Course Introduction: Syllabus Calendar Presentations With the new cyber courses, this is shifting to "Secure Cyber Software Development" - We'll keep our eye on software development, basically - Other classes can cover other stuff What might an attacker want to do? - Steal information - Cause problems - Have fun - Spread messages The biggest problem: Humans - They use bad passwords + Side note: XKCD and passwords - They lose things + Or give them away - They accept bribes + Bananna Bucks - They think of ways to make things more convenient + Rogue AP + Passwords taped to stuff + Bringing work home + Surfing the Internet - Or answer security questions correctly + E-mail Security often comes at the expense of usability - Unsecured WiFi is nice to use! - Delays for brute-force attack - Screen locking It's the same in the physical world. - Remote car unlocking - Constant automatic locking - Just not locking ever, and math Important question: How valuable is the thing being secured? - WEP and credit cards Useless security measures: - Very popular! - MAC address restrictions - Password restrictions - Frequent password changes for infrequently used systems Black hat side The grand prize: Run a program on the target computer How? - Java - Social Engineering - Viruses, worms, trojans - We can do anything. Keylogger, botnet, break nuclear facilities, etc. Also good: Hijack an existing program - Buffer Overflows - SQL Injection - Maybe download and run a different program? Maybe just the data? - Crack encryption - Intercept network traffic - Maybe the database will give it to us? Or put something somewhere? - Recent twitter hack - CF Welcome Screen If nothing else, maybe we can break it! - Denial of Service, in many forms Things to attack: - Encryption (directly) - Encryption key exchange - Programs that open ports + servers - Programs that receive data + web browser + TPS + everything else - Hardware + Wake on LAN + This is uncommon Easiest hack ever: Just ask politely! + SMTP + Cell phone pictures + Users who should know better + Google Unless we build a solid base, social measures are useless Next time: Encryption