1. Suppose you are in a directory with all of the notes from CS253 this semester. Give a command that will print out all notes about a function named getoutput. Assume the actual name is in the notes. The names of the files will not have anything about getoutput. ls | grep getoutput // no good, this'll only look at the names 2. Suppose the following output comes from running grep: seth@isoptera:~/public_html/cs253/notes $ grep -i python * feb10_packages: - python tkinter packages feb15_dev:Python's getoutput function feb1_grep_etc: In Python, you can import argv feb1_grep_etc: - Example: Python and argparse feb1_grep_etc: Function pointers in Python (just to be complete) gerbil_notes~:python and .split vs. cut gerbil_notes~: "just Python it" answer to homework 13 question gerbil_notes~: Can do it with either bash or Python jan27_grep: In Python, you can import argv jan27_grep: - Example: Python and argparse mar1_archives:Python infers types may5_dev_random~:python and .split vs. cut may5_dev_random~: "just Python it" answer to homework 13 question may5_dev_random~: Can do it with either bash or Python mouse_notes~:python and .split vs. cut mouse_notes~: "just Python it" answer to homework 13 question mouse_notes~: Can do it with either bash or Python Give a command that will print just the file names that have the word "python" inside them. Don't include temporary files (files with ~ in the name) 3. Write a C or C++ program that will print out the name of the system in capitals. This would be followed by the manual page for gethostname 4. What does this program print out? #include int main(){ char *animals[] = {"elephant", "gorilla", "monkey", "goose", "hedgehog"}; for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++){ printf("%c", animals[j][i]); } printf("\n"); } return 0; }