This reference is for Processing 3.0+. If you have a previous version, use the reference included with your software in the Help menu. If you see any errors or have suggestions, please let us know. If you prefer a more technical reference, visit the Processing Core Javadoc and Libraries Javadoc.




Description Test description for GPIO
attachInterrupt() Calls a function when the value of an input pin changes
digitalRead() Returns the value of an input pin
digitalWrite() Sets an output pin to be either high or low
interrupts() Allows interrupts to happen
noInterrupts() Prevents interrupts from happpening
pinMode() Configures a pin to act either as input or output
releaseInterrupt() Stops listening for interrupts on an input pin
releasePin() Gives ownership of a pin back to the operating system
waitFor() Waits for the value of an input pin to change
waitFor() Waits for the value of an input pin to change This function will throw a RuntimeException in case of a timeout.
Updated on January 1, 2021 03:38:10am EST