Microscopes: Light (regular): Really just a set of fancy lenses with a camera Samples are often stained, but don't have to be Magnification up to around 1000x Sample is generally sliced and placed onto a slide Can also look at stuff that's not on a slide Colors are really the color of the sample Confocal (also uses regular light): Generally combined with several lasers of different colors Produces somewhat of a 3D image Generally used with sliced samples on a slide Florescence can be engineered into creatures Uses reactive stain Color is real, but affected by lasers and florescence Transmission Electron Microscope: Samples must be sliced *very* thin (~70 nm) Samples are on a grid, which has bars CRT screen can be used directly, for no delay Special camera can also be used to acquire images Uses a cathode to produce electrons Electromagnetic lenses rather than glass Inside must be a vaccuum Some parts of the scope require LN2 cooling Requires use of stain which blocks electrons (heavy metal) Color is an artificial construct (generally grayscale) Scanning Electron Microscope: Non-sliced sample can be used Sample cannot be transparent to electrons Sample can be plated with gold if needed (prevents charging as well) Beam is scanned over the sample, and dispersion is recorded Combined with a microtome, can have SBEM Color is an artificial construct (generally grayscale) Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Non-harmful compeditor to PET, SPECT, CT Hydrogen atoms release radio signal when excited by magnetic field Generally the field is rotated to form a 3D image Less than 1x (the opposite of a microscope) Field strength affects clarity Color is an artificial construct Can be used in a variety of other scenarios (fMRI, DTI, etc) There are quite a few other things that could go here! We'll call these 5 good for now. Sample Prep: Dehydration: Think of a raisin It doesn't look all that much like a grape If we do that with our sample, it won't look like it used to EM prep for retina: Description in The Journal of Comparatime Neurology That's a pretty thorough preparation Light microscopy generally doesn't require as much work LM slide note: You can use a sealed glass sandwich