The midterm: Monday, unless there is a big problem with that What have we talked about? Calendar is really kinda useless for this Shaders: (know these well) Vertex Tessellation control and evaluation Geometry Fragment Compute GLSL: Code will be in GLSL or C++ So, the examples must all make sense! 3D/4D matrix operations: I'll minimize this aspect Remember model, view, projection 3D/4D vector operations: I can't avoid these normalization, direction vs. magnitude, coordinate systems dot vs. cross product might be helpful You won't have to do one Lighting: Only in general, no lab on this (yet) OpenGL: Cube demo plus instanced rendering That's about it, but you do have to understand how the whole things works Study: Understand the cube tutorial, examples, and labs very well As usual, a page or two of notes is fine Today: Taking the light demo apart and using it! from basic-texturing What it needs, how it works, and how to apply it to an example we already have