#ifndef WORDLIST_H #define WORDLIST_H #include<iostream> using namespace std; struct WordListNode { string data; WordListNode *next; }; class WordList { WordListNode *start = 0; public: WordListNode* getstart(){ return start; } void add(string w){ // Will add in alphabetic order if(!start){ // could also be if(start != NULL) start = new WordListNode; start->data = w; // -> because start is a WordListNode*. If it was a WordListNode, we'd use . instead // start->data is the same as (*start).data start->next = 0; // Could also say start->next = NULL; return; } WordListNode *place = start, *last = 0; while(place && place->data < w){ last = place; place = place->next; } WordListNode *new_one = new WordListNode; new_one->data = w; // WordListNode new_one; // Don't do this! It'll make a new WordListNode in the stack frame for this method call! new_one->next = place; if(last) last->next = new_one; else start = new_one; } void print(){ WordListNode *place = start; cout << "["; while(place){ cout << place->data << ", "; place = place->next; } cout << "\b\b]\n"; } ~WordList(){ WordListNode *place = start, *last; while(place){ last = place; place = place->next; delete last; } } string operator[](size_t index) { WordListNode *place = start; while(index-- && place->next) // Returns the last item if there are less than index items place = place->next; return place->data; } operator string() { WordListNode *place = start; string retval = ""; retval += "["; while(place){ retval += place->data + ", "; place = place->next; } retval += "\b\b]"; return retval; } WordListNode* find(string tofind){ WordListNode* place = start; while(place){ if(place->data == tofind) return place; place = place->next; } return 0; } }; ostream& operator << (ostream& out, WordList& wl){ return out << (string)wl; } #endif