Midterm Review 1 Information
Topics Covered:
- Linked Lists: Adding to either end or the middle, deleting items
- Queues, Stacks: push, pop, enqueue, dequeue, reasons to use one or the other Remember FIFO and LIFO
- Not operations on linked lists with more than one item per node
- Managed arrays, the dynamic_array.cpp demo
- C++ programming:
Classes: public, private, const, this pointer, friends, constructors, destructors
Dynamic memory: new, delete, new[], delete[], malloc, realloc, free
Operator Overloading: "normal" operators like plus, minus, comparisons, etc. Not insertion.
Maybe simple template classes
Iterators in principle, you don't have to write one
Passing modes: By value, By pointer, By reference
- Data ownership, reasons for pass by reference
- Not math from lab 1
One page of multiple choice, followed by short answer and programming questions.
Ten pages of notes are allowed, both sides, can be up to 8.5 by 11