Challenge #1: Showing a 3D image! Example with 3d_stack 3D printer? As a stack of 2D images, with scroll or something to go through them This is popular CASTER example Can we just make an array of 2D images with Python? Sure This emphasizes the stack-of-images nature of the situation Easy programming with Python! How about seeing the side of the stack? We can do that too Note: works, but isn't a really fast way to do this! A tkinter canvas or something that recycles the window would be better Example: get_spot from gna We can do that, and get clicks, etc. NOT 3D accellerated! 3D stack with Vulkan example: Kinda lengthy, follow texture path from file to image in 3D A simple 3D algorithm: Find the area inside the cell body Cell bodies are easy to find So logically, this should be easy! Lab today: Count the dots in a cone pedicle Might take longer than 2 hours