This reference is for Processing 3.0+. If you have a previous version, use the reference included with your software in the Help menu. If you see any errors or have suggestions, please let us know. If you prefer a more technical reference, visit the Processing Core Javadoc and Libraries Javadoc.
Name |
AudioSample |
Examples | import processing.sound.*;
AudioSample sample;
void setup() {
size(640, 360);
// Create an array and manually write a single sine wave oscillation into it.
int resolution = 1000;
float[] sinewave = new float[resolution];
for (int i = 0; i < resolution; i++) {
sinewave[i] = sin(TWO_PI*i/resolution);
// Create the audiosample based on the data, set framerate to play 200 oscillations/second
sample = new AudioSample(this, sinewave, 200 * resolution);
// Play the sample in a loop (but don't make it too loud)
void draw() {
Description |
This class allows you low-level access to an audio buffer to create, access, manipulate and play back sound samples.
If you want to pre-load your audio sample with an audio file from disk you can do so using the SoundFile subclass.
Methods |
amp() |
Change the amplitude/volume of this audiosample. |
channels() |
Returns the number of channels in the audiosample. |
cue() |
Cues the playhead to a fixed position in the audiosample. |
duration() |
Returns the duration of the audiosample in seconds. |
frames() |
Returns the number of frames of the audiosample. |
jump() |
Jump to a specific position in the audiosample without interrupting playback. |
loop() |
Starts playback which loops from the beginning to the end of the sample. |
play() |
Starts the playback of the audiosample. Only plays to the end of the
audiosample once. |
rate() |
Set the playback rate of the audiosample. |
resize() |
Resizes the underlying buffer of the audiosample to the given number of
frames. |
sampleRate() |
Returns the underlying sample rate of the audiosample. |
pan() |
Move the sound in a stereo panorama. Only works for mono audiosamples! |
pause() |
Stop the playback of the sample, but cue it to the current position. |
read() |
Read some frames of this audio sample into an array. Stereo samples
contain two data points per frame. |
write() |
Write some frames of this audio sample. Stereo samples require two data
.points per frame. |
Constructor | AudioSample(parent, frames)
AudioSample(parent, frames, stereo)
AudioSample(parent, frames, stereo, frameRate)
AudioSample(parent, frames, frameRate)
AudioSample(parent, data)
AudioSample(parent, data, stereo)
AudioSample(parent, data, frameRate)
AudioSample(parent, data, stereo, frameRate)
Parameters |
parent |
PApplet: typically use "this" |
frames |
int: the desired number of frames for this audiosample |
stereo |
boolean: whether to treat the audiosample as 2-channel (stereo) or not
(default: false) |
frameRate |
int: the underlying frame rate of the sample (default: 44100) |
data |
float[]: an array of float values to be used as this audiosample's sound
data. The audiosample will consequently have as many frames as the
length of the given array. |
Updated on January 1, 2021 03:38:11am EST