2245 bytes read from cave Next: GAMEDESC While hunting for cougars in the forest, and wading through deep vegetation, you fall into an abandoned well. Sadly, your hunting rifle, with an attack of 2,800, was lost in your fall. Consoling yourself with a maximum of 100 points of attack, defense and regen, you prepare to explore the underground. Next: MONSTER NAME Hurk DESCRIPTION Short creature with 5 legs GOLD 150 ATTACK 30 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Clag DESCRIPTION Like Hurk, but with 6 legs. They must be insects GOLD 350 ATTACK 50 DEFENSE 80 Next: MONSTER NAME Balrog DESCRIPTION It probably has a name, but we're not asking! GOLD 1000000 ATTACK 1409 DEFENSE 1280 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderA DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderB DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderC DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Pit DESCRIPTION Dirty, full of plants. But there's a glint of gold! This looks promising. There is a small tunnel leading away. CONNECT Cavern GOLD 4 Next: ROOM NAME Cavern DESCRIPTION There's a little more space here, but still not much headroom. It is dark, but there appears to be a hole in the floor. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Pit GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Hole DESCRIPTION Sliding down the hole, you find youself feeling a smooth wall, distinct against the soft dirt. There is a handle for a door. Where could it lead? CONNECT Atrium MONSTER SpiderA MONSTER SpiderB MONSTER SpiderC GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Atrium DESCRIPTION A large stone room, lit with torches. But who replaces the torches? Some stairs lead down, and a hall leads away. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Hallway CONNECT Basement MONSTER GOLD 0 Unknown line: MONSTER Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Damp stone rooms, large and full of rats. CONNECT Celler CONNECT Atrium MONSTER Hurk MONSTER Clag GOLD 400 Next: ROOM NAME Cellar DESCRIPTION Might have held roots once CONNECT Basement GOLD 1000 Next: ROOM NAME Storage DESCRIPTION There's a bunch of old tables here. CONNECT Basement GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Treasure Room DESCRIPTION Full of gold CONNECT Hallway GOLD 400000 Next: ROOM NAME Hallway DESCRIPTION Long, lighted by torches and a balrog! MONSTER Balrog CONNECT Treasure Room CONNECT Atrium CONNECT Basement Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Feb 25 00:16:02 2020 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Feb 26 12:20:05 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 New Player Tim! Player Start! Name: Tim Description: Hello World Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Tim from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 9 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 9 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1409 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 1409 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Tim from 18 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 14 CRASH at Mon 02 Mar 2020 09:47:41 AM PST 2245 bytes read from cave Next: GAMEDESC While hunting for cougars in the forest, and wading through deep vegetation, you fall into an abandoned well. Sadly, your hunting rifle, with an attack of 2,800, was lost in your fall. Consoling yourself with a maximum of 100 points of attack, defense and regen, you prepare to explore the underground. Next: MONSTER NAME Hurk DESCRIPTION Short creature with 5 legs GOLD 150 ATTACK 30 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Clag DESCRIPTION Like Hurk, but with 6 legs. They must be insects GOLD 350 ATTACK 50 DEFENSE 80 Next: MONSTER NAME Balrog DESCRIPTION It probably has a name, but we're not asking! GOLD 1000000 ATTACK 1409 DEFENSE 1280 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderA DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderB DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderC DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Pit DESCRIPTION Dirty, full of plants. But there's a glint of gold! This looks promising. There is a small tunnel leading away. CONNECT Cavern GOLD 4 Next: ROOM NAME Cavern DESCRIPTION There's a little more space here, but still not much headroom. It is dark, but there appears to be a hole in the floor. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Pit GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Hole DESCRIPTION Sliding down the hole, you find youself feeling a smooth wall, distinct against the soft dirt. There is a handle for a door. Where could it lead? CONNECT Atrium MONSTER SpiderA MONSTER SpiderB MONSTER SpiderC GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Atrium DESCRIPTION A large stone room, lit with torches. But who replaces the torches? Some stairs lead down, and a hall leads away. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Hallway CONNECT Basement MONSTER GOLD 0 Unknown line: MONSTER Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Damp stone rooms, large and full of rats. CONNECT Celler CONNECT Atrium MONSTER Hurk MONSTER Clag GOLD 400 Next: ROOM NAME Cellar DESCRIPTION Might have held roots once CONNECT Basement GOLD 1000 Next: ROOM NAME Storage DESCRIPTION There's a bunch of old tables here. CONNECT Basement GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Treasure Room DESCRIPTION Full of gold CONNECT Hallway GOLD 400000 Next: ROOM NAME Hallway DESCRIPTION Long, lighted by torches and a balrog! MONSTER Balrog CONNECT Treasure Room CONNECT Atrium CONNECT Basement Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 New Player Tim! Player Start! Name: Tim Description: Hello World Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: Tim from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Tim from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 9 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 9 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Tim from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Tim from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 1409 Defense: 0 1280 Damages (P/M) 1409 0 (from 0 1) (1 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Tim from 18 to 14 CRASH at Mon 02 Mar 2020 09:50:59 AM PST 2245 bytes read from cave Next: GAMEDESC While hunting for cougars in the forest, and wading through deep vegetation, you fall into an abandoned well. Sadly, your hunting rifle, with an attack of 2,800, was lost in your fall. Consoling yourself with a maximum of 100 points of attack, defense and regen, you prepare to explore the underground. Next: MONSTER NAME Hurk DESCRIPTION Short creature with 5 legs GOLD 150 ATTACK 30 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Clag DESCRIPTION Like Hurk, but with 6 legs. They must be insects GOLD 350 ATTACK 50 DEFENSE 80 Next: MONSTER NAME Balrog DESCRIPTION It probably has a name, but we're not asking! GOLD 1000000 ATTACK 1409 DEFENSE 1280 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderA DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderB DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderC DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Pit DESCRIPTION Dirty, full of plants. But there's a glint of gold! This looks promising. There is a small tunnel leading away. CONNECT Cavern GOLD 4 Next: ROOM NAME Cavern DESCRIPTION There's a little more space here, but still not much headroom. It is dark, but there appears to be a hole in the floor. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Pit GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Hole DESCRIPTION Sliding down the hole, you find youself feeling a smooth wall, distinct against the soft dirt. There is a handle for a door. Where could it lead? CONNECT Atrium MONSTER SpiderA MONSTER SpiderB MONSTER SpiderC GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Atrium DESCRIPTION A large stone room, lit with torches. But who replaces the torches? Some stairs lead down, and a hall leads away. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Hallway CONNECT Basement MONSTER GOLD 0 Unknown line: MONSTER Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Damp stone rooms, large and full of rats. CONNECT Celler CONNECT Atrium MONSTER Hurk MONSTER Clag GOLD 400 Next: ROOM NAME Cellar DESCRIPTION Might have held roots once CONNECT Basement GOLD 1000 Next: ROOM NAME Storage DESCRIPTION There's a bunch of old tables here. CONNECT Basement GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Treasure Room DESCRIPTION Full of gold CONNECT Hallway GOLD 400000 Next: ROOM NAME Hallway DESCRIPTION Long, lighted by torches and a balrog! MONSTER Balrog CONNECT Treasure Room CONNECT Atrium CONNECT Basement Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 14:37:19 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 14:37:19 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 14:37:29 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 14:37:29 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 14:42:49 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 14:42:49 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 14:45:17 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 14:45:17 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:08:39 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:08:39 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:08:51 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:08:51 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:09:13 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:09:13 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:18:49 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:18:49 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:23:01 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:23:01 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:28:02 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:28:02 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:29:43 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:29:43 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:31:05 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:31:05 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:33:53 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:33:53 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:37:22 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:37:22 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:37:38 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:37:38 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:39:47 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:39:47 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:46:17 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:46:17 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:48:42 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:48:42 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:49:47 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:49:47 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:54:49 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:54:49 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:55:51 2020 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Mar 2 15:55:51 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 New Player jerd! jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Player Start! Name: jerd Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 34 Defense: 33 Regen: 33 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 New Player jared! Player Start! Name: jared Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 34 Defense: 33 Regen: 33 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES jared has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 New Player jerdjerdjerdjerdjerdjerdjerdjerd! Player Start! Name: jerdjerdjerdjerdjerdjerdjerdjerd Description: Gold: 0 Attack: 34 Defense: 33 Regen: 33 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES jerdjerdjerdjerdjerdjerdjerdjerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 jerdjerdjerdjerdjerdjerdjerdjerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Changing Rooms: jerd from 10 to 11 psock 6 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 jared has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Changing Rooms: jerd from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: jerd from 10 to 11 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Changing Rooms: jerd from 11 to 10 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Changing Rooms: jerd from 10 to 11 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Changing Rooms: jerd from 11 to 10 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 4 00:28:40 2020 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Changing Rooms: jerd from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: jerd from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 39 9 Defense: 33 0 Damages (P/M) 0 39 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Changing Rooms: jerd from 12 to 13 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Changing Rooms: jerd from 13 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 45 9 Defense: 33 0 Damages (P/M) 0 45 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 Terminating thread with socket 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 7 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 77 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Mar 8 00:16:01 2020 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 8 psock 6 New Player Ryan1! Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 8 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 9 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 9 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 9 psock 8 Changing Rooms: jerd from 12 to 13 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 Changing Rooms: jerd from 13 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 34 7 Defense: 33 0 Damages (P/M) 0 34 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 SpiderA died Monster SpiderB is in state 3 SpiderB died Monster SpiderC is in state 3 SpiderC died psock 10 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 10 psock 8 Player Start! Name: Ryan1 Description: An awesome test hero Gold: 0 Attack: 40 Defense: 35 Regen: 25 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 8 psock 10 Changing Rooms: jerd from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: jerd from 13 to 14 CRASH at Sun 08 Mar 2020 01:40:19 PM PDT 2245 bytes read from cave Next: GAMEDESC While hunting for cougars in the forest, and wading through deep vegetation, you fall into an abandoned well. Sadly, your hunting rifle, with an attack of 2,800, was lost in your fall. Consoling yourself with a maximum of 100 points of attack, defense and regen, you prepare to explore the underground. Next: MONSTER NAME Hurk DESCRIPTION Short creature with 5 legs GOLD 150 ATTACK 30 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Clag DESCRIPTION Like Hurk, but with 6 legs. They must be insects GOLD 350 ATTACK 50 DEFENSE 80 Next: MONSTER NAME Balrog DESCRIPTION It probably has a name, but we're not asking! GOLD 1000000 ATTACK 1409 DEFENSE 1280 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderA DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderB DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderC DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Pit DESCRIPTION Dirty, full of plants. But there's a glint of gold! This looks promising. There is a small tunnel leading away. CONNECT Cavern GOLD 4 Next: ROOM NAME Cavern DESCRIPTION There's a little more space here, but still not much headroom. It is dark, but there appears to be a hole in the floor. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Pit GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Hole DESCRIPTION Sliding down the hole, you find youself feeling a smooth wall, distinct against the soft dirt. There is a handle for a door. Where could it lead? CONNECT Atrium MONSTER SpiderA MONSTER SpiderB MONSTER SpiderC GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Atrium DESCRIPTION A large stone room, lit with torches. But who replaces the torches? Some stairs lead down, and a hall leads away. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Hallway CONNECT Basement MONSTER GOLD 0 Unknown line: MONSTER Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Damp stone rooms, large and full of rats. CONNECT Celler CONNECT Atrium MONSTER Hurk MONSTER Clag GOLD 400 Next: ROOM NAME Cellar DESCRIPTION Might have held roots once CONNECT Basement GOLD 1000 Next: ROOM NAME Storage DESCRIPTION There's a bunch of old tables here. CONNECT Basement GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Treasure Room DESCRIPTION Full of gold CONNECT Hallway GOLD 400000 Next: ROOM NAME Hallway DESCRIPTION Long, lighted by torches and a balrog! MONSTER Balrog CONNECT Treasure Room CONNECT Atrium CONNECT Basement Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 New Player Ryan1! psock 5 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Player Start! Name: Ryan1 Description: An awesome test hero Gold: 0 Attack: 40 Defense: 35 Regen: 25 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Terminating thread with socket 5 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Marc! Marc has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 psock 4 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 New Player marc! marc has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Ryan1 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 New Player jerd! Player Start! Name: jerd Description: BA SpeLURKer Gold: 0 Attack: 34 Defense: 33 Regen: 33 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: jerd from 10 to 11 New Player asdg ! asdg has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 asdg has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 Changing Rooms: jerd from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 39 9 Defense: 33 0 Damages (P/M) 0 39 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Attacks: 45 9 Defense: 33 0 Damages (P/M) 0 45 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Attacks: 34 7 Defense: 33 0 Damages (P/M) 0 34 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 SpiderA died Monster SpiderB is in state 3 SpiderB died Monster SpiderC is in state 3 SpiderC died New Player dg ! dg has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 New Player mada! mada has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 New Player sg ! sg has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 New Player we! Player Start! Name: we Description: dfgd dgh d Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO we has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Changing Rooms: we from 10 to 512 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 we has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player qw ! Player Start! Name: qw Description: wqe w qe Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: qw from 10 to 2816 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 qw has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player we qwe ! Player Start! Name: we qwe Description: ae aea Gold: 0 Attack: 11 Defense: 11 Regen: 11 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO we qwe has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player 6! Player Start! Name: 6 Description: awe qewtq Gold: 0 Attack: 11 Defense: 11 Regen: 11 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: 6 from 10 to 1792 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 6 has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player asdf a! Player Start! Name: asdf a Description: ae tawetawet Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO asdf a has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player we wet w! Player Start! Name: we wet w Description: serer we ry Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: we wet w from 10 to 2816 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 we wet w has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player sdf sdfg ! Player Start! Name: sdf sdfg Description: sdg s sh asrywr Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: sdf sdfg from 10 to 2816 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 sdf sdfg has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player aed! Player Start! Name: aed Description: sdg sg sgssf Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO aed has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player we we! Player Start! Name: we we Description: dfh rhwery Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO we we has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player we qwt! Player Start! Name: we qwt Description: ad aeaedaadd Gold: 0 Attack: 23 Defense: 23 Regen: 23 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: we qwt from 10 to 2816 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 we qwt has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player sdfg ser wywy! Player Start! Name: sdfg ser wywy Description: ery werywerywerywy Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO sdfg ser wywy has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player wr wr wyrwyw! Player Start! Name: wr wr wyrwyw Description: sdf sdfgs Gold: 0 Attack: 23 Defense: 23 Regen: 23 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: wr wr wyrwyw from 10 to 2816 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 wr wr wyrwyw has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player qwqwqwqw! Player Start! Name: qwqwqwqw Description: we tweqtw Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: qwqwqwqw from 10 to 2816 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 qwqwqwqw has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player asd a! Player Start! Name: asd a Description: we eryweryw Gold: 0 Attack: 23 Defense: 23 Regen: 23 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO asd a has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player sdfg sf ! Player Start! Name: sdfg sf Description: df sdfh sdfh Gold: 0 Attack: 23 Defense: 23 Regen: 23 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO sdfg sf has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player dg sdag ! Player Start! Name: dg sdag Description: seryw weryww er Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: dg sdag from 10 to 2816 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 dg sdag has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player sdfg! Player Start! Name: sdfg Description: asd sasggsd Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO sdfg has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player sdf sdfh sd! Player Start! Name: sdf sdfh sd Description: e ggsdgsd Gold: 0 Attack: 23 Defense: 23 Regen: 23 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO sdf sdfh sd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player dfs s df! Player Start! Name: dfs s df Description: df sddfh sdgsdf Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO dfs s df has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player cxb fb ! Player Start! Name: cxb fb Description: df dfhsdf Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: cxb fb from 10 to 2816 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 cxb fb has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player adf a dfadfaf! Player Start! Name: adf a dfadfaf Description: r wertwetwetw Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO adf a dfadfaf has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player sdfg sf! Player Start! Name: sdfg sf Description: sdg sdgs sg Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: sdfg sf from 10 to 2816 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 sdfg sf has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player