CS250 Lab 5: Practice with Loops

Due Wednesday, February 28

It said lab 4 up above until I fixed it. HTML is far too loose of specification. The web browser should automatically reject any HTML which contains wrong information. For this lab, to practice with assembly a bit, modify the demo "open_file_with_c_functions.s" so that it prints out the file in uppercase. There's an extensive example in the book, chapter 5, but i'll require a fair bit of adaptation since the demo is a little different. Alternatively, you could write a loop, and call the C function "toupper" on each character. Do not that toupper expects and converts an int, 4 bytes, so be careful to deliver only a byte at a time to this function. Remember that if you decide to use an instruction like "movb" (move byte), you can refer to the 4 general purpose registers in small amounts. al, for example, is the lowest byte of rax.