Git commands: Git is really simple, and 99% of the time these are the only commands you’re going to use (in no particular order): git init initialize a local repository git clone clone a remote repository git add add files to the commit git remote add connects a local repository to an external (remote) source git commit [-m comment] saves a commit to the .git folder. You still need to run git push to push it to the remote and you will need to run git add again before committing files. git push pushes the pending commit history for a branch to the remote git branch creates a branch with the name specified git checkout switches to a different branch Vocabulary (not technical but think of it this way): Commit: A list of changes made to files that you can revert back to if something goes wrong and track edits through. Remote: A repository hosted on another computer. Branch: Its own set of commits separated from other branches. Fork: A clone of a repository with the added bonus of being able to pull request the original repository. Gitignore: A file (".gitignore") that contains a list of files and directories to ignore from commits, git add, clones, and forks.