df sd! Player Start! Name: df sd Description: r wrtwerer er Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: df sd from 10 to 2816 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 df sd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player s srysryery! Player Start! Name: s srysryery Description: sd yseryaweryery Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: s srysryery from 10 to 2816 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 s srysryery has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player adg aegawetaw! Player Start! Name: adg aegawetaw Description: wae tawetwetwt Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: adg aegawetaw from 10 to 2816 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 adg aegawetaw has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player shf shshf! Player Start! Name: shf shshf Description: rt uwe Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: shf shshf from 10 to 11 shf shshf has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player g sdfhs! Player Start! Name: g sdfhs Description: sfdfs f Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO g sdfhs has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player sdfh srhshrf! Player Start! Name: sdfh srhshrf Description: sdf sdfsdf Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO sdfh srhshrf has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player g sdhdffdhs! Player Start! Name: g sdhdffdhs Description: zsdf sdsdfs Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: g sdhdffdhs from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: g sdhdffdhs from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) g sdhdffdhs has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player jkahdf dskj! Player Start! Name: jkahdf dskj Description: sd sdf fs Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: jkahdf dskj from 10 to 11 jkahdf dskj has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player asdb kad k! Player Start! Name: asdb kad k Description: as asasdgasg Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO asdb kad k has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player jasghjkl asjkf asdkj! Player Start! Name: jasghjkl asjkf asdkj Description: sjkdfb skdf Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: jasghjkl asjkf asdkj from 10 to 11 jasghjkl asjkf asdkj has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player jkasb kasjd kas! Player Start! Name: jkasb kasjd kas Description: er yerywery Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO jkasb kasjd kas has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player sdg sd! Player Start! Name: sdg sd Description: sd seery rey w Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO sdg sd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player sdf sh! Player Start! Name: sdf sh Description: s terteye rt Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: sdf sh from 10 to 11 sdf sh has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player sg sdfg sdf! Player Start! Name: sg sdfg sdf Description: e rty rtye ee Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO sg sdfg sdf has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player sdfg ! sdfg has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player dhdf df! Player Start! Name: dhdf df Description: dfg dfh d Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO dhdf df has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player ! Player Start! Name: Description: ads asdfa df Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 2 Regen: 2 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player s dfg f! Player Start! Name: s dfg f Description: sf sdfgs dfs Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: s dfg f from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: s dfg f from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) s dfg f has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player jkasbd jkasdjkg ! Player Start! Name: jkasbd jkasdjkg Description: dsg sfg g Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO jkasbd jkasdjkg has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player jkdfhsdk j! Player Start! Name: jkdfhsdk j Description: s g sfg sdgfs Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO jkdfhsdk j has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player asda sddg! Player Start! Name: asda sddg Description: asg sdg aga Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO asda sddg has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player agd asgd! Player Start! Name: agd asgd Description: er eryr Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO agd asgd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player sdg sdg! Player Start! Name: sdg sdg Description: sdfg sdfgd Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO sdg sdg has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player hasdb af! Player Start! Name: hasdb af Description: sdgs gsg Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: hasdb af from 10 to 11 Attacks: 6 0 Defense: 12 0 Damages (P/M) 0 6 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) hasdb af has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player asdf af! Player Start! Name: asdf af Description: fsdfgsds Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO asdf af has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player a sda fasd ! Player Start! Name: a sda fasd Description: n fh sdfh Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO a sda fasd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player VHFJH ! Player Start! Name: VHFJH Description: dfbd ,dfbv,sdjk Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO VHFJH has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player marc bat! Player Start! Name: marc bat Description: tyhr ekeekeke Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO marc bat has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player sdfsg sd! Player Start! Name: sdfsg sd Description: ery weryeywery Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO sdfsg sd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player macntoch! Player Start! Name: macntoch Description: 12 Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO macntoch has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player dh dfgh ! dh dfgh has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player wert wet! wert wet has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player target! Player Start! Name: target Description: here for yuka to fight Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: target from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: target from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 0 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 0 (from 0 3) (1 uninvolved) target has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player bibi! bibi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Player Start! Name: bibi Description: this is is Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO bibi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 bibi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 bibi has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player Puc 2 Kratos! Player Start! Name: Puc 2 Kratos Description: I am a diamond in the rough all i want to do is shine. Gold: 0 Attack: 10 Defense: 10 Regen: 10 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Puc 2 Kratos from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Puc 2 Kratos from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Puc 2 Kratos from 10 to 12 Changing Rooms: Puc 2 Kratos from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Puc 2 Kratos from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 16 0 Defense: 10 0 Damages (P/M) 0 16 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 Puc 2 Kratos has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 New Player tt! Player