CS211 Lab 7

Due Thursday, October 12

For this lab, you'll analyze a program with the debugger, and create a report. Upload the completed report in the usual manner. Start with lab7.cpp, in the class examples area. It has instructions inside it for 5 questions, each of which requires a piece of information in the report.
I'm hoping this provides a useful chance to use the debugger. I often see people spending a lot of time looking for bugs that the debugger would make obvious, and so I think learning it is a highly worthwhile skill. Besides finding bugs, it can also help gain insight into what programs are actually doing.
This lab pertains to gdb specifically, the GNU debugger, and it'll line up with the videos I made on the topic. But there are other debuggers out there. So if you finish the lab, and think debuggers are cool but that GDB isn't really your cup of tea, there are others out there. In particular, Visual Studio incorporates a highly-regarded debugger that I've used before.