Delta IV note? "Most Metal Rocket" (Tory Bruno) I couldn't figure out the CPU architecture ChatGPT didn't know It's not in the 300 page user manual Maybe it's a secret... How much power could the payload consume?'s-guide.pdf Page 180 in the .pdf 11A is per pair Pipelining: Might as well fetch the next instruction while the current one finishes We can take that a lot farther Hazard (wikipedia has a good example) Speculative execution: Image you just assume conditional jumps won't happen Can now pipeline again Being wrong is expensive now! Remember, no time to think really But we could have a set of transistors... Multicore CPUs Seems simple: Just put a bunch of CPU dies together EPYC page: Cache: L1: Specific to a core L2: Shared between cores maybe ChatGPT thought so AMD 9000 series has per-core L2 L3: More shared So...each thread should have its own registers And stack? Where are their stacks? Can a thread access another thread's stack? Do they have the same heap? Can a thread allocate something and another thread free it? What happens if one thread calls exit? Do they really run at the same time at nanosecond precision? clock_gettime Let's see if we can answer all these questions!