Start! Name: tt Description: rey wrywy Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: tt from 10 to 11 tt has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 10 00:16:05 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player asds! Player Start! Name: asds Description: dfghd Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO Changing Rooms: asds from 10 to 11 asds has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player force! Player Start! Name: force Description: jhasdj ldjf Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO force has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player sd! Player Start! Name: sd Description: sfd sdfg sfg s Gold: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 sd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 6 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: jerd from 12 to 13 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Changing Rooms: jerd from 13 to 14 CRASH at Tue 10 Mar 2020 03:36:20 PM PDT 2245 bytes read from cave Next: GAMEDESC While hunting for cougars in the forest, and wading through deep vegetation, you fall into an abandoned well. Sadly, your hunting rifle, with an attack of 2,800, was lost in your fall. Consoling yourself with a maximum of 100 points of attack, defense and regen, you prepare to explore the underground. Next: MONSTER NAME Hurk DESCRIPTION Short creature with 5 legs GOLD 150 ATTACK 30 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Clag DESCRIPTION Like Hurk, but with 6 legs. They must be insects GOLD 350 ATTACK 50 DEFENSE 80 Next: MONSTER NAME Balrog DESCRIPTION It probably has a name, but we're not asking! GOLD 1000000 ATTACK 1409 DEFENSE 1280 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderA DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderB DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderC DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Pit DESCRIPTION Dirty, full of plants. But there's a glint of gold! This looks promising. There is a small tunnel leading away. CONNECT Cavern GOLD 4 Next: ROOM NAME Cavern DESCRIPTION There's a little more space here, but still not much headroom. It is dark, but there appears to be a hole in the floor. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Pit GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Hole DESCRIPTION Sliding down the hole, you find youself feeling a smooth wall, distinct against the soft dirt. There is a handle for a door. Where could it lead? CONNECT Atrium MONSTER SpiderA MONSTER SpiderB MONSTER SpiderC GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Atrium DESCRIPTION A large stone room, lit with torches. But who replaces the torches? Some stairs lead down, and a hall leads away. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Hallway CONNECT Basement MONSTER GOLD 0 Unknown line: MONSTER Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Damp stone rooms, large and full of rats. CONNECT Celler CONNECT Atrium MONSTER Hurk MONSTER Clag GOLD 400 Next: ROOM NAME Cellar DESCRIPTION Might have held roots once CONNECT Basement GOLD 1000 Next: ROOM NAME Storage DESCRIPTION There's a bunch of old tables here. CONNECT Basement GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Treasure Room DESCRIPTION Full of gold CONNECT Hallway GOLD 400000 Next: ROOM NAME Hallway DESCRIPTION Long, lighted by torches and a balrog! MONSTER Balrog CONNECT Treasure Room CONNECT Atrium CONNECT Basement Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 New Player jerd! Player Start! Name: jerd Description: BA SpeLURKer Gold: 0 Attack: 34 Defense: 33 Regen: 33 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: jerd from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: jerd from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 39 9 Defense: 33 0 Damages (P/M) 0 39 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Changing Rooms: jerd from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: jerd from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 45 1409 Defense: 33 1280 Damages (P/M) 1393 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Player Start! Name: jerd Description: BA SpeLURKer Gold: 0 Attack: 34 Defense: 33 Regen: 33 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: jerd from 10 to 11 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: jerd from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 34 7 Defense: 33 0 Damages (P/M) 0 34 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Attacks: 28 7 Defense: 33 0 Damages (P/M) 0 28 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 SpiderA died Monster SpiderB is in state 3 SpiderB died Monster SpiderC is in state 3 SpiderC died Changing Rooms: jerd from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: jerd from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 45 939 Defense: 33 1280 Damages (P/M) 923 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Player Start! Name: jerd Description: BA SpeLURKer Gold: 0 Attack: 34 Defense: 33 Regen: 33 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: jerd from 10 to 11 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: jerd from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 17 0 Defense: 33 0 Damages (P/M) 0 17 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: jerd from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: jerd from 13 to 14 CRASH at Tue 10 Mar 2020 09:48:22 PM PDT 2245 bytes read from cave Next: GAMEDESC While hunting for cougars in the forest, and wading through deep vegetation, you fall into an abandoned well. Sadly, your hunting rifle, with an attack of 2,800, was lost in your fall. Consoling yourself with a maximum of 100 points of attack, defense and regen, you prepare to explore the underground. Next: MONSTER NAME Hurk DESCRIPTION Short creature with 5 legs GOLD 150 ATTACK 30 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Clag DESCRIPTION Like Hurk, but with 6 legs. They must be insects GOLD 350 ATTACK 50 DEFENSE 80 Next: MONSTER NAME Balrog DESCRIPTION It probably has a name, but we're not asking! GOLD 1000000 ATTACK 1409 DEFENSE 1280 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderA DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderB DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderC DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Pit DESCRIPTION Dirty, full of plants. But there's a glint of gold! This looks promising. There is a small tunnel leading away. CONNECT Cavern GOLD 4 Next: ROOM NAME Cavern DESCRIPTION There's a little more space here, but still not much headroom. It is dark, but there appears to be a hole in the floor. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Pit GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Hole DESCRIPTION Sliding down the hole, you find youself feeling a smooth wall, distinct against the soft dirt. There is a handle for a door. Where could it lead? CONNECT Atrium MONSTER SpiderA MONSTER SpiderB MONSTER SpiderC GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Atrium DESCRIPTION A large stone room, lit with torches. But who replaces the torches? Some stairs lead down, and a hall leads away. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Hallway CONNECT Basement MONSTER GOLD 0 Unknown line: MONSTER Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Damp stone rooms, large and full of rats. CONNECT Celler CONNECT Atrium MONSTER Hurk MONSTER Clag GOLD 400 Next: ROOM NAME Cellar DESCRIPTION Might have held roots once CONNECT Basement GOLD 1000 Next: ROOM NAME Storage DESCRIPTION There's a bunch of old tables here. CONNECT Basement GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Treasure Room DESCRIPTION Full of gold CONNECT Hallway GOLD 400000 Next: ROOM NAME Hallway DESCRIPTION Long, lighted by torches and a balrog! MONSTER Balrog CONNECT Treasure Room CONNECT Atrium CONNECT Basement Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 New Player jerd! Player Start! Name: jerd Description: BA SpeLURKer Gold: 0 Attack: 34 Defense: 33 Regen: 33 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: jerd from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: jerd from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 39 9 Defense: 33 0 Damages (P/M) 0 39 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Changing Rooms: jerd from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: jerd from 13 to 14 CRASH at Tue 10 Mar 2020 10:03:31 PM PDT 2245 bytes read from cave Next: GAMEDESC While hunting for cougars in the forest, and wading through deep vegetation, you fall into an abandoned well. Sadly, your hunting rifle, with an attack of 2,800, was lost in your fall. Consoling yourself with a maximum of 100 points of attack, defense and regen, you prepare to explore the underground. Next: MONSTER NAME Hurk DESCRIPTION Short creature with 5 legs GOLD 150 ATTACK 30 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Clag DESCRIPTION Like Hurk, but with 6 legs. They must be insects GOLD 350 ATTACK 50 DEFENSE 80 Next: MONSTER NAME Balrog DESCRIPTION It probably has a name, but we're not asking! GOLD 1000000 ATTACK 1409 DEFENSE 1280 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderA DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderB DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderC DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Pit DESCRIPTION Dirty, full of plants. But there's a glint of gold! This looks promising. There is a small tunnel leading away. CONNECT Cavern GOLD 4 Next: ROOM NAME Cavern DESCRIPTION There's a little more space here, but still not much headroom. It is dark, but there appears to be a hole in the floor. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Pit GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Hole DESCRIPTION Sliding down the hole, you find youself feeling a smooth wall, distinct against the soft dirt. There is a handle for a door. Where could it lead? CONNECT Atrium MONSTER SpiderA MONSTER SpiderB MONSTER SpiderC GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Atrium DESCRIPTION A large stone room, lit with torches. But who replaces the torches? Some stairs lead down, and a hall leads away. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Hallway CONNECT Basement MONSTER GOLD 0 Unknown line: MONSTER Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Damp stone rooms, large and full of rats. CONNECT Celler CONNECT Atrium MONSTER Hurk MONSTER Clag GOLD 400 Next: ROOM NAME Cellar DESCRIPTION Might have held roots once CONNECT Basement GOLD 1000 Next: ROOM NAME Storage DESCRIPTION There's a bunch of old tables here. CONNECT Basement GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Treasure Room DESCRIPTION Full of gold CONNECT Hallway GOLD 400000 Next: ROOM NAME Hallway DESCRIPTION Long, lighted by torches and a balrog! MONSTER Balrog CONNECT Treasure Room CONNECT Atrium CONNECT Basement Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 New Player jerd! Player Start! Name: jerd Description: BA SpeLURKer Gold: 0 Attack: 34 Defense: 33 Regen: 33 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: jerd from 10 to 11 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 jerd has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Seth! Player Start! Name: Seth Description: BA SpeLURKer Gold: 0 Attack: 60 Defense: 20 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Seth from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Seth from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 70 9 Defense: 20 0 Damages (P/M) 0 70 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 Monster SpiderB is in state 3 Monster SpiderC is in state 3 Changing Rooms: Seth from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Seth from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 80 1409 Defense: 20 1280 Damages (P/M) 1399 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 Seth has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player daad! Player Start! Name: daad Description: wet wertt Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO daad has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player qetq ! Player Start! Name: qetq Description: werter Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO qetq has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player mg! Player Start! Name: mg Description: sdg agwer tyewrtwer Gold: 0 Attack: 12 Defense: 12 Regen: 12 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: NO mg has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player sdfgs ! sdfgs has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player eyr w! eyr w has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player test! Player Start! Name: test Description: please work Gold: 0 Attack: 40 Defense: 40 Regen: 20 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES test has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Changing Rooms: jerd from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 34 7 Defense: 33 0 Damages (P/M) 0 34 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 SpiderA died Monster SpiderB is in state 3 SpiderB died Monster SpiderC is in state 3 SpiderC died Changing Rooms: jerd from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: jerd from 13 to 18 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 28 1174 Defense: 33 1280 Damages (P/M) 1158 0 (from 1 1) (0 uninvolved) Monster Balrog is in state 3 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Player Start! Name: jerd Description: BA SpeLURKer Gold: 0 Attack: 34 Defense: 33 Regen: 33 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: jerd from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: jerd from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Battle Time! Attacks: 45 0 Defense: 33 0 Damages (P/M) 0 45 (from 1 3) (0 uninvolved) jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sat Mar 21 03:32:03 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 31 00:16:50 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Apr 5 00:16:35 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 jerd has left the game Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player TestScript! Player Start! Name: TestScript Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 99 Defense: 1 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 4 psock 6 New Player Breanna! psock 7 New Player Doreatha! psock 8 Player Start! Name: Breanna Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Jackqueline! psock 9 Player Start! Name: Doreatha Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Petrina! Player Start! Name: Jackqueline Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES New Player Gwenn! Player Start! Name: Petrina Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Player Start! Name: Gwenn Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Breanna from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Doreatha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jackqueline from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Petrina from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Gwenn from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Breanna from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Doreatha from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Jackqueline from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Petrina from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Gwenn from 11 to 12 Battle Time! Attacks: 150 0 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 0 150 (from 3 3) (0 uninvolved) Changing Rooms: Breanna from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Doreatha from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Jackqueline from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Petrina from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Gwenn from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Breanna from 13 to 14 CRASH at Mon 13 Apr 2020 09:12:07 AM PDT 2245 bytes