S. Seth Long

Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Lewis-Clark State College
Contact: sslong@lcsc.edu


Currently I am working on the Graph Neural Analyzer (GNA) for discovering correlations between the physical structure of the brain and the charactaristics of people, such as age or level of education.

Spring 2024 Classes:

CS250 Organization and Architecture
CS311 Data Structures
CS430 Operating Systems
CS435 Network Programming

Spring 2024 Schedule

9:00 CS435 MLH 310 CS430 MLH 310 CS435 MLH 310 CS430 MLH 310
10:30CS311 MLH 310 CS311 MLH 310 Office Hour(10:30-12:00)
1:30 Office Hour (1:30-3:00) CS250 MLH 310 CS250 MLH 310
3:00 (and later) CS311 Lab MLH 310 (until 5:45) CS250 Lab MLH 310 (Until 5:45) Faculty Senate (some weeks)

Research Interests:

Computational Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Parallel Processing, Graph Theory


Other Things

Parallel Port Driver for FreeBSD