CS250 Project 2: Assembly Language

Due Tuesday, March 18 at 9:00 AM (last thing before midterm 2)

This project is intended to give you some practice using x86 assembly language. All the assembly statements required have been covered in class examples so far, but this project will be somewhat more lengthy. Write a ballistics simulator which will calculate the trajectory of a projectile, assuming no affect from air drag. The simulator should accept a single input from the user, the initial velocity of the projectile. Assume the projectile is fired straight up (as in, will land where it was launched).
Using integer math is recommended for this program. Here is an example use of the program:
Enter Velocity:  
Height: 218	VVelocity: 218	Time: 1
Height: 404	VVelocity: 186	Time: 2
Height: 558	VVelocity: 154	Time: 3
Height: 680	VVelocity: 122	Time: 4
Height: 770	VVelocity: 90	Time: 5
Height: 828	VVelocity: 58	Time: 6
Height: 854	VVelocity: 26	Time: 7
Height: 848	VVelocity: -6	Time: 8
Height: 810	VVelocity: -38	Time: 9
Height: 740	VVelocity: -70	Time: 10
Height: 638	VVelocity: -102	Time: 11
Height: 504	VVelocity: -134	Time: 12
Height: 338	VVelocity: -166	Time: 13
Height: 140	VVelocity: -198	Time: 14
Height: -90	VVelocity: -230	Time: 15
Units are feet per second (velocity), feet (height), and seconds (time). Gravity is 32 feet per second per second. Notice the velocity decreases by 32 each timestep. Here is a second example, using numbers which will come out even:
Enter Velocity:  
Height: 64	VVelocity: 64	Time: 1
Height: 96	VVelocity: 32	Time: 2
Height: 96	VVelocity: 0	Time: 3
Height: 64	VVelocity: -32	Time: 4
Height: 0	VVelocity: -64	Time: 5
If you want more precision, you can multiply all numbers by 1,000, and divide by 1,000 before printing results. This won't display decimal places, but will provide more accuracy for internal calculations.


Adding negative numbers is the same as subtracting (you can add negative velocity to the height).
Calling printf is covered in chapter 8, which is the easiest way to handle printing numbers.