Day 75

Today we have a long drive ahead of us. For those of you who dont know, texas is BIG. Texans like to go on and on about how big their state is, and they are right. It is a solid day and a half JUST to get accross texas. Now, we thought we was used to big states, what with driving accross Montana every year, so here is some context.

The southern tip of montana is down on Corpus Christi where I spent all summer, and the northern tip is on El-Paso. Now, we are currently sitting in San Angelo roughly where the T in texas is. We still have to drive accross Montana to get out of this state! Its basicaly a drive from Boseman to Coeur d'Alene just to get to the border!
Welp, might as well get started. We enjoyed a nice Breakfast at Whataburger, man I am going to miss that place. What kinda fast food place has biskets and gravey for breakfast? Whataburger, thats what.
After breakfast we hit the road! And drove several uninteresting hours to the town of Big Spring, which I just think is a hillarious name for a town. "Hey where do you live" "Oh, over in Big Spring" "Over where?" "Big Spring!" But then, maybe thats just me. We stopped for lunch in Big Spring where I got my last tast of Whataburger for quite some time. Whataburgers are amazing! And, if you ask they will even carmelize the onions on your burger! 10 out of 10, will be visiting Texas again, if only for the Whataburger, Jason's Deli, and Dao Asian Cuisine resturants!
from Big Spring we headed for New Mexico as fast as possible. Not much happened really, that is, until we noticed a bulge in one of the tires.
Now at 6 Oclock on a saturday night, not many tire places are open per sey. Most arent open until Monday morning! Now we dont have time to kill a full day getting new tires, so its on to the 1 place that is still open. Walmart. The tires where getting old anyway, so Dad replaced all 4 tires with new ones, complete with Walmart's road hazard Warentee! Anything goes wrong, and all we have to do is go into another Walmart and get it swaped out for free! Absolutely perfect considering how much further we have to go. We pumped the locals for information on where to eat and where pointed to the lovely Cattle Baron Cafe.
Once there we asked the waiter what he recomends. According to him, the "Jalapino Poppers and Green Chili Wontons are must haves, and only midly spicy. After inquiring about what was in the "green chili" sause and discovering it is more jalapenos, I decited to take a miss on that and order something with a saladbar. Now Dad on the other hand figured "Sounds great! Lets order BOTH!"
Spoiler alert: The locals have a distorted gague of how "spicy" food is. Both dishes are what I what I would class as "Too spicy to eat without sour cream." Dad managed to suffer through it some how, possibly with the aid of some of my order to cut the spice.
All in all quite the event full day. We grabbed our hotell and bedded down for the night.