Gates: buffer input impedance not (inverter) and or nand (universal) nor (universal) xor xnor Translating between logic statements and gates Translate modus ponens into gates Logic diagrams, simplification and optimization That's more computer engineering Weird note: Teaching strand Do we really want to minimize transistor count? Yes, but not at any cost Switching delay, and path depth MOSFET (Metal Oxide Field-Effect Transistor): Usually the type of transistor in digital logic circuits Also used for amplifiers, and a few other things NMOS, CMOS, PMOS: Why does the inverter have 5 circuit diagrams? It can be made a few different ways The diagrams do present a historical progression I've been sticking with the 60's CMOS has taken over for processors and such Physical layout diagram of a gate using CMOS Back to gates: How do we build everything from nand and nor? Surely we can figure it out! Bigger parts: Multiplexer Demultiplexer Adder (and carry) Path depth here, especially with ripple carry How many transistors in a CPU, anyway? History on Wikipedia