/M) 30 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 16 40 Defense: 60 80 Damages (P/M) 10 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 25 30 Defense: 60 80 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 16 70 Defense: 60 80 Damages (P/M) 40 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 20 30 Defense: 60 80 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 12 30 Defense: 60 80 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 psock 9 New Player Josh_Woods! Player Start! Name: Josh_Woods Description: #1+Boss_man Gold: 0 Attack: 35 Defense: 40 Regen: 25 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: D-Dub from 11 to 11 Changing Rooms: D-Dub from 11 to 10 Attacks: 23 0 Defense: 40 0 Damages (P/M) 0 23 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 20 0 Defense: 60 0 Damages (P/M) 0 20 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: D-Dub from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Josh_Woods from 10 to 11 Attacks: 40 50 Defense: 40 80 Damages (P/M) 30 0 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 4 80 Defense: 60 80 Damages (P/M) 50 0 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 29 0 Defense: 40 80 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 20 70 Defense: 60 80 Damages (P/M) 40 0 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 11 60 Defense: 40 80 Damages (P/M) 40 0 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 17 20 Defense: 40 80 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 46 30 Defense: 40 80 Damages (P/M) 10 6 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 20 50 Defense: 60 80 Damages (P/M) 20 0 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 35 90 Defense: 40 80 Damages (P/M) 70 0 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 20 80 Defense: 60 80 Damages (P/M) 50 0 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Josh_Woods from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Josh_Woods from 12 to 14 D-Dub has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Changing Rooms: Josh_Woods from 14 to 15 Player Start! Name: D-Dub Description: Dweeb Hunter Gold: 0 Attack: 25 Defense: 60 Regen: 15 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: D-Dub from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: D-Dub from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: D-Dub from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: D-Dub from 14 to 15 Attacks: 35 0 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 0 30 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 8 50 Defense: 60 10 Damages (P/M) 20 3 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 8 100 Defense: 60 10 Damages (P/M) 70 3 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 17 20 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 0 12 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 23 80 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 60 18 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 8 70 Defense: 60 10 Damages (P/M) 40 3 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 5 70 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 50 0 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 17 50 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 30 12 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 35 60 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 40 30 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Josh_Woods Description: #1+Boss_man Gold: 100 Attack: 35 Defense: 40 Regen: 25 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 20 Started: YES Join Battle: NO **** end of winner **** Attacks: 11 10 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 0 6 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Josh_Woods from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Josh_Woods from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1200 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1200 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Josh_Woods has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 Attacks: 12 30 Defense: 60 10 Damages (P/M) 0 7 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 16 40 Defense: 60 10 Damages (P/M) 10 11 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 8 40 Defense: 60 10 Damages (P/M) 10 3 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 20 60 Defense: 60 10 Damages (P/M) 30 15 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 37 50 Defense: 60 10 Damages (P/M) 20 32 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 16 60 Defense: 60 10 Damages (P/M) 30 11 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 29 20 Defense: 60 10 Damages (P/M) 0 24 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: D-Dub Description: Dweeb Hunter Gold: 610 Attack: 25 Defense: 60 Regen: 15 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 35 Started: YES Join Battle: NO **** end of winner **** D-Dub has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Changing Rooms: D-Dub from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: D-Dub from 14 to 15 Attacks: 16 10 Defense: 60 10 Damages (P/M) 0 11 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 16 80 Defense: 60 10 Damages (P/M) 50 11 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 12 30 Defense: 60 10 Damages (P/M) 0 7 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 12 40 Defense: 60 10 Damages (P/M) 10 7 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 12 50 Defense: 60 10 Damages (P/M) 20 7 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 12 80 Defense: 60 10 Damages (P/M) 50 7 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 20 20 Defense: 60 10 Damages (P/M) 0 15 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 37 50 Defense: 60 10 Damages (P/M) 20 32 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 0 40 Defense: 60 10 Damages (P/M) 10 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 8 80 Defense: 60 10 Damages (P/M) 50 3 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: D-Dub Description: Dweeb Hunter Gold: 710 Attack: 25 Defense: 60 Regen: 15 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 5 Started: YES Join Battle: NO **** end of winner **** Changing Rooms: D-Dub from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: D-Dub from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1000 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1000 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 D-Dub has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 New Player veach3! Player Start! Name: veach3 Description: third times the charm Gold: 0 Attack: 30 Defense: 30 Regen: 40 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: veach3 from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: veach3 from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: veach3 from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: veach3 from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: veach3 from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: veach3 from 14 to 15 Attacks: 45 30 Defense: 30 10 Damages (P/M) 15 40 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 20 20 Defense: 30 10 Damages (P/M) 5 15 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 0 70 Defense: 30 10 Damages (P/M) 55 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 25 90 Defense: 30 10 Damages (P/M) 75 20 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 50 80 Defense: 30 10 Damages (P/M) 65 45 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: veach3 Description: third times the charm Gold: 0 Attack: 30 Defense: 30 Regen: 40 Status: DEAD Location: Garage Health: -15 Started: YES **** end of winner **** veach3 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 New Player Veach-ling1! Player Start! Name: Veach-ling1 Description: veach Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Veach-ling1 from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Veach-ling1 from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Veach-ling1 from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Veach-ling1 from 14 to 15 Attacks: 16 100 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 100 11 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Veach-ling1 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 New Player Veach5! Player Start! Name: Veach5 Description: Logged in from LurkWolf Gold: 0 Attack: 60 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Veach5 from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Veach5 from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Veach5 from 12 to 14 Veach5 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 New Player ryanveach! ryanveach has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 Player Start! Name: ryanveach Description: jfdksla; Gold: 0 Attack: 20 Defense: 10 Regen: 70 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: ryanveach from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: ryanveach from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: ryanveach from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: ryanveach from 14 to 15 psock 9 Attacks: 10 70 Defense: 10 10 Damages (P/M) 65 5 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 New Player bobsuruncle! Changing Rooms: ryanveach from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: ryanveach from 14 to 15 Attacks: 10 60 Defense: 10 10 Damages (P/M) 55 5 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Changing Rooms: ryanveach from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: ryanveach from 14 to 15 Attacks: 20 50 Defense: 10 10 Damages (P/M) 45 15 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Changing Rooms: ryanveach from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: ryanveach from 14 to 15 Attacks: 16 40 Defense: 10 10 Damages (P/M) 35 11 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Changing Rooms: ryanveach from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: ryanveach from 14 to 15 Attacks: 20 0 Defense: 10 10 Damages (P/M) 0 15 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Changing Rooms: ryanveach from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: ryanveach from 14 to 15 Attacks: 20 50 Defense: 10 10 Damages (P/M) 45 15 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Changing Rooms: ryanveach from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: ryanveach from 14 to 15 Attacks: 6 30 Defense: 10 10 Damages (P/M) 25 1 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Changing Rooms: ryanveach from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: ryanveach from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: ryanveach from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: ryanveach from 14 to 15 Attacks: 0 40 Defense: 10 10 Damages (P/M) 35 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 bobsuruncle has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: ryanveach from 15 to 14 psock 10 Changing Rooms: ryanveach from 14 to 15 Attacks: 13 30 Defense: 10 10 Damages (P/M) 25 8 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Changing Rooms: ryanveach from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: ryanveach from 14 to 15 Attacks: 30 20 Defense: 10 10 Damages (P/M) 15 25 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: ryanveach Description: jfdksla; Gold: 100 Attack: 20 Defense: 10 Regen: 70 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 85 Started: YES Join Battle: NO **** end of winner **** Player Start! Name: bobsuruncle Description: Logged in from LurkWolf Gold: 0 Attack: 60 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: bobsuruncle from 10 to 11 ryanveach has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: bobsuruncle from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: bobsuruncle from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: bobsuruncle from 14 to 15 Attacks: 60 10 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 0 55 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Changing Rooms: bobsuruncle from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: bobsuruncle from 14 to 15 Attacks: 90 40 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 30 85 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: bobsuruncle Description: Logged in from LurkWolf Gold: 100 Attack: 60 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 70 Started: YES Join Battle: NO **** end of winner **** Attacks: 50 100 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 90 45 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 bobsuruncle has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 No good! Couldn't understand type 49 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 54 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 No good! Couldn't understand type 83 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 No good! Couldn't understand type 49 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 115 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 New Player Chrystien! Player Start! Name: Chrystien Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 20 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 13 to 10 Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1000 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1000 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 16 to 14 Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 14 to 15 Attacks: 16 50 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 40 11 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 13 20 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 10 8 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 16 80 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 70 11 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 30 60 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 50 25 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Chrystien Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 20 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: DEAD Location: Garage Health: -10 Started: YES **** end of winner **** psock 9 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 9 Chrystien has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Player Start! Name: Chrystien Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 20 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 10 to 11 Attacks: 26 80 Defense: 20 80 Damages (P/M) 70 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 16 60 Defense: 20 80 Damages (P/M) 50 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Player Start! Name: Chrystien Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 20 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 14 to 15 Attacks: 16 80 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 70 11 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 30 10 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 0 25 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 13 70 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 60 8 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 16 100 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 90 11 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Chrystien has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Player Start! Name: Chrystien Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 20 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 14 to 15 Attacks: 13 50 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 40 8 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 16 20 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 10 11 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 16 20 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 10 11 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 20 10 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 0 15 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Chrystien Description: Gold: 100 Attack: 20 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 100 Started: YES Join Battle: NO **** end of winner **** Chrystien has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 New Player DeLaneyJones! DeLaneyJones has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 DeLaneyJones has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 DeLaneyJones has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 Player Start! Name: DeLaneyJones Description: Logged in from LurkWolf Gold: 0 Attack: 60 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: DeLaneyJones from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: DeLaneyJones from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: DeLaneyJones from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: DeLaneyJones from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: DeLaneyJones from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: DeLaneyJones from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: DeLaneyJones from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1000 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1000 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: DeLaneyJones from 16 to 14 Changing Rooms: DeLaneyJones from 14 to 15 Attacks: 0 20 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 10 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 10 100 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 90 5 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 30 50 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 40 25 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 DeLaneyJones has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Player Start! Name: DeLaneyJones Description: Logged in from LurkWolf Gold: 0 Attack: 60 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: DeLaneyJones from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: DeLaneyJones from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: DeLaneyJones from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: DeLaneyJones from 14 to 15 Attacks: 30 70 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 60 25 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 80 30 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 20 75 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: DeLaneyJones Description: Logged in from LurkWolf Gold: 100 Attack: 60 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 40 Started: YES Join Battle: NO **** end of winner **** DeLaneyJones has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 14 to 15 Attacks: 16 20 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 10 11 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 23 90 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 80 18 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 26 80 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 70 21 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Player Start! Name: Chrystien Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 20 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 14 to 10 Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1000 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1000 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 16 to 14 Changing Rooms: Chrystien from 14 to 15 Attacks: 13 50 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 40 8 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 23 70 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 60 18 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 10 40 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 30 5 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 6 0 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 0 1 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 23 50 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 40 18 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Chrystien Description: Gold: 100 Attack: 20 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 10 Started: YES Join Battle: NO **** end of winner **** Chrystien has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 13 19:22:43 2020 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 13 19:23:05 2020 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 13 19:29:28 2020 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 13 19:29:49 2020 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 13 19:38:08 2020 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 13 19:44:21 2020 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 13 20:21:20 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 13 20:21:20 2020 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 sargeant has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 sargeant has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 Changing Rooms: sargeant from 10 to 42 sargeant has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 Changing Rooms: sargeant from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: sargeant from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: sargeant from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: sargeant from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: sargeant from 14 to 15 Attacks: 0 20 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 20 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 0 10 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 10 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 0 60 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 60 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 0 20 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 20 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 sargeant has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 Player Start! Name: sargeant Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: sargeant from 10 to 15 sargeant has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 sargeant has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 New Player csargeant! Player Start! Name: csargeant Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: csargeant from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: csargeant from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: csargeant from 12 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: csargeant from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 50 1600 Defense: 50 1800 Damages (P/M) 1575 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 New Player Sargeant! Player Start! Name: Sargeant Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 60 Defense: 40 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Sargeant from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sargeant from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sargeant from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sargeant from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sargeant from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sargeant from 14 to 15 Attacks: 20 90 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 70 15 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 60 50 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 30 55 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Player Start! Name: Sargeant Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 60 Defense: 40 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Sargeant from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sargeant from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sargeant from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Sargeant from 14 to 15 Attacks: 50 80 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 60 45 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Sargeant Description: Gold: 100 Attack: 60 Defense: 40 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 40 Started: YES Join Battle: YES **** end of winner **** Sargeant has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 14 09:02:53 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 14 09:02:53 2020 Alex has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 New Player vcxxcvcvx! Player Start! Name: vcxxcvcvx Description: vcxcxvcvx Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: vcxxcvcvx from 10 to 11 Attacks: 166 20 Defense: 0 80 Damages (P/M) 20 126 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Glog died Monster Farly is in state 3 Farly died Changing Rooms: vcxxcvcvx from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: vcxxcvcvx from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: vcxxcvcvx from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: vcxxcvcvx from 13 to 12 Attacks: 150 0 Defense: 0 70 Damages (P/M) 0 115 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Soup Eater is in state 3 Soup Eater died Changing Rooms: vcxxcvcvx from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: vcxxcvcvx from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 83 1000 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1000 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 New Player ZACHEIMGARTNER! Player Start! Name: ZACHEIMGARTNER Description: lab3_character Gold: 0 Attack: 34 Defense: 33 Regen: 33 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: ZACHEIMGARTNER from 10 to 1 ZACHEIMGARTNER has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Changing Rooms: ZACHEIMGARTNER from 10 to 1 Changing Rooms: ZACHEIMGARTNER from 10 to 10 Changing Rooms: ZACHEIMGARTNER from 10 to 10 Changing Rooms: ZACHEIMGARTNER from 10 to 10 New Player zacheimgartner! Player Start! Name: zacheimgartner Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 34 Defense: 33 Regen: 33 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: zacheimgartner from 10 to 12 Changing Rooms: zacheimgartner from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: zacheimgartner from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: zacheimgartner from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: zacheimgartner from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: zacheimgartner from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: zacheimgartner from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: zacheimgartner from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: zacheimgartner from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: zacheimgartner from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: zacheimgartner from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 5 1200 Defense: 33 1800 Damages (P/M) 1184 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Player Start! Name: zacheimgartner Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 34 Defense: 33 Regen: 33 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: zacheimgartner from 10 to 0 Changing Rooms: zacheimgartner from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: zacheimgartner from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: zacheimgartner from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: zacheimgartner from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: zacheimgartner from 14 to 15 Attacks: 5 30 Defense: 33 10 Damages (P/M) 14 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 22 40 Defense: 33 10 Damages (P/M) 24 17 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 5 60 Defense: 33 10 Damages (P/M) 44 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 45 60 Defense: 33 10 Damages (P/M) 44 40 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 39 40 Defense: 33 10 Damages (P/M) 24 34 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 28 60 Defense: 33 10 Damages (P/M) 44 23 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: zacheimgartner Description: Gold: 100 Attack: 34 Defense: 33 Regen: 33 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 43 Started: YES Join Battle: YES **** end of winner **** zacheimgartner has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 New Player lhgray! Player Start! Name: lhgray Description: Slayer of demons and bringer of light Gold: 0 Attack: 60 Defense: 30 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: lhgray from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: lhgray from 11 to 11 Changing Rooms: lhgray from 11 to 11 lhgray has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Changing Rooms: lhgray from 11 to 2 Changing Rooms: lhgray from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: lhgray from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: lhgray from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: lhgray from 14 to 15 Attacks: 60 90 Defense: 30 10 Damages (P/M) 75 55 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 30 20 Defense: 30 10 Damages (P/M) 5 25 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 90 20 Defense: 30 10 Damages (P/M) 5 85 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: lhgray Description: Slayer of demons and bringer of light Gold: 100 Attack: 60 Defense: 30 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 45 Started: YES Join Battle: NO **** end of winner **** Changing Rooms: lhgray from 15 to 14 lhgray has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 New Player ! Player Start! Name: Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 40 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 14 16:38:58 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 14 16:38:58 2020 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 New Player tester! tester has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 New Player Tim! Player Start! Name: Tim Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Tim from 10 to 11 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 49 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 49 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 12 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tim from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 13 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 11 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 12 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Tim has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Tim has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Tim has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Tim has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 New Player Timmah! Player Start! Name: Timmah Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Timmah has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 New Player Timm! Timm has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 psock 10 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 15 15:58:26 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 15 15:58:26 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 15 15:58:26 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 15 15:58:26 2020 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 15 16:17:02 2020 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 New Player timmm! timmm has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 15 17:45:58 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 15 17:53:48 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 15 17:53:48 2020 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 15 20:13:05 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 15 20:13:05 2020 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 54 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 15 20:17:52 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 15 20:17:52 2020 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 54 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 54 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 15 20:20:30 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 15 20:20:30 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 15 20:22:59 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 15 20:22:59 2020 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 54 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 54 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 54 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 54 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 54 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 54 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 54 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 54 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 54 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 13 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 16 14:06:51 2020 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 16 14:07:23 2020 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 16 14:08:50 2020 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 16 14:10:54 2020 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 16 14:13:05 2020 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 16 14:15:11 2020 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 16 14:23:12 2020 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 16 14:23:30 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 16 14:23:30 2020 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 16 14:24:27 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 16 14:24:27 2020 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 16 14:24:37 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 16 14:24:37 2020 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 16 14:25:28 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 16 14:25:28 2020 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 78 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 16 14:57:33 2020 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 32 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 16 15:33:40 2020 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 16 15:36:26 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 16 15:37:28 2020 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 16 15:41:04 2020 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 16 15:45:32 2020 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 16 15:45:57 2020 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 16 15:46:57 2020 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 16 15:50:39 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 16 15:57:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 16 15:57:55 2020 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 49 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 11 New Player DanielleA! Player Start! Name: DanielleA Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 40 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: DanielleA from 10 to 10 Changing Rooms: DanielleA from 10 to 10 Changing Rooms: DanielleA from 10 to 3 Changing Rooms: DanielleA from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: DanielleA from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: DanielleA from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: DanielleA from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: DanielleA from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: DanielleA from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: DanielleA from 14 to 15 Attacks: 58 70 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 50 53 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 83 50 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 30 78 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: DanielleA Description: Gold: 100 Attack: 50 Defense: 40 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 30 Started: YES Join Battle: NO **** end of winner **** DanielleA has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 11 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 New Player Timmm! No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Timmm has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Feb 17 09:47:44 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Feb 17 09:47:44 2020 vcxxcvcvx has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Feb 17 18:30:30 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Feb 17 18:30:30 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Feb 17 18:30:30 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Feb 17 18:30:30 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Feb 17 18:30:30 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Feb 17 18:30:30 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Feb 17 18:30:30 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Feb 17 18:30:30 2020 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Tim has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:20:56 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:20:56 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:20:56 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:20:56 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:20:56 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:20:56 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:20:56 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:20:56 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:20:56 2020 has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:20:56 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:21:30 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:21:30 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:21:30 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:21:30 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:21:30 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:21:30 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:21:30 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:21:30 2020 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:24:20 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:24:20 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:24:20 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:24:20 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:24:20 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:24:20 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:24:20 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:24:20 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:24:20 2020 has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 14:24:20 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Timmah has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Tim has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 15:15:02 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 15:15:02 2020 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Tim has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 15:27:12 2020 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 15:28:22 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 New Player fghhggfhgfghfghhgfghgfhhgf! Player Start! Name: fghhggfhgfghfghhgfghgfhhgf Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: fghhggfhgfghfghhgfghgfhhgf from 10 to 11 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Changing Rooms: fghhggfhgfghfghhgfghgfhhgf from 11 to 10 Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: fghhggfhgfghfghhgfghgfhhgf from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: fghhggfhgfghfghhgfghgfhhgf from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: fghhggfhgfghfghhgfghgfhhgf from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: fghhggfhgfghfghhgfghgfhhgf from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 116 2000 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 2000 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 15:52:16 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 15:52:16 2020 fghhggfhgfghfghhgfghgfhhgf has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 New Player saddsadsasaddsassasdadsasad! Player Start! Name: saddsadsasaddsassasdadsasad Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 New Player Timmm ! Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 16:31:19 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 16:31:19 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 16:31:19 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 16:31:19 2020 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 New Player 01010100011010010110110101101101! Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 16:39:20 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 18 16:39:20 2020 01010100011010010110110101101101 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 11 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Feb 19 12:23:28 2020 01010100011010010110110101101101 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 11 2155 bytes read from map Next: GAMEDESC While having a cup of tea atop an old house, you accidentally fall through the roof into a small broom closet. There is no way back to the roof, but a door leads out of the closet. After allocating a combined total of 100 points of attack, defense, and regeneration, you prepare to open the door and discover what lays beyond. Next: MONSTER NAME Glog DESCRIPTION A slimy and toothy character GOLD 50 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Farly DESCRIPTION Tall, skinny, with claws and scales GOLD 100 ATTACK 40 DEFENSE 50 REGEN 100 Unknown line in monster: MONSTER Next: MONSTER NAME Soup Eater DESCRIPTION Makes soup out of people GOLD 200 ATTACK 80 DEFENSE 70 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Insulation Monster DESCRIPTION Makes you itch until you rip your own head off! GOLD 10 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 80 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Bat DESCRIPTION Is it one, or a bunch of them? Don't get too close! ATTACK 80 GOLD 5 DEFENSE 20 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Lab3 DESCRIPTION This lab is a monster! ATTACK 60 GOLD 100 DEFENSE 10 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Furnace DESCRIPTION Scaled Fire Dragon ATTACK 1200 DEFENSE 1800 GOLD 100000 REGEN 100 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Broom Closet DESCRIPTION Small, Cramped room full of cleaning implements CONNECT Living Room GOLD 10 Next: ROOM NAME Living Room DESCRIPTION Spacious, but dank and mouldy. CONNECT Broom Closet CONNECT Attic CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Glog MONSTER Farly GOLD 100 Unknown line: ROOM Next: ROOM NAME Kitchen DESCRIPTION Nothing has been cooked here for a while CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Attic CONNECT Basement MONSTER Soup Eater GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Attic DESCRIPTION A place full of insulation, and bats CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Insulation Monster MONSTER Bat Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Neat and tidy room, with some kind of canned goods stored on shelves CONNECT Kitchen CONNECT Utility Room CONNECT Garage Next: ROOM NAME Garage DESCRIPTION Dirt floor, contains a decrepid but restorable Mercedes SSK, a BMW R32, and a collection of rusty tools. CONNECT Basement MONSTER Lab3 Next: ROOM NAME Utility Room DESCRIPTION Little room with blackened walls and ceiling. Was there a fire here? CONNECT Basement MONSTER Furnace Next: Ignoring unknown item: CRASH at Wed 19 Feb 2020 12:29:28 PM PST 2155 bytes read from map Next: GAMEDESC While having a cup of tea atop an old house, you accidentally fall through the roof into a small broom closet. There is no way back to the roof, but a door leads out of the closet. After allocating a combined total of 100 points of attack, defense, and regeneration, you prepare to open the door and discover what lays beyond. Next: MONSTER NAME Glog DESCRIPTION A slimy and toothy character GOLD 50 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Farly DESCRIPTION Tall, skinny, with claws and scales GOLD 100 ATTACK 40 DEFENSE 50 REGEN 100 Unknown line in monster: MONSTER Next: MONSTER NAME Soup Eater DESCRIPTION Makes soup out of people GOLD 200 ATTACK 80 DEFENSE 70 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Insulation Monster DESCRIPTION Makes you itch until you rip your own head off! GOLD 10 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 80 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Bat DESCRIPTION Is it one, or a bunch of them? Don't get too close! ATTACK 80 GOLD 5 DEFENSE 20 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Lab3 DESCRIPTION This lab is a monster! ATTACK 60 GOLD 100 DEFENSE 10 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Furnace DESCRIPTION Scaled Fire Dragon ATTACK 1200 DEFENSE 1800 GOLD 100000 REGEN 100 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Broom Closet DESCRIPTION Small, Cramped room full of cleaning implements CONNECT Living Room GOLD 10 Next: ROOM NAME Living Room DESCRIPTION Spacious, but dank and mouldy. CONNECT Broom Closet CONNECT Attic CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Glog MONSTER Farly GOLD 100 Unknown line: ROOM Next: ROOM NAME Kitchen DESCRIPTION Nothing has been cooked here for a while CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Attic CONNECT Basement MONSTER Soup Eater GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Attic DESCRIPTION A place full of insulation, and bats CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Insulation Monster MONSTER Bat Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Neat and tidy room, with some kind of canned goods stored on shelves CONNECT Kitchen CONNECT Utility Room CONNECT Garage Next: ROOM NAME Garage DESCRIPTION Dirt floor, contains a decrepid but restorable Mercedes SSK, a BMW R32, and a collection of rusty tools. CONNECT Basement MONSTER Lab3 Next: ROOM NAME Utility Room DESCRIPTION Little room with blackened walls and ceiling. Was there a fire here? CONNECT Basement MONSTER Furnace Next: Ignoring unknown item: CRASH at Wed 19 Feb 2020 12:29:33 PM PST 2155 bytes read from map Next: GAMEDESC While having a cup of tea atop an old house, you accidentally fall through the roof into a small broom closet. There is no way back to the roof, but a door leads out of the closet. After allocating a combined total of 100 points of attack, defense, and regeneration, you prepare to open the door and discover what lays beyond. Next: MONSTER NAME Glog DESCRIPTION A slimy and toothy character GOLD 50 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Farly DESCRIPTION Tall, skinny, with claws and scales GOLD 100 ATTACK 40 DEFENSE 50 REGEN 100 Unknown line in monster: MONSTER Next: MONSTER NAME Soup Eater DESCRIPTION Makes soup out of people GOLD 200 ATTACK 80 DEFENSE 70 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Insulation Monster DESCRIPTION Makes you itch until you rip your own head off! GOLD 10 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 80 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Bat DESCRIPTION Is it one, or a bunch of them? Don't get too close! ATTACK 80 GOLD 5 DEFENSE 20 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Lab3 DESCRIPTION This lab is a monster! ATTACK 60 GOLD 100 DEFENSE 10 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Furnace DESCRIPTION Scaled Fire Dragon ATTACK 1200 DEFENSE 1800 GOLD 100000 REGEN 100 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Broom Closet DESCRIPTION Small, Cramped room full of cleaning implements CONNECT Living Room GOLD 10 Next: ROOM NAME Living Room DESCRIPTION Spacious, but dank and mouldy. CONNECT Broom Closet CONNECT Attic CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Glog MONSTER Farly GOLD 100 Unknown line: ROOM Next: ROOM NAME Kitchen DESCRIPTION Nothing has been cooked here for a while CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Attic CONNECT Basement MONSTER Soup Eater GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Attic DESCRIPTION A place full of insulation, and bats CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Insulation Monster MONSTER Bat Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Neat and tidy room, with some kind of canned goods stored on shelves CONNECT Kitchen CONNECT Utility Room CONNECT Garage Next: ROOM NAME Garage DESCRIPTION Dirt floor, contains a decrepid but restorable Mercedes SSK, a BMW R32, and a collection of rusty tools. CONNECT Basement MONSTER Lab3 Next: ROOM NAME Utility Room DESCRIPTION Little room with blackened walls and ceiling. Was there a fire here? CONNECT Basement MONSTER Furnace Next: Ignoring unknown item: CRASH at Wed 19 Feb 2020 12:29:39 PM PST 2155 bytes read from map Next: GAMEDESC While having a cup of tea atop an old house, you accidentally fall through the roof into a small broom closet. There is no way back to the roof, but a door leads out of the closet. After allocating a combined total of 100 points of attack, defense, and regeneration, you prepare to open the door and discover what lays beyond. Next: MONSTER NAME Glog DESCRIPTION A slimy and toothy character GOLD 50 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Farly DESCRIPTION Tall, skinny, with claws and scales GOLD 100 ATTACK 40 DEFENSE 50 REGEN 100 Unknown line in monster: MONSTER Next: MONSTER NAME Soup Eater DESCRIPTION Makes soup out of people GOLD 200 ATTACK 80 DEFENSE 70 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Insulation Monster DESCRIPTION Makes you itch until you rip your own head off! GOLD 10 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 80 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Bat DESCRIPTION Is it one, or a bunch of them? Don't get too close! ATTACK 80 GOLD 5 DEFENSE 20 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Lab3 DESCRIPTION This lab is a monster! ATTACK 60 GOLD 100 DEFENSE 10 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Furnace DESCRIPTION Scaled Fire Dragon ATTACK 1200 DEFENSE 1800 GOLD 100000 REGEN 100 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Broom Closet DESCRIPTION Small, Cramped room full of cleaning implements CONNECT Living Room GOLD 10 Next: ROOM NAME Living Room DESCRIPTION Spacious, but dank and mouldy. CONNECT Broom Closet CONNECT Attic CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Glog MONSTER Farly GOLD 100 Unknown line: ROOM Next: ROOM NAME Kitchen DESCRIPTION Nothing has been cooked here for a while CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Attic CONNECT Basement MONSTER Soup Eater GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Attic DESCRIPTION A place full of insulation, and bats CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Insulation Monster MONSTER Bat Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Neat and tidy room, with some kind of canned goods stored on shelves CONNECT Kitchen CONNECT Utility Room CONNECT Garage Next: ROOM NAME Garage DESCRIPTION Dirt floor, contains a decrepid but restorable Mercedes SSK, a BMW R32, and a collection of rusty tools. CONNECT Basement MONSTER Lab3 Next: ROOM NAME Utility Room DESCRIPTION Little room with blackened walls and ceiling. Was there a fire here? CONNECT Basement MONSTER Furnace Next: Ignoring unknown item: CRASH at Wed 19 Feb 2020 12:30:06 PM PST 2155 bytes read from map Next: GAMEDESC While having a cup of tea atop an old house, you accidentally fall through the roof into a small broom closet. There is no way back to the roof, but a door leads out of the closet. After allocating a combined total of 100 points of attack, defense, and regeneration, you prepare to open the door and discover what lays beyond. Next: MONSTER NAME Glog DESCRIPTION A slimy and toothy character GOLD 50 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Farly DESCRIPTION Tall, skinny, with claws and scales GOLD 100 ATTACK 40 DEFENSE 50 REGEN 100 Unknown line in monster: MONSTER Next: MONSTER NAME Soup Eater DESCRIPTION Makes soup out of people GOLD 200 ATTACK 80 DEFENSE 70 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Insulation Monster DESCRIPTION Makes you itch until you rip your own head off! GOLD 10 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 80 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Bat DESCRIPTION Is it one, or a bunch of them? Don't get too close! ATTACK 80 GOLD 5 DEFENSE 20 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Lab3 DESCRIPTION This lab is a monster! ATTACK 60 GOLD 100 DEFENSE 10 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Furnace DESCRIPTION Scaled Fire Dragon ATTACK 1200 DEFENSE 1800 GOLD 100000 REGEN 100 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Broom Closet DESCRIPTION Small, Cramped room full of cleaning implements CONNECT Living Room GOLD 10 Next: ROOM NAME Living Room DESCRIPTION Spacious, but dank and mouldy. CONNECT Broom Closet CONNECT Attic CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Glog MONSTER Farly GOLD 100 Unknown line: ROOM Next: ROOM NAME Kitchen DESCRIPTION Nothing has been cooked here for a while CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Attic CONNECT Basement MONSTER Soup Eater GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Attic DESCRIPTION A place full of insulation, and bats CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Insulation Monster MONSTER Bat Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Neat and tidy room, with some kind of canned goods stored on shelves CONNECT Kitchen CONNECT Utility Room CONNECT Garage Next: ROOM NAME Garage DESCRIPTION Dirt floor, contains a decrepid but restorable Mercedes SSK, a BMW R32, and a collection of rusty tools. CONNECT Basement MONSTER Lab3 Next: ROOM NAME Utility Room DESCRIPTION Little room with blackened walls and ceiling. Was there a fire here? CONNECT Basement MONSTER Furnace Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 New Player Timmm ! Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Feb 19 12:33:15 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Feb 19 12:33:15 2020 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 New Player Seth! Player Start! Name: Seth Description: fish Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Seth has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 New Player A test user! Player Start! Name: A test user Description: Good Morning Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 40 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: A test user from 10 to 11 Attacks: 58 60 Defense: 40 80 Damages (P/M) 40 18 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 66 60 Defense: 40 80 Damages (P/M) 40 26 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 50 50 Defense: 40 80 Damages (P/M) 30 10 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Changing Rooms: A test user from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: A test user from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: A test user from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: A test user from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: A test user from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: A test user from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: A test user from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: A test user from 10 to 11 Attacks: 41 50 Defense: 40 80 Damages (P/M) 30 1 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 66 40 Defense: 40 80 Damages (P/M) 20 26 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 25 20 Defense: 40 80 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 0 50 Defense: 40 80 Damages (P/M) 30 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 83 70 Defense: 40 80 Damages (P/M) 50 43 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Glog died Monster Farly is in state 3 Farly died Attacks: 66 0 Defense: 40 0 Damages (P/M) 0 66 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 58 0 Defense: 40 0 Damages (P/M) 0 58 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 16 0 Defense: 40 0 Damages (P/M) 0 16 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 41 0 Defense: 40 0 Damages (P/M) 0 41 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 58 0 Defense: 40 0 Damages (P/M) 0 58 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 41 0 Defense: 40 0 Damages (P/M) 0 41 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 40 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 16 0 Defense: 40 0 Damages (P/M) 0 16 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 25 0 Defense: 40 0 Damages (P/M) 0 25 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 66 0 Defense: 40 0 Damages (P/M) 0 66 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: A test user from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: A test user from 12 to 14 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 20 12:20:15 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 20 12:20:15 2020 A test user has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player adf! Player Start! Name: adf Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 20 12:20:52 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 20 12:20:52 2020 adf has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player tyeras! Player Start! Name: tyeras Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: tyeras from 10 to 11 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 20 12:29:32 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 20 12:29:32 2020 tyeras has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player dsafsd! Player Start! Name: dsafsd Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 21 14:46:58 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 21 14:46:58 2020 dsafsd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 21 14:54:42 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 21 15:27:37 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 21 15:34:34 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 21 15:35:19 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 21 15:49:42 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Player Start! Name: Timmm Description: o Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 22 09:05:39 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 23 01:18:12 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 116 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player daf! daf has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 16:54:31 2020 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 16:55:42 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 16:55:42 2020 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 18:58:07 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 18:58:07 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 18:58:07 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 18:58:07 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 18:58:07 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 18:58:07 2020 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 18:59:46 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 18:59:46 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 18:59:46 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 18:59:46 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 18:59:46 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 18:59:46 2020 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 19:01:10 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 19:01:10 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 19:01:10 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 19:01:10 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 19:01:10 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 19:01:10 2020 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 19:10:42 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 19:10:42 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 19:10:42 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 19:10:42 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 19:10:42 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 19:10:42 2020 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 19:11:35 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 19:11:35 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 19:11:35 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 19:11:35 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 19:11:35 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Feb 28 19:11:35 2020 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Timm! Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Player Start! Name: Timm Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Timmm from 10 to 0 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 29 07:31:53 2020 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Timmm from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Timmm from 11 to 12 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Timmm from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Timmm from 14 to 15 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Timmm from 15 to 0 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Timmm from 15 to 0 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Timmm from 15 to 0 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Timmm from 15 to 0 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Timmm from 15 to 0 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Timmm from 15 to 0 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Timmm from 15 to 0 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Timmm from 15 to 14 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 99 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 15 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 15 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 15 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 15 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 15 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Timmm from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Timmm from 15 to 15 Changing Rooms: Timmm from 15 to 14 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Timmm from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Timmm from 15 to 15 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Timmm from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Timmm from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Timmm from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Timmm from 14 to 12 psock 4 New Player TimTest! Player Start! Name: TimTest Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 New Player Timmmm ! TimTest has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Timmmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Player Start! Name: Timmmm Description: No I don't wanna Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO psock 4 Timmmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 New Player Timmeh! TimTest has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Player Start! Name: Timmeh Description: No I don't wanna Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Timmeh from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Timmeh from 11 to 10 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Timmeh from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Timmeh from 11 to 10 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Timmeh from 10 to 11 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timm has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 TimTest has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player Timm ! Player Start! Name: Timm Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Timm has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Timmeh from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Timmeh from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Timmeh from 14 to 15 Attacks: 83 10 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 10 78 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 0 10 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 10 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 150 40 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 40 145 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Timmeh Description: No I don't wanna Gold: 100 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 40 Started: YES Join Battle: NO **** end of winner **** psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Timmeh from 15 to 14 psock 4 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Changing Rooms: Timmeh from 14 to 15 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Timmeh from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Timmeh from 14 to 0 Changing Rooms: Timmeh from 14 to 15 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Timmeh from 15 to 14 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Timmeh from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Timmeh from 15 to 15 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Changing Rooms: Timmeh from 15 to 14 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 psock 4 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 psock 5 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timmeh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Tim! Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Player Start! Name: Tim Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Tim from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 12 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 15 Attacks: 66 40 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 40 61 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Tim from 15 to 14 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 15 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Attacks: 83 80 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 80 78 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Tim Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: DEAD Location: Garage Health: -20 Started: YES **** end of winner **** Tim has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Player Start! Name: Tim Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Tim from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Tim from 10 to 11 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player tim! tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 12 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 14 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 15 Tim has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Tim from 15 to 14 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Timmmmmmm! Player Start! Name: Timmmmmmm Description: Hello World Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Timmmmmmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 12 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 29 22:57:11 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 29 22:57:11 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 29 22:57:11 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 29 22:57:11 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 29 22:57:11 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 29 22:57:11 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 29 22:57:11 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 29 22:57:11 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 29 22:57:11 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 29 22:57:11 2020 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 29 22:57:40 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 29 22:57:40 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 29 22:57:40 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 29 22:57:40 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 29 22:57:40 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 29 22:57:40 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 29 22:57:40 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 29 22:57:40 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 29 22:57:40 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Feb 29 22:57:40 2020 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Timm from 10 to 11 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Timm from 11 to 11 Changing Rooms: Timm from 11 to 11 Changing Rooms: Timm from 11 to 14 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Timm from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Timm from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Timm from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Timm from 12 to 11 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Timm from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Timm from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Timm from 14 to 15 Attacks: 66 70 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 70 61 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Attacks: 100 70 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 70 95 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Timm Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: DEAD Location: Garage Health: -40 Started: YES **** end of winner **** Timm has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Player Start! Name: Timm Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Timm from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Timm from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Timm from 10 to 11 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Timm from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Timm from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Timm from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Timm from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Timm from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Timm from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Timm from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Timm from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Timm from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Timm from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Timm from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Timm from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Timm from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Timm from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Timm from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Timm from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Timm from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 400 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 400 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Timm from 16 to 14 Changing Rooms: Timm from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Timm from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Timm from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Timm from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Timm from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Timm from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Timm from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 600 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 600 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Timm from 16 to 14 Changing Rooms: Timm from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Timm from 16 to 14 Battle Time! Changing Rooms: Timm from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 400 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 400 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Timm from 16 to 14 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Timm from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Timm from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Timm from 13 to 12 Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player ! Player Start! Name: Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 10 psock 5 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Tim from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Tim from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 11 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Tim from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Tim from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Tim from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Tim from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 10 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Tim from 10 to 11 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Mar 1 00:16:09 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 49 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 27 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 123 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 psock 4 New Player Lio! Player Start! Name: Lio Description: This is lio Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 psock 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 9 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 111 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 11 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 111 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 111 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 11 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 11 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 12 Terminating thread with socket 10 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 11 Terminating thread with socket 12 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 111 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 New Player ME! Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Changing Rooms: Lio from 10 to 11 Terminating thread with socket 8 2155 bytes read from map Next: GAMEDESC While having a cup of tea atop an old house, you accidentally fall through the roof into a small broom closet. There is no way back to the roof, but a door leads out of the closet. After allocating a combined total of 100 points of attack, defense, and regeneration, you prepare to open the door and discover what lays beyond. Next: MONSTER NAME Glog DESCRIPTION A slimy and toothy character GOLD 50 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Farly DESCRIPTION Tall, skinny, with claws and scales GOLD 100 ATTACK 40 DEFENSE 50 REGEN 100 Unknown line in monster: MONSTER Next: MONSTER NAME Soup Eater DESCRIPTION Makes soup out of people GOLD 200 ATTACK 80 DEFENSE 70 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Insulation Monster DESCRIPTION Makes you itch until you rip your own head off! GOLD 10 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 80 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Bat DESCRIPTION Is it one, or a bunch of them? Don't get too close! ATTACK 80 GOLD 5 DEFENSE 20 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Lab3 DESCRIPTION This lab is a monster! ATTACK 60 GOLD 100 DEFENSE 10 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Furnace DESCRIPTION Scaled Fire Dragon ATTACK 1200 DEFENSE 1800 GOLD 100000 REGEN 100 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Broom Closet DESCRIPTION Small, Cramped room full of cleaning implements CONNECT Living Room GOLD 10 Next: ROOM NAME Living Room DESCRIPTION Spacious, but dank and mouldy. CONNECT Broom Closet CONNECT Attic CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Glog MONSTER Farly GOLD 100 Unknown line: ROOM Next: ROOM NAME Kitchen DESCRIPTION Nothing has been cooked here for a while CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Attic CONNECT Basement MONSTER Soup Eater GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Attic DESCRIPTION A place full of insulation, and bats CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Insulation Monster MONSTER Bat Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Neat and tidy room, with some kind of canned goods stored on shelves CONNECT Kitchen CONNECT Utility Room CONNECT Garage Next: ROOM NAME Garage DESCRIPTION Dirt floor, contains a decrepid but restorable Mercedes SSK, a BMW R32, and a collection of rusty tools. CONNECT Basement MONSTER Lab3 Next: ROOM NAME Utility Room DESCRIPTION Little room with blackened walls and ceiling. Was there a fire here? CONNECT Basement MONSTER Furnace Next: Ignoring unknown item: CRASH at Mon 02 Mar 2020 09:17:05 AM PST 2155 bytes read from map Next: GAMEDESC While having a cup of tea atop an old house, you accidentally fall through the roof into a small broom closet. There is no way back to the roof, but a door leads out of the closet. After allocating a combined total of 100 points of attack, defense, and regeneration, you prepare to open the door and discover what lays beyond. Next: MONSTER NAME Glog DESCRIPTION A slimy and toothy character GOLD 50 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Farly DESCRIPTION Tall, skinny, with claws and scales GOLD 100 ATTACK 40 DEFENSE 50 REGEN 100 Unknown line in monster: MONSTER Next: MONSTER NAME Soup Eater DESCRIPTION Makes soup out of people GOLD 200 ATTACK 80 DEFENSE 70 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Insulation Monster DESCRIPTION Makes you itch until you rip your own head off! GOLD 10 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 80 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Bat DESCRIPTION Is it one, or a bunch of them? Don't get too close! ATTACK 80 GOLD 5 DEFENSE 20 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Lab3 DESCRIPTION This lab is a monster! ATTACK 60 GOLD 100 DEFENSE 10 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Furnace DESCRIPTION Scaled Fire Dragon ATTACK 1200 DEFENSE 1800 GOLD 100000 REGEN 100 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Broom Closet DESCRIPTION Small, Cramped room full of cleaning implements CONNECT Living Room GOLD 10 Next: ROOM NAME Living Room DESCRIPTION Spacious, but dank and mouldy. CONNECT Broom Closet CONNECT Attic CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Glog MONSTER Farly GOLD 100 Unknown line: ROOM Next: ROOM NAME Kitchen DESCRIPTION Nothing has been cooked here for a while CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Attic CONNECT Basement MONSTER Soup Eater GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Attic DESCRIPTION A place full of insulation, and bats CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Insulation Monster MONSTER Bat Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Neat and tidy room, with some kind of canned goods stored on shelves CONNECT Kitchen CONNECT Utility Room CONNECT Garage Next: ROOM NAME Garage DESCRIPTION Dirt floor, contains a decrepid but restorable Mercedes SSK, a BMW R32, and a collection of rusty tools. CONNECT Basement MONSTER Lab3 Next: ROOM NAME Utility Room DESCRIPTION Little room with blackened walls and ceiling. Was there a fire here? CONNECT Basement MONSTER Furnace Next: Ignoring unknown item: CRASH at Mon 02 Mar 2020 09:17:10 AM PST 2155 bytes read from map Next: GAMEDESC While having a cup of tea atop an old house, you accidentally fall through the roof into a small broom closet. There is no way back to the roof, but a door leads out of the closet. After allocating a combined total of 100 points of attack, defense, and regeneration, you prepare to open the door and discover what lays beyond. Next: MONSTER NAME Glog DESCRIPTION A slimy and toothy character GOLD 50 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Farly DESCRIPTION Tall, skinny, with claws and scales GOLD 100 ATTACK 40 DEFENSE 50 REGEN 100 Unknown line in monster: MONSTER Next: MONSTER NAME Soup Eater DESCRIPTION Makes soup out of people GOLD 200 ATTACK 80 DEFENSE 70 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Insulation Monster DESCRIPTION Makes you itch until you rip your own head off! GOLD 10 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 80 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Bat DESCRIPTION Is it one, or a bunch of them? Don't get too close! ATTACK 80 GOLD 5 DEFENSE 20 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Lab3 DESCRIPTION This lab is a monster! ATTACK 60 GOLD 100 DEFENSE 10 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Furnace DESCRIPTION Scaled Fire Dragon ATTACK 1200 DEFENSE 1800 GOLD 100000 REGEN 100 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Broom Closet DESCRIPTION Small, Cramped room full of cleaning implements CONNECT Living Room GOLD 10 Next: ROOM NAME Living Room DESCRIPTION Spacious, but dank and mouldy. CONNECT Broom Closet CONNECT Attic CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Glog MONSTER Farly GOLD 100 Unknown line: ROOM Next: ROOM NAME Kitchen DESCRIPTION Nothing has been cooked here for a while CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Attic CONNECT Basement MONSTER Soup Eater GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Attic DESCRIPTION A place full of insulation, and bats CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Insulation Monster MONSTER Bat Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Neat and tidy room, with some kind of canned goods stored on shelves CONNECT Kitchen CONNECT Utility Room CONNECT Garage Next: ROOM NAME Garage DESCRIPTION Dirt floor, contains a decrepid but restorable Mercedes SSK, a BMW R32, and a collection of rusty tools. CONNECT Basement MONSTER Lab3 Next: ROOM NAME Utility Room DESCRIPTION Little room with blackened walls and ceiling. Was there a fire here? CONNECT Basement MONSTER Furnace Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 New Player Tim! Player Start! Name: Tim Description: Hello World Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Tim from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tim from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Tim from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Tim from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Tim from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Tim from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tim from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tim from 15 to 14 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 15 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 11:30:47 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 11:46:51 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Tim from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 12 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 15 psock 5 New Player Seth! Player Start! Name: Seth Description: Logged in from LurkWolf Gold: 0 Attack: 60 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Seth from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Seth from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Seth from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Seth from 14 to 15 Attacks: 70 60 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 50 65 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 133 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 133 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 100 50 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 50 95 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Tim Description: Hello World Gold: 210 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 50 Started: YES Join Battle: NO **** end of winner **** psock 6 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 11:56:15 2020 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 11:56:58 2020 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 11:57:47 2020 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 11:59:35 2020 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 11:59:54 2020 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 12:00:54 2020 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 12:01:36 2020 Terminating thread with socket 6 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Seth has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 13:01:42 2020 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 14:37:19 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 14:37:19 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 14:37:29 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 14:37:29 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 14:42:49 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 14:42:49 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 14:45:17 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 14:45:17 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 14:53:03 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:08:39 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:08:39 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:08:51 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:08:51 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:09:13 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:09:13 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:18:49 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:18:49 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:20:37 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:23:01 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:23:01 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:24:45 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:25:03 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:26:57 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:28:02 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:28:02 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:28:27 2020 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:29:43 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:29:43 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:30:43 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:31:05 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:31:05 2020 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:31:20 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:31:31 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:32:37 2020 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:32:57 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:33:24 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:33:53 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:33:53 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:35:20 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:37:22 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:37:22 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:37:38 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:37:38 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:39:47 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:39:47 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:46:17 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:46:17 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:48:42 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:48:42 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:49:47 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:49:47 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:54:49 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:54:49 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:55:10 2020 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:55:51 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:55:51 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 16:03:32 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 16:11:29 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 17:02:41 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 17:17:06 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 17:17:36 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player yuka! yuka has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Player Start! Name: yuka Description: hi Gold: 0 Attack: 2 Defense: 2 Regen: 2 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: yuka from 10 to 13 Changing Rooms: yuka from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: yuka from 11 to 13 Attacks: 1 83 Defense: 2 100 Damages (P/M) 82 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Attacks: 2 66 Defense: 2 100 Damages (P/M) 65 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 yuka has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player jerd! Player Start! Name: jerd Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 34 Defense: 33 Regen: 33 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: jerd from 10 to 11 Attacks: 17 20 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 4 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Changing Rooms: jerd from 11 to 13 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Attacks: 0 83 Defense: 33 100 Damages (P/M) 67 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Changing Rooms: jerd from 13 to 11 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Changing Rooms: jerd from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: jerd from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: jerd from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: jerd from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 56 1400 Defense: 33 1800 Damages (P/M) 1384 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Player Start! Name: jerd Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 34 Defense: 33 Regen: 33 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Changing Rooms: jerd from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: jerd from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: jerd from 12 to 14 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Changing Rooms: jerd from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 45 800 Defense: 33 1800 Damages (P/M) 784 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Player Start! Name: jerd Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 34 Defense: 33 Regen: 33 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Changing Rooms: jerd from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: jerd from 11 to 13 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Changing Rooms: jerd from 13 to 12 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Tim from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 15 Attacks: 116 70 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 70 111 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Tim Description: Hello World Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: DEAD Location: Garage Health: -20 Started: YES **** end of winner **** Changing Rooms: jerd from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: jerd from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: jerd from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: jerd from 14 to 15 Attacks: 11 40 Defense: 33 10 Damages (P/M) 24 6 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 28 0 Defense: 33 10 Damages (P/M) 0 23 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 39 50 Defense: 33 10 Damages (P/M) 34 34 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 28 10 Defense: 33 10 Damages (P/M) 0 23 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Tim has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 New Player Timmah! Player Start! Name: Timmah Description: Hi and stuff Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Timmah has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 psock 6 New Player Herb! Player Start! Name: Herb Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Timmah has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Herb has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Herb has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Changing Rooms: Timmah from 10 to 11 Timmah has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Changing Rooms: Timmah from 11 to 0 Timmah has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Changing Rooms: Timmah from 11 to 13 Timmah has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Timmah has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 New Player ! psock 6 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 9 Changing Rooms: Timmah from 13 to 11 Timmah has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 6 Changing Rooms: Timmah from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Timmah from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Timmah from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Timmah from 13 to 12 Timmah has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Timmah from 12 to 13 Timmah has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 Timmah has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Timmah from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Timmah from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Timmah from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Timmah from 12 to 13 Timmah has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 Timmah has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 Player Start! Name: Tim Description: Hello World Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Timmah has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Timmah from 13 to 12 Timmah has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Timmah from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Timmah from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Timmah from 11 to 13 Timmah has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Timmah has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Timmah has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Timmah has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 psock 6 yuka has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 yuka has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 yuka has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Timmah has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 psock 5 Timmah has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 9 New Player aaa! aaa has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Timmah from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Timmah from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Timmah from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Timmah from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Timmah from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Timmah from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Timmah from 13 to 11 psock 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Timmah has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 psock 5 Timmah has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 9 Timmah has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 5 New Player Timm! Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 9 New Player Timmm! Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Timmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 6 New Player Timmmmm! Timmmmm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 9 New Player Timmy! Timmy has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 6 New Player Timmyy! Player Start! Name: Timmyy Description: Hero! Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Timmyy from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Timmyy from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Timmyy from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Timmyy from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Timmyy from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Herb from 10 to 10 Herb has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 7 Changing Rooms: Herb from 10 to 11 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 9 Changing Rooms: Timmyy from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Timmyy from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1400 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1400 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 5 Timmyy has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 5 yuka has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 New Player dd! dd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Herb has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 yuka has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 No good! Couldn't understand type 49 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 49 Terminating thread with socket 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Attacks: 11 10 Defense: 33 10 Damages (P/M) 0 6 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 49 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 New Player dj! Player Start! Name: dj Description: hi Gold: 0 Attack: 2 Defense: 2 Regen: 2 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: dj from 10 to 3 Changing Rooms: dj from 10 to 0 Changing Rooms: dj from 10 to 3 Changing Rooms: dj from 10 to 12 Changing Rooms: dj from 10 to 11 Attacks: 1 30 Defense: 2 80 Damages (P/M) 29 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Attacks: 45 50 Defense: 33 10 Damages (P/M) 34 40 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: jerd Description: Gold: 100 Attack: 34 Defense: 33 Regen: 33 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 66 Started: YES Join Battle: YES **** end of winner **** psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: jerd from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: jerd from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: jerd from 15 to 14 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: jerd from 14 to 15 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: dj from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: dj from 13 to 1 Changing Rooms: dj from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: dj from 11 to 14 Changing Rooms: dj from 11 to 13 New Player jj! jj has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 psock 5 New Player marc! psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 7 marc has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Tim from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 15 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 New Player manwar! Player Start! Name: manwar Description: idk Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO psock 6 Changing Rooms: manwar from 10 to 11 New Player thing! Player Start! Name: thing Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO thing has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 manwar has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: thing from 10 to 0 thing has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Changing Rooms: thing from 10 to 11 thing has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 yuka has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 yuka has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 New Player yukaa! Player Start! Name: yukaa Description: hi Gold: 0 Attack: 2 Defense: 2 Regen: 2 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO psock 5 psock 7 Seth has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 yukaa has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Tim from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Seth from 15 to 2 Attacks: 50 10 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 0 45 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 0 10 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 90 40 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 30 85 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Seth Description: Logged in from LurkWolf Gold: 100 Attack: 60 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 70 Started: YES Join Battle: NO **** end of winner **** Changing Rooms: Tim from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Seth from 15 to 15 Changing Rooms: Seth from 15 to 13 Changing Rooms: Seth from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Seth from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tim from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 15 Seth has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 5 11:43:22 2020 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Changing Rooms: Herb from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Herb from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Herb from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Herb from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Herb from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 800 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 800 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 8 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 5 12:10:30 2020 Herb has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 5 12:13:00 2020 Herb has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Changing Rooms: Herb from 16 to 14 Changing Rooms: Herb from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1600 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1600 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Herb from 16 to 14 Changing Rooms: Herb from 14 to 15 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 5 12:14:16 2020 Herb has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 psock 7 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 5 12:14:46 2020 Herb has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Herb has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 psock 7 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 5 12:16:41 2020 Herb has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Herb has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Changing Rooms: Herb from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Herb from 14 to 15 Attacks: 66 70 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 70 61 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 100 70 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 70 95 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Herb Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: DEAD Location: Garage Health: -40 Started: YES **** end of winner **** Herb has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Player Start! Name: Herb Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Herb from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Herb from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Herb from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Herb from 14 to 15 psock 7 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Herb has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 psock 6 Attacks: 50 20 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 20 45 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 66 30 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 30 61 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Tim Description: Hello World Gold: 100 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 50 Started: YES Join Battle: NO **** end of winner **** Player Start! Name: yuka Description: hi Gold: 0 Attack: 2 Defense: 2 Regen: 2 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Herb from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Herb from 14 to 15 Tim has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 5 12:24:28 2020 Herb has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 yuka has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Herb from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Herb from 14 to 15 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 New Player james! james has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 james has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: jerd from 15 to 14 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 psock 7 New Player a! a has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 7 Herb has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Tim from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Tim from 16 to 14 Battle Time! Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Tim from 16 to 14 Battle Time! Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 400 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 400 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Tim from 16 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! New Player yk! yk has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1000 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1000 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 psock 7 Changing Rooms: Tim from 16 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 New Player fasdef! Player Start! Name: fasdef Description: asdefga Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: fasdef from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: fasdef from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: fasdef from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: fasdef from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: fasdef from 13 to 11 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: fasdef from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: fasdef from 10 to 11 psock 9 Changing Rooms: fasdef from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: fasdef from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: fasdef from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: fasdef from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: fasdef from 11 to 10 Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: fasdef from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: fasdef from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: fasdef from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: fasdef from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: fasdef from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: fasdef from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1000 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1000 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 5 13:10:26 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 5 13:10:26 2020 fasdef has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 9 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 New Player test! test has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 New Player test1! Player Start! Name: test1 Description: My character support Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 5 13:13:57 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 5 13:13:57 2020 test1 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 New Player yukaaaa! yukaaaa has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 7 New Player qqq! qqq has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 New Player kk! kk has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 New Player artyehsg! artyehsg has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 psock 7 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 New Player dafgdsfsdfas! dafgdsfsdfas has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 New Player dafgdsfsdfasdafdsfafdsad! psock 5 dafgdsfsdfasdafdsfafdsad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 5 New Player I AM BOLD ! Player Start! Name: I AM BOLD Description: 100 (JPEG Image, 750 × 600 pixels)https://http.cat/100 Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 5 13:42:09 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 5 13:42:09 2020 I AM BOLD has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Changing Rooms: I AM BOLD from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: I AM BOLD from 11 to 10 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 yuka has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 a has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 New Player q! q has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 New Player yyy! Player Start! Name: yyy Description: hi Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 2 Regen: 2 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO yyy has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 psock 6 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1200 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1200 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Tim from 16 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Seth from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Seth from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tim from 15 to 14 Seth has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 15 psock 8 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 5 14:44:35 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 5 14:44:35 2020 I AM BOLD has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Changing Rooms: Tim from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 15 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 Seth has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 5 15:19:24 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 5 15:19:24 2020 I AM BOLD has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Changing Rooms: I AM BOLD from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: I AM BOLD from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: I AM BOLD from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: I AM BOLD from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: I AM BOLD from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: I AM BOLD from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: I AM BOLD from 11 to 10 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 5 15:39:44 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 5 15:39:44 2020 I AM BOLD has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 psock 6 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Attacks: 40 0 Defense: 20 0 Damages (P/M) 0 40 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Tim from 15 to 14 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Changing Rooms: Herb from 15 to 14 Herb has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Changing Rooms: Herb from 14 to 15 Attacks: 100 30 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 30 95 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 66 70 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 70 61 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Herb Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: DEAD Location: Garage Health: 0 Started: YES **** end of winner **** Herb has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tim from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tim from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 600 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 600 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Changing Rooms: Tim from 16 to 14 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 5 17:27:22 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 5 17:27:22 2020 I AM BOLD has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 psock 5 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 15 Attacks: 50 30 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 30 45 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 66 80 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 80 61 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Tim Description: Hello World Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: DEAD Location: Garage Health: -60 Started: YES **** end of winner **** Tim has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Player Start! Name: Tim Description: Hello World Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Tim from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 15 Attacks: 83 30 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 30 78 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 116 50 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 50 111 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Tim Description: Hello World Gold: 100 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 20 Started: YES Join Battle: NO **** end of winner **** Changing Rooms: Tim from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 15 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Attacks: 16 80 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 80 11 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Tim has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Player Start! Name: Tim Description: Hello World Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Changing Rooms: Tim from 10 to 11 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Changing Rooms: jerd from 14 to 15 Attacks: 28 0 Defense: 33 10 Damages (P/M) 0 23 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Tim from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Tim from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 10 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Tim from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1400 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1400 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Tim from 16 to 14 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 New Player Derp! Player Start! Name: Derp Description: 0 Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Derp from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Derp from 11 to 13 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tim from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1200 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1200 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Tim from 16 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 15 Attacks: 67 20 Defense: 33 10 Damages (P/M) 4 62 (from 2 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Changing Rooms: Tim from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tim from 14 to 15 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Changing Rooms: Derp from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Derp from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Derp from 14 to 15 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Derp from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Derp from 14 to 15 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Derp from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Derp from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Derp from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Derp from 11 to 13 Derp has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 5 19:08:27 2020 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Changing Rooms: jerd from 15 to 15 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Changing Rooms: Derp from 13 to 12 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Derp from 12 to 13 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Derp from 13 to 11 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Changing Rooms: Derp from 11 to 10 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Derp from 10 to 11 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Changing Rooms: Derp from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Derp from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Derp from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Derp from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Derp from 14 to 15 Attacks: 133 30 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 30 128 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Derp Description: 0 Gold: 100 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 70 Started: YES Join Battle: YES **** end of winner **** Changing Rooms: Derp from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Derp from 14 to 15 Attacks: 83 50 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 50 78 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Derp from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Derp from 14 to 15 Attacks: 100 90 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 90 95 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Derp Description: 0 Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: DEAD Location: Garage Health: -70 Started: YES **** end of winner **** Derp has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Player Start! Name: Derp Description: 0 Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Derp from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Derp from 11 to 10 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 psock 6 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 psock 6 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 psock 6 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Derp from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Derp from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Derp from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Derp from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Derp from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Derp from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Derp from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Derp from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Derp from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Derp from 14 to 15 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Changing Rooms: Derp from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Derp from 14 to 12 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Derp from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Derp from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Derp from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Derp from 14 to 15 Attacks: 83 80 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 80 78 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Derp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 New Player Test! Test has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Test has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 New Player Test 2! Test 2 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 New Player Test 3! Player Start! Name: Test 3 Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 25 Defense: 25 Regen: 50 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Test 3 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Player Start! Name: Test Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 25 Defense: 25 Regen: 50 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO psock 5 Test has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 New Player Test 4! Player Start! Name: Test 4 Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 25 Defense: 25 Regen: 50 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO New Player Test 5! Player Start! Name: Test 5 Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 25 Defense: 25 Regen: 50 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Test 5 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Changing Rooms: Test from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Test from 11 to 12 Test has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 New Player timmmah! Player Start! Name: timmmah Description: Hey this is me. Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: timmmah from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: timmmah from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: timmmah from 13 to 11 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: timmmah from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: timmmah from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: timmmah from 14 to 15 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: timmmah from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: timmmah from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: timmmah from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: timmmah from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: timmmah from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: timmmah from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: timmmah from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: timmmah from 14 to 15 psock 5 Changing Rooms: timmmah from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: timmmah from 14 to 15 Attacks: 60 0 Defense: 20 0 Damages (P/M) 0 60 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: timmmah from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: timmmah from 14 to 15 Attacks: 20 0 Defense: 20 0 Damages (P/M) 0 20 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 53 100 Defense: 20 10 Damages (P/M) 90 48 (from 2 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Seth Description: Logged in from LurkWolf Gold: 50 Attack: 60 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 10 Started: YES Join Battle: NO **** end of winner **** **** Completed Lab! **** Name: timmmah Description: Hey this is me. Gold: 50 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 10 Started: YES Join Battle: YES **** end of winner **** Changing Rooms: timmmah from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: timmmah from 14 to 15 Attacks: 50 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 50 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 40 0 Defense: 20 0 Damages (P/M) 0 40 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Seth from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Seth from 14 to 15 Attacks: 33 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 33 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 10 0 Defense: 20 0 Damages (P/M) 0 10 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 30 0 Defense: 20 0 Damages (P/M) 0 30 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Seth from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Seth from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Seth from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: timmmah from 15 to 14 Attacks: 60 0 Defense: 20 0 Damages (P/M) 0 60 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: timmmah from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: timmmah from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: timmmah from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 33 200 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 200 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Seth from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1200 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1200 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Seth from 16 to 14 timmmah has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Seth has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Player Start! Name: Herb Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Seth from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Seth from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Seth from 11 to 10 Seth has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Herb has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 Seth has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Seth has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: jerd from 15 to 14 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 psock 7 Changing Rooms: jerd from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 17 600 Defense: 33 1800 Damages (P/M) 584 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Terminating thread with socket 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Player Start! Name: jerd Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 34 Defense: 33 Regen: 33 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Changing Rooms: jerd from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: jerd from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: jerd from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: jerd from 12 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Attacks: 22 66 Defense: 33 100 Damages (P/M) 50 0 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Attacks: 11 66 Defense: 33 100 Damages (P/M) 50 0 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Changing Rooms: jerd from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: jerd from 12 to 13 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 jerd has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Mar 7 01:17:37 2020 Terminating thread with socket 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Attacks: 1 0 Defense: 2 0 Damages (P/M) 0 1 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 3 0 Defense: 2 0 Damages (P/M) 0 3 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Changing Rooms: jerd from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: jerd from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: jerd from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 22 1200 Defense: 33 1800 Damages (P/M) 1184 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Player Start! Name: jerd Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 34 Defense: 33 Regen: 33 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Changing Rooms: jerd from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: jerd from 11 to 12 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 yuka has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 yuka has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Mar 7 16:12:40 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Mar 7 16:12:40 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 yuka has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Mar 7 16:15:30 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Mar 7 16:15:30 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 yuka has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 New Player 10! 10 has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Mar 7 16:18:08 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 10 has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Mar 7 16:25:29 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 aaa has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Mar 7 16:30:16 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 New Player yuk! Player Start! Name: yuk Description: g Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO yuk has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 yyy has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 marc has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Mar 7 16:43:57 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 New Player Liothen! Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 Liothen has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Mar 7 17:25:33 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 Liothen has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 New Player Lio! psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 Lio has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Mar 7 17:42:00 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 New Player lio! psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 111 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Mar 7 17:44:42 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Mar 7 17:44:42 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Mar 7 17:44:42 2020 has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Mar 7 17:44:42 2020 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 New Player Liothennhienihneh! psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 111 Liothennhienihneh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 New Player tt! psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 tt has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 111 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 psock 5 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Player Start! Name: Lio Description: Lio Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 psock 5 New Player C! Player Start! Name: C Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO psock 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 9 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 9 New Player t! Player Start! Name: t Description: t Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO t has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 9 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 9 psock 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 11 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 New Player David! psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 Player Start! Name: David Description: hunter Gold: 0 Attack: 25 Defense: 25 Regen: 50 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 10 Changing Rooms: David from 10 to 11 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 Attacks: 29 20 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 8 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 16 10 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 16 80 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 68 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 12 30 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 18 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 12 40 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 28 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 12 50 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 38 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 12 80 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 68 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 20 20 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 8 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 37 50 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 38 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 0 40 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 28 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 8 80 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 68 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 37 50 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 38 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 37 30 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 18 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 16 20 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 8 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 0 70 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 58 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 20 90 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 78 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Terminating thread with socket 11 Attacks: 41 80 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 68 1 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 David has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 11 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 11 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 New Player wee! wee has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 psock 9 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 10 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 7 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 9 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 9 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 10 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 7 psock 8 psock 10 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 11 Terminating thread with socket 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 7 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 psock 7 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 11 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 7 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 10 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 11 Terminating thread with socket 11 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 psock 7 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 10 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 7 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 psock 7 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 7 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 10 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Changing Rooms: Lio from 10 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lio from 10 to 1 Changing Rooms: Lio from 10 to 2 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Changing Rooms: Lio from 10 to 3 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Changing Rooms: Lio from 10 to 11 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Attacks: 8 100 Defense: 50 80 Damages (P/M) 75 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Changing Rooms: Lio from 11 to 10 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Changing Rooms: Lio from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lio from 11 to 12 Attacks: 17 0 Defense: 33 0 Damages (P/M) 0 17 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Lio from 12 to 14 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Changing Rooms: Lio from 14 to 12 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 C has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Changing Rooms: C from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: C from 11 to 12 Attacks: 25 80 Defense: 50 70 Damages (P/M) 55 0 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Soup Eater is in state 3 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Player Start! Name: Lio Description: Lio Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Lio from 10 to 11 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Changing Rooms: Lio from 11 to 12 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Changing Rooms: Lio from 12 to 11 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Attacks: 50 50 Defense: 50 80 Damages (P/M) 25 10 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 10 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Mar 8 00:16:01 2020 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 5 New Player Ryan1! Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 5 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Changing Rooms: Lio from 11 to 10 Attacks: 41 0 Defense: 50 0 Damages (P/M) 0 41 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 5 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 9 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 5 psock 9 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 10 Ryan1 has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Mar 8 12:39:42 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 9 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 5 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 9 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 5 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 8 Seth has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Mar 8 14:05:34 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Mar 8 14:05:34 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 10 2155 bytes read from map Next: GAMEDESC While having a cup of tea atop an old house, you accidentally fall through the roof into a small broom closet. There is no way back to the roof, but a door leads out of the closet. After allocating a combined total of 100 points of attack, defense, and regeneration, you prepare to open the door and discover what lays beyond. Next: MONSTER NAME Glog DESCRIPTION A slimy and toothy character GOLD 50 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Farly DESCRIPTION Tall, skinny, with claws and scales GOLD 100 ATTACK 40 DEFENSE 50 REGEN 100 Unknown line in monster: MONSTER Next: MONSTER NAME Soup Eater DESCRIPTION Makes soup out of people GOLD 200 ATTACK 80 DEFENSE 70 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Insulation Monster DESCRIPTION Makes you itch until you rip your own head off! GOLD 10 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 80 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Bat DESCRIPTION Is it one, or a bunch of them? Don't get too close! ATTACK 80 GOLD 5 DEFENSE 20 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Lab3 DESCRIPTION This lab is a monster! ATTACK 60 GOLD 100 DEFENSE 10 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Furnace DESCRIPTION Scaled Fire Dragon ATTACK 1200 DEFENSE 1800 GOLD 100000 REGEN 100 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Broom Closet DESCRIPTION Small, Cramped room full of cleaning implements CONNECT Living Room GOLD 10 Next: ROOM NAME Living Room DESCRIPTION Spacious, but dank and mouldy. CONNECT Broom Closet CONNECT Attic CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Glog MONSTER Farly GOLD 100 Unknown line: ROOM Next: ROOM NAME Kitchen DESCRIPTION Nothing has been cooked here for a while CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Attic CONNECT Basement MONSTER Soup Eater GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Attic DESCRIPTION A place full of insulation, and bats CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Insulation Monster MONSTER Bat Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Neat and tidy room, with some kind of canned goods stored on shelves CONNECT Kitchen CONNECT Utility Room CONNECT Garage Next: ROOM NAME Garage DESCRIPTION Dirt floor, contains a decrepid but restorable Mercedes SSK, a BMW R32, and a collection of rusty tools. CONNECT Basement MONSTER Lab3 Next: ROOM NAME Utility Room DESCRIPTION Little room with blackened walls and ceiling. Was there a fire here? CONNECT Basement MONSTER Furnace Next: Ignoring unknown item: CRASH at Sun 08 Mar 2020 02:06:21 PM PDT 2155 bytes read from map Next: GAMEDESC While having a cup of tea atop an old house, you accidentally fall through the roof into a small broom closet. There is no way back to the roof, but a door leads out of the closet. After allocating a combined total of 100 points of attack, defense, and regeneration, you prepare to open the door and discover what lays beyond. Next: MONSTER NAME Glog DESCRIPTION A slimy and toothy character GOLD 50 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Farly DESCRIPTION Tall, skinny, with claws and scales GOLD 100 ATTACK 40 DEFENSE 50 REGEN 100 Unknown line in monster: MONSTER Next: MONSTER NAME Soup Eater DESCRIPTION Makes soup out of people GOLD 200 ATTACK 80 DEFENSE 70 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Insulation Monster DESCRIPTION Makes you itch until you rip your own head off! GOLD 10 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 80 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Bat DESCRIPTION Is it one, or a bunch of them? Don't get too close! ATTACK 80 GOLD 5 DEFENSE 20 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Lab3 DESCRIPTION This lab is a monster! ATTACK 60 GOLD 100 DEFENSE 10 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Furnace DESCRIPTION Scaled Fire Dragon ATTACK 1200 DEFENSE 1800 GOLD 100000 REGEN 100 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Broom Closet DESCRIPTION Small, Cramped room full of cleaning implements CONNECT Living Room GOLD 10 Next: ROOM NAME Living Room DESCRIPTION Spacious, but dank and mouldy. CONNECT Broom Closet CONNECT Attic CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Glog MONSTER Farly GOLD 100 Unknown line: ROOM Next: ROOM NAME Kitchen DESCRIPTION Nothing has been cooked here for a while CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Attic CONNECT Basement MONSTER Soup Eater GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Attic DESCRIPTION A place full of insulation, and bats CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Insulation Monster MONSTER Bat Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Neat and tidy room, with some kind of canned goods stored on shelves CONNECT Kitchen CONNECT Utility Room CONNECT Garage Next: ROOM NAME Garage DESCRIPTION Dirt floor, contains a decrepid but restorable Mercedes SSK, a BMW R32, and a collection of rusty tools. CONNECT Basement MONSTER Lab3 Next: ROOM NAME Utility Room DESCRIPTION Little room with blackened walls and ceiling. Was there a fire here? CONNECT Basement MONSTER Furnace Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 New Player Ryan1! psock 5 psock 6 New Player jerd! Player Start! Name: jerd Description: BA SpeLURKer Gold: 0 Attack: 34 Defense: 33 Regen: 33 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 psock 6 Player Start! Name: Ryan1 Description: An awesome test hero Gold: 0 Attack: 40 Defense: 35 Regen: 25 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 psock 4 New Player kkk! kkk has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 New Player asdf! asdf has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 New Player marc! marc has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: jerd from 10 to 11 psock 7 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 marc has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Changing Rooms: jerd from 11 to 10 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 New Player asd! asd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 New Player asd ! asd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 New Player sdf! sdf has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 New Player dgasdf! dgasdf has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 asdf has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 New Player sdfasd! sdfasd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 psock 6 New Player sdgsd! Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 sdgsd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 New Player sdga! psock 6 sdga has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 New Player asdg! asdg has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 New Player dfg ! dfg has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 psock 4 New Player sdg! sdg has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 New Player 1! 1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 psock 4 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 New Player Marc K! Marc K has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 New Player rty ! rty has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 New Player fd! Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 New Player thheheh! thheheh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 fd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 psock 6 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 New Player dfsdf! Player Start! Name: dfsdf Description: 1 Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO dfsdf has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Changing Rooms: Ryan1 from 10 to 11 psock 4 New Player marcus! marcus has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 New Player yuaaaa! psock 4 New Player sjkdhksda ! sjkdhksda has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: jerd from 10 to 11 Attacks: 39 60 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 44 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 45 60 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 44 5 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 34 50 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 34 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 28 50 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 34 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 45 40 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 24 5 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 17 20 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 4 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 0 50 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 34 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 56 70 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 54 16 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 45 40 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 24 5 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 39 70 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 54 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 11 40 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 24 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 28 0 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 39 50 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 34 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 28 10 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 0 70 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 54 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 11 10 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 17 30 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 14 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 45 50 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 34 5 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 28 10 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 0 10 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 51 40 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 24 11 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 22 40 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 24 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 28 80 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 64 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 22 70 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 54 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 34 70 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 54 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 New Player saff! saff has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Player Start! Name: jerd Description: BA SpeLURKer Gold: 0 Attack: 34 Defense: 33 Regen: 33 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: jerd from 10 to 11 Attacks: 17 20 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 4 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 22 30 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 14 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 psock 7 Attacks: 28 20 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 4 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Terminating thread with socket 7 Attacks: 28 50 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 34 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 psock 8 Attacks: 22 50 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 34 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Terminating thread with socket 8 Attacks: 17 60 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 44 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 22 40 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 24 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 34 30 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 14 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 22 70 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 54 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 New Player dsfg! dsfg has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Attacks: 28 30 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 14 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 17 30 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 14 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 22 80 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 64 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Ryan1 from 11 to 10 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Ryan1 from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ryan1 from 11 to 10 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: jerd from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: jerd from 12 to 14 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: Ryan1 from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: jerd from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: jerd from 12 to 11 New Player mosta! mosta has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Attacks: 61 30 Defense: 68 80 Damages (P/M) 0 21 (from 2 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 Attacks: 86 50 Defense: 68 80 Damages (P/M) 16 46 (from 2 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Glog died Monster Farly is in state 3 Farly died psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Ryan1 from 11 to 11 psock 7 Changing Rooms: Ryan1 from 11 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ryan1 from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Ryan1 from 10 to 11 psock 4 New Player lhgray! lhgray has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player asdg a ! asdg a has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player sdf sdfg ! sdf sdfg has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player sad! sad has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Ryan1 from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Ryan1 from 10 to 11 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 New Player asdaf! asdaf has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 New Player asdfa ! asdfa has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 New Player ser! ser has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player waet w! waet w has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 New Player adsgdag ! adsgdag has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 New Player ery wer! psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 ery wer has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 New Player asda da ! asda da has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 psock 4 New Player Lio! Player Start! Name: Lio Description: Lio Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO psock 5 psock 9 New Player Cs! Player Start! Name: Cs Description: Cs Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 Cs has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 5 New Player CSTEST! New Player T! Player Start! Name: CSTEST Description: CSTEST Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: CSTEST from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: CSTEST from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: CSTEST from 12 to 14 psock 9 Changing Rooms: CSTEST from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 8 1600 Defense: 50 1800 Damages (P/M) 1575 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 CSTEST has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 10 Player Start! Name: CSTEST Description: CSTEST Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: CSTEST from 10 to 11 Attacks: 41 0 Defense: 50 0 Damages (P/M) 0 41 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 41 0 Defense: 50 0 Damages (P/M) 0 41 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) asd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 5 Attacks: 16 0 Defense: 50 0 Damages (P/M) 0 16 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 25 0 Defense: 50 0 Damages (P/M) 0 25 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 9 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 11 New Player sdfsaf ! Player Start! Name: sdfsaf Description: halksdjfh asdjl kajdh lkasdjhg lkasdjlkjhasdjk h Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO CSTEST has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 9 Attacks: 66 0 Defense: 50 0 Damages (P/M) 0 66 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 41 0 Defense: 50 0 Damages (P/M) 0 41 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) CSTEST has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 10 psock 9 CSTEST has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 12 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 Changing Rooms: CSTEST from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: CSTEST from 13 to 11 CSTEST has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 12 psock 9 Changing Rooms: CSTEST from 11 to 13 Attacks: 50 150 Defense: 50 100 Damages (P/M) 125 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 10 psock 5 sdfsaf has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 12 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 11 Player Start! Name: asd Description: ngbjdfbgj Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 5 CSTEST has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 11 Player Start! Name: CSTEST Description: CSTEST Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: CSTEST from 10 to 11 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 5 asd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 12 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 12 Player Start! Name: marcus Description: uifhsd has dgjadh l;jkadgh ajsdhg Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Terminating thread with socket 12 psock 5 marcus has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 12 psock 5 New Player sdfgf! Player Start! Name: sdfgf Description: fghhjf Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 CSTEST has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 9 sdfgf has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player jklhklk! Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 5 Player Start! Name: jklhklk Description: sdsdjsdfh fg kfk Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO jklhklk has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 4 New Player sdsg! Player Start! Name: sdsg Description: dsga wer Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO sdsg has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 9 New Player asdfasf! Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 asdfasf has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 9 Changing Rooms: Lio from 10 to 11 New Player jhklg! Player Start! Name: jhklg Description: ewerer we r Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Lio from 11 to 13 Attacks: 41 133 Defense: 50 100 Damages (P/M) 108 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 jhklg has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 5 New Player fgh! Player Start! Name: fgh Description: sdg er w Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 9 Player Start! Name: Lio Description: Lio Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO fgh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 T has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 12 New Player werwt e! Player Start! Name: werwt e Description: er eryw Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: werwt e from 10 to 768 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 werwt e has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 psock 5 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 psock 8 New Player gjlh! Player Start! Name: gjlh Description: asd gd Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 9 Changing Rooms: gjlh from 10 to 768 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 gjlh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 4 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 New Player Liothen! Player Start! Name: Liothen Description: Liothen Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Liothen has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 Changing Rooms: Lio from 10 to 11 New Player adf asdg asd ! adf asdg asd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 New Player q we qwet ! Player Start! Name: q we qwet Description: wer wer Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: q we qwet from 10 to 512 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 q we qwet has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 psock 4 New Player sdf afsd! Player Start! Name: sdf afsd Description: sdrg aweg Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: sdf afsd from 10 to 512 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 sdf afsd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 New Player LOL! Player Start! Name: LOL Description: LOL Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 99 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: LOL from 10 to 11 yuaaaa has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 LOL has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 4 New Player Me! psock 6 New Player we t we t! Player Start! Name: we t we t Description: we ryw r Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO we t we t has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 psock 4 New Player 10! Player Start! Name: 10 Description: jhsdbg isdf Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 New Player h! Player Start! Name: h Description: wer wer ywery Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: h from 10 to 512 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 h has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 psock 6 New Player re ! Player Start! Name: re Description: eh erhwehwr Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO re has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 New Player manwar! Player Start! Name: manwar Description: 200 Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: manwar from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: manwar from 11 to 13 Attacks: 50 0 Defense: 50 100 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Attacks: 16 83 Defense: 50 100 Damages (P/M) 58 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 psock 6 manwar has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Lio from 11 to 13 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 psock 6 New Player we! Player Start! Name: we Description: sefh shserwerw Gold: 0 Attack: 11 Defense: 11 Regen: 11 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 we has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 psock 6 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 New Player th! Player Start! Name: th Description: sdf hy wer Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO th has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Player Start! Name: Me Description: Myah! Gold: 0 Attack: 10 Defense: 10 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 psock 6 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Changing Rooms: Lio from 13 to 12 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 New Player rt! Player Start! Name: rt Description: er wer Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Me from 10 to 11 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 rt has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 New Player dd! Player Start! Name: dd Description: dfh serhweh Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Me from 11 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 dd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 New Player dj! psock 6 Player Start! Name: dj Description: rsth trt Gold: 0 Attack: 11 Defense: 11 Regen: 11 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO dj has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Changing Rooms: Lio from 12 to 13 New Player fg! Player Start! Name: fg Description: fg Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Me from 13 to 12 psock 4 Changing Rooms: fg from 10 to 2816 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 fg has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Attacks: 16 166 Defense: 50 100 Damages (P/M) 141 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Me from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Me from 14 to 15 Attacks: 5 20 Defense: 10 10 Damages (P/M) 15 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Attacks: 6 80 Defense: 10 10 Damages (P/M) 75 1 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 New Player liothen! Player Start! Name: liothen Description: liothen Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Me from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Me from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1400 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1400 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 liothen has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Me has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 New Player er! Player Start! Name: er Description: sdf sdfg s Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO er has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 liothen has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player sd! Player Start! Name: sd Description: ada adsfa Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO sd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 psock 6 New Player ng! Player Start! Name: ng Description: wet qet Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: ng from 10 to 2816 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 ng has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Player Start! Name: Lio Description: Lio Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 New Player wee! Player Start! Name: wee Description: sdfgdf sdfg sdsg Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO wee has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player ME! Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 ME has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Lio from 10 to 11 sd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 psock 4 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 New Player qw qw! Player Start! Name: qw qw Description: sd a d as Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO qw qw has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: Lio from 11 to 10 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 psock 4 New Player ret! Player Start! Name: ret Description: sdgs d Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO ret has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 psock 4 New Player asdg a! Player Start! Name: asdg a Description: awe awet we Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO asdg a has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 New Player wew! No good! Couldn't understand type 0 wew has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 New Player a a! Player Start! Name: a a Description: wea a Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: a a from 10 to 2816 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 a a has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Changing Rooms: CSTEST from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lio from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lio from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: CSTEST from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: CSTEST from 11 to 12 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Lio from 12 to 14 Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: CSTEST from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: CSTEST from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lio from 14 to 15 Attacks: 16 70 Defense: 100 10 Damages (P/M) 20 11 (from 2 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 25 50 Defense: 50 10 Damages (P/M) 25 20 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 50 60 Defense: 50 10 Damages (P/M) 35 45 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 33 10 Defense: 100 10 Damages (P/M) 0 28 (from 2 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Lio Description: Lio Gold: 50 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 80 Started: YES Join Battle: NO **** end of winner **** **** Completed Lab! **** Name: CSTEST Description: CSTEST Gold: 50 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 20 Started: YES Join Battle: YES **** end of winner **** Attacks: 33 60 Defense: 50 10 Damages (P/M) 35 28 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 CSTEST has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Player Start! Name: CSTEST Description: CSTEST Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Lio from 15 to 14 CSTEST has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 New Player af ag ag a a! Player Start! Name: af ag ag a a Description: dfh srh srhshrhs Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: af ag ag a a from 10 to 512 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 af ag ag a a has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player adl;sfj a! Player Start! Name: adl;sfj a Description: ew Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: adl;sfj a from 10 to 11 psock 4 New Player sadfsd ! Player Start! Name: sadfsd Description: asf awwefwe Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: sadfsd from 10 to 2816 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 sadfsd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 New Player sdg sgh sfg! Player Start! Name: sdg sgh sfg Description: sgf sgsdf sdfgsdg Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO sdg sgh sfg has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 New Player asdf afd! Player Start! Name: asdf afd Description: asd gasdg asdga Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO asdf afd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 New Player asg aa! Player Start! Name: asg aa Description: a ataeay Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: asg aa from 10 to 11 asg aa has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 New Player adgs asdg a! Player Start! Name: adgs asdg a Description: aerg eryw Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO adgs asdg a has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Ryan1 from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Ryan1 from 10 to 11 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 adl;sfj a has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 New Player yuka! yuka has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Player Start! Name: kkk Description: 1 Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO kkk has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player sdfd! sdfd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Player Start! Name: yuka Description: 1 Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO yuka has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Lio from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Lio from 15 to 14 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player TestCS! Player Start! Name: TestCS Description: TestCS Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: TestCS from 10 to 11 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: TestCS from 11 to 11 TestCS has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: Lio from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lio from 12 to 13 Attacks: 25 50 Defense: 50 100 Damages (P/M) 25 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Attacks: 33 66 Defense: 50 100 Damages (P/M) 41 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Attacks: 16 66 Defense: 50 100 Damages (P/M) 41 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Player Start! Name: Lio Description: Lio Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Lio has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 New Player Test! asd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 New Player hey! hey has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 fd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 New Player fr! Player Start! Name: fr Description: hi Gold: 0 Attack: 2 Defense: 2 Regen: 2 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: fr from 10 to 12849 Changing Rooms: fr from 10 to 13105 fr has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Player Start! Name: Test Description: This is a test. Gold: 0 Attack: 25 Defense: 25 Regen: 50 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Test from 10 to 11 Attacks: 20 0 Defense: 25 0 Damages (P/M) 0 20 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 75 0 Defense: 50 0 Damages (P/M) 0 75 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Test from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Test from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Test from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Test from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Test from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1200 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1200 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Attacks: 11 0 Defense: 10 0 Damages (P/M) 0 11 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Test from 16 to 15 Changing Rooms: Test from 16 to 14 Changing Rooms: Test from 14 to 15 Attacks: 16 10 Defense: 25 10 Damages (P/M) 0 11 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 16 80 Defense: 25 10 Damages (P/M) 68 11 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 12 30 Defense: 25 10 Damages (P/M) 18 7 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 12 40 Defense: 25 10 Damages (P/M) 28 7 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 12 50 Defense: 25 10 Damages (P/M) 38 7 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 12 80 Defense: 25 10 Damages (P/M) 68 7 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 20 20 Defense: 25 10 Damages (P/M) 8 15 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 37 50 Defense: 25 10 Damages (P/M) 38 32 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Test Description: This is a test. Gold: 100 Attack: 25 Defense: 25 Regen: 50 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 62 Started: YES Join Battle: NO **** end of winner **** Test has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 ME has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 New Player Hi! Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 New Player hd! Terminating thread with socket 4 hd has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 9 14:39:24 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 ME has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 ME has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 New Player ksks! Player Start! Name: ME Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 25 Defense: 25 Regen: 50 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Player Start! Name: ksks Description: hi Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: ksks from 10 to 12593 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 ME has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 ksks has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 New Player james! james has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 New Player mani! ME has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Player Start! Name: mani Description: hi Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: mani from 10 to 12593 Changing Rooms: mani from 10 to 13105 Changing Rooms: mani from 10 to 12593 mani has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player nina! Player Start! Name: nina Description: 1 Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: nina from 10 to 12593 Changing Rooms: nina from 10 to 13105 Changing Rooms: nina from 10 to 12593 nina has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player fdfd! Player Start! Name: fdfd Description: hi Gold: 0 Attack: 2 Defense: 2 Regen: 2 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: fdfd from 10 to 12593 fdfd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Player Start! Name: fd Description: hi Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: fd from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: fd from 11 to 12 Attacks: 0 53 Defense: 1 70 Damages (P/M) 53 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Soup Eater is in state 3 fd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: manwar from 13 to 12 manwar has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player fdfdf! Player Start! Name: fdfdf Description: d Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO fdfdf has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 New Player kijki! Player Start! Name: kijki Description: hi Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: kijki from 10 to 11 ME has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 kijki has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 New Player 2jf! Player Start! Name: 2jf Description: fdfdf Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: 2jf from 10 to 11 psock 4 Changing Rooms: 2jf from 11 to 11 Changing Rooms: 2jf from 11 to 12 psock 5 New Player target! Player Start! Name: target Description: here for yuka to fight Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: target from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: target from 11 to 12 psock 8 Attacks: 4 0 Defense: 12 0 Damages (P/M) 0 4 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) New Player maniman! Player Start! Name: maniman Description: helping Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO 2jf has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: maniman from 10 to 11 psock 9 Changing Rooms: maniman from 11 to 12 New Player chels! Attacks: 75 0 Defense: 50 0 Damages (P/M) 0 75 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Player Start! Name: chels Description: hi Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: chels from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: chels from 11 to 12 Attacks: 18 0 Defense: 12 0 Damages (P/M) 0 18 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 0 26 Defense: 1 70 Damages (P/M) 26 0 (from 1 1) (2 uninvolved) Monster Soup Eater is in state 3 Attacks: 0 93 Defense: 50 70 Damages (P/M) 68 0 (from 1 1) (2 uninvolved) Monster Soup Eater is in state 3 ME has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Attacks: 41 120 Defense: 50 70 Damages (P/M) 95 6 (from 1 1) (2 uninvolved) Monster Soup Eater is in state 3 chels has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 6 maniman has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 New Player tomas! tomas has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 ME has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 psock 4 New Player jjjjames! Player Start! Name: jjjjames Description: hi Gold: 0 Attack: 2 Defense: 2 Regen: 2 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: jjjjames from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: jjjjames from 11 to 12 jjjjames has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 psock 4 New Player soll! Player Start! Name: soll Description: hi Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Player Start! Name: maniman Description: helping Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: soll from 10 to 14 Changing Rooms: soll from 10 to 13 Changing Rooms: soll from 10 to 12 maniman has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: soll from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: soll from 11 to 12 ME has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 9 psock 4 New Player man! Player Start! Name: man Description: man Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: man from 10 to 11 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 6 Changing Rooms: man from 11 to 12 ME has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 man has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 9 psock 4 soll has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 New Player Mani! Player Start! Name: Mani Description: manwar Gold: 0 Attack: 20 Defense: 20 Regen: 60 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Mani from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: er from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: er from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Mani from 11 to 12 Mani has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 ME has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 ME has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 er has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 New Player sam! Player Start! Name: sam Description: 1 Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: sam from 10 to 1 Changing Rooms: sam from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: sam from 11 to 12 sam has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Changing Rooms: asd from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: asd from 11 to 12 Attacks: 0 106 Defense: 0 70 Damages (P/M) 106 0 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Soup Eater is in state 3 asd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 New Player war! Player Start! Name: war Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: war from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: war from 11 to 12 Attacks: 0 133 Defense: 0 70 Damages (P/M) 133 0 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Soup Eater is in state 3 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 war has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 man has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 New Player katsuki! Player Start! Name: katsuki Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: katsuki from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: katsuki from 11 to 12 katsuki has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 psock 8 New Player lolo! lolo has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 mani has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 New Player kkkkkkkkkk! Player Start! Name: kkkkkkkkkk Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO kkkkkkkkkk has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 ME has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 New Player dfdfh! psock 4 ME has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 Player Start! Name: dfdfh Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: dfdfh from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: dfdfh from 11 to 12 Attacks: 0 93 Defense: 0 70 Damages (P/M) 93 0 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Soup Eater is in state 3 target has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player dfh dfhdh! Player Start! Name: dfh dfhdh Description: xfgdfh sdfhf sdg Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: dfh dfhdh from 10 to 11 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 9 17:59:18 2020 New Player ! Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 9 17:59:18 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 9 17:59:18 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 9 17:59:18 2020 has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 9 17:59:18 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 ME has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Changing Rooms: ME from 10 to 11 dfh dfhdh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 ME has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Changing Rooms: ME from 11 to 12 ME has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Changing Rooms: ME from 12 to 14 ME has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 ME has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 psock 4 dfdfh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 ME has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 ME has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 ME has been abandoned ME has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Ryan1 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: ME from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Ryan1 from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Ryan1 from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ryan1 from 11 to 12 Attacks: 12 60 Defense: 25 10 Damages (P/M) 48 7 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 25 50 Defense: 25 10 Damages (P/M) 38 20 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 20 40 Defense: 25 10 Damages (P/M) 28 15 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Ryan1 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Attacks: 25 0 Defense: 25 10 Damages (P/M) 0 20 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 25 50 Defense: 25 10 Damages (P/M) 38 20 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 ME has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Attacks: 8 30 Defense: 25 10 Damages (P/M) 18 3 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 psock 4 Attacks: 0 40 Defense: 25 10 Damages (P/M) 28 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 New Player Ryan2! Player Start! Name: Ryan2 Description: An awesome test hero Gold: 0 Attack: 40 Defense: 35 Regen: 25 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Ryan2 from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ryan2 from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ryan2 from 12 to 13 Attacks: 16 30 Defense: 25 10 Damages (P/M) 18 11 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 60 33 Defense: 35 100 Damages (P/M) 16 10 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Ryan2 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Attacks: 25 10 Defense: 25 10 Damages (P/M) 0 20 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: ME Description: Gold: 100 Attack: 25 Defense: 25 Regen: 50 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 100 Started: YES Join Battle: NO **** end of winner **** psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 9 18:33:34 2020 Ryan2 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Ryan2 from 13 to 11 Ryan2 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 ME has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 psock 4 Attacks: 37 40 Defense: 25 10 Damages (P/M) 28 32 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 20 100 Defense: 25 10 Damages (P/M) 88 15 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 33 50 Defense: 25 10 Damages (P/M) 38 28 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 20 50 Defense: 25 10 Damages (P/M) 38 15 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 16 20 Defense: 25 10 Damages (P/M) 8 11 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: ME Description: Gold: 200 Attack: 25 Defense: 25 Regen: 50 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 78 Started: YES Join Battle: NO **** end of winner **** Terminating thread with socket 5 ME has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Attacks: 20 80 Defense: 25 10 Damages (P/M) 68 15 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 37 60 Defense: 25 10 Damages (P/M) 48 32 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 33 80 Defense: 25 10 Damages (P/M) 68 28 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 20 60 Defense: 25 10 Damages (P/M) 48 15 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 20 80 Defense: 25 10 Damages (P/M) 68 15 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: ME Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 25 Defense: 25 Regen: 50 Status: DEAD Location: Garage Health: 0 Started: YES **** end of winner **** Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 ME has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player ryan4! Player Start! Name: ryan4 Description: another character Gold: 0 Attack: 40 Defense: 30 Regen: 30 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES ryan4 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player ryan3! Player Start! Name: ryan3 Description: the Gold: 0 Attack: 20 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES ryan3 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 ryan3 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Danielle! New Player hes! hes has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 9 20:22:34 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player Dani! Dani has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 9 21:34:23 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 New Player Bego! Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 New Player hjdkj! Player Start! Name: hjdkj Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: hjdkj from 10 to 11 Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: hjdkj from 11 to 11 Bego has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 9 22:43:55 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 hjdkj has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 10 00:16:06 2020 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player David! Player Start! Name: David Description: hunter Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: David from 10 to 11 David has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Player Start! Name: ME Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 25 Defense: 25 Regen: 50 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: ME from 10 to 11 Attacks: 16 0 Defense: 25 0 Damages (P/M) 0 16 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 20 0 Defense: 25 0 Damages (P/M) 0 20 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 16 0 Defense: 25 0 Damages (P/M) 0 16 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 20 0 Defense: 25 0 Damages (P/M) 0 20 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 20 0 Defense: 25 0 Damages (P/M) 0 20 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 25 0 Defense: 25 0 Damages (P/M) 0 25 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 16 0 Defense: 25 0 Damages (P/M) 0 16 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: ME from 11 to 13 Attacks: 0 33 Defense: 25 100 Damages (P/M) 21 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Attacks: 4 166 Defense: 25 100 Damages (P/M) 154 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 10 03:52:23 2020 ME has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 ryan3 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: ryan3 from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: ryan3 from 11 to 13 ryan3 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 ryan3 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 ryan3 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 10 11:13:42 2020 ryan3 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 ryan3 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 ryan3 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 ryan3 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 ryan3 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 ryan3 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 ryan3 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player ryan6! Player Start! Name: ryan6 Description: another test hero Gold: 0 Attack: 30 Defense: 40 Regen: 30 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: ryan6 from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: ryan6 from 11 to 12 Attacks: 15 66 Defense: 40 70 Damages (P/M) 46 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Soup Eater is in state 3 Changing Rooms: ryan6 from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: ryan6 from 11 to 12 Attacks: 15 93 Defense: 40 70 Damages (P/M) 73 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Soup Eater is in state 3 Changing Rooms: ryan6 from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: ryan6 from 14 to 15 Attacks: 40 30 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 10 35 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 25 20 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 0 20 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 35 90 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 70 30 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Changing Rooms: ryan6 from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: ryan6 from 14 to 15 Attacks: 40 80 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 60 35 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: ryan6 Description: another test hero Gold: 100 Attack: 30 Defense: 40 Regen: 30 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 40 Started: YES Join Battle: YES **** end of winner **** ryan6 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Attacks: 15 50 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 30 10 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Changing Rooms: ryan6 from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: ryan6 from 14 to 12 ryan6 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: ryan6 from 12 to 11 ryan6 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: ryan6 from 11 to 10 ryan6 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player namr! Player Start! Name: namr Description: a Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: namr from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: namr from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: namr from 13 to 12 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 10 11:58:27 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 10 11:58:27 2020 namr has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: ryan6 from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: ryan6 from 11 to 12 ryan6 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: ryan6 from 12 to 14 ryan6 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: ryan6 from 14 to 12 ryan6 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: ryan6 from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: ryan6 from 14 to 15 Attacks: 20 50 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 30 15 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 35 70 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 50 30 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Changing Rooms: ryan6 from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: ryan6 from 14 to 15 Attacks: 15 40 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 20 10 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 10 0 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 0 5 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 35 50 Defense: 40 10 Damages (P/M) 30 30 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: ryan6 Description: another test hero Gold: 200 Attack: 30 Defense: 40 Regen: 30 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 70 Started: YES Join Battle: YES **** end of winner **** Changing Rooms: ryan6 from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: ryan6 from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 20 400 Defense: 40 1800 Damages (P/M) 380 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 ryan6 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 ryan3 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 ryan3 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 ryan3 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 ryan3 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Slim! Player Start! Name: Slim Description: I'm thin? Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Slim from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Slim from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Slim from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Slim from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Slim from 14 to 15 Attacks: 83 10 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 10 78 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 116 60 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 60 111 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: Slim Description: I'm thin? Gold: 100 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 30 Started: YES Join Battle: YES **** end of winner **** Changing Rooms: Slim from 15 to 14 Slim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Lio from 10 to 11 New Player Dan! psock 6 New Player CSCS! Player Start! Name: CSCS Description: CSCS Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Terminating thread with socket 6 CSCS has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 psock 5 CSCS has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 New Player ccc! Player Start! Name: ccc Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO CSCS has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 ccc has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 New Player test! New Player t! t has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 Dan has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 10 20:06:55 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 New Player Daniella! psock 5 Player Start! Name: Daniella Description: hello Gold: 0 Attack: 65 Defense: 30 Regen: 5 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Daniella from 10 to 13 Changing Rooms: Daniella from 10 to 7 Daniella has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 New Player djanfadjsd! psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 Player Start! Name: djanfadjsd Description: dsloel Gold: 0 Attack: 89 Defense: 1 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO djanfadjsd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 psock 5 New Player dajladjfaldnfhadfb! New Player tt! tt has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 wee has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 New Player lasttest! Player Start! Name: lasttest Description: lasttest Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 dajladjfaldnfhadfb has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 10 20:24:26 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: lasttest from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: liothen from 10 to 11 liothen has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 lasttest has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 New Player LastMinuteTest! Player Start! Name: LastMinuteTest Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: LastMinuteTest from 10 to 11 Attacks: 83 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 83 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Attacks: 16 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 16 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Attacks: 100 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 100 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Attacks: 33 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 33 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Attacks: 100 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 100 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 00:06:27 2020 LastMinuteTest has left the game Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 00:06:27 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 Bego has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 Bego has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 New Player 8! 8 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player 7! 7 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player 9! 9 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player 3! 3 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player 4! 4 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player 2! 2 has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:07:54 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:07:54 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:11:27 2020 New Player D-Dub! Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:11:27 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:11:27 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:11:27 2020 D-Dub has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:11:27 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:13:35 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:13:35 2020 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:14:10 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:14:10 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:14:10 2020 D-Dub has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:14:10 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:22:09 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:22:09 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:22:09 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:22:09 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:22:09 2020 D-Dub has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:22:09 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:22:09 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:23:50 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:23:50 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:23:50 2020 D-Dub has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:23:50 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 New Player D! Player Start! Name: D Description: hunter Gold: 0 Attack: 20 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 D has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:38:02 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:38:02 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:38:02 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:38:02 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:38:02 2020 D-Dub has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:38:02 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 01:38:02 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 03:16:34 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 03:16:34 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 03:16:34 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 03:16:34 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 03:16:34 2020 D-Dub has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 03:16:34 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 03:16:34 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 03:59:00 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 03:59:00 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 03:59:00 2020 D-Dub has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 03:59:00 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:03:28 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:03:28 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:03:28 2020 D-Dub has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:03:28 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:05:01 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:05:01 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:05:01 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:05:01 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:05:01 2020 D-Dub has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:05:01 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:05:01 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:05:17 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:05:17 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:05:17 2020 D-Dub has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:05:17 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:08:08 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:08:08 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:08:08 2020 D-Dub has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:08:08 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:27:22 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:27:22 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:27:22 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:27:22 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:27:22 2020 D-Dub has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:27:22 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:27:22 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 psock 6 psock 8 psock 9 psock 10 psock 11 psock 12 psock 13 psock 14 psock 15 psock 16 psock 17 psock 18 psock 19 psock 20 psock 21 psock 22 psock 23 psock 24 psock 25 psock 26 psock 27 psock 28 psock 29 psock 30 psock 31 psock 32 psock 33 psock 34 psock 35 psock 36 psock 37 psock 38 psock 39 psock 40 psock 41 psock 42 psock 43 psock 44 psock 45 psock 46 psock 47 psock 48 psock 49 psock 50 psock 51 psock 52 psock 53 psock 54 psock 55 psock 56 psock 57 psock 58 psock 59 psock 60 psock 61 psock 62 psock 63 psock 64 psock 65 psock 66 psock 67 psock 68 psock 69 psock 70 psock 71 psock 72 psock 73 psock 74 Terminating thread with socket 74 Terminating thread with socket 73 Terminating thread with socket 72 Terminating thread with socket 68 Terminating thread with socket 71 Terminating thread with socket 67 Terminating thread with socket 69 Terminating thread with socket 63 Terminating thread with socket 70 Terminating thread with socket 66 Terminating thread with socket 64 Terminating thread with socket 65 Terminating thread with socket 60 Terminating thread with socket 56 Terminating thread with socket 62 Terminating thread with socket 61 Terminating thread with socket 55 Terminating thread with socket 59 Terminating thread with socket 58 Terminating thread with socket 57 Terminating thread with socket 47 Terminating thread with socket 49 Terminating thread with socket 50 Terminating thread with socket 53 Terminating thread with socket 45 Terminating thread with socket 51 Terminating thread with socket 48 Terminating thread with socket 52 Terminating thread with socket 54 Terminating thread with socket 46 Terminating thread with socket 44 Terminating thread with socket 43 Terminating thread with socket 38 Terminating thread with socket 39 Terminating thread with socket 40 Terminating thread with socket 42 Terminating thread with socket 34 Terminating thread with socket 33 Terminating thread with socket 41 Terminating thread with socket 36 Terminating thread with socket 37 Terminating thread with socket 32 Terminating thread with socket 35 Terminating thread with socket 30 Terminating thread with socket 25 Terminating thread with socket 24 Terminating thread with socket 29 Terminating thread with socket 26 Terminating thread with socket 28 Terminating thread with socket 27 Terminating thread with socket 31 Terminating thread with socket 23 Terminating thread with socket 13 Terminating thread with socket 20 Terminating thread with socket 19 Terminating thread with socket 18 Terminating thread with socket 15 Terminating thread with socket 21 Terminating thread with socket 22 Terminating thread with socket 16 Terminating thread with socket 14 Terminating thread with socket 17 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 12 Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 10 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 9 Terminating thread with socket 11 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 75 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 75 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:50:49 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:50:49 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:50:49 2020 D-Dub has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:50:49 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:52:43 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:52:43 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:52:43 2020 D-Dub has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:52:43 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:53:32 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:53:32 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:53:32 2020 D-Dub has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 04:53:32 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 05:04:07 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 05:04:07 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 05:04:07 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 05:04:07 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 05:04:07 2020 D-Dub has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 05:04:07 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 05:04:07 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 05:04:43 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 05:04:43 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 05:04:43 2020 D-Dub has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 05:04:43 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 New Player blah! Player Start! Name: blah Description: hi Gold: 0 Attack: 20 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO psock 4 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 07:39:56 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 07:39:56 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 07:39:56 2020 D-Dub has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 07:39:56 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 blah has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 New Player REEEEEEEEE! psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 Player Start! Name: REEEEEEEEE Description: REEEEEEEW Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 98 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 psock 8 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 New Player hdlfo! Player Start! Name: hdlfo Description: hope this works Gold: 0 Attack: 78 Defense: 10 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: hdlfo from 10 to 11 psock 9 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 6 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 hdlfo has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 6 New Player iodl! Player Start! Name: iodl Description: djlds Gold: 0 Attack: 19 Defense: 11 Regen: 70 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO iodl has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 08:13:21 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 08:13:21 2020 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 psock 8 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 08:15:12 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 08:15:12 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 08:15:12 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 08:15:12 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 08:15:12 2020 D-Dub has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 08:15:12 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 08:15:12 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 REEEEEEEEE has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 4 7 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 8 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player uo.u! uo.u has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player jfg! jfg has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 New Player qpit! Player Start! Name: qpit Description: qpwo Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 0 Regen: 99 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO psock 6 psock 8 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:02:39 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:02:39 2020 D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 9 qpit has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player david! 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 5 New Player uu! psock 8 david has left the game Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:09:16 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 8 uu has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 9 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:11:27 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:11:27 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:11:27 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:11:27 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:11:27 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:11:27 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:11:27 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:11:27 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:11:27 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:11:27 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:11:27 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:11:27 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:11:27 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:11:27 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:11:27 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:11:27 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:11:27 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:11:27 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:11:27 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:11:27 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:11:27 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:11:27 2020 David has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:13:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:13:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:13:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:13:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:13:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:13:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:13:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:13:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:13:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:13:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:13:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:13:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:13:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:13:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:13:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:13:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:13:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:13:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:13:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:13:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:13:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:13:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:13:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:13:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:13:31 2020 David has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:13:31 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 New Player ppp! No good! Couldn't understand type 0 ppp has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 David has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:19:03 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:19:03 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:19:03 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:19:03 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:19:03 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:19:03 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:19:03 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:19:03 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:19:03 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:19:03 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:19:03 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:19:03 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:19:03 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:19:03 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:19:03 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:19:03 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:19:03 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:19:03 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:19:03 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:19:03 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:19:03 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:19:03 2020 David has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 Player Start! Name: t Description: t Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 New Player hello! No good! Couldn't understand type 0 hello has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:20:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:20:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:20:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:20:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:20:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:20:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:20:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:20:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:20:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:20:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:20:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:20:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:20:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:20:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:20:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:20:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:20:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:20:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:20:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:20:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:20:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:20:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:20:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:20:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:20:55 2020 David has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:20:55 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 New Player rrrr! rrrr has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:37:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:37:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:37:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:37:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:37:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:37:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:37:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:37:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:37:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:37:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:37:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:37:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:37:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:37:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:37:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:37:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:37:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:37:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:37:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:37:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:37:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:37:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:37:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:37:31 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:37:31 2020 David has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:37:31 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 David has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 David has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:42:13 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 David has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 David has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:43:38 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 David has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 David has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:47:51 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 David has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 David has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 11 09:49:59 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 David has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 David has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 t has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 8 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 8 New Player daniamun! psock 5 Player Start! Name: daniamun Description: hfeloos Gold: 0 Attack: 25 Defense: 25 Regen: 50 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO New Player Jones! Changing Rooms: daniamun from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: daniamun from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: daniamun from 12 to 13 Attacks: 20 133 Defense: 25 100 Damages (P/M) 121 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 daniamun has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Player Start! Name: Jones Description: Logged in from LurkWolf Gold: 0 Attack: 60 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO psock 6 David has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 Jones has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Changing Rooms: jerd from 11 to 13 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri Mar 13 13:36:55 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 2155 bytes read from map Next: GAMEDESC While having a cup of tea atop an old house, you accidentally fall through the roof into a small broom closet. There is no way back to the roof, but a door leads out of the closet. After allocating a combined total of 100 points of attack, defense, and regeneration, you prepare to open the door and discover what lays beyond. Next: MONSTER NAME Glog DESCRIPTION A slimy and toothy character GOLD 50 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Farly DESCRIPTION Tall, skinny, with claws and scales GOLD 100 ATTACK 40 DEFENSE 50 REGEN 100 Unknown line in monster: MONSTER Next: MONSTER NAME Soup Eater DESCRIPTION Makes soup out of people GOLD 200 ATTACK 80 DEFENSE 70 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Insulation Monster DESCRIPTION Makes you itch until you rip your own head off! GOLD 10 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 80 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Bat DESCRIPTION Is it one, or a bunch of them? Don't get too close! ATTACK 80 GOLD 5 DEFENSE 20 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Lab3 DESCRIPTION This lab is a monster! ATTACK 60 GOLD 100 DEFENSE 10 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Furnace DESCRIPTION Scaled Fire Dragon ATTACK 1200 DEFENSE 1800 GOLD 100000 REGEN 100 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Broom Closet DESCRIPTION Small, Cramped room full of cleaning implements CONNECT Living Room GOLD 10 Next: ROOM NAME Living Room DESCRIPTION Spacious, but dank and mouldy. CONNECT Broom Closet CONNECT Attic CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Glog MONSTER Farly GOLD 100 Unknown line: ROOM Next: ROOM NAME Kitchen DESCRIPTION Nothing has been cooked here for a while CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Attic CONNECT Basement MONSTER Soup Eater GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Attic DESCRIPTION A place full of insulation, and bats CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Insulation Monster MONSTER Bat Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Neat and tidy room, with some kind of canned goods stored on shelves CONNECT Kitchen CONNECT Utility Room CONNECT Garage Next: ROOM NAME Garage DESCRIPTION Dirt floor, contains a decrepid but restorable Mercedes SSK, a BMW R32, and a collection of rusty tools. CONNECT Basement MONSTER Lab3 Next: ROOM NAME Utility Room DESCRIPTION Little room with blackened walls and ceiling. Was there a fire here? CONNECT Basement MONSTER Furnace Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 New Player David! Player Start! Name: David Description: beggar Gold: 0 Attack: 25 Defense: 25 Regen: 50 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES David has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 David has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 David has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player TestOne ! Player Start! Name: TestOne Description: fish Gold: 0 Attack: 60 Defense: 30 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: TestOne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: TestOne from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: TestOne from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: TestOne from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: TestOne from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1200 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1200 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: TestOne from 16 to 14 TestOne has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player TestTwo! Player Start! Name: TestTwo Description: fish Gold: 0 Attack: 60 Defense: 30 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: TestTwo from 10 to 11 Attacks: 80 60 Defense: 30 80 Damages (P/M) 45 40 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Changing Rooms: TestTwo from 11 to 12 TestTwo has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player TestFour! Player Start! Name: TestFour Description: fish Gold: 0 Attack: 40 Defense: 30 Regen: 30 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: TestFour from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: TestFour from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: TestFour from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: TestFour from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1000 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1000 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: TestFour from 16 to 14 Changing Rooms: TestFour from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1000 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1000 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 TestFour has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player TestSix! Player Start! Name: TestSix Description: fish Gold: 0 Attack: 70 Defense: 20 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: TestSix from 10 to 11 TestSix has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player TestSeven! Player Start! Name: TestSeven Description: 4 Gold: 0 Attack: 60 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: TestSeven from 10 to 11 TestSeven has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Seth! Seth has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 2155 bytes read from map Next: GAMEDESC While having a cup of tea atop an old house, you accidentally fall through the roof into a small broom closet. There is no way back to the roof, but a door leads out of the closet. After allocating a combined total of 100 points of attack, defense, and regeneration, you prepare to open the door and discover what lays beyond. Next: MONSTER NAME Glog DESCRIPTION A slimy and toothy character GOLD 50 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Farly DESCRIPTION Tall, skinny, with claws and scales GOLD 100 ATTACK 40 DEFENSE 50 REGEN 100 Unknown line in monster: MONSTER Next: MONSTER NAME Soup Eater DESCRIPTION Makes soup out of people GOLD 200 ATTACK 80 DEFENSE 70 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Insulation Monster DESCRIPTION Makes you itch until you rip your own head off! GOLD 10 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 80 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Bat DESCRIPTION Is it one, or a bunch of them? Don't get too close! ATTACK 80 GOLD 5 DEFENSE 20 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Lab3 DESCRIPTION This lab is a monster! ATTACK 60 GOLD 100 DEFENSE 10 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Furnace DESCRIPTION Scaled Fire Dragon ATTACK 1200 DEFENSE 1800 GOLD 100000 REGEN 100 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Broom Closet DESCRIPTION Small, Cramped room full of cleaning implements CONNECT Living Room GOLD 10 Next: ROOM NAME Living Room DESCRIPTION Spacious, but dank and mouldy. CONNECT Broom Closet CONNECT Attic CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Glog MONSTER Farly GOLD 100 Unknown line: ROOM Next: ROOM NAME Kitchen DESCRIPTION Nothing has been cooked here for a while CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Attic CONNECT Basement MONSTER Soup Eater GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Attic DESCRIPTION A place full of insulation, and bats CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Insulation Monster MONSTER Bat Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Neat and tidy room, with some kind of canned goods stored on shelves CONNECT Kitchen CONNECT Utility Room CONNECT Garage Next: ROOM NAME Garage DESCRIPTION Dirt floor, contains a decrepid but restorable Mercedes SSK, a BMW R32, and a collection of rusty tools. CONNECT Basement MONSTER Lab3 Next: ROOM NAME Utility Room DESCRIPTION Little room with blackened walls and ceiling. Was there a fire here? CONNECT Basement MONSTER Furnace Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player begio! begio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player marquito! marquito has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player marc! marc has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player lau! lau has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player laura! Player Start! Name: laura Description: im veggie Gold: 0 Attack: 10 Defense: 10 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO laura has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player eric! Player Start! Name: eric Description: 4 Gold: 0 Attack: 4 Defense: 4 Regen: 4 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO eric has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player allie! Player Start! Name: allie Description: i dont buy clothes Gold: 0 Attack: 7 Defense: 7 Regen: 7 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: allie from 10 to 5 Changing Rooms: allie from 10 to 2 allie has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player