Are we ready this week? Frames Per Second counter Not too hard Let's implement a counter: glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME) units how long in a library, using a static variable Could we draw that as an overlay? Text is surprisingly complicated! There's a tutorial for that Text tutorial: No simple API function drawHUD from last time Used glOrtho, glRasterPos2i, glutBitmapCharacter The alternative: Draw text onto a textured quad That means we'll need a quad And a texture to put on it And some way to position it in the right spot Note: If we just don't apply mvp, it won't matter Ordering: Draw this last It can be partially transparent The background can be all the way transparent freetype library Tutorial code overview We should be able to borrow it, but how much time does it take to run? Testing: Relationship with number of items Drawing with loops Drawing with instanced rendering Relationship with LOD Tessellation levels Relationship with geometry shaders If we just put one in, how much does it change? Actual amplification: same question What if we try to do something silly? Load all the arrays each frame