// // g++ loader_example.cc // #define TINYOBJLOADER_IMPLEMENTATION #include "tiny_obj_loader.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #pragma comment(lib, "winmm.lib") #else #if defined(__unix__) || defined(__APPLE__) #include #else #include #endif #endif #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic push #if __has_warning("-Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant") #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant" #endif #endif class timerutil { public: #ifdef _WIN32 typedef DWORD time_t; timerutil() { ::timeBeginPeriod(1); } ~timerutil() { ::timeEndPeriod(1); } void start() { t_[0] = ::timeGetTime(); } void end() { t_[1] = ::timeGetTime(); } time_t sec() { return (time_t)((t_[1] - t_[0]) / 1000); } time_t msec() { return (time_t)((t_[1] - t_[0])); } time_t usec() { return (time_t)((t_[1] - t_[0]) * 1000); } time_t current() { return ::timeGetTime(); } #else #if defined(__unix__) || defined(__APPLE__) typedef unsigned long int time_t; void start() { gettimeofday(tv + 0, &tz); } void end() { gettimeofday(tv + 1, &tz); } time_t sec() { return static_cast(tv[1].tv_sec - tv[0].tv_sec); } time_t msec() { return this->sec() * 1000 + static_cast((tv[1].tv_usec - tv[0].tv_usec) / 1000); } time_t usec() { return this->sec() * 1000000 + static_cast(tv[1].tv_usec - tv[0].tv_usec); } time_t current() { struct timeval t; gettimeofday(&t, NULL); return static_cast(t.tv_sec * 1000 + t.tv_usec); } #else // C timer // using namespace std; typedef clock_t time_t; void start() { t_[0] = clock(); } void end() { t_[1] = clock(); } time_t sec() { return (time_t)((t_[1] - t_[0]) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); } time_t msec() { return (time_t)((t_[1] - t_[0]) * 1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); } time_t usec() { return (time_t)((t_[1] - t_[0]) * 1000000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); } time_t current() { return (time_t)clock(); } #endif #endif private: #ifdef _WIN32 DWORD t_[2]; #else #if defined(__unix__) || defined(__APPLE__) struct timeval tv[2]; struct timezone tz; #else time_t t_[2]; #endif #endif }; static void PrintInfo(const tinyobj::attrib_t& attrib, const std::vector& shapes, const std::vector& materials) { std::cout << "# of vertices : " << (attrib.vertices.size() / 3) << std::endl; std::cout << "# of normals : " << (attrib.normals.size() / 3) << std::endl; std::cout << "# of texcoords : " << (attrib.texcoords.size() / 2) << std::endl; std::cout << "# of shapes : " << shapes.size() << std::endl; std::cout << "# of materials : " << materials.size() << std::endl; for (size_t v = 0; v < attrib.vertices.size() / 3; v++) { printf(" v[%ld] = (%f, %f, %f)\n", static_cast(v), static_cast(attrib.vertices[3 * v + 0]), static_cast(attrib.vertices[3 * v + 1]), static_cast(attrib.vertices[3 * v + 2])); } for (size_t v = 0; v < attrib.normals.size() / 3; v++) { printf(" n[%ld] = (%f, %f, %f)\n", static_cast(v), static_cast(attrib.normals[3 * v + 0]), static_cast(attrib.normals[3 * v + 1]), static_cast(attrib.normals[3 * v + 2])); } for (size_t v = 0; v < attrib.texcoords.size() / 2; v++) { printf(" uv[%ld] = (%f, %f)\n", static_cast(v), static_cast(attrib.texcoords[2 * v + 0]), static_cast(attrib.texcoords[2 * v + 1])); } // For each shape for (size_t i = 0; i < shapes.size(); i++) { printf("shape[%ld].name = %s\n", static_cast(i), shapes[i].name.c_str()); printf("Size of shape[%ld].mesh.indices: %lu\n", static_cast(i), static_cast(shapes[i].mesh.indices.size())); printf("Size of shape[%ld].lines.indices: %lu\n", static_cast(i), static_cast(shapes[i].lines.indices.size())); printf("Size of shape[%ld].points.indices: %lu\n", static_cast(i), static_cast(shapes[i].points.indices.size())); size_t index_offset = 0; assert(shapes[i].mesh.num_face_vertices.size() == shapes[i].mesh.material_ids.size()); assert(shapes[i].mesh.num_face_vertices.size() == shapes[i].mesh.smoothing_group_ids.size()); printf("shape[%ld].num_faces: %lu\n", static_cast(i), static_cast(shapes[i].mesh.num_face_vertices.size())); // For each face for (size_t f = 0; f < shapes[i].mesh.num_face_vertices.size(); f++) { size_t fnum = shapes[i].mesh.num_face_vertices[f]; printf(" face[%ld].fnum = %ld\n", static_cast(f), static_cast(fnum)); // For each vertex in the face for (size_t v = 0; v < fnum; v++) { tinyobj::index_t idx = shapes[i].mesh.indices[index_offset + v]; printf(" face[%ld].v[%ld].idx = %d/%d/%d\n", static_cast(f), static_cast(v), idx.vertex_index, idx.normal_index, idx.texcoord_index); } printf(" face[%ld].material_id = %d\n", static_cast(f), shapes[i].mesh.material_ids[f]); printf(" face[%ld].smoothing_group_id = %d\n", static_cast(f), shapes[i].mesh.smoothing_group_ids[f]); index_offset += fnum; } printf("shape[%ld].num_tags: %lu\n", static_cast(i), static_cast(shapes[i].mesh.tags.size())); for (size_t t = 0; t < shapes[i].mesh.tags.size(); t++) { printf(" tag[%ld] = %s ", static_cast(t), shapes[i].mesh.tags[t].name.c_str()); printf(" ints: ["); for (size_t j = 0; j < shapes[i].mesh.tags[t].intValues.size(); ++j) { printf("%ld", static_cast(shapes[i].mesh.tags[t].intValues[j])); if (j < (shapes[i].mesh.tags[t].intValues.size() - 1)) { printf(", "); } } printf("]"); printf(" floats: ["); for (size_t j = 0; j < shapes[i].mesh.tags[t].floatValues.size(); ++j) { printf("%f", static_cast( shapes[i].mesh.tags[t].floatValues[j])); if (j < (shapes[i].mesh.tags[t].floatValues.size() - 1)) { printf(", "); } } printf("]"); printf(" strings: ["); for (size_t j = 0; j < shapes[i].mesh.tags[t].stringValues.size(); ++j) { printf("%s", shapes[i].mesh.tags[t].stringValues[j].c_str()); if (j < (shapes[i].mesh.tags[t].stringValues.size() - 1)) { printf(", "); } } printf("]"); printf("\n"); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < materials.size(); i++) { printf("material[%ld].name = %s\n", static_cast(i), materials[i].name.c_str()); printf(" material.Ka = (%f, %f ,%f)\n", static_cast(materials[i].ambient[0]), static_cast(materials[i].ambient[1]), static_cast(materials[i].ambient[2])); printf(" material.Kd = (%f, %f ,%f)\n", static_cast(materials[i].diffuse[0]), static_cast(materials[i].diffuse[1]), static_cast(materials[i].diffuse[2])); printf(" material.Ks = (%f, %f ,%f)\n", static_cast(materials[i].specular[0]), static_cast(materials[i].specular[1]), static_cast(materials[i].specular[2])); printf(" material.Tr = (%f, %f ,%f)\n", static_cast(materials[i].transmittance[0]), static_cast(materials[i].transmittance[1]), static_cast(materials[i].transmittance[2])); printf(" material.Ke = (%f, %f ,%f)\n", static_cast(materials[i].emission[0]), static_cast(materials[i].emission[1]), static_cast(materials[i].emission[2])); printf(" material.Ns = %f\n", static_cast(materials[i].shininess)); printf(" material.Ni = %f\n", static_cast(materials[i].ior)); printf(" material.dissolve = %f\n", static_cast(materials[i].dissolve)); printf(" material.illum = %d\n", materials[i].illum); printf(" material.map_Ka = %s\n", materials[i].ambient_texname.c_str()); printf(" material.map_Kd = %s\n", materials[i].diffuse_texname.c_str()); printf(" material.map_Ks = %s\n", materials[i].specular_texname.c_str()); printf(" material.map_Ns = %s\n", materials[i].specular_highlight_texname.c_str()); printf(" material.map_bump = %s\n", materials[i].bump_texname.c_str()); printf(" bump_multiplier = %f\n", static_cast(materials[i].bump_texopt.bump_multiplier)); printf(" material.map_d = %s\n", materials[i].alpha_texname.c_str()); printf(" material.disp = %s\n", materials[i].displacement_texname.c_str()); printf(" <>\n"); printf(" material.Pr = %f\n", static_cast(materials[i].roughness)); printf(" material.Pm = %f\n", static_cast(materials[i].metallic)); printf(" material.Ps = %f\n", static_cast(materials[i].sheen)); printf(" material.Pc = %f\n", static_cast(materials[i].clearcoat_thickness)); printf(" material.Pcr = %f\n", static_cast(materials[i].clearcoat_thickness)); printf(" material.aniso = %f\n", static_cast(materials[i].anisotropy)); printf(" material.anisor = %f\n", static_cast(materials[i].anisotropy_rotation)); printf(" material.map_Ke = %s\n", materials[i].emissive_texname.c_str()); printf(" material.map_Pr = %s\n", materials[i].roughness_texname.c_str()); printf(" material.map_Pm = %s\n", materials[i].metallic_texname.c_str()); printf(" material.map_Ps = %s\n", materials[i].sheen_texname.c_str()); printf(" material.norm = %s\n", materials[i].normal_texname.c_str()); std::map::const_iterator it( materials[i].unknown_parameter.begin()); std::map::const_iterator itEnd( materials[i].unknown_parameter.end()); for (; it != itEnd; it++) { printf(" material.%s = %s\n", it->first.c_str(), it->second.c_str()); } printf("\n"); } } static bool TestLoadObj(const char* filename, const char* basepath = NULL, bool triangulate = true) { std::cout << "Loading " << filename << std::endl; tinyobj::attrib_t attrib; std::vector shapes; std::vector materials; timerutil t; t.start(); std::string warn; std::string err; bool ret = tinyobj::LoadObj(&attrib, &shapes, &materials, &warn, &err, filename, basepath, triangulate); t.end(); printf("Parsing time: %lu [msecs]\n", t.msec()); if (!warn.empty()) { std::cout << "WARN: " << warn << std::endl; } if (!err.empty()) { std::cerr << "ERR: " << err << std::endl; } if (!ret) { printf("Failed to load/parse .obj.\n"); return false; } PrintInfo(attrib, shapes, materials); return true; } static bool TestStreamLoadObj() { std::cout << "Stream Loading " << std::endl; std::stringstream objStream; objStream << "mtllib cube.mtl\n" "\n" "v 0.000000 2.000000 2.000000\n" "v 0.000000 0.000000 2.000000\n" "v 2.000000 0.000000 2.000000\n" "v 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000\n" "v 0.000000 2.000000 0.000000\n" "v 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000\n" "v 2.000000 0.000000 0.000000\n" "v 2.000000 2.000000 0.000000\n" "# 8 vertices\n" "\n" "g front cube\n" "usemtl white\n" "f 1 2 3 4\n" "g back cube\n" "# expects white material\n" "f 8 7 6 5\n" "g right cube\n" "usemtl red\n" "f 4 3 7 8\n" "g top cube\n" "usemtl white\n" "f 5 1 4 8\n" "g left cube\n" "usemtl green\n" "f 5 6 2 1\n" "g bottom cube\n" "usemtl white\n" "f 2 6 7 3\n" "# 6 elements"; std::string matStream( "newmtl white\n" "Ka 0 0 0\n" "Kd 1 1 1\n" "Ks 0 0 0\n" "\n" "newmtl red\n" "Ka 0 0 0\n" "Kd 1 0 0\n" "Ks 0 0 0\n" "\n" "newmtl green\n" "Ka 0 0 0\n" "Kd 0 1 0\n" "Ks 0 0 0\n" "\n" "newmtl blue\n" "Ka 0 0 0\n" "Kd 0 0 1\n" "Ks 0 0 0\n" "\n" "newmtl light\n" "Ka 20 20 20\n" "Kd 1 1 1\n" "Ks 0 0 0"); using namespace tinyobj; class MaterialStringStreamReader : public MaterialReader { public: MaterialStringStreamReader(const std::string& matSStream) : m_matSStream(matSStream) {} virtual ~MaterialStringStreamReader() {} virtual bool operator()(const std::string& matId, std::vector* materials, std::map* matMap, std::string* warn, std::string* err) { (void)err; (void)matId; LoadMtl(matMap, materials, &m_matSStream, warn, err); return true; } private: std::stringstream m_matSStream; }; MaterialStringStreamReader matSSReader(matStream); tinyobj::attrib_t attrib; std::vector shapes; std::vector materials; std::string warn; std::string err; bool ret = tinyobj::LoadObj(&attrib, &shapes, &materials, &warn, &err, &objStream, &matSSReader); if (!err.empty()) { std::cerr << err << std::endl; } if (!ret) { return false; } PrintInfo(attrib, shapes, materials); return true; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc > 1) { const char* basepath = "models/"; if (argc > 2) { basepath = argv[2]; } assert(true == TestLoadObj(argv[1], basepath)); } else { // assert(true == TestLoadObj("cornell_box.obj")); // assert(true == TestLoadObj("cube.obj")); assert(true == TestStreamLoadObj()); assert(true == TestLoadObj("models/catmark_torus_creases0.obj", "models/", false)); } return 0; }