beg! Player Start! Name: beg Description: 6 Gold: 0 Attack: 6 Defense: 6 Regen: 6 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: beg from 10 to 4 beg has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Cisco! Player Start! Name: Cisco Description: 9 Gold: 0 Attack: 9 Defense: 9 Regen: 9 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Cisco from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cisco from 11 to 12 Cisco has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player Brunito! Player Start! Name: Brunito Description: Tengo un derechon Gold: 0 Attack: 5 Defense: 5 Regen: 85 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Brunito from 10 to 11 Brunito has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Brunito has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player new brunito! Player Start! Name: new brunito Description: Voleon que flipas Gold: 0 Attack: 80 Defense: 10 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: new brunito from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: new brunito from 11 to 12 Attacks: 93 80 Defense: 10 70 Damages (P/M) 75 58 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Soup Eater is in state 3 No good! Couldn't understand type 184 new brunito has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player TestScript! Player Start! Name: TestScript Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 99 Defense: 1 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 psock 6 New Player Janay! psock 7 New Player Megan! psock 8 Player Start! Name: Janay Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Versie! psock 9 Player Start! Name: Megan Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Efrain! Player Start! Name: Versie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Eleanor! Player Start! Name: Efrain Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Player Start! Name: Eleanor Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Janay from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Megan from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Versie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Efrain from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Eleanor from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Janay from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Megan from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Versie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Efrain from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Eleanor from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Janay from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Megan from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Versie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Efrain from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Eleanor from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Janay from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Megan from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Versie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Efrain from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eleanor from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Janay from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Megan from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Versie from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Efrain from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Eleanor from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Janay from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Megan from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Versie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Efrain from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Eleanor from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Janay from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Megan from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Versie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Efrain from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Eleanor from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Janay from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Megan from 14 to 16 Changing Rooms: Versie from 13 to 12 Battle Time! Attacks: 266 1200 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1200 0 (from 2 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Eleanor from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Janay from 14 to 15 Megan has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Versie from 12 to 13 Efrain has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Eleanor from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Janay from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Versie from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Eleanor from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Janay from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Versie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Eleanor from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Janay from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Versie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Eleanor from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Janay from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Versie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Eleanor from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Janay from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Versie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Eleanor from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Janay from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Versie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Eleanor from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Janay from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Versie from 10 to 11 Battle Time! Attacks: 100 1000 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1000 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Janay from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Versie from 11 to 10 Eleanor has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Janay from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Versie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Janay from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Versie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Janay from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Versie from 10 to 11 Janay has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Versie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 psock 5 New Player Ludivina! Player Start! Name: Ludivina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Ludivina from 10 to 11 Attacks: 83 50 Defense: 0 80 Damages (P/M) 50 43 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Ludivina from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Ludivina from 10 to 11 Attacks: 133 40 Defense: 0 80 Damages (P/M) 40 93 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Glog died Monster Farly is in state 3 Farly died Changing Rooms: Ludivina from 11 to 13 Attacks: 50 33 Defense: 0 100 Damages (P/M) 33 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Ludivina has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 psock 4 psock 5 psock 7 psock 8 psock 9 New Player Twanna! New Player Marilou! New Player Camilla! New Player Shirly! New Player Son! Player Start! Name: Son Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Player Start! Name: Twanna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Player Start! Name: Marilou Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Player Start! Name: Shirly Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Player Start! Name: Camilla Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Son from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shirly from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Camilla from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Twanna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marilou from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shirly from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marilou from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Son from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Twanna from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Camilla from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shirly from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Twanna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Son from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marilou from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Camilla from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Camilla from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Twanna from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Son from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Shirly from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marilou from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shirly from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Camilla from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marilou from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Twanna from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Son from 10 to 11 Shirly has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Camilla has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Twanna has left the game Marilou has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Son has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Beg! psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 Beg has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 New Player soph! Player Start! Name: soph Description: yellow waterbottle Gold: 0 Attack: 90 Defense: 5 Regen: 5 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 4 New Player marccccc! Player Start! Name: marccccc Description: im here like you Gold: 0 Attack: 60 Defense: 10 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO soph has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 New Player Sophie! Sophie has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 New Player try! psock 6 try has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 New Player bu! bu has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 New Player HJEKSOS! psock 6 New Player toallitas! Player Start! Name: toallitas Description: i cleaN Gold: 0 Attack: 70 Defense: 10 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES HJEKSOS has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 toallitas has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 New Player TISDSUE! Player Start! Name: TISDSUE Description: 10 Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 40 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: TISDSUE from 10 to 11 TISDSUE has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 New Player 10! Player Start! Name: 10 Description: 10 Gold: 0 Attack: 10 Defense: 10 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 10 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 New Player Living Room! Living Room has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 10 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 10 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 New Player superstrong! psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 6 Player Start! Name: superstrong Description: lets kiillem Gold: 0 Attack: 60 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: superstrong from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: marccccc from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: superstrong from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: marccccc from 11 to 13 Attacks: 0 83 Defense: 30 100 Damages (P/M) 68 0 (from 2 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Attacks: 100 116 Defense: 20 100 Damages (P/M) 106 50 (from 1 2) (1 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Attacks: 80 66 Defense: 10 100 Damages (P/M) 61 30 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 psock 7 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 17 00:16:42 2020 Terminating thread with socket 7 superstrong has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 eric has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 marccccc has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 19 00:59:50 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Mar 19 01:02:33 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Tim! Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Timm! Timm has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Player Start! Name: Tim Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 23 09:32:42 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player test! psock 5 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 test has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Changing Rooms: Tim from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 13 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 test has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player Derpa! Derpa has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player jerd! Player Start! Name: jerd Description: BA SpeLURKer Gold: 0 Attack: 34 Defense: 33 Regen: 33 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 New Player lio! Player Start! Name: lio Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES lio has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player CS! Player Start! Name: CS Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES CS has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player CSS! Player Start! Name: CSS Description: CS Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 CSS has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 psock 4 New Player Vada! Player Start! Name: Vada Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Vada from 10 to 1 TestScript has been abandoned Vada has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 psock 4 New Player Millard! Player Start! Name: Millard Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Amberly! Player Start! Name: Amberly Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Tina! Player Start! Name: Tina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 New Player Bruno! Player Start! Name: Bruno Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 10 New Player Rachele! Player Start! Name: Rachele Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Millard from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Amberly from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Bruno from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rachele from 10 to 11 Attacks: 583 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 583 (from 5 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 166 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 166 (from 5 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 416 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 416 (from 5 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 583 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 583 (from 5 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 416 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 416 (from 5 2) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Millard from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Amberly from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Tina from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bruno from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Rachele from 11 to 12 Attacks: 0 116 Defense: 0 100 Damages (P/M) 116 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Attacks: 33 13 Defense: 0 70 Damages (P/M) 13 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Soup Eater is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Millard from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Amberly from 10 to 11 Tina has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Bruno from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rachele from 12 to 11 Attacks: 200 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 200 (from 4 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 533 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 533 (from 4 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 333 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 333 (from 4 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 4 2) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Millard from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Amberly from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Bruno from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rachele from 11 to 10 Attacks: 300 53 Defense: 0 70 Damages (P/M) 53 265 (from 2 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Soup Eater is in state 3 Soup Eater died Attacks: 133 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 133 (from 2 1) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 83 133 Defense: 0 100 Damages (P/M) 133 33 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Insulation Monster died Monster Bat is in state 3 Bat died Changing Rooms: Millard from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Amberly from 12 to 11 Bruno has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Rachele from 10 to 11 Attacks: 200 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 200 (from 3 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 300 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 300 (from 3 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 150 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 150 (from 3 2) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Millard from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Amberly from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rachele from 11 to 10 Attacks: 133 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 133 (from 2 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 166 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 166 (from 2 2) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Millard from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Amberly from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rachele from 10 to 11 Attacks: 166 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 166 (from 2 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 66 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 66 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 100 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 100 (from 2 2) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Millard from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Amberly from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rachele from 11 to 13 Attacks: 66 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 66 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Millard from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Amberly from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Rachele from 13 to 12 Attacks: 100 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 100 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 66 70 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 70 61 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 83 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 83 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Millard from 11 to 12 Amberly has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Rachele from 12 to 13 Attacks: 50 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 50 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 66 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 66 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Millard from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rachele from 13 to 12 Attacks: 83 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 83 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Millard from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rachele from 12 to 11 Attacks: 116 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 116 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 16 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 16 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Millard from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rachele from 11 to 12 Attacks: 83 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 83 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 83 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 83 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Millard from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rachele from 12 to 11 Attacks: 33 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 33 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 50 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 50 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Millard from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rachele from 11 to 12 Attacks: 133 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 133 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Attacks: 83 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 83 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Millard from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rachele from 12 to 14 Attacks: 100 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 100 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Millard from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rachele from 14 to 12 Attacks: 83 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 83 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Millard from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rachele from 12 to 14 Attacks: 100 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 100 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Millard from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rachele from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Attacks: 33 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 33 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Battle Time! Attacks: 33 2000 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 2000 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Millard from 13 to 11 Rachele has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 Millard has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 11 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 4 psock 5 New Player Deon! Player Start! Name: Deon Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Coralie! Player Start! Name: Coralie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Davina! Player Start! Name: Davina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 New Player Dottie! Player Start! Name: Dottie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 10 New Player Deadra! Player Start! Name: Deadra Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Deon from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Coralie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Davina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dottie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deadra from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deon from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Coralie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Davina from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dottie from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deadra from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deon from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Coralie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Davina from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dottie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deadra from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deon from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Coralie from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Davina from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Dottie from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deadra from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deon from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Coralie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Davina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dottie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deadra from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deon from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Coralie from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Davina from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Dottie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deadra from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deon from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Coralie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Davina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dottie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deadra from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deon from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Coralie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Davina from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dottie from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deadra from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Deon from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Coralie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Davina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dottie from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Deadra from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deon from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Coralie from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Davina from 13 to 12 Battle Time! Attacks: 50 400 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 400 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Dottie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Deadra from 14 to 12 Deadra has been abandoned Coralie has been abandoned Deon has been abandoned TestScript has been abandoned Davina has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 8 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 31 17:48:37 2020 Terminating thread with socket 10 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 31 17:48:37 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 11 psock 4 New Player Hong! Player Start! Name: Hong Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Hong from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hong from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Hong from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hong from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hong from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hong from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hong from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hong from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hong from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Hong from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hong from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hong from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Hong from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hong from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hong from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Hong from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hong from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Hong from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Hong from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Hong from 13 to 11 Hong has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 5 psock 4 psock 7 psock 8 psock 9 New Player Chad! psock 10 New Player Lucie! New Player Robbie! Player Start! Name: Chad Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Boris! Player Start! Name: Lucie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Cristina! Player Start! Name: Robbie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Player Start! Name: Boris Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Player Start! Name: Cristina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Chad from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lucie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Robbie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Boris from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cristina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Chad from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lucie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Robbie from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Boris from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cristina from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chad from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lucie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Robbie from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Boris from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cristina from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Chad from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lucie from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Robbie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Boris from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Cristina from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Chad from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lucie from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Robbie from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Boris from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cristina from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Chad from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lucie from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Robbie from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Boris from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cristina from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Chad from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lucie from 13 to 11 Battle Time! Attacks: 66 1600 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1600 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Boris from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cristina from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Chad from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lucie from 11 to 10 Robbie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Boris from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cristina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Chad from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lucie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Boris from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cristina from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Chad from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lucie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Boris from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cristina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Chad from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lucie from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Boris from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cristina from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chad from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lucie from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Boris from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cristina from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Chad from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lucie from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Boris from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cristina from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Chad from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lucie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Boris from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cristina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Chad from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Lucie from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Boris from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cristina from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chad from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lucie from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Boris from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Cristina from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Chad from 11 to 13 Battle Time! Attacks: 33 1400 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1400 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Boris from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cristina from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Chad from 13 to 12 Lucie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Boris from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cristina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Chad from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Boris from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cristina from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Chad from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Boris from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Cristina from 13 to 11 Chad has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Boris has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 Cristina has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 11 New Player CSSS! Player Start! Name: CSSS Description: C Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 50 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: CSSS from 10 to 1 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 psock 7 psock 8 New Player Milissa! psock 9 New Player Babette! Player Start! Name: Milissa Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 10 New Player Shawanna! Player Start! Name: Babette Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Shantel! Player Start! Name: Shawanna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Perry! Player Start! Name: Shantel Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Player Start! Name: Perry Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Milissa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Babette from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shawanna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shantel from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Perry from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Milissa from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Babette from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Shawanna from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Shantel from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Perry from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Milissa from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Babette from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shawanna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shantel from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Perry from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Milissa from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Babette from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shawanna from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shantel from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Perry from 11 to 10 Perry has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 Shantel has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 Shawanna has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 Babette has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 TestScript has been abandoned Milissa has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 CSSS has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 12 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 12 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Test! Player Start! Name: Test Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 15 Defense: 25 Regen: 60 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Test from 10 to 11 Test has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Test has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Test has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 New Player Test 2! Test has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Player Start! Name: Test 2 Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 30 Defense: 30 Regen: 40 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Test has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Test 2 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Test from 11 to 13 Attacks: 2 0 Defense: 25 0 Damages (P/M) 0 2 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Test has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player Test 3! Player Start! Name: Test 3 Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 80 Defense: 10 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Test 3 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Test has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 New Player jesse! New Player Charles c Adkison! Player Start! Name: jesse Description: Hi, this is jesse Gold: 0 Attack: 90 Defense: 0 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Player Start! Name: Charles c Adkison Description: first of his kind Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: jesse from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: jesse from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: jesse from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: jesse from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: jesse from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Charles c Adkison from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: jesse from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: jesse from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: jesse from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: jesse from 11 to 12 Attacks: 50 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 50 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: jesse from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Charles c Adkison from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: jesse from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1200 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1200 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Charles c Adkison from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: jesse from 16 to 14 Changing Rooms: jesse from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Charles c Adkison from 14 to 15 Attacks: 30 10 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 10 25 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Changing Rooms: jesse from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: jesse from 14 to 15 Attacks: 60 60 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 60 55 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: jesse Description: Hi, this is jesse Gold: 100 Attack: 90 Defense: 0 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 40 Started: YES Join Battle: NO **** end of winner **** Attacks: 50 30 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 30 45 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Charles c Adkison from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Charles c Adkison from 14 to 15 Attacks: 60 40 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 40 55 (from 1 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Lab3 died **** Completed Lab! **** Name: jesse Description: Hi, this is jesse Gold: 200 Attack: 90 Defense: 0 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Location: Garage Health: 10 Started: YES Join Battle: NO **** end of winner **** Changing Rooms: Charles c Adkison from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: jesse from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: jesse from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 800 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 800 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: jesse from 16 to 14 Changing Rooms: Charles c Adkison from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Charles c Adkison from 15 to 14 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Apr 4 17:27:44 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Apr 4 17:27:44 2020 Charles c Adkison has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Apr 4 22:11:29 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Apr 4 22:11:29 2020 jesse has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Apr 5 00:16:35 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 7 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 New Player temp! Player Start! Name: temp Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Apr 6 21:32:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Apr 6 21:32:55 2020 temp has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 psock 4 psock 5 psock 8 psock 9 psock 10 New Player Emeline! New Player Royce! New Player Loreen! New Player Beverly! New Player Belen! Player Start! Name: Belen Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Player Start! Name: Royce Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Player Start! Name: Beverly Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Player Start! Name: Loreen Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Player Start! Name: Emeline Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Beverly from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Royce from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Belen from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Emeline from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Loreen from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Belen from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Royce from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Beverly from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Emeline from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Loreen from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Beverly from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Belen from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Emeline from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Royce from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Loreen from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Beverly from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Belen from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Royce from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Emeline from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Loreen from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Beverly from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Emeline from 14 to 16 Changing Rooms: Royce from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Belen from 13 to 11 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Loreen from 13 to 11 Battle Time! Attacks: 83 1200 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1200 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Beverly from 11 to 12 Emeline has left the game Changing Rooms: Royce from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Belen from 11 to 13 Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: Loreen from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Beverly from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Belen from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Royce from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Loreen from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Beverly from 14 to 16 Changing Rooms: Royce from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Belen from 12 to 13 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Loreen from 13 to 11 Battle Time! Attacks: 150 1000 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1000 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Beverly has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Royce from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Belen from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Loreen from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Royce