I built the ray tracing examples on FreeBSD! Turns out you don't need to download the SDK at all Probably don't have to on more recent Linux either A bunch of library references were missing clang didn't like something about unordered_map Never did figure that one out g++ segfaulted Weird... clang doesn't include /usr/local/lib by default Weird... Anyway, they built nikabrik only has a 970 right now, so I can't run them In the future, I think I'm going to move away from nvpro It's a pain to build When raytracing, I don't really want to support rasterization nvvk has built-in assumptions about command buffers I think it's possible to do better with less code glm is less convoluted than nvmath nvmath uses excess templating, IMO Haven't decided what exactly I'll set up for structure viewing Kinda running out of time this semester Can't seem to make myself dive into ImageJ, but I will The any hit example: It's derived from an antialiasing example Makes it somewhat more complicated... Could probably remove that part So let's start changing things! Level of transparency Size of the bubble If we have time: Could something be partly reflective? Like glass? Let's find out!