Day 6

This is hopefully the last day of the trip. Today was originally only planned as a buffer day. Its a good thing it was, because we sure do need it. This morning we where planning to meet another friend of mine FlourescentZebra for breakfast so we slept in past the breakfast and instead headed for Upper Crust Bakery. This unfortunatly this ment we missed missed the Texas shaped waffles. We did however see this snack dispenser that also happens to dispense full meels and drinks because WHY NOT! But at Upper Crust Bakery we discovered what apparently passes for a cinimon roll in Texas. We had a fun time talking with Zebra and her husband over breakfast. I dont remember what I had, but it was average bakery quality. After breakfast we headed out, and boy is it hot. All ready 97 out here! We left Austin heading for Corpus Cristi intentionaly not going to San Antonio. A while out of town we passed through a small town and Dad wanted to stop there to walk arround. We almost missed the street turn off. The town is all of 2 streets and no gas station. After snapping this quick picture we moved on to the town of Geronimo where Dad really wanted to stop! Somewhere arround here Google tried to redirect us to San Ann. Politly declined Apparently this is a farming area... I wonder what they produce... Corn apparently At this point Google found us a faster path through San Ann and tried to redirect us to that. No Thanks. Somewhere in Geronimo I saw this street light, I figured my dearest brother would enjoy it. Oh, also Google figured we might want to go to San Ann and save 4 minutes. Still No. We found a Gas station, man I love this state! $2.35 for gas! Dad noticed a sign for a historical marker and we decited to check it out. After a few laps arround the block we found it.... it was 1 sign in the front of a school lawn. For some reason, Dad wanted multiple pictures with it Google Segested we head to San Ann to save time. NO I DONT WANT TO GO TO SAN ANN GOOOGLE!!!! so I said "Ok Google, Stop routing me to san ann" to which google replyed "I do not understand". No kidding really? Lets try again. "Ok Google, Avoid San Ann" "I am afraid I cannot help you with that yet" -_- so I see. Google can not help you avoid san Ann. Added the town of Stockdale as a waypoint, now Google cant possible rout us through San Ann without doubling the time to Stockdale! This ends up working, but barely. This state has an interesting thing I am not use to seeing anywhere... U turn lanes... They are actually more usefull than you may think. We stopped at a grocery store and I saw this funny box of "cookies" At least they are honest about whats in them. After leaving that store we say our first confirmation that we are actually going the right way. After that, we saw a field of parked windmills. Now you might think its because there is no wind, but thats not the case for sure. We stopped in Seguin to get more gas, its only getting cheeper. Now I heard they smoke a lot in texas, but just looking at this Ice container, I think this may be a bit far. Even the ice contains nicotine? BTW, the people in this town are crazy drivers. Or more specifically, crazy parkers. They park at warp, full speed, no hessetation. And you can see it didnt quite work here. We finally made it to Corpus Cristi and checked in to the appartment! Its a nice closed community with about 10 different buildings of appartments. Its really nice here. This is the couch they have in the lobby. And dont worry, I remembered to turn Geotags back off. Here is my room There is a nice bed and locking door. I am up on the 4th floor and I have a seiling fan! Any my own bathroom! Appart from that there is a communal kitchen and living room, which is nice except its completely unstocked. We moved in the bulky items first, which was probiably a mistake. It was quite hot and we made many trips from the car to my room shifting things like my computer, monitors, suit, and hammock. After we had moved those things we decited the rest could wait for later. Now that bed looks nice, but it clearly has to go. Grab the socket wrench set! lets take it down! Unfortunatly the room was a mess and I didnt get a picture of it until Dad left and I set my computer up too. Dad asked my roommates if he could stay until his flight and they agreed. So having saved several hundred on a hotel, we all went out to eat! The bathroom was fantastic! Including a short sink for the virtically challenged among us. After dinner we went shopping for the essencials including a "nice" set of pots and pans, a rice cooker, and some basic food (rice, cereal, etc). All of these items loaded into the car filled up about the same ammount of space we had cleared out by unpacking earlier. When we got back to the appartment we unloaded EVERYTHING in the "cool" (only 86 degrees) of the evening. This time, we did it "smart" moving everthing from the car to the base of the elevator, then into the elevator, then out on the correct floor, and then to the appartment. Oh and the elevator and halways too the appartment are all "open air" and not climate controlled. It worked a lot better than previous attempts. After that, all that was left was to set dad up on the beds matress on the floor, the only way we could get it to fit was by blocking the bathroom door open, still, its not like its that important right? Now for bed Well, thats probiably it for the dayly blogs. From now on it will likely be short blogs covering long periods. See you all then!