from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Belen from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Loreen from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Royce from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Belen from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Loreen from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Royce from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Belen from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Loreen from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Royce from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Belen from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Loreen from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Changing Rooms: Belen from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Royce from 14 to 16 Attacks: 66 1200 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1200 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Loreen has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Battle Time! Attacks: 116 400 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 400 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Belen from 13 to 11 Royce has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Belen from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Belen from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Belen from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Belen from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Belen from 12 to 13 Belen has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 11 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player i! Player Start! Name: i Description: 1 Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: i from 10 to 11 Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 1 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) i has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player Test Player Character! Test Player Character has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Player Start! Name: Test Player Character Description: A test player character. Gold: 0 Attack: 33 Defense: 33 Regen: 34 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Test Player Character has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 5 psock 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 New Player a! a has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 New Player kkk! Player Start! Name: kkk Description: 1 Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO kkk has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 New Player dd! Player Start! Name: dd Description: 1 Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO dd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 New Player hi! Player Start! Name: hi Description: 1 Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: hi from 10 to 11 hi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 New Player ! Player Start! Name: Description: 1 Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: from 11 to 14 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 8 New Player f! Player Start! Name: f Description: 1 Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: f from 10 to 11 psock 7 psock 9 psock 10 psock 11 psock 12 psock 13 New Player Nickole! New Player Leonarda! New Player Breanna! New Player Tuyet! New Player Elizbeth! Player Start! Name: Breanna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Player Start! Name: Leonarda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Player Start! Name: Elizbeth Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Player Start! Name: Nickole Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Player Start! Name: Tuyet Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Breanna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Leonarda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Nickole from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tuyet from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elizbeth from 10 to 11 Breanna has been abandoned Tuyet has been abandoned Elizbeth has been abandoned Leonarda has been abandoned Nickole has been abandoned TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 12 Terminating thread with socket 9 Terminating thread with socket 11 Terminating thread with socket 10 Terminating thread with socket 13 psock 14 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 14 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 9 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 9 f has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 7 New Player p! psock 8 New Player ggg! Player Start! Name: ggg Description: 1 Gold: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Regen: 1 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: ggg from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: ggg from 11 to 13 ggg has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 p has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 9 psock 7 psock 8 New Player Deangelo! psock 10 New Player Tammy! psock 11 Player Start! Name: Deangelo Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Belva! psock 12 Player Start! Name: Tammy Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Misha! Player Start! Name: Belva Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Briana! Player Start! Name: Misha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Player Start! Name: Briana Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Deangelo from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tammy from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Belva from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Misha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Briana from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deangelo from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tammy from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Belva from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Misha from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Briana from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Deangelo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tammy from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Belva from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Misha from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Briana from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deangelo from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tammy from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Belva from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Misha from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Briana from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deangelo from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tammy from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Belva from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Misha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Briana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deangelo from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tammy from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Belva from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Misha from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Briana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deangelo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tammy from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Belva from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Misha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Briana from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deangelo from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tammy from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Belva from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Misha from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Briana from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deangelo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tammy from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Belva from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Misha from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Briana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deangelo from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tammy from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Belva from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Misha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Briana from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deangelo from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Tammy from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Belva from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Misha from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Briana from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deangelo from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tammy from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Belva from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Misha from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Briana from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deangelo from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tammy from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Belva from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Misha from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Briana from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Deangelo from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tammy from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Belva from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Misha from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Briana from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deangelo from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tammy from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Belva from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Misha from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Briana from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deangelo from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tammy from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Belva from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Misha from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Briana from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deangelo from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Tammy from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Belva from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Misha from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Briana from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Deangelo from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tammy from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Belva from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Misha from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Briana from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deangelo from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Tammy from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Belva from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Misha from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Briana from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deangelo from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Tammy from 11 to 10 Battle Time! Attacks: 66 1600 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1600 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Misha from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Briana from 12 to 13 Deangelo has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Tammy has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Belva has left the game Terminating thread with socket 10 Misha has left the game Terminating thread with socket 11 Briana has left the game TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 12 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 13 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 13 psock 7 2155 bytes read from map Next: GAMEDESC While having a cup of tea atop an old house, you accidentally fall through the roof into a small broom closet. There is no way back to the roof, but a door leads out of the closet. After allocating a combined total of 100 points of attack, defense, and regeneration, you prepare to open the door and discover what lays beyond. Next: MONSTER NAME Glog DESCRIPTION A slimy and toothy character GOLD 50 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Farly DESCRIPTION Tall, skinny, with claws and scales GOLD 100 ATTACK 40 DEFENSE 50 REGEN 100 Unknown line in monster: MONSTER Next: MONSTER NAME Soup Eater DESCRIPTION Makes soup out of people GOLD 200 ATTACK 80 DEFENSE 70 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Insulation Monster DESCRIPTION Makes you itch until you rip your own head off! GOLD 10 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 80 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Bat DESCRIPTION Is it one, or a bunch of them? Don't get too close! ATTACK 80 GOLD 5 DEFENSE 20 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Lab3 DESCRIPTION This lab is a monster! ATTACK 60 GOLD 100 DEFENSE 10 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Furnace DESCRIPTION Scaled Fire Dragon ATTACK 1200 DEFENSE 1800 GOLD 100000 REGEN 100 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Broom Closet DESCRIPTION Small, Cramped room full of cleaning implements CONNECT Living Room GOLD 10 Next: ROOM NAME Living Room DESCRIPTION Spacious, but dank and mouldy. CONNECT Broom Closet CONNECT Attic CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Glog MONSTER Farly GOLD 100 Unknown line: ROOM Next: ROOM NAME Kitchen DESCRIPTION Nothing has been cooked here for a while CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Attic CONNECT Basement MONSTER Soup Eater GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Attic DESCRIPTION A place full of insulation, and bats CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Insulation Monster MONSTER Bat Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Neat and tidy room, with some kind of canned goods stored on shelves CONNECT Kitchen CONNECT Utility Room CONNECT Garage Next: ROOM NAME Garage DESCRIPTION Dirt floor, contains a decrepid but restorable Mercedes SSK, a BMW R32, and a collection of rusty tools. CONNECT Basement MONSTER Lab3 Next: ROOM NAME Utility Room DESCRIPTION Little room with blackened walls and ceiling. Was there a fire here? CONNECT Basement MONSTER Furnace Next: Ignoring unknown item: CRASH at Mon 13 Apr 2020 05:00:26 PM PDT 2155 bytes read from map Next: GAMEDESC While having a cup of tea atop an old house, you accidentally fall through the roof into a small broom closet. There is no way back to the roof, but a door leads out of the closet. After allocating a combined total of 100 points of attack, defense, and regeneration, you prepare to open the door and discover what lays beyond. Next: MONSTER NAME Glog DESCRIPTION A slimy and toothy character GOLD 50 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Farly DESCRIPTION Tall, skinny, with claws and scales GOLD 100 ATTACK 40 DEFENSE 50 REGEN 100 Unknown line in monster: MONSTER Next: MONSTER NAME Soup Eater DESCRIPTION Makes soup out of people GOLD 200 ATTACK 80 DEFENSE 70 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Insulation Monster DESCRIPTION Makes you itch until you rip your own head off! GOLD 10 ATTACK 20 DEFENSE 80 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Bat DESCRIPTION Is it one, or a bunch of them? Don't get too close! ATTACK 80 GOLD 5 DEFENSE 20 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Lab3 DESCRIPTION This lab is a monster! ATTACK 60 GOLD 100 DEFENSE 10 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Furnace DESCRIPTION Scaled Fire Dragon ATTACK 1200 DEFENSE 1800 GOLD 100000 REGEN 100 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Broom Closet DESCRIPTION Small, Cramped room full of cleaning implements CONNECT Living Room GOLD 10 Next: ROOM NAME Living Room DESCRIPTION Spacious, but dank and mouldy. CONNECT Broom Closet CONNECT Attic CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Glog MONSTER Farly GOLD 100 Unknown line: ROOM Next: ROOM NAME Kitchen DESCRIPTION Nothing has been cooked here for a while CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Attic CONNECT Basement MONSTER Soup Eater GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Attic DESCRIPTION A place full of insulation, and bats CONNECT Living Room CONNECT Kitchen MONSTER Insulation Monster MONSTER Bat Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Neat and tidy room, with some kind of canned goods stored on shelves CONNECT Kitchen CONNECT Utility Room CONNECT Garage Next: ROOM NAME Garage DESCRIPTION Dirt floor, contains a decrepid but restorable Mercedes SSK, a BMW R32, and a collection of rusty tools. CONNECT Basement MONSTER Lab3 Next: ROOM NAME Utility Room DESCRIPTION Little room with blackened walls and ceiling. Was there a fire here? CONNECT Basement MONSTER Furnace Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player Test! New Player Test 2! New Player Test 3! New Player Test 4! Test 4 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 New Player iii! iii has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player TestScript! Player Start! Name: TestScript Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 99 Defense: 1 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 New Player Debby! Player Start! Name: Debby Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 New Player Marco! Player Start! Name: Marco Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Zona! Player Start! Name: Zona Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Takako! Player Start! Name: Takako Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 New Player Bobette! Player Start! Name: Bobette Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Debby from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marco from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Zona from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Takako from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Bobette from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Debby from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marco from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Zona from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Takako from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Bobette from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Debby from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marco from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Zona from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Takako from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Bobette from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Debby from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marco from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Zona from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Takako from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Bobette from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Debby from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Marco from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Zona from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Takako from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Bobette from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Debby from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marco from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Zona from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Takako from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Bobette from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Debby from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Marco from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Zona from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Takako from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bobette from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Debby from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marco from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Zona from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Takako from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Bobette from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Debby from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marco from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Zona from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Takako from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Bobette from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Debby from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marco from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Zona from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Takako from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Bobette from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Debby from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marco from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Zona from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Takako from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Bobette from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Debby from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marco from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Zona from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Takako from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Bobette from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Debby from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marco from 14 to 16 Changing Rooms: Zona from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Takako from 11 to 10 Battle Time! Changing Rooms: Bobette from 16 to 14 Attacks: 233 1200 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1200 0 (from 2 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Debby from 12 to 14 Marco has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Zona from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Takako from 10 to 11 Bobette has left the game Terminating thread with socket 9 Changing Rooms: Debby from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Zona from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Takako from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Debby from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Zona from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Takako from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Debby from 14 to 16 Battle Time! Attacks: 266 1200 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1200 0 (from 2 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Zona has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Changing Rooms: Takako from 14 to 12 Debby has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Takako from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Takako from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Takako from 12 to 14 Takako has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 psock 4 New Player Bennett! Player Start! Name: Bennett Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 New Player Leon! Player Start! Name: Leon Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 New Player Brook! Player Start! Name: Brook Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Emiko! Player Start! Name: Emiko Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Rima! Player Start! Name: Rima Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Bennett from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Leon from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brook from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Emiko from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rima from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Leon from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Brook from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Emiko from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Rima from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Leon from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brook from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Emiko from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rima from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Leon from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Brook from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Emiko from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rima from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Leon from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Brook from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Emiko from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rima from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Leon from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Brook from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Emiko from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Rima from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 12 to 14 Battle Time! Attacks: 100 1000 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1000 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Leon has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Changing Rooms: Brook from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Emiko from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rima from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Brook from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Emiko from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rima from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Brook from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Emiko from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rima from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Brook from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Emiko from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rima from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brook from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Emiko from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rima from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Brook from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Emiko from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rima from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brook from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Emiko from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Rima from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Brook from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Emiko from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rima from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brook from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Emiko from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rima from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Brook from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Emiko from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Rima from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brook from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Emiko from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rima from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Brook from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Emiko from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rima from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Brook from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Emiko from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rima from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Bennett from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brook from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Emiko from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rima from 11 to 13 Bennett has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Brook has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Emiko has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Rima has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 9 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Apr 19 00:16:59 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 New Player Deanne! Player Start! Name: Deanne Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Deanne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deanne from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deanne from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deanne from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deanne from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deanne from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deanne from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deanne from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deanne from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deanne from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deanne from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deanne from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deanne from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deanne from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deanne from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deanne from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deanne from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Deanne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deanne from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Deanne from 10 to 11 Deanne has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 New Player Tim! Player Start! Name: Tim Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Tim has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player D-Dub! D-Dub has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Dubs! Dubs has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Test 4 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Player Start! Name: Test 4 Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 30 Defense: 40 Regen: 30 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Test 4 from 10 to 11 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 Test 4 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 New Player Particia! Player Start! Name: Particia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 New Player Parker! Player Start! Name: Parker Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Celine! Player Start! Name: Celine Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Arnoldo! Player Start! Name: Arnoldo Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 New Player Ginger! Player Start! Name: Ginger Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Particia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Parker from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Celine from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Arnoldo from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ginger from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Particia from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Parker from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Celine from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Arnoldo from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ginger from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Particia from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Parker from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Celine from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Arnoldo from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ginger from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Particia from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Parker from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Celine from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Arnoldo from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Ginger from 11 to 10 Ginger has been abandoned Arnoldo has been abandoned Celine has been abandoned Parker has been abandoned Particia has been abandoned TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 10 psock 4 New Player Ruthe! Player Start! Name: Ruthe Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 New Player Era! Player Start! Name: Era Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 New Player Li! Player Start! Name: Li Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Arlinda! Player Start! Name: Arlinda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Cordelia! Player Start! Name: Cordelia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Ruthe from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Era from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Li from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Arlinda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Cordelia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ruthe from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Era from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Li from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Arlinda from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Cordelia from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Ruthe from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Era from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Li from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Arlinda from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Cordelia from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ruthe from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Era from 12 to 11 Cordelia has been abandoned Arlinda has been abandoned Li has been abandoned TestScript has been abandoned Ruthe has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 Era has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat May 2 15:15:19 2020 Terminating thread with socket 10 Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 9 psock 4 New Player Eugena! Player Start! Name: Eugena Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Eugena has been abandoned TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 5 psock 4 New Player Harley! Player Start! Name: Harley Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 New Player Brianne! Player Start! Name: Brianne Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Rheba! Player Start! Name: Rheba Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Herschel! Player Start! Name: Herschel Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 New Player Ling! Player Start! Name: Ling Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Harley from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Brianne from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rheba from 10 to 11 Ling has been abandoned Herschel has been abandoned Rheba has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 Brianne has been abandoned TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 Terminating thread with socket 5 Harley has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat May 2 19:30:02 2020 Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 10 psock 4 New Player Fermina! Player Start! Name: Fermina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 New Player Fausto! Player Start! Name: Fausto Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 New Player Carson! Player Start! Name: Carson Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Elizbeth! Player Start! Name: Elizbeth Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Karolyn! Player Start! Name: Karolyn Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Fermina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Fausto from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Carson from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Elizbeth from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Karolyn from 10 to 11 Karolyn has been abandoned Carson has been abandoned Elizbeth has been abandoned TestScript has been abandoned Fausto has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 Fermina has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat May 2 19:50:05 2020 Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 9 psock 4 New Player Clinton! Player Start! Name: Clinton Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 New Player Gregoria! Player Start! Name: Gregoria Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 New Player Sandy! Player Start! Name: Sandy Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Ngoc! Player Start! Name: Ngoc Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Darlena! Player Start! Name: Darlena Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Ngoc has been abandoned Darlena has been abandoned Clinton has been abandoned Gregoria has been abandoned TestScript has been abandoned Sandy has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat May 2 21:22:45 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat May 2 21:22:45 2020 Terminating thread with socket 9 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 psock 5 New Player Bethann! Player Start! Name: Bethann Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Janeen! Player Start! Name: Janeen Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Emery! Player Start! Name: Emery Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 New Player Sylvia! Player Start! Name: Sylvia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 10 New Player Dagmar! Player Start! Name: Dagmar Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Bethann from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Janeen from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Emery from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sylvia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dagmar from 10 to 11 Sylvia has been abandoned Dagmar has been abandoned Emery has been abandoned TestScript has been abandoned Janeen has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Bethann has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon May 4 00:36:59 2020 Terminating thread with socket 9 Terminating thread with socket 10 Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 11 psock 4 psock 5 New Player Karma! Player Start! Name: Karma Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 New Player Tennie! Player Start! Name: Tennie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Maryetta! Player Start! Name: Maryetta Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Brant! Player Start! Name: Brant Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 New Player Renaldo! Renaldo has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 Brant has been abandoned Maryetta has been abandoned Tennie has been abandoned Karma has been abandoned TestScript has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon May 4 01:42:25 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon May 4 01:42:25 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 psock 4 New Player Jayson! Player Start! Name: Jayson Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 New Player Refugia! Player Start! Name: Refugia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 New Player Neely! Player Start! Name: Neely Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Lavon! Player Start! Name: Lavon Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Sebastian! Player Start! Name: Sebastian Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Jayson from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Refugia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Neely from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lavon from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sebastian from 10 to 11 Sebastian has been abandoned Refugia has been abandoned Jayson has been abandoned Neely has been abandoned Lavon has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 Terminating thread with socket 6 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon May 4 02:17:55 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon May 4 02:17:55 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon May 4 02:17:55 2020 Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 9 psock 4 New Player Venus! Player Start! Name: Venus Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 New Player Trista! Player Start! Name: Trista Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 New Player Anisa! Player Start! Name: Anisa Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Masako! Player Start! Name: Masako Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Lorette! Player Start! Name: Lorette Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Venus from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Trista from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Anisa from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Masako from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lorette from 10 to 11 Lorette has been abandoned Masako has been abandoned Anisa has been abandoned Trista has been abandoned TestScript has been abandoned Venus has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 Terminating thread with socket 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon May 4 03:17:24 2020 Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 10 psock 4 New Player Kiley! Player Start! Name: Kiley Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 New Player Nan! Player Start! Name: Nan Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 New Player Rebbecca! Player Start! Name: Rebbecca Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Richelle! Player Start! Name: Richelle Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Georgine! Player Start! Name: Georgine Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Georgine has been abandoned Nan has been abandoned Richelle has been abandoned Rebbecca has been abandoned TestScript has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon May 4 03:22:38 2020 Kiley has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon May 4 03:22:38 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon May 4 03:22:38 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 10 Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 9 psock 4 New Player Lesli! Player Start! Name: Lesli Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 New Player Benedict! Player Start! Name: Benedict Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 New Player Lilla! Player Start! Name: Lilla Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Earnestine! Player Start! Name: Earnestine Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Kimiko! Player Start! Name: Kimiko Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Kimiko has been abandoned Benedict has been abandoned Earnestine has been abandoned Lesli has been abandoned Lilla has been abandoned TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 Terminating thread with socket 8 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon May 4 03:29:31 2020 Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 10 psock 4 New Player Delora! Player Start! Name: Delora Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 New Player Lashawnda! Player Start! Name: Lashawnda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 New Player Racquel! Player Start! Name: Racquel Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Rene! Player Start! Name: Rene Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Fannie! Player Start! Name: Fannie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Delora from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lashawnda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Racquel from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rene from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Fannie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Delora from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Lashawnda from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Racquel from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Rene from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Fannie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Delora from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lashawnda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Racquel from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rene