Sticky bit and Stealing Files with Vim Directory owner can move files around Demo: directory owner "steals" file People with permission can move files around Demo: non-owner "steals" file in root-owned directory Reason for the sticky bit: To prevent this! Last time we were in a subdirectory with different permissions .profile, .bashrc, .bash_profile .profile can be read by a variety of shells - If you only use one, this doesn't matter .bashrc read by subshells but not .profile source command bash functions It's a shell script! - We can write those if we like There's a chapter on prompt customization if you like (13) shell variables: Setting with export $ to use later alias: It lets you have a different name for a command functions: These take parameters, and can call each other Using a function vs. a script: script can be run as a program script can be moved around easily script runs as a child of the shell Try cd inside it, or setting a shell variable A lot of the time, you have a choice here What happens if you make a bad mistake? You can install a new .profile in some non-shell-using way Shell Colors Used for prompts and such Can be done in a library