A brief history of the 2960 switch: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/switches/catalyst-2960-series-switches/series.html tl;dr: Cisco stopped making them in 2014, the replacement is the 9200 series So what would we want from the 9200 series? Some have modular uplink instead of fixed uplink C9200-NM-2Q (digikey link is good) But will that just lead to an internet connection bottleneck? How about the 4331 router? End of sale Nov 7 2023 Replacement would be an 8200 or 8300 8300 uses an x86 processor Alright, let's add a dumb switch loop Hopefully I got everything out of the closet ahead of time 24-port netgear, two computers on it, with a loop We'll use wireshark to observe I'll just plug the projector into one of them Hopefully the owl will catch it ok! If the network stays on, it won't have to That does mean no packet tracer today Actually...I could probably update the instructor machine! So we'll start on subnets now, and I'll avoid "easy" subnetting for a while For regular examples To build familiarity! Subnet mask notes: Alright, we pretty well went over this in Networking 1 Most useful trick I know here: powers of 2 A lot of folks in CS end up with powers of 2 memorized We count that way for a lot of things! Example: flags in vulkan bits are commonly used to state security Example: 128-bit key So how many possibilities are there? 1-bit key: 2 2-bit key: 4 3-bit key: 8 4-bit key: 16 5-bit key: 32 6-bit key: 64 7-bit key: 128 8-bit key: 256 9-bit key: 512 10-bit key: 1024 128-bit key: 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 Networks and subnet mask network, subnet, and host parts subnet mask really only shows one of these divisions We have 32 bits total Subnet mask shows how many are network, and how many are host Can be stated two ways: = \20 IPv6 always uses the \whatever notation The other notation would get pretty nutty supernetting vs. subnetting: 192.168.whatever is a class C local, as in, a /24 What if we wanted a /22 instead? Alright, we're on 192.168 Let's supernet it! 1. Set up a machine on 192.168.17.something 2. Observe that it can't communicate with anything else 3. Change the subnet mask on that plus another, and see if they can talk 4. Learn whatever lesson results from whatever result we get Network+ Exam Notes: I made Networking 1 a fairly general class on how networks work The Network+ exam will ask a lot of what I've been calling "trivia" It's not trivial if you need it! Why would you need to know ports, acronyms, etc? Fluency and speed with this stuff I do have programmers memorize a few things too Like common data types But primarily I teach programmers to understand how computers work And rely on documentation for function parameters and such Anyway, it's not up to me what's on the Network+ or CCNA exams So how can we memorize this stuff? Ports: Let's revisit the table Maybe I should talk about one port at the start of each class? Acronyms: We need to learn these (how?) CCNA vs. Network+ and OSI model: Chapter 1 of the CCNA book minimizes OSI But it sounds like the Network+ doesn't This whole section is a bit of a soup I'll try to bring some order to it later Lab next time: Set up a bonded channel between two switches (in packet tracer) Set up some kind of configuration where the bonded channel might make sense Try deleting one of the links - see what happens