from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Fannie from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Delora from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Lashawnda from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Racquel from 11 to 10 Fannie has been abandoned Rene has been abandoned Racquel has been abandoned Lashawnda has been abandoned Delora has been abandoned TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 10 Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 9 psock 4 New Player Rosena! Player Start! Name: Rosena Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 New Player Darleen! Player Start! Name: Darleen Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 New Player Kayla! Player Start! Name: Kayla Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Twanna! Player Start! Name: Twanna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Francesco! Player Start! Name: Francesco Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Rosena from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Darleen from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kayla from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Twanna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Francesco from 10 to 11 Francesco has been abandoned Twanna has been abandoned Kayla has been abandoned Darleen has been abandoned TestScript has been abandoned Rosena has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 Terminating thread with socket 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon May 4 04:29:44 2020 Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 10 psock 4 New Player Pamella! Player Start! Name: Pamella Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 New Player Lekisha! Player Start! Name: Lekisha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 psock 7 New Player Glendora! Player Start! Name: Glendora Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Rey! Player Start! Name: Rey Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Pamella from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lekisha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Ruthe from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Glendora from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Rey from 10 to 11 Rey has been abandoned Glendora has been abandoned Lekisha has been abandoned Pamella has been abandoned TestScript has been abandoned Ruthe has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 Terminating thread with socket 6 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon May 4 04:45:36 2020 Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 9 psock 4 New Player Agnus! Player Start! Name: Agnus Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 New Player Lourie! Player Start! Name: Lourie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 New Player Desirae! Player Start! Name: Desirae Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Vernell! Player Start! Name: Vernell Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Vernell has been abandoned Desirae has been abandoned TestScript has been abandoned Lourie has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon May 4 05:21:33 2020 Agnus has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon May 4 05:21:33 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 9 Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 psock 4 New Player Alane! Player Start! Name: Alane Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 New Player Avril! Player Start! Name: Avril Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 New Player Sachiko! Player Start! Name: Sachiko Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Suzette! Player Start! Name: Suzette Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 New Player Debi! Player Start! Name: Debi Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Alane from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Avril from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sachiko from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Suzette from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Debi from 10 to 11 Suzette has been abandoned Debi has been abandoned Sachiko has been abandoned Avril has been abandoned Alane has been abandoned TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 8 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon May 4 05:21:44 2020 Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 9 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 10 psock 4 New Player Dusty! Player Start! Name: Dusty Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 New Player Deshawn! Player Start! Name: Deshawn Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 New Player Erminia! Player Start! Name: Erminia Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Shanti! Player Start! Name: Shanti Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Terence! Player Start! Name: Terence Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Dusty from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Erminia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shanti from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Terence from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dusty from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Erminia from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shanti from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Terence from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dusty from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Erminia from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shanti from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Terence from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dusty from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Erminia from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shanti from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Terence from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dusty from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Erminia from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shanti from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Terence from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dusty from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Erminia from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Shanti from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Terence from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Dusty from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Erminia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shanti from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Terence from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dusty from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Erminia from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Shanti from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Terence from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Dusty from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Erminia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shanti from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Terence from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dusty from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Erminia from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Shanti from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Terence from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dusty from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Erminia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shanti from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Terence from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dusty from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Erminia from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Shanti from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Terence from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Dusty from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Erminia from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shanti from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Terence from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Dusty from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Erminia from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shanti from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Terence from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dusty from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Erminia from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shanti from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Terence from 11 to 12 Battle Time! Attacks: 83 1000 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1000 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Dusty has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Erminia from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shanti from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Terence from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Erminia from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Shanti from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Terence from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Erminia from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Shanti from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Terence from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Erminia from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Shanti from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Terence from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Deshawn from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Erminia from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Shanti from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Terence from 11 to 10 Deshawn has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Erminia has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Shanti has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 Terence has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 9 psock 4 New Player Marylin! Player Start! Name: Marylin Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 New Player Josie! Player Start! Name: Josie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 New Player Sigrid! Player Start! Name: Sigrid Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Stephan! Player Start! Name: Stephan Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Leonie! Player Start! Name: Leonie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Marylin from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Josie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sigrid from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Stephan from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Leonie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marylin from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Josie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sigrid from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Stephan from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Leonie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Marylin from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Josie from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sigrid from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Stephan from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Leonie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marylin from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Josie from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sigrid from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Stephan from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Leonie from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marylin from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Josie from 13 to 12 Battle Time! Attacks: 133 800 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 800 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Sigrid has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: Stephan from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Leonie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marylin from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Josie from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Stephan from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Leonie from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marylin from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Josie from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Stephan from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Leonie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marylin from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Josie from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Stephan from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Leonie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marylin from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Josie from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Stephan from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Leonie from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marylin from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Josie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Stephan from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Leonie from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marylin from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Josie from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Stephan from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: Leonie from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Marylin from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Josie from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Stephan from 11 to 12 Battle Time! Attacks: 50 400 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 400 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Leonie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 Changing Rooms: Marylin from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Josie from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Stephan from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marylin from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Josie from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Stephan from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Marylin from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Josie from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Stephan from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marylin from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Josie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Stephan from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marylin from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: Josie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Stephan from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marylin from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: Josie from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Stephan from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Marylin from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Josie from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Stephan from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Marylin from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: Josie from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Stephan from 14 to 15 Marylin has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 Josie has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Stephan has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 TestScript has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 10 psock 4 New Player Kelli! Player Start! Name: Kelli Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 New Player Georgette! Player Start! Name: Georgette Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 New Player Dara! Player Start! Name: Dara Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Lina! Player Start! Name: Lina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Lasonya! Player Start! Name: Lasonya Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Kelli from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Georgette from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Dara from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Lasonya from 10 to 11 Lasonya has been abandoned Lina has been abandoned Dara has been abandoned Georgette has been abandoned TestScript has been abandoned Kelli has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 10 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon May 4 05:30:48 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 8 Terminating thread with socket 7 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 11 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 New Player Alex! New Player Alexander! Player Start! Name: Alex Description: Logged in from LurkWolf Gold: 0 Attack: 60 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Player Start! Name: Alexander Description: Logged in from LurkWolf Gold: 0 Attack: 60 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Alex from 10 to 11 Alex has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 Alexander has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 New Player ALex! Player Start! Name: ALex Description: Logged in from LurkWolf Gold: 0 Attack: 60 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: ALex from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: ALex from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: ALex from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: ALex from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: ALex from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: ALex from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: ALex from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: ALex from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: ALex from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: ALex from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: ALex from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: ALex from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: ALex from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: ALex from 10 to 13 Changing Rooms: ALex from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: ALex from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: ALex from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: ALex from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: ALex from 13 to 11 ALex has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Alex from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: ALex from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Alex from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: ALex from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: ALex from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: ALex from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Alex from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alex from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Alex from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: Alex from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: Alex from 11 to 10 Alex has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 ALex has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 psock 4 New Player Alexadner! New Player Me! Player Start! Name: Me Description: Logged in from LurkWolf Gold: 0 Attack: 60 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Player Start! Name: Alexadner Description: Logged in from LurkWolf Gold: 0 Attack: 60 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Me from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Me from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Alexadner from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Alexadner from 11 to 12 Me has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Alexadner has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player ?! Player Start! Name: ? Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 100 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: ? from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: ? from 11 to 12 Attacks: 0 66 Defense: 0 70 Damages (P/M) 66 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Soup Eater is in state 3 Attacks: 0 93 Defense: 0 70 Damages (P/M) 93 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Soup Eater is in state 3 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri May 8 07:35:15 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri May 8 07:35:15 2020 ? has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed May 13 23:40:18 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed May 13 23:41:21 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon May 25 12:00:47 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player tet! Player Start! Name: tet Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 10 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue May 26 20:06:00 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue May 26 20:06:00 2020 tet has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player Arturos! Player Start! Name: Arturos Description: He is Arturos. Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Arturos from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Arturos from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Arturos from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: Arturos from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 800 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 800 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Arturos from 16 to 14 Changing Rooms: Arturos from 14 to 15 Attacks: 0 70 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 70 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Attacks: 0 40 Defense: 0 10 Damages (P/M) 40 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri May 29 11:36:44 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Fri May 29 11:36:44 2020 Arturos has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player jesse! Player Start! Name: jesse Description: a Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Jun 1 22:19:14 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Jun 1 22:19:14 2020 jesse has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Jun 4 03:43:46 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Jul 5 00:16:07 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Aug 3 17:35:06 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Aug 3 18:05:39 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Aug 16 00:15:50 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Aug 16 07:03:46 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Aug 26 18:39:58 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 New Player Jesse! Player Start! Name: Jesse Description: hi curtis Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 40 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO New Player Zapblapoman! Player Start! Name: Zapblapoman Description: Cool guy Gold: 0 Attack: 33 Defense: 33 Regen: 34 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Jesse from 10 to 11 Attacks: 41 0 Defense: 40 80 Damages (P/M) 0 1 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Oct 18 18:17:32 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Oct 18 18:17:32 2020 Zapblapoman has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 Jesse has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Nov 8 00:15:16 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Nov 22 00:15:21 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Alex has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Alex has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player ! Player Start! Name: Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Dec 27 15:29:22 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Dec 27 15:29:22 2020 has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Jan 21 09:46:38 2021 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player Seth! Seth has been abandoned Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 27 09:44:45 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 27 09:44:45 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 27 09:44:45 2021 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 27 17:00:46 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 27 17:00:46 2021 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 27 17:01:35 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 27 17:01:35 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Player Start! Name: Seth Description: Logged in from LurkWolf Gold: 0 Attack: 60 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Seth from 10 to 11 Seth has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Seth from 11 to 13 Seth has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Seth from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Seth from 12 to 13 Attacks: 70 83 Defense: 20 100 Damages (P/M) 73 20 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Seth from 13 to 12 Seth has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 4 09:34:22 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player D-DUB! Player Start! Name: D-DUB Description: The most savage crusader in all the land. Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 25 Regen: 25 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: D-DUB from 10 to 11 Attacks: 41 10 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 0 1 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 0 70 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 58 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 16 10 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 25 30 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 18 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 66 50 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 38 26 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 41 10 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 0 1 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 0 10 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 75 40 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 28 35 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 33 40 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 28 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 41 80 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 68 1 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 33 70 Defense: 25 80 Damages (P/M) 58 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 D-DUB has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 New Player D-DUb! Player Start! Name: D-DUb Description: The strongest crusader in all the land. Gold: 0 Attack: 2 Defense: 3 Regen: 2 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Terminating thread with socket 4 Changing Rooms: D-DUb from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: D-DUb from 11 to 12 D-DUb has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player BigP! Player Start! Name: BigP Description: Paladin Gold: 0 Attack: 33 Defense: 33 Regen: 34 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: BigP from 10 to 11 Attacks: 33 70 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 54 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 16 20 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 4 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 22 30 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 14 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 27 20 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 4 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 27 50 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 34 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 22 50 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 34 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 16 60 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 44 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 22 40 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 24 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 33 30 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 14 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 22 70 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 54 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 27 30 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 14 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 16 30 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 14 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 22 80 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 64 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 27 30 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 14 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 BigP has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player BigPaladin! Player Start! Name: BigPaladin Description: Paladin Gold: 0 Attack: 33 Defense: 33 Regen: 34 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 10 to 11 Attacks: 38 50 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 34 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 5 80 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 64 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 27 0 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 27 70 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 54 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 11 60 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 44 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 16 20 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 4 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 44 30 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 14 4 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 27 50 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 34 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 33 90 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 74 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 27 80 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 64 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 7 11:52:29 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 7 11:52:29 2021 BigPaladin has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Player Start! Name: BigPaladin Description: Paladin Gold: 0 Attack: 33 Defense: 33 Regen: 34 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 10 to 11 Attacks: 33 0 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 11 50 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 34 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 11 100 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 84 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 16 20 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 4 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 11 to 12 Attacks: 22 106 Defense: 33 70 Damages (P/M) 90 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Soup Eater is in state 3 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1400 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1400 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 16 to 14 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 14 to 15 Attacks: 5 70 Defense: 33 10 Damages (P/M) 54 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Lab3 is in state 3 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 12 to 13 Attacks: 16 83 Defense: 33 100 Damages (P/M) 67 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 10 to 11 Attacks: 33 60 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 44 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 11 10 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 22 60 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 44 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 16 30 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 14 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 22 40 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 24 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 11 40 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 24 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 27 60 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 44 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 49 50 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 34 9 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 22 60 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 44 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 38 20 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 4 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 22 10 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 22 80 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 64 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 16 30 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 14 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 16 40 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 24 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 16 50 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 34 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 16 80 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 64 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 27 20 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 4 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 49 50 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 34 9 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 0 40 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 24 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 11 80 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 64 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 49 50 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 34 9 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Monster Farly is in state 3 Attacks: 49 30 Defense: 33 80 Damages (P/M) 14 9 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Glog is in state 3 Glog died Monster Farly is in state 3 Farly died Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 400 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 400 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 16 to 14 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1400 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1400 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 16 to 14 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 11 to 13 Attacks: 27 150 Defense: 33 100 Damages (P/M) 134 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 7 12:06:22 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 7 12:06:22 2021 BigPaladin has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Player Start! Name: BigPaladin Description: Paladin Gold: 0 Attack: 33 Defense: 33 Regen: 34 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 13 to 12 Attacks: 55 106 Defense: 33 70 Damages (P/M) 90 20 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Soup Eater is in state 3 Attacks: 5 133 Defense: 33 70 Damages (P/M) 117 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Soup Eater is in state 3 BigPaladin has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Player Start! Name: BigPaladin Description: Paladin Gold: 0 Attack: 33 Defense: 33 Regen: 34 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1400 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 1400 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 16 to 14 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 12 to 13 Attacks: 16 100 Defense: 33 100 Damages (P/M) 84 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Attacks: 33 83 Defense: 33 100 Damages (P/M) 67 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 7 12:23:27 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 7 12:23:27 2021 BigPaladin has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Player Start! Name: BigPaladin Description: Paladin Gold: 0 Attack: 33 Defense: 33 Regen: 34 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 11 to 12 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 7 12:25:37 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 7 12:25:37 2021 BigPaladin has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 11 to 12 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 7 12:26:29 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 7 12:26:29 2021 BigPaladin has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 12 to 11 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 13 to 11 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 12 to 14 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 14 to 15 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 15 to 14 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 800 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 800 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 16 to 14 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 14 to 16 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 1800 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Furnace is in state 3 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 16 to 14 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 14 to 12 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 12 to 13 Attacks: 33 83 Defense: 33 100 Damages (P/M) 67 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Attacks: 11 50 Defense: 33 100 Damages (P/M) 34 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Attacks: 0 66 Defense: 33 100 Damages (P/M) 50 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Attacks: 22 50 Defense: 33 100 Damages (P/M) 34 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Attacks: 49 33 Defense: 33 100 Damages (P/M) 17 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Attacks: 33 16 Defense: 33 100 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Attacks: 49 66 Defense: 33 100 Damages (P/M) 50 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Attacks: 27 166 Defense: 33 100 Damages (P/M) 150 0 (from 1 2) (0 uninvolved) Monster Insulation Monster is in state 3 Monster Bat is in state 3 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 7 12:30:16 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 7 12:30:16 2021 BigPaladin has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Player Start! Name: BigPaladin Description: Paladin Gold: 0 Attack: 33 Defense: 33 Regen: 34 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 11 to 13 Changing Rooms: BigPaladin from 13 to 12 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 7 12:31:41 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 7 12:31:41 2021 BigPaladin has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Seth has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: Seth from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Seth from 13 to 12 Changing Rooms: Seth from 12 to 14 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Feb 8 10:09:52 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Feb 8 10:09:52 2021 Seth has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player DavidDubs! DavidDubs has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Player Start! Name: DavidDubs Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES DavidDubs has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 14 00:15:19 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Feb 18 22:31:35 2021 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 72 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 22 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 108 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 48 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 79 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 84 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 68 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 58 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 74 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 47 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 128 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 21 00:15:23 2021 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 28 17:34:18 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 28 17:34:18 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 28 21:59:30 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 28 21:59:30 2021 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 28 22:15:41 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 28 22:15:41 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 28 22:16:12 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 28 22:16:12 2021 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 28 22:17:33 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 28 22:17:33 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 28 22:17:46 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 28 22:17:46 2021 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 28 22:17:51 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 28 22:17:51 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 28 22:20:33 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 28 22:20:33 2021 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 28 22:30:43 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 28 22:30:43 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 1 00:58:17 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 1 00:58:17 2021 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 1 00:59:25 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 1 00:59:25 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 1 01:01:12 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 1 01:01:12 2021 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 1 01:01:54 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 1 01:01:54 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 1 01:03:12 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 1 01:03:12 2021 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 1 01:04:36 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 1 01:04:36 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 1 01:07:05 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 1 01:07:05 2021 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 1 01:10:22 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 1 01:10:22 2021 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 1 01:16:05 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 1 01:16:05 2021 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 1 04:12:29 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 1 04:12:29 2021 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 1 15:13:14 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 1 15:41:45 2021 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 1 15:48:45 2021 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 1 15:49:55 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 1 15:58:17 2021 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 1 16:01:27 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 2 07:25:04 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 2 07:25:04 2021 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 2 07:39:19 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 2 07:39:19 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 2 07:48:02 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 2 07:48:02 2021 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 2 07:51:04 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Rachel! Player Start! Name: Rachel Description: Tall Gold: 0 Attack: 50 Defense: 25 Regen: 25 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Rachel has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Rachel has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 3 09:42:52 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 3 09:42:52 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 3 09:45:03 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 3 09:45:03 2021 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 3 09:45:36 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 3 09:45:36 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 3 09:46:35 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 3 09:46:35 2021 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 3 09:46:52 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 3 09:46:52 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5