CS435 Class Project

Server Milestone 1 September 18

Server must pass basic test with lurk_test on October 9

Server is due October 28

Client due Monday, December 2, at 9:00 AM

Each student will create a client and a server. These should be unique, and not share any source code, but be able to communicate with each other. They can be written in any language, although the server must be able to run and Internet-accessible server such as isoptera. There is no such requirement for the client, but if it doesn't run on my computer, I might ask you to demonstrate it.

Client Requirements:

Server Requirements:

Milestone 1

To pass server milestone 1, the server must pass lurk_test with no bots (as in, run "lurk_test -b 0 ip_address port"). This does not require multithreading.

Milestone 2

For milestone 2, the server must be able to pass the basic lurk test (default options). This uses 5 bots, 20 move maximum, and more relaxed timings than the thorough test.

More thorough testing

Prior to presenting your server to the class, I recommend testing your server with thorough (-t) and at least 20 bots (-b 20).

Server grade items: