from PIL import Image,ImageTk from math import * from commands import getoutput from Tkinter import Tk,Canvas layer_thickness = 7.5 dir_to_load = "align_test/" contents = [dir_to_load + i for i in getoutput("ls " + dir_to_load).split()] stack = ["L") for fn in contents] #im ="/home/seth/B1run02_png/B1_Run02_BSED_slice_0176.png") width, height = stack[0].size print width, height # # pix = im.load() # current_image = 0 app = Tk() canvas = Canvas(app) canvas.pack() canvas['width'] = 1280 canvas['height'] = 960 pimg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image=stack[0]) canvas.create_image(0, 0, anchor='nw', image=pimg) def changeimages(event, direction=1): global pimg, current_image current_image += direction if(current_image >= len(stack)): current_image = 0 if(current_image < 0): current_image = len(stack)-1 pimg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image=stack[current_image]) canvas.create_image(0, 0, anchor='nw', image=pimg) canvas.bind("", changeimages) canvas.bind("", lambda e : changeimages(e, -1)) def floodfill(event): img_x = event.x # ONLY when the image is anchored in the corner img_y = event.y frontier = [(img_x,img_y, current_image)]; while len(frontier) > 0: img_x, img_y, ci = frontier.pop() neighbors = [ # (img_x,img_y, ci + 1), # (img_x,img_y, ci - 1), (img_x + 1,img_y, ci), (img_x - 1,img_y, ci), (img_x, img_y + 1, ci), (img_x, img_y - 1, ci)] for n in neighbors: nx, ny, nz = n c = stack[nz].getpixel((nx, ny)); if(c > 115):# and c != 255): frontier.append(n) pix = stack[nz].load() pix[nx, ny] = 115 print "Frontier: ", len(frontier) canvas.bind("", floodfill) app.mainloop()