read from cave Next: GAMEDESC While hunting for cougars in the forest, and wading through deep vegetation, you fall into an abandoned well. Sadly, your hunting rifle, with an attack of 2,800, was lost in your fall. Consoling yourself with a maximum of 100 points of attack, defense and regen, you prepare to explore the underground. Next: MONSTER NAME Hurk DESCRIPTION Short creature with 5 legs GOLD 150 ATTACK 30 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Clag DESCRIPTION Like Hurk, but with 6 legs. They must be insects GOLD 350 ATTACK 50 DEFENSE 80 Next: MONSTER NAME Balrog DESCRIPTION It probably has a name, but we're not asking! GOLD 1000000 ATTACK 1409 DEFENSE 1280 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderA DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderB DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderC DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Pit DESCRIPTION Dirty, full of plants. But there's a glint of gold! This looks promising. There is a small tunnel leading away. CONNECT Cavern GOLD 4 Next: ROOM NAME Cavern DESCRIPTION There's a little more space here, but still not much headroom. It is dark, but there appears to be a hole in the floor. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Pit GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Hole DESCRIPTION Sliding down the hole, you find youself feeling a smooth wall, distinct against the soft dirt. There is a handle for a door. Where could it lead? CONNECT Atrium MONSTER SpiderA MONSTER SpiderB MONSTER SpiderC GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Atrium DESCRIPTION A large stone room, lit with torches. But who replaces the torches? Some stairs lead down, and a hall leads away. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Hallway CONNECT Basement MONSTER GOLD 0 Unknown line: MONSTER Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Damp stone rooms, large and full of rats. CONNECT Celler CONNECT Atrium MONSTER Hurk MONSTER Clag GOLD 400 Next: ROOM NAME Cellar DESCRIPTION Might have held roots once CONNECT Basement GOLD 1000 Next: ROOM NAME Storage DESCRIPTION There's a bunch of old tables here. CONNECT Basement GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Treasure Room DESCRIPTION Full of gold CONNECT Hallway GOLD 400000 Next: ROOM NAME Hallway DESCRIPTION Long, lighted by torches and a balrog! MONSTER Balrog CONNECT Treasure Room CONNECT Atrium CONNECT Basement Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 New Player TestScript! Player Start! Name: TestScript Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 99 Defense: 1 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 5 New Player Zula! Player Start! Name: Zula Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 6 New Player Felicita! Player Start! Name: Felicita Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 7 New Player Marinda! Player Start! Name: Marinda Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 8 New Player Kandis! Player Start! Name: Kandis Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES psock 9 New Player Sallie! Player Start! Name: Sallie Description: Auto-generated test player Gold: 0 Attack: 100 Defense: 0 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Changing Rooms: Zula from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Felicita from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Marinda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kandis from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Sallie from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Zula from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Felicita from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Marinda from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Kandis from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Sallie from 11 to 12 Changing Rooms: Zula from 10 to 11 Battle Time! Attacks: 350 9 Defense: 0 0 Damages (P/M) 9 350 (from 3 3) (0 uninvolved) Monster SpiderA is in state 3 SpiderA died Monster SpiderB is in state 3 SpiderB died Monster SpiderC is in state 3 SpiderC died Changing Rooms: Felicita from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Marinda from 10 to 11 Changing Rooms: Kandis from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Sallie from 12 to 13 Changing Rooms: Zula from 11 to 12 Initiating battle in 1.00 seconds! Changing Rooms: Felicita from 13 to 18 Changing Rooms: Marinda from 11 to 10 Changing Rooms: Kandis from 13 to 14 CRASH at Mon 13 Apr 2020 04:41:29 PM PDT 2245 bytes read from cave Next: GAMEDESC While hunting for cougars in the forest, and wading through deep vegetation, you fall into an abandoned well. Sadly, your hunting rifle, with an attack of 2,800, was lost in your fall. Consoling yourself with a maximum of 100 points of attack, defense and regen, you prepare to explore the underground. Next: MONSTER NAME Hurk DESCRIPTION Short creature with 5 legs GOLD 150 ATTACK 30 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Clag DESCRIPTION Like Hurk, but with 6 legs. They must be insects GOLD 350 ATTACK 50 DEFENSE 80 Next: MONSTER NAME Balrog DESCRIPTION It probably has a name, but we're not asking! GOLD 1000000 ATTACK 1409 DEFENSE 1280 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderA DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderB DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderC DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Pit DESCRIPTION Dirty, full of plants. But there's a glint of gold! This looks promising. There is a small tunnel leading away. CONNECT Cavern GOLD 4 Next: ROOM NAME Cavern DESCRIPTION There's a little more space here, but still not much headroom. It is dark, but there appears to be a hole in the floor. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Pit GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Hole DESCRIPTION Sliding down the hole, you find youself feeling a smooth wall, distinct against the soft dirt. There is a handle for a door. Where could it lead? CONNECT Atrium MONSTER SpiderA MONSTER SpiderB MONSTER SpiderC GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Atrium DESCRIPTION A large stone room, lit with torches. But who replaces the torches? Some stairs lead down, and a hall leads away. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Hallway CONNECT Basement MONSTER GOLD 0 Unknown line: MONSTER Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Damp stone rooms, large and full of rats. CONNECT Celler CONNECT Atrium MONSTER Hurk MONSTER Clag GOLD 400 Next: ROOM NAME Cellar DESCRIPTION Might have held roots once CONNECT Basement GOLD 1000 Next: ROOM NAME Storage DESCRIPTION There's a bunch of old tables here. CONNECT Basement GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Treasure Room DESCRIPTION Full of gold CONNECT Hallway GOLD 400000 Next: ROOM NAME Hallway DESCRIPTION Long, lighted by torches and a balrog! MONSTER Balrog CONNECT Treasure Room CONNECT Atrium CONNECT Basement Next: Ignoring unknown item: 2245 bytes read from cave Next: GAMEDESC While hunting for cougars in the forest, and wading through deep vegetation, you fall into an abandoned well. Sadly, your hunting rifle, with an attack of 2,800, was lost in your fall. Consoling yourself with a maximum of 100 points of attack, defense and regen, you prepare to explore the underground. Next: MONSTER NAME Hurk DESCRIPTION Short creature with 5 legs GOLD 150 ATTACK 30 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Clag DESCRIPTION Like Hurk, but with 6 legs. They must be insects GOLD 350 ATTACK 50 DEFENSE 80 Next: MONSTER NAME Balrog DESCRIPTION It probably has a name, but we're not asking! GOLD 1000000 ATTACK 1409 DEFENSE 1280 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderA DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderB DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderC DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Pit DESCRIPTION Dirty, full of plants. But there's a glint of gold! This looks promising. There is a small tunnel leading away. CONNECT Cavern GOLD 4 Next: ROOM NAME Cavern DESCRIPTION There's a little more space here, but still not much headroom. It is dark, but there appears to be a hole in the floor. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Pit GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Hole DESCRIPTION Sliding down the hole, you find youself feeling a smooth wall, distinct against the soft dirt. There is a handle for a door. Where could it lead? CONNECT Atrium MONSTER SpiderA MONSTER SpiderB MONSTER SpiderC GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Atrium DESCRIPTION A large stone room, lit with torches. But who replaces the torches? Some stairs lead down, and a hall leads away. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Hallway CONNECT Basement MONSTER GOLD 0 Unknown line: MONSTER Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Damp stone rooms, large and full of rats. CONNECT Celler CONNECT Atrium MONSTER Hurk MONSTER Clag GOLD 400 Next: ROOM NAME Cellar DESCRIPTION Might have held roots once CONNECT Basement GOLD 1000 Next: ROOM NAME Storage DESCRIPTION There's a bunch of old tables here. CONNECT Basement GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Treasure Room DESCRIPTION Full of gold CONNECT Hallway GOLD 400000 Next: ROOM NAME Hallway DESCRIPTION Long, lighted by torches and a balrog! MONSTER Balrog CONNECT Treasure Room CONNECT Atrium CONNECT Basement Next: Ignoring unknown item: 2245 bytes read from cave Next: GAMEDESC While hunting for cougars in the forest, and wading through deep vegetation, you fall into an abandoned well. Sadly, your hunting rifle, with an attack of 2,800, was lost in your fall. Consoling yourself with a maximum of 100 points of attack, defense and regen, you prepare to explore the underground. Next: MONSTER NAME Hurk DESCRIPTION Short creature with 5 legs GOLD 150 ATTACK 30 DEFENSE 30 REGEN 100 Next: MONSTER NAME Clag DESCRIPTION Like Hurk, but with 6 legs. They must be insects GOLD 350 ATTACK 50 DEFENSE 80 Next: MONSTER NAME Balrog DESCRIPTION It probably has a name, but we're not asking! GOLD 1000000 ATTACK 1409 DEFENSE 1280 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderA DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderB DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: MONSTER NAME SpiderC DESCRIPTION Ouch GOLD 0 ATTACK 3 DEFENSE 0 AUTOATTACK Next: ROOM NAME Pit DESCRIPTION Dirty, full of plants. But there's a glint of gold! This looks promising. There is a small tunnel leading away. CONNECT Cavern GOLD 4 Next: ROOM NAME Cavern DESCRIPTION There's a little more space here, but still not much headroom. It is dark, but there appears to be a hole in the floor. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Pit GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Hole DESCRIPTION Sliding down the hole, you find youself feeling a smooth wall, distinct against the soft dirt. There is a handle for a door. Where could it lead? CONNECT Atrium MONSTER SpiderA MONSTER SpiderB MONSTER SpiderC GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Atrium DESCRIPTION A large stone room, lit with torches. But who replaces the torches? Some stairs lead down, and a hall leads away. CONNECT Hole CONNECT Hallway CONNECT Basement MONSTER GOLD 0 Unknown line: MONSTER Next: ROOM NAME Basement DESCRIPTION Damp stone rooms, large and full of rats. CONNECT Celler CONNECT Atrium MONSTER Hurk MONSTER Clag GOLD 400 Next: ROOM NAME Cellar DESCRIPTION Might have held roots once CONNECT Basement GOLD 1000 Next: ROOM NAME Storage DESCRIPTION There's a bunch of old tables here. CONNECT Basement GOLD 0 Next: ROOM NAME Treasure Room DESCRIPTION Full of gold CONNECT Hallway GOLD 400000 Next: ROOM NAME Hallway DESCRIPTION Long, lighted by torches and a balrog! MONSTER Balrog CONNECT Treasure Room CONNECT Atrium CONNECT Basement Next: Ignoring unknown item: psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Apr 21 00:17:22 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 New Player Seth! Player Start! Name: Seth Description: fish Gold: 0 Attack: 80 Defense: 20 Regen: 0 Status: ALIVE Health: 100 Started: NO Join Battle: YES Seth has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun May 10 00:17:06 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun May 17 00:17:07 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue May 19 00:17:10 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Thu Jun 4 03:47:03 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Jun 16 00:16:45 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Jun 23 00:16:45 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Jun 30 00:17:05 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Jul 12 00:16:05 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Aug 3 17:35:06 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Mon Aug 3 18:05:39 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Aug 16 00:10:05 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Aug 16 00:15:50 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Aug 26 18:39:58 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Sep 6 00:10:01 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Sep 20 00:15:38 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Sep 27 00:15:43 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! 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Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Nov 22 00:15:21 2020 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Nov 29 00:15:28 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Dec 27 00:15:29 2020 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Jan 10 00:15:24 2021 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 27 17:00:46 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 27 17:00:46 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 27 17:01:35 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Jan 27 17:01:35 2021 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Jan 31 00:15:22 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 7 00:15:29 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 New Player MattL! MattL has been abandoned Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 6 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 21 00:15:23 2021 Terminating thread with socket 6 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 18 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 0 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 No good! Couldn't understand type 73 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 71 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Sun Feb 28 00:14:44 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 No good! Couldn't understand type 83 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 2 07:25:04 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 2 07:25:04 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 2 07:39:19 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 2 07:39:19 2021 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 2 07:48:02 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Tue Mar 2 07:48:02 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 3 09:42:52 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 3 09:42:52 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 3 09:45:03 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 3 09:45:03 2021 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 3 09:45:36 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 3 09:45:36 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 3 09:46:35 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 3 09:46:35 2021 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 3 09:46:52 2021 Broken Pipe (probably abrupt disconnect) at Wed Mar 3 09:46:52 2021 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4 psock 5 Terminating thread with socket 5 psock 4 Terminating thread with socket 4