CS211 Lab 10

Due Monday, November 6

Although C strings may seem to be obsolete in some ways, they also form a simpler and often faster way of performing character manipluations. Of perhaps more immediate interest, they've been very common in interview questions LCSC students have faced. For lab 10, start with lab10start.cpp, and finish the 4 functions described at the beginning of the file.
You may want to add your own test cases to debug the functions, but there is a bit of test code in the file that should show example usage. Running my solution gives the following result:
seth@nikabrik:~/211examples $ ./a.out
Chupacabra has 3 a's
With them removed:  chupcbr
Zebr nd Chupcbr both hve the letter , nd so do mny other words, such s adrvrk, pple, ct, nd kshyyyk