---- v14_big_o_notation Big O supplement: I've been getting more questions about this than anything Let's find some examples in my CS392 game engine! ---- v15_linked_lists Abstract Data Types! Let's make one for a linked list It'll be the thing to use for lab 3 First: What is a linked list anyway? Document projector video ---- v16_linked_list_demo_start Actual demo! For starters, let's set it up to hold only floats Later: Template Class Features: push items to the back to_string operator++ destructor Operator << ---- v17_linked_list_added_features access by index (with [], use reference) insert at any point push/pop in case we want a stack (use the front) ---- v18_linked_list_iterator New-style c++ for loop: for(auto i : my_list) To make this work, we need an iterator class Iterator class needs to have: constructor operator++ operator!= operator*() to dereference, return a reference from this List needs to have: begin end ---- v19_lab_3