from PIL import Image,ImageTk from math import * from commands import getoutput from Tkinter import Tk,Canvas from multiprocessing import Pool pic ="letters.png").convert("RGB") width, height = pic.size print width, height thresh = 100 def floodfill(img_x, img_y): inside = 1 filled_pixels = [(img_x, img_y)] frontier = [(img_x,img_y)]; while len(frontier) > 0: img_x, img_y = frontier.pop() neighbors = [ (img_x + 1,img_y), (img_x - 1,img_y), (img_x, img_y + 1), (img_x, img_y - 1) ]; for n in neighbors: nx, ny = n if nx < 0 or nx >= width: continue if ny < 0 or ny >= height: continue c = pic.getpixel((nx, ny)); if(c[0] < thresh and c[0] != 255): frontier.append(n) filled_pixels.append(n) pic.putpixel((nx, ny), (255, 255, 255)) inside += 1 return inside, filled_pixels def check_roundness(filled_pixels): xmax = 0 xmin = width ymax = 0 ymin = height for pix in filled_pixels: x,y = pix if x > xmax: xmax = x if x < xmin: xmin = x if y > ymax: ymax = y if y < ymin: ymin = y yextent = ymax - ymin xextent = xmax - xmin diameter_estimate = (yextent + xextent) / 2 if(diameter_estimate == 0): return False area_estimate = 3.141592653 * ((diameter_estimate/2)**2) unroundness = abs(float(area_estimate) - len(filled_pixels)) / len(filled_pixels) print unroundness if(unroundness > 0.6): return False xc = (xmax + xmin)/2 yc = (ymax + ymin)/2 max_radius = 0 for pix in filled_pixels: x,y = pix dist = sqrt((x-xc)**2 + (y-yc)**2) if dist > max_radius: max_radius = dist xy_skew = abs(float(yextent) - xextent) / diameter_estimate other_skew = abs(float(max_radius) - diameter_estimate/2) / diameter_estimate skewness = xy_skew + other_skew print skewness if other_skew > 0.12: return True def highlight_boundaries(): global pic new_image ="RGB", (width, height)) newpix = new_image.load() for x in range(2, width-2): for y in range(2, height - 2): neighbors = [ (x + 1,y), (x - 1,y), (x, y + 1 ), (x, y - 1 ), (x + 2,y), (x - 2,y), (x, y + 2 ), (x, y - 2 ), (x + 1,y + 1), (x - 1,y - 1), (x - 1, y + 1 ), (x + 1, y - 1 ) ]; nvals = [pic.getpixel((n[0], n[1]))[0] for n in neighbors] our_color = pic.getpixel((x, y))[0] navg = sum(nvals)/len(nvals) diff = sum([abs(nv - navg) for nv in nvals]) / 3 newcolor = -100 + our_color + diff newpix[x,y] = (newcolor, newcolor, newcolor) #newpix[x,y] = diff if(newpix[x,y][0] < 0): newpix[x,y] = (0, 0, 0) if(newpix[x,y][0] > 255): newpix[x,y] = (255, 255, 255) pic = new_image #highlight_boundaries() count = 0; for x in range(width): for y in range(height): if pic.getpixel((x,y))[0] < thresh: inside, filled_pixels = floodfill(x,y) print "Inside was ", inside, " pixels" if inside < 140 and inside > 5: if check_roundness(filled_pixels): count += 1 for pix in filled_pixels: pic.putpixel(pix, (182, 0, 255)) print count app = Tk() canvas = Canvas(app) canvas.pack() canvas['width'] = width canvas['height'] = height pimg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image=pic) canvas.create_image(width/2, height/2, anchor='center', image=pimg) app.mainloop()