CS250 Lab 3: Gates and Logic

Due Monday, February 10

For today's lab, draw a truth table and logic circuit for the expression (AB) ⊕ (AC). Remember that when two logical variables are listed one after another, the meaning is "and". ⊕ is logical XOR, so the expression can be read as (A and B) xor (A and C). Finally, write a logic circuit for the expression without using any XOR gates.
Wikipedia has a list of gates and symbols which you can use as a reference, and they are also listed in the book gates and logic, in the chapter on the digital logic level. Turning this in on paper is fine, or you can make a document with visio or whatever. I suspect paper is probably the fastest way, but please be neat enough I can see it. If you do it in lab, I can grade it for you right then and there, or let you correct it if needed.