We should be moving to wireless soon here But let's do a couple things first Turn on NAT in packet tracer Hope this works! Maybe I should bring a file with it working... Cisco guide on this How will we know if it worked? Reminder for myself: ip nat pool net-208 netmask More on IPv6 Multicasting: A replacement for the IPv4 broadcast IPv4 multicast is on\4 Temporary or generated IPv6 addresses: If the MAC is always the host part, a computer can be tracked Let's set up some actual IPv6 addresses Won't have to use %eno1 using ssh with them I always forget about nikabrik and wormtongue They don't have NetworkManager on them! How about grabbing a packet with wireshark? Should be easy enough IPsec: Lower level than TLS Two modes: Transport mode: Transport-layer contents are encrypted Tunnel mode: IP packet is encrypted, put inside plaintext IP packet NAT messes with transport mode by changing the IP address There's an extension for it Tunnel mode does work over NAT Demo idea: Use IPsec over IPv4 to tunnel IPv6 traffic Probably not today :(